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1、2009 年山东省东营市九年级英语中考试题第 I 卷(共 75分)等级一、听力测试(每小题1 分,计 20 分)(一)听句子,选择适当答语,每个句子仅读一遍。1. A. We go to school on Monday.B. We go to school on Friday.C. We go to school on Weekdays.2. A. The computer can tgive us much help.B. We can do lots of things with the help of the computer.C. We cantlive without the co

2、mputer.3. A. Look, I ve bought a new watch.B. Oh, it s still early.C. It s a quarter to nine.4. A. That s a good idea. Lets make a plan for the journey.B. What do you think of it? C. The Great Wall is the longest wall in the world.5. A. It doesn tmatter. B. Don tbe so serious. C. Im sorry. I got up

3、late again. (二 )听对话和问题,选择符合每个问题答案的图画,每段对话和问题读两遍。6. A.B.C.7. A.B.C.8. A.B.C.9. A.B.C.10. A.B.C.(三 ) 听下面的对话,选择正确的答案,每段对话读两遍。听第一段对话,回答第11-12 小题。11.How much is a ticket?A. 54 yuan.B. 45 yuan.C. 24 yuan.12.When does the train leave?A. At 11:30.B. At 12:30.C. At 14:30.听第二段对话,回答第13-15 小题。13.Where did Tony

4、go?A. New York.B. Australia.C. Paris.14.Whom did Tony go with?A. His classmates.B. His foreign friends.C. His father and mother.15.When did they come back?A. This morning.B. Two days ago.C. Last night.(四)请听一段录音,根据内容完成信息卡,内容读两遍。This massage is about a volleyball _1_How often they meetOnce a _2_Meetin

5、g placeIn Jubilee _3_Finishing timeAt _4_How much a member pay$ _5_(请将答案写在第 II卷相应的位置上)二、选择填空(每小题1 分,计16 分)16.Here are some flowers _ you _ our best wishes.A. to; forB. for; withC. of; toD. from; to17.All of the books, I think I prefer _.A. a Chinese B. some Chinese C. Chinese one D. a Chinese one18.

6、Remember to return the book to the school library in time, _ you will be fined( 罚款 ).A. orB. andC. butD. then19. Did you have a good May Day holiday? _. I enjoyed myself with my family on the beachA. I m afraid notB . I m not sureC. Of courseD. I hope so20.The young lady _ we met yesterday is our ne

7、w math teacher.A. whatB. whoseC. whoD. which21.No one can be sure_ in a million years.A.what man looks likeB. what will man look likeC. what man looked likeD. what man will look like22.Attention, please. The flight has to be _ because of the heavy rain.A. put onB. put offC. put awayD. put up23.The n

8、ew bridge in Wenchuan _ last month. Now its easy to go to the city center.A. builtB. was builtC. has been builtD. were built24.My daughter wants a rabbit for long, but I have no time to buy_ for her.A. itB. oneC. the oneD. that25. Are you going to the picnic with us tonight?Yes. You won tbe late, _?

9、26. I m leaving for Disneyland for my summer vocation soon. Thats nice. _.A. Never mind B. Have a good trip C. You d better not D. I have known27. Something smells _, you d better clean your house often.A. goodB. niceC. terribleD. terribly28._ years ago, very large animals called dinosaurs _ in some

10、 areas of the world.A. Many million, have been livingB. Million, had livedC. Several millions of, are aliveD. Millions of, lived29.Shanghai World Expo( 世博会 ) will open _ a _ time.A. in, year sB. after, yearsC. in, years D. after, years30.If the traffic light is red, you _ cross the road. It s danger

11、ous.A. don tB. needntC. mustntD. wouldn t31.Wow! There are so many books. I really can tdecide _.A. where to buyB. which to buyC. what to buyD. how to buy三、完形填空(每小题1 分,计 15 分)All over the world people swim for fun. Swimming is enjoyed by people of 32 ages, from thevery young to the very old. There a

12、re many places for people to swim in swimming pools. Many schools, hotels and clubs have swimming pools. Some people have pools of 33 in their yards.Swimming is one of 34 forms of exercise. It can 35 hearts and bodies strong. It can also help blood circulate( 循环 ). Handicapped people can keep their

