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1、六年级上册英语复习资料一、单词:after 在之后 always总是;经常 bar条,棒 bean 豆子 blouse 女式短上衣 bottle瓶子 bring 带来 call 打电话 candy糖果 Christmas 圣诞节 centre中心 clay 黏土;泥土 clear 晴朗的 colourful 彩色的 concert 音乐会 cough 咳嗽decorate装饰 dress up 装扮;穿上盛装 drop (一)滴 during 在期间email 电子邮件 enough足够的 feel 感觉 fever 发烧 film 电影 find out about 发现 forecast

2、预报 fresh 新鲜的 fruit 水果 greet 问候 greeting 问候 hall 大厅 headache 头痛 heavy 大量的 holiday 假日 idea 主意 just只是;仅仅 learn 学习 light 轻柔的;灯 lotus莲花medicine 药 merry欢乐的 mooncake 月饼 nearby 附近的never 从不 often 经常 picnic 野餐 plan 计划 play 戏剧 practice 练习 present 礼物 rain 雨;下雨receive 收到 rest 休息 return 返回 Santa Claus圣诞老人 save 节约

3、 search 查找 seed种子 send 发送should 应该 slow 慢的 sometimes 有时 speak 说taste 尝 than比 theatre 剧院the Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节 type 类型 wait 等待 waste 浪费 wave 挥手 weak 弱的 weekday平日well (身体)好的 why 为什么 world 世界二、句型:Unit 1. What did you do during the holidays?假期中你做了什么?-What did you do during the holidays?假期中你做了什么? -I

4、 learnt writing. 我学习写作。 -I read many books. 我看了许多书。 -I practiced listening. 我练习了听力。 -I played games. 我玩了游戏。Unit 2. Katie always gets up early.凯蒂一直很早起床。1. Katie always gets up early. 凯蒂一直很早起床。2. Katie often does her homework before dinner. 凯蒂经常晚餐后做作业。3. Katie sometimes plays chess with her father. 凯蒂

5、有时和她爸爸下棋。4. Katie never takes a walk. 凯蒂从不散步。Unit 3 I like my computer. 我喜欢我的电脑。1. We can email our friends on the computer. 我们可用电脑给朋友们寄电子邮件。2. We can play games on the computer. 我们可以在电脑上玩游戏。3. We can search for a lot of things on the computer.我们可以用电脑搜索许多东西。4. We can send greetings on the computer.

6、我们可以在电脑上传递问候。Unit 4. The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming. 中秋节要到了。1. Id like a box of lotus seed mooncakes and a box of red bean mooncakes. 我想要一盒莲子月饼和一盒红豆月饼。2. I enjoy eating mooncakes. 我喜欢吃月饼。3. I enjoy looking at the moon. 我喜欢赏月。Unit 5 It will be sunny and cool tomorrow. 明天将是晴朗和凉爽。1. It will be sunny

7、 and warm tomorrow. 明天将是阳光明媚。2. There will be a light rain next Monday.下周一将降小雨。3. There will be a strong wind tomorrow.明天将有强风。4. There will be a light snow next Monday. 下周一将有小雪。Unit 6 I will bring a big bottle of orange juice. 我将带来一大瓶橙汁。1. I will bring a few cans of Coke. 我将带几罐可乐。2. I will bring a f

8、ew bars of chocolate.我将带来几块巧克力。3. I will bring some peanuts and candies.我将带来一些花生和糖果。Unit 7 What can I do? 我可以做什么?1. What can I do for old people? 我可以为老人们做什么?2. I can make tea for them. 我可以为他们沏茶。3. I can clean their houses. 我可以打扫他们的房子。4. I can make them happy. 我可以让他们开心。5. I can help them on the road.

9、 我可以帮助他们过马路。Unit 8 We shouldnt waste water. 我们不应该浪费水。1. We should keep the rivers clean. 我们应该保持河流干净。2. We should keep the air clean and fresh.我们应该保持空气的干净和清新。3. We should plant more trees. 我们应该多种树。4. We should use bikes instead of cars. 我们应该多骑自行车代替开车。5. We shouldnt kill wild animals.我们不应该捕杀野生动物。6. We

10、 shouldnt waste water.我们不应该浪费水。7. We shouldnt litter.我们不应该乱扔垃圾。Unit 9 This bird is bigger than the first one. 这只鸟比第一只要大。1. This book is smaller than the first one.这本书比那本书要小。2. Tom is shorter than Mike.汤姆比麦克要矮。3. Toms hair is longer than Mikes.汤姆的头发比麦克的要长。Unit 10 I dont feel well today.我今天不舒服。1. What

11、s wrong with you? 你怎么了?2. I feel cold and I have a cough.我感觉冷还咳嗽。3. I have a fever and I have headache. 我发烧还头痛。Unit 11 Shall we go to the theatre? 我们一起去剧院好吗?1. Shall we go to the concert hall? Lets enjoy the music.我们一起去音乐大厅好吗?让我们去享受音乐。2. Shall we go the theatre? Lets see a play. 我们一起去剧院好吗? 让我们去看戏剧。U

