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1、中国外文局副局长、中国译协副会长黄友义:应采取有力措施制止英语侵入汉语Chinese Foreign Language Bureau deputy director, vice president of the Translators Association of China Huang Youyi: should take effective measures to put an end to Chinese English invasion倘若我们再不重视英语侵入汉语的问题,再不采取有力措施制止汉英混杂的蔓延,若干言体系。上面引用的汉英混杂的汉语,只懂汉语不懂英语的人看不懂写不了;只年后:

2、汉语将变成汉英混杂、不汉不英的语言。汉语不再是单独能够表情达意的语懂英语不懂汉语的人同样看不懂写不了;中国人必学英语才能看懂自己的汉语。If we do not attach importance to Chinese English invasion, we do not take effective measures to stop the spread of Chinese-English mixed a few years later:The Chinese will become mixed Chinese and English, the language of the non-H

3、an not British. Chinese is no longer a separate language system be able to express emotion. Chinese Chinese-English mixed cited above, only know the Chinese do not speak English can not read can not write; only know English do not understand Chinese people also can not read can not write; Chinese pe

4、ople will learn English in order to understand their Chinese.西方和平演变的目标是中国的政治制度,我们已经有高度警惕。但是,对正在汉语中发生的语言演变,对西方文化正在和平演变中国文化的迹象,我们却还在疏忽麻痹之中The goal is the peaceful evolution of Western Chinas political system, we already have a high degree of vigilance. However, the Chinese language evolution, the peac

5、eful evolution of Western culture are signs of Chinese culture, we are still in negligence paralysis among 把外来语化为母语的血肉,这是任何一种语言在吸收外来语时都遵循的规律。经过汉语文化的“胃”消化吸收,把外来语言汉化,它们的模样变成了方块汉字,它们变成了汉语的血肉。这才是吸收外来语唯一正确的途径。Foreign language into the flesh and blood of the mother tongue, which is the law of any language

6、 in the absorption of foreign words follow. Chinese culture stomach digestion and absorption, finished in a foreign language, they look into a box of Chinese characters, they become the flesh and blood of the Chinese. This is the absorption of foreign words only correct way.汉语中夹杂英语缩略语,不符合中华人民共和国通用语言

7、文字法。该法第二章第九条规定:“国家机关以普通话和规范汉字为公务用语用字。”第十一条规定:“汉语文出版物中需要使用外国语言文字的,应当用国家通用语言文字作必要的解释。”按此法律,文件和讲话中使用GDP时,必须在后面加一句“国内生产总值”的解释。而现在文件中大都没有用汉语作解释的。Chinese mixed with English abbreviations, does not meet the common language of the Peoples Republic of China Law. Chapter II of the Act under Article IX: state

8、organs Putonghua and the standardized Chinese characters as the official language, the word. Provisions of Article 11: publications in Chinese, need to use foreign languages, it should be with the national common language the necessary explanation. Under this law, documents and speeches GDP must be

9、behind the increase in an explanation of the gross domestic product (GDP). Now most of the file did not use Chinese to explain.使用了GDP、WTO、CPI等几个英语缩略语之后,你就没有理由反对现在和今后更多的英语缩略语跟进夹杂在汉语之中。现在已经有CEO、IMF、IT等许多英语缩略语在汉语出版物中变成高频词了。现在使用的这几个还看不出对汉语整体有多大影响,将来越来越多的英语缩略语进入汉语,越来越多的“英语蚂蚁”在“汉语长堤”打洞,必将危及汉语安全。GDP, WTO,

10、CPI, and several other English abbreviations, you have no reason to object to the present and future more English abbreviations follow up to inclusion among the Chinese. Now CEO, IMF, IT and other English abbreviations in Chinese publications into a high-frequency words. Now using these also do not

11、see how the Chinese as a whole, the growing number of English abbreviations into Chinese in the future, more and more English ant holes in the Chinese Long Beach, will surely threaten the Chinese security.2008年02月27日委内瑞拉总统查韦斯掀起反文化侵略运动 禁止电信员工用英语February 27, 2008 Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez set o

12、ff anti-cultural aggression movement to prohibit Telecom employees in English傅振国先生在红旗文稿中说过防止英语侵入的问题,虽然没有解决就业问题、战胜金融危机问题来得紧迫,但它却是一个关乎国家语言安全、文化安全的大问题。Mr. Fu Zhenguo said in the red flag presentation to prevent the intrusion of English, does not solve the problem of employment, to overcome the financia

13、l crisis more pressing problem, but it is a matter of security, cultural security of the national language.事实上,我们前辈对英语缩略语早有正确的处理办法。比如,石油输出国组织的英语缩略词是OPEC,约在上世纪六七十年代传入中国,中国就将它音译汉化为“欧佩克”。至今,在我们报刊的行文中,写作“欧佩克”,而不是写作“OPEC”。上世纪八九十年代至今,当同样是英语缩略语的WTO、GDP进入中国的时候,我们却让它直接嵌入汉语。In fact, our predecessors on the En

14、glish abbreviations has long been the correct approach. For example, the English acronym of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries OPEC, approximately introduced to China in the 1960s and 1970s, will be it transliteration finished the OPEC. So far, in the wording of our newspapers, writin

15、g OPEC instead of writing OPEC. Since the eighties and nineties, when the same English abbreviations WTO, GDP in China when we do it directly embedded in Chinese.作为国际大都市,在巴黎懂英语者大有人在,只是在有人同他们以英语交流时,他们大多不理不睬。只有在机场接待处或是欧洲迪斯尼乐园等国际友人众多的公共场所,英语才派得上用场。这倒不是法国人高傲,而是他们把使用法语提高到民族形象和尊严的高度。As an international me

16、tropolis, a lot of people understand English in Paris, just someone with them to communicate in English, most of them ignore. Only a large number of public places in the airport reception or Euro Disney and other international friends, English come in handy. This is not arrogant Frenchman, but the u

17、se of French up to the height of the national image and dignity.英语的扩张使全球语言和文化的多样性又因此受到威胁English expansion and thus threatened the diversity of languages and cultures globally对英语的吹捧会导致人们崇洋媚外的心理,在日常生活中,总喜欢溜几句英语来显示自己的洋气English the touted cause people xenophilia psychological, in everyday life, likes to slip a few words in English to show their Western style


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