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1、人民币开转帐单兑换美元Agreement-(HSBC-TSL解读Party As Code: USDRMB/27052559Party Bs Code : USDRMB/10B/1B/2021KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS所有人都知道这些代表事项:This Joint Venture Funding Agreement of United States Dollar (USD) against the RMB(Hereinafter referred to as “Agreement”) is entered into and executed on this d

2、ay the th June 2021, by and between the following parties:以下双方签订此资金合作协议书的美元(USD)兑換等值货币的人民币(RMB)(以后指协议) 在2021年06月日即进入执行协议书:Party A:USD Provider (甲方:美元供應方)Name 姓名Ms. Somrudee BoontanondhaPassport Number 护照号码AA1375058Nationality 国籍ThailandAddress 地址118/126-7 Sukhumvit 23, Suhkumvit Rd.,Watana Dist. Ban

3、gkok 10110, ThailandHereinafter referred to as the “Party A”在下文中称为“甲方”Party B: R M B Provider: (乙方:人民币供应方)Name 姓名Representative By 代表Passport Number 护照号码Nationality 国籍Address 地址Hereinafter referred to as the “Party B”在下文中称为“乙方”WHEREAS,“P arty A” confirms with full personal authority and legal respon

4、sibility, that he is ready, willing and able to provide genuine, USD, clean and clear and none of criminal origin, to “Party B” and provides his Bank Deposit Account, with Banking details attached hereto as Appendix A.鉴于“甲方”已完全的充分的已证实的授权和法律责任已做好准备,愿意和能够提供真实的、干净的和洁净的没有犯罪来源的美元给“乙方”,并提供银行存款账户。如附录A所附的银行

5、座标。WHEREAS,“P arty B” confirms with full corporate authority and legal responsibility, that he is ready, willing and able to arrange good, clean and clear, and of non criminal origin RMB to “Party A”, and provides his Banking details attached hereto as Appendix A.鉴于“乙方”已完全的充分的已证实的授权和法律责任已做好准备,愿意和能够提

6、供真实的、干净的和洁净的,没有犯罪来源人民币给“甲方”,并提供附录 A所附的银行座标。NOW THEREFORE, In consideration of the mutual interests and covenants, the parties hereby confirm with full personal and corporate and legal responsibility, under penalty of perjury, and unconditionally agree to the following terms and conditions stipulated

7、 hereunder: 因此现在考虑到双方的利益和盟约,双方在此确认充分的个人和公司合法法律责任,根据伪证处罚法律无条件的同意以下条款和条件规定如下:Party As Code: USDRMB/27052559Party Bs Code : USDRMB/10B/1B/20211. SPECIFICATION 概要“P arty A” Currency : United States Dollar Legal currency in the banking system ofHong Kong.“甲方”的货币美元在香港的银行系统的合法货币。“P arty B” C urrency : RMB

8、Legal currency in the banking system of China.“乙方”的货币人民币在中国的银行系统的合法货币。Quantity : USD (1) Billion with Rollover and Extensions.数量壹拾(10)亿美元可继续循环并延展。Exchange Quantity : USD Ten (10) Billion.兑换数量壹拾(10)亿美元。Relating Expenses : As APPENDIX J from “Party As” account相关费用如附录J, 由“甲方”賬戶支付.Consultant Fee : As AP

9、PENDIX J consultant Fee p aid from “Party As” ac count.顾问费如附录J, 由“甲方”賬戶支付。Exchange Rate : Themiddle price of the Banking Exchange Rate between USD andRMBof the transaction day.兑换率按银行当天挂牌价以美元对人民币的中间价。Process Location : HSBC, Hong Kong main office.作业位置香港上海汇丰银行有限公司总行。Payment : On a Bank to Bank basis.付

10、款方式以银行对银行的方式。2. ATTESTATION 表述1.“Party A” and “Party B” are entitled to enter into this Joint Venture Funding Agreement.“Party A” is abl e to provide USD to “Party B” and receives RMB payment from ” Party B”“甲方”和“乙方”有权签订资金合作协议书“甲方”是能够提供美元给“乙方”,并接收“乙方”的人民币付款。2.“P arty A”has his bank account in The Ho

11、ngkong and Shanghai Banking CorporationLimited, Hong Kong main office and “P arty B”has his bank account in The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, Hong Kong main office.“甲方”在香港上海汇丰银行有限公司总行拥有银行账户;“乙方”在香港上海汇丰银行有限公司总行拥有银行账户。3.“Party A”transfers the funds to “Party Bs”account in XXXX Ban

12、k Limited, Hong Kongmain office. And “Pa rty B” transfers the funds to “Party As” account in The Hong kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, Hong Kong main office.“甲方”把款汇入“乙方”在香港XXXX銀行有限公司总行的银行账户上,而“乙方”必须将款汇入到“甲方”在香港上海汇丰银行有限公司总行的银行账户上。3. PAYMENT付款1) “Party A” makes a payment of USD Ten (1) B

13、illion to “Party Bs” bank account.“甲方”付款壹拾(10)亿美元到“乙方的”账户上。2) “Party B” makes payment of RMBcurrency which is equivalent to USD Ten (1) Billion to“Party As” bank account.“乙方”付款以等值壹拾(10)亿美元的人民币存入“甲方的”账户上。4. PROCEDURES 程序Party As Code: USDRMB/27052559Party Bs Code : USDRMB/10B/1B/20211.“P arty A”and “

14、Party B”sign this Agreement face to face and/or electronically, theelectronic signatures are deemed acceptable to both parties.双方签此合约可以以面对面或电子签方式;电子签方式双方是可确认接受的合约。2.After agreement has been signed by both parties; “Party B” provides a Hong kong Dollarscopy of the bank-transfer form in the amount equ