12、nit 12 Its Christmas again!圣诞节又到了!1. Annes family celebrates Christmas. 安的家庭庆祝圣诞节。2. Anne and her mother decorate their Christmas tree. 安和她妈妈装扮圣诞树。3. Santa Claus gives out presents to children.圣诞老人给孩子们派送礼物。4. People send Christmas cards to their friends. 人们给朋友们送圣诞贺卡。动词的三单现和过去式:动原三单现过去式动原三单现过去式answer

13、answersansweredcrycriescriedaskasksaskedtrytriestriedcallcallscalledstudystudiesstudiedcleancleanscleanedworryworriesworriedcookcookscookedflyfliesflewhelphelpshelpedbeis wasjumpjumpsjumpedbeginbeginsbeganlistenlistenslistenedbringbringsbroughtlooklookslookedbuybuysboughtopenopensopenedcancancouldpl



16、册英语复习资料一、单词a piece of 一块 afraid 害怕的 air 空气 aloud 大声地 Big Ben 大本钟clever 聪明的 close 关 cross 穿过 difficult困难的 drop 落下Earth 地球 easy 容易的 exercise 锻炼 grandparent (外)祖父/母happily 高兴地 healthy 健康的 its 它的 jog 慢跑 keep保持kid 小孩 land 陆地 lose失去 meat肉 move 移动party 聚会 piano钢琴 place地方 places of interest 风景名胜ride 骑(自行车/马

17、等) space 太空 step on 踩take care of 照顾 the Eiffel Tower 埃菲尔铁塔the Golden Gate Bridge 金门大桥 the Great Wall 长城 tired 累的;疲倦的 together在一起 travel旅行Tree Planting Day植树节 wood 木头 worry焦虑;担心二、句型Unit 1 A family outing 家庭郊游1. Where are we going today?今天我们去哪?2.Well watch a movie.我们将去看电影。3. Well go shopping.我们将去购物。4

18、. Well take/have a walk. 我们将去散步。5. Well look at the flowers.我们将去赏花。6. Shall we go the park?我们将去公园吗?Unit 2 Some stories are more interesting.一些故事更有趣。1. That piece of meat is better than mine.那块肉比我的更好。2. Its meat dropped into the water.它的肉掉进水里了。Unit 3 We should learn to take care of ourselves.我们应该学会照顾

19、我们自己。1. We should keep our body clean.我们应该保持身体干净。2. We should eat healthy food. 我们应该吃健康食物。3. We should do exercise every day. 我们应该每天锻炼。Unit 4 Planting trees is good for us. 植树对我们有利。1. Trees can keep the air clean.树能保持空气清新。2. Trees can keep us cool. 树能让我们乘凉。3. Trees can make the place beautiful. 树能让这

20、个地方漂亮。Unit 5 Our Earth looks like this in space.我们地球在太空中看到的是这个样子。1.The Earth is like a ball.地球看上去像个球。2.The Earth has water and land.地球有水和陆地。3. Animals and plants can live on the Earth. 动植物能在地球上生存。Unit 6 Anne wanted to dance.安想要跳舞。1. Anne wanted to stand on one foot.安想要一个脚站立。2.Anne wanted to read a s

21、tory aloud. 安想要大声读故事。3.Anne wanted to play the piano. 安想要弹钢琴。4.Anne wanted to paint a picture. 安想要画画。Unit 7 Im not afraid!我不害怕!1. Im afraid of it.我害怕它。2. Im tired.我累了。3.Im not clever. 我不聪明。4. Youll be better later on. 以后你将会更好。Unit 8 International Childrens Day.国际儿童节1.Tomorrow will be International C

22、hildrens Day.明天是国际儿童节。2.We will have a class party. 我们将有个班会。3. Tomorrow, we can have a rest at home.明天我们能在家休息。4. Tomorrow, we can go to the theatre.明天我们能去剧院。5. Tomorrow, we can have great fun. 明天我们能玩的很愉快。Unit 9 Look at these beautiful places in the world.看看这些世界上美丽的地方。1. My family went to France.我们家去

23、了法国。2. My family travelled to London. 我们家去伦敦旅游。3. We enjoyed walking on the Great Wall. 我们喜欢在长城上散步。4. I have a picture of the Eiffel Tower. 我有一张埃菲尔铁塔的照片。5. I took a picture of the Golden Gate Bridge. 我拍了一张金门大桥的照片。6. I saw Big Ben.我看见了大本钟。名词复数规则变化:1.加 “s”2.加“es”(用于以ch,sh,s,x结尾的名词之后)3.元音字母+y结尾的词直接加“s”

24、单数复数单数复数单数复数appleapplesbeachbeachesboyboyscakecakesboxboxesdaydayscarcarsbusbuseskeykeyscolourcoloursclassclassesrayrayscomputercomputersdishdishestoytoysdeskdesksflashflasheswaywaysflowerflowersfoxfoxes4. 辅音字母+y结尾的词,girlgirlsglassglasses变y为i, 加 “es”riverriversmatchmatches单数复数schoolschoolspeachpeachescountrycountriesteacherteachersladyladiestraintrainslorrylorriesstorystories5. 特殊变化6. 单、复数一致单数复数单数复数footfeetdeerdeermanmenfruitfruitmousemiceluggageluggagetoothteethsheepsheep6


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