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1、圣诞欢歌的 读后感篇一: 读圣诞欢歌有感这本书的内容表面上是在讲述一个神 话故事, 实际里边儿蕴藏着一个道理, 这个道理我 觉得用一个名人的生前事迹就能足以说明,这个人就是雷 锋。雷锋同志生前是位助人为乐、“做好事不留名 ”的解放 军战士,他做 过的好事犹如 银河里的繁星多得数也数清。有一次,雷锋的战友接到家 书,战友家里已 经穷到吃上 顿愁下顿的程度,雷 锋得知此事,以 战友的名义为战 友家里定期寄去自己辛辛苦苦攒的血汗 钱,就这样悄悄的坚持了几年之久哇!这不是一般人能 够做到的,尤其当 时雷锋的处境也是相当困 难的。比起 书中人物斯克 罗吉的从前,那自然是 惭愧不已,他曾 说过这样 的话:

2、 “世界上的人太多了,所以如果有一部分穷人想死的 话,这未必不是一件好事。至于救 济穷人这些都与我无关,一个人清楚自己 该做些什么就 够了,用不着考 虑别人的事。 ”我 觉得,一个人如果能 说出这样的话,这个人真是无 药可救了。但,通 过他的良心 发现,他认识到了自己的罪 过,人变的和气多了。助人为乐是我们中华民族的 传统美德,我 们要向雷 锋同志学习,学习他那种帮助 别人的精神。篇二:圣 诞欢歌读后感Scrooge 是一个商人。他是个古怪的老 头,他惟一的目 标就是赚钱,可金 钱并没有 给他带来快乐。虽然他很富有,可他十分吝 啬。有一天,他回到家开 门时,看到了 Marley 的鬼魂。 Ma

3、rley 对他说,他今天来是 为了挽救自己。他告 诉 Scrooge 将会有三个幽灵来拜 访他,希望他能 够珍惜这个机会Scrooge 根本不相信 Marley 对自己说的话 。直到他 见到 the Ghost of Christmas Past 后他开始害怕起来。前两个幽灵 带他一同 经历了青少年 时代和现在的状态。从一个旁 观者的角度, Scrooge 看到曾 经的自己,看到没把握住的幸福的自己,他流下了伤心的眼泪。 见完第二位幽灵之后, Scrooge 感到了自己的残忍,决定改 变自己。他知道 the Ghost of Yet to Come 将会带他看未来的自己,而他却看到了自己悲惨的

4、死亡。他回到了 现实生活中,看到自己没有死十分高有善,救 济穷人,善待朋友家人。并且在圣圣诞节。兴。他立即改 变了他的生活 态度,变得对人诞这一天做了很多好事, 过了一个非常幸福的小说的主人公 Scrooge 是一个很有意思的人物。他尖酸,刻薄,唯利是 图 。但他却在 Marley 以及三位幽灵的帮助下找回了人生的 乐趣。看了 这部小说之后,我深深 觉得对一个人来 说真正的幸福快 乐不是钱带来的。相反,有 时候对钱过 度的追求,会 带来祸害。快乐幸福那才是最重要的。Scrooge is a businessman. He also is an eccentric old man. The on

5、ly goal of he is to make money, but money does not bring him happiness. Although he is very rich, he is very stingy. One day, he saw the Marleys ghost when he returned home to open the door. Marley said to Scrooge, today he will save Scrooge. Three spirits will visit him. Finally Marley said that I

6、hope you can cherish this opportunity.Scrooge didnt believe the words of Marley. Until he saw the Ghost of Christmas Past he began to fear. Two spirits take him through the youth and the present state. From the perspective of an onlooker, Scrooge saw once himself, see he didnt grasp of his own happi

7、ness, he shed tears of sorrow. Scrooge felt his cruel, and he decided to change himself. He knew that the Ghost of Yet to Come will take him to see the future of himself, while hesaw his tragic death. He returned to the real life, and very happy to see he wasn changed his life attitude, getting kind

8、 to friends or family and relief for the poor. He had avery happy Christmas.Scrooge is a very interesting character. His is a mercenary. With the help of Marley and three ghosts, he is rediscovered the pleasure of life. After the novel, I deeply feel money cannot bring true happiness. On the contrar

9、y, if you pursuitmoney too much, may be can bring disaster.篇三:圣 诞欢歌观后感英语听力 1 大作业(COVER)课程名称( Subject ):英 语听力 1系 别 (Department): 英语系专 业 (Major) : 英语师范姓 名 (Name) :赵雅灵学 号 (Student s Number):MONEY IS NOT EVERYTHINGChristmas is a good day for many people.All person enjoying the joy and happiness on theCh

10、ristmas.They meet together to having a family party and sing songs. However,there is apeople who called Scrooge.He is a scrooge.And he think the god is a humbug.Also he thinkevery idiot who goes about with “ Merry Christmas ” on them lips.He hates the Christmas.He does not observe Christmas Day.One

11、people find he that the man want he can give somemoney to help poor people.But he refused to donate any things or some money to helppeople who need help.He even want poor people to death to decrease the surpluspopulation.The man felt so sad.He walked in the snow lonely after working.When he back toh

12、ome,some strange things happened.One ghost founded he.The ghost was his partner whonamed Jacob Marley.He was hang many chains and felt so pain. He said that there will bethree ghost look for he.And he regret what he did before.The first ghost coming in themidnight.It was the ghost of Christmas past.

13、 It bring he back to the past.He saw hischildhood and youth.He felt happy and happiness when they celebrate Christmas.Inaddition, he fall in love with a girl.Then they married.Everything is prefect.But he can notface up to himself.He want to back to reality.He back.Soon,the second coming.It was theg

14、host of Christmas present.Mr.Scrooge followed with the ghost and he saw the present fromthe sky.They come to the bakery,his staff s family and his nephew s home.In his staffhome,he saw a boy who called Timmy.Unfortunately, he was a cripple.Little Timmy has adream that he wants to walk normally.final

15、ly,the ghost asked he to beware of two kids.Theboy called ignorance.The girl called want.Next,a shadow came.The shadow who called theghost of Christmas future.They come to the future.In the future,Mr.Scrooge knows that hedied on the Christmas day and the little Timmy also died on the Christmas day.H

16、e feltafraid.And he does not death.Then he open the window and look at the ground.He feltrelaxed.Next ,a boy appeared in his eyes.He asked the little boy to bought a big turkey for hisstaff s family.In addition,he sang music with people on the street and slid on the street.Thestreet is full of happi

17、ness and fun. Everyone has a happy expression includingMr.Scrooge.He understood that what he do is so fool in the process.Whatmore, heschanged his views and try to use his money to help others who need help.The movies giveme a lot influence.From the movie,i know that he has so much money but his lif

18、e not happyand he did not always help others.In my opinion, although money is very important to livein this world and money is total. But money can not buy everything likefriendship,family,care and more.But the money can save many life and let the poor livebetter in the world.We should devotion our

19、love or help others do some little things.Justlike,buy some food to the poor,contribute your clothes to the relief of the poor. At last,morepeople fell happy and they should spend the money to help others who need help. Becauseit values. Fortunately, the boss wake up later, He was glad that he hadnt missed theChristmas day.He singing on the stress,and bought a big turkey for his staff s familTimmy recovered with his help.Everything be nice.


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