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1、-范文最新推荐- 节日英语演讲稿素材句子 1.happy mothers day!母亲节快乐! 2.i feel there is no way i can get out of making a speech.我想,讲几句话是逃脱不掉的。 3.of course, everybody knows what day it is today.当然,每个人都知道今天是什么日子。 4.i want to say a special word of thanks to my parents.我特别要向我爸妈说感谢的话。 5.thank you all again for coming here tod

2、ay. i am pleased and honored.今天很感谢你们又都来这儿,我感到很高兴,也很荣幸。 6.im pleased to stand before you today on this most beautiful of holidays, mothers day.今天这个很美的节日,母亲节,我很高兴站在你们的面前。 7.it i had the time, i would have gone around to each one of you to give you my thanks.如果我有时间,我就一一去向各位致谢了。 8.you all have been so k

3、ind to come here tonight.你们真是太好了,今晚都来了。 9.i have been given the special honor to make a few remarks to you on this special day for fathers everywhere.在这个特别的日子为各地为人父者说几句话,我真是特别荣幸。 10.allow me, first of all, to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for coming to this party in such numbers.这么多人光临这个

4、聚会,首先我要衷心地感谢大家。 11.i wish to conclude by thanking you one more for your good wishes.最后我要再一次感谢你们的祝福。 12.i wish to congratulate the sponsors who have organized this wonderful gathering.我要恭喜发起人,他们计画这次完美的聚会。 13.i am sure that everyone here joins with me in wishing the mothers who are present here, and t

5、hrough them, all the mothers throughout the world, continued health and much happiness.我深信这里的每一个人都会和我一起祝福在场的母亲们,经由她们,全世界的母亲永远健康、幸福。 How to say future mans life is a process of growing up, actually im standing here is a growth. if a persons life must constituted by various choices, then i grow up alo

6、ng with these choices. once i hope i can study in a college in future, however thats passed, as you know i come here, now i wonder what the future holds for (= what will happen to) me. when i come to this school, i told to myself: this my near future, all starts here. following i will learn to becom

7、e a man, a integrated man, who has a fine body, can take on important task, has independent thought, an open mind, intensive thought, has the ability to judge right and wrong, has a perfect job. once my teacher said :” you are not sewing, you are stylist; never forget which you should lay out to peo

8、ple is your thought, not craft.” i will put my personality with my interest and ability into my study, during these process i will combine learning with doing. if i can achieve this “future”, i think that i really grow up. and i deeply believe kindred, good-fellowship and love will perfection and ha

9、ppy in the future. how to say future? maybe its a nice wish. lets make up our minds, stick to it and surely well enjoy our life. 尊敬的评委,老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家晚上好! 首先,对大家给我一次充分展示的机会,表示衷心的感谢。 我是来自00经管(1)班的学生,名叫XXX,今天来竞选的职位是我院学生会的把门人-主席。 在我担任学生干部以来,积极配合院学生会工作的同时,曾多次成功组织过院大型文艺活动,这培养了我较强的办事能力和组织协调能力,以及驾驶复杂局面和把握大局的

10、应变能力,同时,勤学苦干,适宜性强的个性与广大同学间的友好关系,也正是我的优势所在,而所有这些正是造就一个出色的学生会主席所需要的,我深信,一切真知的产生都是来源于成功的实践,我所拥有的,正是学生会主席所需要的,学生会主席所需要的,正是我所拥有的。 另外,在我对本次竞选怀有热情,自信和希望的同时,我想,最现实,最实际的还是我个人对未来开展工作的几点想法: 首先,由于我院人数众多,居住分散,作为学生干部应深入群体,收集信息,反馈信息。及时把握学生的最近思想动态,确保学生安全。 第二,把握全局,加强学生会团队建设,树立一个良好的组织形象,接受广大同学的监督,处事做到团结一致,同舟共济。 第三,加强与兄弟院系,乃至与社会组织上的交流,以便探索社会活动新思想,新理念。营造一个最佳学习氛围,促进我院学生会工作的顺利开展。 最后,我以为,时代以奉献为荣,进步以参与为时尚,生活在于主动,生活在于投入,相信只要给我一个验证的机会,我将一定做到人尽其才,才尽其力,还大家一个出色的学生会。 谢谢大家。 5 / 5


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