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1、七年级英语上册Starter Unit 3 What color is it 教学设计单元题目Starter Unit 3 What color is it?第1课时单元分析本单元的话题为 “物品的颜色 ”,继续学习字母S 至Z,并集中回顾、梳理 26 个英语字母的读音、顺序和写法,总结5 个元音字母的发音。在语言功能方面,涉及关于颜色的 8 个单词,以及询问和描述颜色的句型,同时结合前两个单元内容,进行灵活运用。单元内容整合: 1 课时完成,分两部分进行:第一部分包括 1a1c 和3a-3d,通过创设情境,引导学生用英语询问和描述物品颜色,并结合上一单元 “询问物品 ”的功能句型进行情景练习

2、。第二部分包括2a2e, 4a4d,是进行字母和语音教学,通过听音、模仿,发现读音规律。本单元引入了 “请求单词拼写 ”的用语,这是英语学习从小学向初中过渡的对于 “写”的要求的一个重要起点:准确拼写、规范书写。是英语学习习惯的养成基础。教学目标知识与能力:知识目标:1.掌握英语字母 S 至 Z 的发音、顺序和书写规范2.能够区分元音字母U 在重读开、闭音节中的不同发音3.能够归纳五个元音字母在重读开、闭音节中的常见发音4.能够正确使用课标词汇: color, the, red, yellow, green, blue, black, white, purple, brown, can, se

3、e, say, now, my5.能够熟练使用常见的表示颜色的形容词: red, yellow, green, blue, black, white, purple, brown6.感知定冠词 the 的用法7.能够熟练使用what 引导的特殊疑问句询问物品的颜色并作回答。能力目标:能够就物品颜色进行问答 What color is it? It s red.情感态度价值观:能够通过对颜色的理解,初步感知颜色在不同文化中的意义,但是different colors make a colorful world.教学重难点重点:1.掌握英语字母 U 的发音、顺序和书写规范2.能够总结并区分五个元音

4、字母在重读开、闭音节中的不同发音3. 能够就物品颜色进行问答难点:1.能够区分元音字母U 在重读开、闭音节中的不同发音2. 能够总结并区分五个元音字母在重读开、闭音节中的不同发音教学过程教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计目的StaSGreet studentsone Greet the teacher创设情ge 1tep1another. Get one thingand answerthe境Ide( from a student and askquestion.导入新ntifyinglead-i“Whats this/that?”and课colorsn)“What color is it?”SSh

5、ow the pictureLookatthe语言输tep2in 1a, andguidepicture,listen,入(students to listen andrepeatthe理解目1a,repeat, and then finddialogue.标语言1b)write the letter for eachPracticethecolor.conversationsGuide students topracticetheconversationsandmake their own ones.SGroupPractice the语言体tep3competition:conversat

6、ions验(Practice askingamong groups.内化目1c)andansweringCompete in标句型question“Whatcolormakingis it?”conversations.Have groupstryto find the things indifferentcolorsandthenmakeconversationsinlimitedtime , whileothergroupswritedown the sentences.SGuide students toListen and听并记录关tep4listenandcolorthefinish

7、 the tasks.键信息(things,completetheMake their3a, 3b,sentencesandtheown conversations.3c)chart.Helpstudentslistenforthekeywords.Helpstudentsmake adifferencebetween a and an.Makeconversationsusingthe information in3a3c.StagSShow students theImitate thee 2tep1correct writing orderswriting andLett(and str

8、uctures of thepronunciation ofers&2a letters S-Z. on slides.the letters S-Z.Pronunci2e)DictatesomeWrite downationabbreviationsin2e,the abbreviationsandaskstudentstoand guess thewritethem down andmeaning.guess the meaning.观察学习模仿感知SGet students to 4aFinish 4a and操练书tep 2and 4b4b.写(GetstudentstoListena

9、nd模仿发4alistenand repeat the repeatthe 音4d)pronunciation of letterpronunciationof总结发A, E, I, O, U.letter S-Z.音规律Guide students toSummarizesummarizethethe pronouncingpronouncingrules ofrules of A, E, I,A, E, I, O,U in words.O,U in words.Homework:板书设计What color is it?Whats this in English?It s a key.Sp

10、ell it, please.K-E-Y .What color is it?It s yellow.教学反思1c学生小组活动时,一组说,其他组记录,看哪个组记得多。学生回答时要用完整句子回答,板书出来。活动设计:Building sentencesStart from one-word answers and add words. For examplePenA penIt s a pen.1a 活动设计 1leadin:老师进行自我介绍, 并把自己的名字写在黑板上, Please call meMs. Zhang.老师依据手中的人名册, 来“点名 ”问候:Xiao Ming, good m

11、orning. Nice tomeet you.补充资料: boysnames and girlsnames list How many names do you know?请 list 出更多的 first names, 写在黑板上,请学生分辨出:1. male or female2. real names, nick names or shortened names补充:美国最流行的前十名名字排行榜,星座最适合的名字英文名字的含义中国人姓名在英文中的写法3d 帮助学生在真实语境中使用目标语Hello Chain!小组竞赛使用目标语: Hi, Helen! How are you?Hi, E

12、ric! I m fine, thanks.要求: 1、ask all the students stand up to greet one another.2、finish and get seated to see which group is the first.注意:文化礼仪的养成:In the US, people will almost always greet one another with a smile. It s polite to smile back and nod.补充:关于 How are you? 的不同回答2e 关于缩略词:补充网络聊天缩略用语,请学生猜意思。3a 关于 set the scene 帮助学生在真实语境中使用目标语What time is it?Where are they now?


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