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《the earth is becoming warmerbut does it matter.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《the earth is becoming warmerbut does it matter.doc(6页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、THE EARTH IS BECOMING WARMER-BUT DOES IT MATTER 阅读课教学设计I. About the teaching material and the studentsThe reading passage mainly talks the possible effects of increased carbon dioxide and different points of view about it. As we know, the environment has been in a severe condition with the fast deve

2、lopment of economy and technology, which has aroused worldwide concern. At the same time, environment problem has become a heated topic in the college entrance examination. Also we can read more and more passages that are talking about environment and global warming, which means the importance of th

3、is unit in Book 6. Actually the teaching material is a passage belonging to science, so its a little bit difficult for the students to understand, especially when they do not know many words about this topic and some related knowledge. Therefore, before the lesson I will explain the new words and ph

4、rases, ask them to preview the passage and arrange the lesson properly. IITeaching aims1. Knowledge aims 1) Let students have a better understanding of the meaning and structure of the text. 2) Get students to know some important words in this part, such as phenomenon, fuel, data, mild, be opposed t

5、o, result in, go up and so on. 2. Ability aims1) Enable the students to grasp some knowledge about global warming and to develop their reading ability using reading strategy . 2) Develop the students speaking ability by talking about global warming and their listening ability.3. Emotional aims 1) Ma

6、ke students realize the harm of global warming and the importance of environmental protection. 2) Develop students sense of cooperative learning.III. Teaching important points 1. Get the students to learn about some facts and views about global warming in the way of listening, reading and speaking.2

7、. Have the students realize the severe conditions of global warming and the necessity of protecting the environment.IV. Teaching difficult points1. How to guide the students to express their ideas about what we should do to prevent global warming.2. How to hold the competition part orderly and effic

8、iently.V. Teaching methods1. Task-based teaching 2. Discussion VI. Teaching proceduresStep 1 greetings and lead inShow the students a short video clip in which different kinds of animals choose to kill themselves and ask them the following question: What did the animals do and why?设计意图:通过一段能引起学生强烈同情

9、心的视频迅速吸引学生上课注意力,激活学生思维,引发学生思考,进而引出本节课的主题global warming.Step 2 Reading 1. Skimming略读 (individual work)Task:skim the whole passage and match the four parts into the main idea.I (Para_) How global warming comes about.II (Para _- _) Introduce a discussion over the issue of global warming. III (Para_) It

10、s up to readers to think and decide whether people should do something about global warming or not. IV (Para_) Different attitudes among scientists towards global warming.设计意图:学生在略读整篇文章后,首先要对文章的篇章结构有个了解。鉴于文章篇幅较大,而且是科普类的文章,因此通过配对的方式来降低任务的难度。2. Scanning 找读 (group work)Task: Find answers to the followi

11、ng questions. Reading strategy: When scanning for (查找) detailed information(细节信息), find the key words of questions in the article and then read the related sentences (相关句子) to find the answers you need.1) What has caused global warming? (Para.2 :Human activity)Sub-question1(子问题):What human activity

12、is mentioned in the article? (Para.3: burning of fossil fuels)Sub-question2(子问题): why would the burning of fossil fuels cause global warming?(Suggested answer: Burn fossil fuels -produce greenhouse gases - extra carbon dioxide-temperature increase)2)What are the two different attitudes among scienti

13、sts towards global warming?Scientists like(像) Dr. Foster(bad effects)Scientists like(像) Hambley(good effects)Global warming may cause1. the _ to rise;2. severe disasters such as storms,_;3. _;4._.Global warming may1.make plants_;2. make crops _ ;3. encourage a greater_ of animals;4. make life _.设计意图

14、:此环节为细节性阅读,考虑到文本体裁及文章生词较多等原因,该环节采用小组活动,在小组成员们合作探究中,借助阅读策略(给学生一个抓手),使得学生获得与文章中心话题全球变暖相关的两个方面(全球变暖的原因及人们对等全球变暖的态度)的具体信息。Step 3 Competition (to learn more about global warming)T: We are going to learn more about global warming in the way of competition.Rules: 各组派代表以抽签的形式回答前3个问题,其余两题则以抢答的方式进行。各组每次只有一次答题

15、机会。1、2、3题各为2分,4、5题各为4分、8分。比赛题目如下:1. Listen to the tape and decide which statements Professor Keeling does NOT agree with.1) We should stop depending on fossil fuels for our energy.2)90% of our energy comes from fossil fuels.3) We can replace fossil fuels with cleaner sources of energy.2. Choose the

16、best answer.1) Which of the following expressions (commonly heard in the news) is the closest in meaning to global warming?A. Climate changeB. Weather forecastC. World warmingD. Heat waves2)The film The Day After Tomorrow is about a sudden _ global Ice Age caused by global warming.A. catastrophicB.

17、catastropheC. catastrologicD. catastragedy3. Global warming may cause extreme weather. List one event happened this year that may relates to global warming. (因难度稍大,允许教师在英语表达上稍加引导)4. listen to the tape and fill in the blanks. Its clear the earths average temperature has neverbeen hotter. And weve hea

18、rd how more and more scientists believe the way welive, especially in richer nations, is to_. Governments now recognize this.But there is still great disagreement about what can and should be done to_ our emissions of greenhouse gases-the gases released by all the _we use to drive our cars, to heat

19、our homes and to _ our factories. 5. What should we do to reduce global warming? (要求:请走上讲台,用英语讲出三点建议,并大声 “呐喊” 以下内容) Love Earth means love ourselves; Protecting environment means saving ourselves; Lets stop global warming together! Do it from now on!(得分按表达的流利、准确度而定)设计意图:此环节以比赛的形式,不仅充分调动学生的课堂积极性,且增加了学

20、生对global warming的了解,呼应了本节课的中心话题,同时能够使学生在愉快高昂的精神状态下学习跟global warming相关的英语表达,教师也可以在良好的课堂气氛下进行适当的情感教育全球变暖,人人有责,我们可以为改变全球变暖做出一点力量。另外,回答第5题时,学生应会推选本组口语最好的那位同学来回答,对这位同学来说这是大家对他的肯定与信任,对其它同学来说,可以起到榜样引领的作用。Step 4 Homework1. Write a composition in 120 words about what people can do about global warming. 2. Re

21、cite the following four key sentences in this article.1). There is no doubt that the earth is becoming warmer and that it is human activity that has caused this global warming rather than a random but natural phenomenon.2). It means that more heat energy tends to be trapped in the atmosphere causing

22、 the global temperature to go up.3). They also agree that it is the burning of more and more fossil fuels that has resulted in this increase in carbon dioxide.4). It will encourage a greater range of animals-all of which will make life for human beings better.设计意图:鉴于课堂时间有限,让学生课后通过资料查阅整理等工作来完成反思,尤其可以

23、指导学生参考P30的阅读文章,这样既把英语学习拓展到课堂之外,又锻炼了学生收集、分析及处理信息的能力。通过对佳句的背诵,让学生体会到英语语言之美的同时又培养了学生的英语语感,还可对以后的写作积淀素材。板书设计:Unit 4 THE EARTH IS BECOMING WARMER-BUT DOES IT MATTER In the video why did the animals commit suicide? Global warming.Burn fossil fuels produce greenhouse gases extra carbon dioxide temperature increase Attitude: 1) negative bad effects ? 2)positive good effects ?学生在回答competition环节中的第4、5题,看情况写上他们说出的较有针对性的答案,如冰雹hail.


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