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2、卷和草稿纸上一律无效。第卷(选择题,共55分)一、选择填空(共25小题;每小题1分,满分25分)A)单项填空 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1. Samuel likes_ colour of the shirt. It is_ good match for his trousers. A. a; the B. the; a C. a; a D. the;2. Im sure the show in our school art festival will be_ worth_. A. very; being visited B. well;

3、 being visited C. very, a visit D. well; a visit3. -What do you think of our new school football team? -Great! We are confident of the_ in the coming final. A. purpose B. result C. victory D. increase4. -How much difficulty has the team had_ this problem? -_The members are all good problem solvers.

4、A. to solve; Nothing B. solving; None C. to solve; None D. solving; Nothing5.I think your robot needs_ , but you_ do that yourself A. checking; neednt B. checking; neednt to C. to check; dont need to D. to check; dont need6. -Im afraid Jim knows little English. -_ I failed the English exam again. A.

5、 So am I. B. So do I. C. Neither am I. D. Neither do I.7. The price of an iphone 6 is really_, so I cant_. A. expensive; buy one B. high; afford it C. high; afford one D. expensive; buy it8. -Judy, do you know_? -Sure, two days.A. when did the sports meeting beginB. where the sports meeting was held

6、C. how often the sports meeting is heldD. how long the sports meeting will last9. The little boy found_ interesting_ out those difficult Math problems.A. it; to work B. it was; work C. that; working D. its; to work10. You will get two free concert tickets_ you use your Agricultural Bank credit card(

7、信用卡)three times a month. A. unless B. since C. until D. if11. The wonderful video you look forward to_ well these days. A. sell B. selling C. sells D. sold12. So far, _ of the students in our class_ seen the film. A. three quarters; has B. two fifths; have C. three quarter; has D. two fifth; have13.

8、 -Judy is a thoughtful and organized girl. -Yes. I think she is_ plan everything well. A. talented enough to B. too talented to C. so talented that D. such a talented girl that14. Mr. Smith has had the machine_ and you can have the workers_ again.A. fix, worked B. fixed, work C. fix, working D. fixe

9、d, worked15. -Id like a wake-up call at 6:00 a.m., please! -OK,_ A. help yourself. B. youll certainly make it. C. just do what you like. D. Ill make sure you get one.B)完形填空先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 My family moved into our home nine years ago and we called the

10、area in front of our house rock garden as it was full of rocks. Last summer, I found a tiny little 16 in the yard but I didnt know its name. I knew I didnt plant it. We decided to let it continue growing until we could 17 what it was. Weeks passed and as I made my way back to the mysterious plant, i

11、t 18 to be a sunflower. I decided to treat it with care and remove the weeds(杂草) 19 it. As I pulled rocks from the area to get to the weeds, I noticed something 20 .The sunflower had not started where I saw the stalk(茎)began. It had begun under a big rock. Thats when I 21 that if a tiny little sunfl

12、ower didnt let a big rock stand in its 22 of developing, we also have the ability of doing the same thing. We need to believe in 23 knowing we have the abilities in 24 our aims. Like the sunflower, it was sure of the success. Stand tall like the sunflower and be 25 of who and what you are and the en

13、vironment will begin to support you. You will find a way to reach your desires.16.A. seed B. animal C. plant D. rock17.A. watch out B. work out C. give out D. find out18.A. seemed B. looked C. recorded D. reported19.A. at B. of C. around D. out20.A. unsure B. unusual C. unknown D. uncomfortable21.A.

14、 require B. realize C. represent D. receive22.A. place B. course C. way D. space23.A. us B. ours C. our D. ourselves24.A. finding B. achievingC. thinking D. controlling25.A. aware B. fond C. careful D. proud二、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A You are standing in

15、 the kitchen and a voice says, Add a little more salt to that soup. Yes, its always nice to let someone help you when youre cooking. But this voice is not from a man. You are alone! Then where does it come from? Is it from a ghost? No, this isnt a ghost kitchen-its the kitchen of the future. Scienti

16、sts are working to improve everything in the kitchen, from fridges to tables, and even the ways we cook. They are making a system. It will help a person cook a meal. You dont needcookbooks. You can hear how to cook food. The fridge of the smart kitchen has a scanner. It looks at the foods in the fri