13、bodies in better condition by swimming 36 they cant enjoy sports.37 is a good idea for parents to see to it( 务必做到 ) that their children learn to swim 38 an early age. So their children will 39 it for the rest of their lives.There are many rules for water safety. These rules can help save not only yo

14、ur life 40 the lifeof a friend. First of all, know 41 . Many schools 42swimming lessons to children. Adults(成人 )can learn to swim at public pools.43 rule to remember is never to swim44 . Always swimwith a friend and know45 in the water at all times. It is best to swim46in safe places ifyou are begin

15、ners. Ifevery one learned to swimandobeyed the rulesfor water safety, mostdrawing( 溺水 ) could be avoided.32. A.allB. anyC. someD. both33.A.themselvesB.their ownC. theirs ownD. their owns34.A.goodB. betterC. bestD. the best35.A.helpB. letC. makeD. show36.A.thoughB. asC. soD. until37.A.ThatB. ThereC.

16、ThisD. It38.A.overB. duringC. atD. on39.A.learnB. enjoyC. stopD.know40.A.and aimB. stillC.and yetD. but also41.A.how to swimB. why swimmingC. how swimming D. why to swim42.A.haveB. takeC. giveD. make43.A.The other oneB. OtherC. An otherD. Another44.A.aloneB. yourselfC. lonelyD. together45.A.who what

17、 person isB. where that person isC. who is that personD. where is that person46.A.nearlyB. hardlyC. almostD. only三、阅读理解(每小题1.5 分,计 24 分)AYoung people and older people do not always agree. They sometimes have differentideasabout living, workingand playing. Butinone specialprogram inNewYorkState, adul

18、ts andteenagers live together in a friendly way.Each summer 200 teenagers and 50 adults live together for eight weeks as members of a special work group. Everyone works several hours each day. They do so not just to keep busy but to find meaning and fun in work. Some teenagers work in the forests or

19、 on the farms near the village. Some learn to make things like tables and chairs and to build houses. The adults teach them these skills.There are several free hours each day. Weekends are free, too. During the free hours some ofthe teenagers learn photo-taking or drawing. Others sit around and talk

20、 or sing. Each teenager chooses his own way to pass his free time.When people live together, they should have rules. In this program the teenagers and theadults make the rules together. If someone breaks a rule, the problem goes before the whole group. They talk about it and ask, “ Why did it happen

21、? What should we do about it ?”One of the teenagers has said something about it, “You have to stop thinkingonly aboutyourself. You le arn how to think about the group.”47. In one special program in New York State, young and older people_.A. don t work well togetherB. are friendly to each otherC. tea

22、ch each other new ways of building housesD. spend eight weeks together, working as farmers48. All the members work some time every day mainly to_.A. lead a busy lifeB. learn new skills of farmingC. get used to the life on the farmsD. find useful things and pleasure in work49. Living together, _.A. t

23、he teenagers don t have to obey the rulesB. the members have to obey the rules the adults makeC. the members have no free time but on weekendsD. the members should not break the rules they make together50.The best title for the passage is_.A. The Rules of Living TogetherB. Life in New York StateC. T

24、eenagers and Adults TogetherD. Free Hours in the Special Work GroupBEvery 30 seconds there is an earthquake. But dont worry because most are so weak that they cannot be felt. Only a few big ones hurt people.Many earthquakes happened in China, such as the big one is Sichuan last year. Thousands of pe

25、ople died in it. So its important to know what to do when one hits. Here are some tips on how tostay safely in an earthquake.If you are indoors during an earthquake, hide under a desk. Stay away from windows andanything that could fall on you.If you are outdoors, move to a clear place. Try to be awa

26、y from trees, signs, buildings andstreetlights. These could fall on you.If you are in a shop and far from the door, dont try to run to outside and rush for exits(出口 ).Everyone willbe doing that and you ll find it hard getting out. Dont get into a liftduring anearthquake. Just hide under some strong

27、covers near you.When an earthquake has ended, be careful because after-shocks may still happen. These arejust as dangerous as the earthquake itself. So stay under the desk until you make sure its safe toget up.If you are at home and you smell gas, open the windows and get out of the buildingasquickl

28、y as you can. A gas line in your house may be broken. This could be very dangerous.51. Most earthquakes are too _ to hurt people.A. strongB. weakC. dangerousD. heavy52. If you are outdoors, it would be safe to _.A. go to a playgroundB. stay under a treeC. stand by the windowD. stand under the street