17、dge. It will order more milk from the store when your milk has gone bad or there is no more in the fridge. The gloves will test the temperature of everything they touch and say, Need to cook longer or Hot and ready to eat. If you leave them on the stove by mistake, theyll say, Fire! Even the knives

18、and spoons will speak. For example, if your food is bad, the knives and spoons will tell you not to eat it. The future kitchen may look wonderful, but its not cheap. The multimedia fridge costs about 8, 000 dollars. So even though high-tech kitchens are no longer a dream, not everyone has so much mo

19、ney. 26. In the kitchen of the future, there is a_ helping you. A. system B. man C. ghost D. servant 27. The fridge of the smart kitchen has a scanner and it can _. A. help you do everything B. clean the fridge when its dirty C. give you a warning when theres something wrong D. talk with you28. From

20、 the passage we know that_. A. everybody can buy such a fridge B. not everybody can buy such a fridge C. nobody can buy such a fridge D. most people can buy such a fridgeB Everybody has had at least one experience from which he knows the meaning of life. This time, which took place several years ago

21、, but seems as if it just happened. One afternoon several years ago, my brother-in-law opened the bottom drawer of my sisters dress and picked out a beautiful skirt: Jane bought this the first time we went to New York, at least 8 or 9 years ago, She never wore it. She was saving it for a special occ

22、asion. he said. I guess this was the occasion: it was the funeral of my sister, after her unexpected death. He took the skirt and put it on the bed, with the other clothes we were taking to the funeral. Then he closed the drawer and turned to me, Dont ever save anything for a special occasion. Every

23、 day youre alive is a special occasion. Im thinking about his words, and theyve changed the way l live my life. Im spending moretime with my family and friends and less time in committee meetings. Whenever possible, life should be a kind of experience to enjoy, not to suffer. Someday and one of thes

24、e days are losing their importance on my vocabulary. If its worth seeing or hearing or doing, I want to see and hear and do it now. Ever since that day, I have been trying very hard not to put off, hold back or save anything that would add laughter and color to our lives. Every morning when I open m

25、y eyes, I tell myself that every day, every minute, every breath, truly is a gift. So cherish every day and find the true meaning of your life.29. Why did Jane buy the beautiful skirt but didnt wear it? A. She waited for a special occasion to wear it. B. She wanted to keep it for someone else. C. Sh

26、e saved it till she grew up. D. She would give it to herself as a gift some day.30. What does the underlined word cherish mean? A. Treasure. B. Waste. C. Own. D. Save.31. Which of the following is not the writers attitude(态度) to life? A. Spending more time staying with family every day. B. Enjoying

27、life and valuing every day. C, . Attending social activities as often as possible. D. Trying to get along well with friends.32. Whats the best title for this passage?A. Every Day Is a Gift B. My Sister Jane C. What Is the Meaningful Life Like D. The Most Important Time in Your LifeC It seems that th

28、eres a good reason why dogs are always seen as mans best friend. Scientists have found that dogs are the only animals that can read emotions(情感)in faces much like humans. The finding suggests that like an understanding friend, dogs can see if we are happy, sad, pleased or angry. When humans look at

29、a new face, their eyes usually look across the left, falling on the right hand side of the persons face first. A possible reason for this is that the right side of the human face is better at expressing emotions. Scientists have now shown that pet dogs also have left gaze b/as(左视偏好), but only when l

30、ooking at human faces. No other animal has been known to do like this before. Dr. Kun Guo showed 17 dogs pictures of human, dog and monkey faces as well as something else with his team. The dogs eyes and heads show a strong left gaze bias when the animals see human faces. But this did not happen whe

31、n they were shown other pictures, including those of dogs. Guo suggests that over thousands of years living with humans, dogs may have developed the left gaze bias as a way to guess our emotions. Recent studies show that the right side of our faces can express emotions better than the left. If true,

32、 then it makes sense for dogs and humans to see the right hand side of a face first.33. Dogs left gaze bias happens when they look at _ A. dogs B. monkeys C. humans D. pictures34. Why are dogs seen as mans best friend according to the passage? A. Because dogs are the closest animals to humans. B. Be

33、cause dogs can read the emotions in humans faces easily. C. Because dogs can understand us better when we feel sad. D. Because dogs are good at expressing emotions.35. The dogs left gaze bias helps them_.A. get along well with humans B. express emotions quicklyC. have more understanding friends D. r

34、emember more new faces36. The passage mainly wants to tell us that . A. dogs have been mans best friends for thousands of years B. humans have a left gaze bias C. the left gaze bias works on dogs D. dogs can read emotions the same as humansD Why do you study? Many students would simply reply: To get

35、 good result in the college entrance examination(高考). For several years, many have spoken out against the exams. Some say they have turned children into studying machines. Others think that one exam cannot possibly demonstrate a students true level of knowledge. So, should the exams be canceled? Min

36、ister of Education Yuan Guiren doesnt think so. Officials and the rich might take advantage if the college entrance examination were called off. And life would be more difficult for poor children. However, we do need to change the exams, Yuan said on March 7. He has put an exam reforms at the center

37、 of his fourth year in office. I think the exam is a fair way to choose talented people. But it should pay more attention to all-around personal qualities, not just grades, said Cui Shangyu, a Senior 3 student in Sichuan. The college entrance examination was restored(恢复)in 1977. From then to 2007, 4

38、6.85 million people have entered higher education through the exam. According to survey by the Ministry of Education, 90 percent of people who participated(参加)believed the college entrance examination could in some way change a persons life, especially for poor students in the countryside. The colle

39、ge entrance examination is not the only way to become a successful person, However, the process of preparing for the exam is a good experience, said Shen Hui, a Math teacher at Gaoyou Middle School in Jiangsu. Through it students can learn many things, such as how to deal with stress and how to arra

40、nge a learning plan. Shen said.37. What does demonstrate mean in the first paragraph? A. 隐瞒 B. 证明 C. 提高 D. 揭露 38. If the college entrance exam were called off, it would be unfair for_. A. the poor B. the officials C. the rich D. the old39. Cui Shangyu said the college entrance examination should pay

41、 more attention to A. interests B. personal qualities C. talent D. grades40. The writer wrote the passage mainly to_. A. criticize(批评) the college entrance exam B. discuss whether we should cancel the college entrance examination C. encourage the improvement of the college entrance examination D. in

42、troduce the history of the college entrance examination第卷(非选择题,共45分)三、单词拼写 (共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) 根据下列句子及所给汉语注释或对话情景提示,在答题卡标有题号的横线上,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。每空只写一词。41. Roman Holiday is a romantic film (导演)by William Wyle.42. The Great Wall, one of the (奇迹)of the world, attracts great numbers of tourists every yea

43、r.43. My grandmother is in her (八十多岁),but she can still take care of herself.44. (表扬)children is a good way to make them confident.45. Our new English teacher seems much (严格)than the former one.46. It seems that the robot is (完全地)out of control.47. -Do you know the (舞者)name? -Yes, of course, shes Ya

44、ng Liping.48. -Is Mr Green this womans brother? -No, they are a nice and they have a lovely daughter.49. -Whats the of India? -More than 1:2 billion in 2014 and it will be larger in 5 years.50. -Have you decided who will be your monitor? -Yes. We have reached the that Andy is the best choice.四、句子翻译(

45、共5小题,每小题3分,满分15分) 将下列句子译成英语,并将所译句子写在答题卡标有题号的横线上。51.参加校队选拔是多么有趣的事啊!52.由于大雨,格林一家不得不缩短了旅程。53.使我们惊讶的是,这音乐是用普通的物体像石头、水制作成的。54.无论什么时候你想吸烟,请用这卡片提醒自己该停止。55.在过去的10年里,他取得了很大的成功,没有人能超越他。五、书面表达(共1题;满分20分)随着网络的逐步普及,越来越多的人通过上网获得信息。传统的报纸受到人们的冷落。最近,某英语学习网站给出一个讨论话题“Which do you prefer,newspapers or the Internet?”邀请网友积极参加讨论,发表自己的看法。下表反映了传统报纸与网络各自的优势: 请结合上表中的内容,写一篇英语短文,比较报纸和网络的特点,并谈谈你更喜欢哪一种。 注意: 1对要点逐一陈述,可适当发挥。 2词数90左右。开头已经写好,不计入总词数。 方便的convenient


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