29、lights53. If youre in a shop and far from the door, youd better _.A. rush to the door right awayB. run after the people quicklyC. rush to a lift to get downD. hide yourself under a cover near you54. This passage tells us _.A. how dangerous the earthquake isB. how to be safe in an earthquakeC. we sho

30、uldn tbe afraid of the earthquakeD. how does the earthquake come into beingCTerrafugia Company has said that its flying car, namedTransition, hassuccessfully finished a 37- second test flightOn March 5, 2009, at Plattsburgh InternationalAirportinNewYork.Itwas piloted by Phil Meteer, the companys chi

31、ef pilot.Transition is a two-seat airplane that can take off andland at airportsas well as drive on roads.The company said that the flying car can travel at speedsup to 115 mphfor 450 miles in the air, drive at highway speeds on the ground, and fold up(折叠 ) to fit in agarage (车库 ) 81 inches wide, an

32、d 80 inches high.This could be used in hospitals to transport patients so as to avoid road traffic. It may startrunning on wheels, and when it gets to traffic lights it can fly overhead the lights and keeps itsway forward. So it s good news to avoid trafficproblem and the traffic accidents.But some

33、people say this is a going airplane rather than a flyingcar, at least on theappearance. Anyway, we are happy for scientific-technical progress, what a fantastical world inthe near future!55. This kind of new machine is made by _.A. Phil MeteerB. Terrafugia CompanyC. Plattsburgh International Airport

34、D. both A and B56. _ people can sit in Transition.A.3B.5C.4D.257. Transition can travel _ miles every hour in the air .A. 105B. 120C. 450D. 48058. Which of the following sentences aboutTransition is not true? _.A. It can be folded up.B. It can both run on the ground and fly in the sky.C. It is used

35、in hospital now.D. It looks like a plane .DThe Nobel( 诺贝尔 ) Peace Prize for2008 wasgiventoMartti Ahtisaari. He was the president of Finland from1994 to 2000.Hewonthe prizeforhisworkinsolving( 解决 )internationalconflicts(冲突 ) formore than 30years.Duringall his life,both as president and as aninternati

36、onalofficer, he has worked for peace. For the past 20 years,he has done alot to resolve several serious international conflicts. Some of these conflicts had lasted for years.In 1989-90, he played an important role in helping Namibia s independence(独立 ); in 2005 he did his best to help solve the Aceh

37、 question in Indonesia. In 1999 and again in 2005-2007, under very difficult situation he found ways to help solve the conflict in Kosovo. In 2008, together with otherorganizations, he has tried to help solve many of the problems inIraq. He has also made greatcontributions( 贡献 ) to solving the confl

38、ict in Northern Ireland, Central Asia, and on the Horn ofAfrica.“This work has made a more peaceful world in Nobels spirit, ”the officer said, “so he haswon the prize. ”59. Martti Ahtisaari is _.A. a Nobel Peace Prize winnerB. president of FinlandC. both A and BD. none of the above60. He spent _ yea

39、rs helping Namibia with its independence.A. 1B. 2C. 3D.461. The passage tells us Martti Ahtisaari has helped _ countries solving the conflicts.A. 5B. 6C. 7D. 862. What does the word “he”refer to in the last paragraph?A. Martti AhtisaariB. NobelC. the workD. the officer第 II卷12345678910111213141516171

40、81920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859606162听力第四题答案1._2._3._4._5._五、词汇考查(每小题1 分,计 10 分)根据句意和首字母或汉语提示完成单词,使句子正确,句意通顺。1.Sweden(瑞典 )lies in the north of Europe It is the fourth largest country in Europe with an a_ of 450, 000 square kilometers._2. Children a

41、re p_ for doing some housework so that they can learn how to make money fortheir own use._3. It is very important to get e_ sleep every day to keep healthy._4. Andy moved to China in 2005. She has found many differences b_Chinese and Americans._5. There was a fire in the office yesterday. L_, all th

42、e people were saved._6.To our _( 惊讶 ), the factory is still pouring waste water into the river near it._7.The girl _( 花费 )a lot of time collecting stamps last year._8. It is a pity that there are a lot of people who do not know the _ (重要 ) of time. They spenttheir time smoking, drinking and playing._9. Chinese parents are strict with their children and usually stop them from_ (逗留 ) out too latewith fr


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