15、ivalent to or exceeding Ten (1) Billion United States Dollars of Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, Hong Kong main office, in favor of Ms Somrudee Boontanondha(Party A), Signed and Sealed by Party Bs Bank officer, But no passed by machine to “party As” bank officer, as “party Bs” pro

16、of of fund for the agreement as per Transaction Code: BANANAXXX.在双方签署资金合作协议合约书后, “乙方”提供中国银行有限公司的xxx人民币轉帳單复印件,受益人Ms Somrudee Boontanondha(甲方), 票面金额为等值或超过(10)亿美元的人民币,為由乙方銀行官員簽章但不過機,作为“乙方”在合约交易代码: BANANAXXX 的资金证明。3.Thereafter Both Parties lodge the signed agreements to their respective banks. “Party A”

17、issues the confirmation letter to the “Party B” for setting up the wind ow time to commence the transaction.随后双方将签订的协议各自放入银行,由“甲方”发出确认函给“乙方”确定银行窗口开始交易的时间。4.On the appointment day during the window time. “Party As” bank officer shall verify“Party Bs” a Hong Kong Dollars copy of the bank-transfer form

18、 on a bank to bank basis.Thereafter “Party Bs” bank officer confirms the Bank Deposit Account Number:XXX-XXXXXX-XXX of “Party Bs”Hong Kong Dollars copy of the bank-transfer form having cash on deposit in the amount equivalent to or exceeding Ten (1) Billion United States Dollars, for the guarantee p

19、ayment of the agreement as per Transaction Code:BANANAXXX.在约定银行窗口的时间里,“甲方”的银行官员以银行对银行的方式核实“乙方”的人民币轉帳單复印件, 随后“乙方” 的银行官员确认“乙方” 的人民币轉帳單复印件账户号码XXX-XXXXXX-XXX存有现款金额等值或超过壹拾(10)亿美元的人民币, 作为交易代码:BANANAXXX. 的交易付款保证。5.Once the “Party As” bank officer accepts “Party Bs” Hong Kong Dollars copy of the bank-transf

20、er form as a guarantee payment, then on the next One (1) banking days, “Party A”bank officer shall transfer the funds in the amount of (1) Billion United States Dollars from The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, Hong Kong main office to “Party Bs” account in XXXX Bank Limited, Hong

21、Kong main office,and “Party A” shall immediately hand over the copy of receipt of transfer to “Party B” as evidence.一旦“甲方”银行官员接受“乙方”的人民币轉帳單复印件作为付款保证后的壹(1)个银行工作日内,“甲方”银行官员将壹拾(10)亿美元从香港上海丰银行有限公司转账到香港XX银行有限公司总行“乙方”的账户上作为并同时递交银行入账单复印件给“乙方”作为凭证依据。6.Thereafter within Two (2) hours in the same day, when (1

22、) Billion United States Dollarshas been transferred to Party Bs account, “Party B”shall transfer the funds of RMBcurrency which is equivalent to (1) Billion United States Dollars to “Party As”account in The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, Hong Kong main office, as agreed by both p

23、arties, and “Party B” shall immediately hand over the receipt of transfer to “Party A” as evidence随后在同一天的两个小时内当壹拾(10)亿美元已经转账入“乙方”账户,依据双方同意, “乙方”将等值壹拾(10)亿美元的人民币存入“甲方”在中国银行有限公司的银行账户上。并同时递交银行入账单给“甲方”作为凭证依据。7.After (1) Billion United States Dollars have been t ransferred by “Party A” to “Party B”,and a

24、lso “Party B” completes to make a payment of RMB to “Party A”; the execution ofParty As Code: USDRMB/27052559Party Bs Code : USDRMB/10B/1B/2021易代码:BANANAXXX执行的交易宣告完成。8.Further deliveries of size and frequency of lifts is to be discussed and followed, if any,according to the Agreement after the deliv

25、ery of the commodity of (1) Billion United States dollars has been completed as per Transaction Code: BANANAXXX.为了进一步和持续的交易,依据双方程序逐步进行,至此交易代码:BANANAXXX的合约美元壹佰(100)亿金额交易完成后可以继续展延。5. B ANKING C OORDINATES 银行坐标“P arty As” Banking Detail and “P arty Bs” Banking Detail, is attached in Appendix A.“甲方”的银行座

26、标和“乙方”的银行座标。附在附录 A。6. T IME LIMITATION AND PENALTY 时间限制和罚款It is understood that within (10) Banking d ays after signing of this Agreement, “Party B” is obliged to confirm “Party Bs” account has enough fund for clearing Hong Kong Dollars the bank-transfer form in the amount of RMB currency equivalent

27、 to or exceeding (1)Billion United States Dollars. Sho uld “Party B” be unable to deposit enough fund for clearing the bank-transfer form of “Party B within these (10) Banking days, this Agreement shall be automatically rendered null and void, without any written notification.非常明确在该资金合作协议书双方签署后的拾(10

28、)个银行工作日内,“乙方”需确认“乙方”的账户存款足夠以支付轉帳單的金额等值或超过壹拾(10)億美元的人民币, 如果“乙方”在拾 (10)个银行工作日内不能存入足夠以支付轉帳單的金額,此合同协议将自动失效,无须任何其它的通知。7. WARRANTY 保证Each party represents and warrants under risk and penalty of perjury that the respective parties are ready, willing and able (RWA) to perform the respective obligations of e

29、ach party to this agreement and that the mutual considerations, which include the currencies to be exchange are good, clean are of non-criminal origin and are free and clear of all liens and encumbrances.双方声明并保证根据风险和伪证处罚法的有关条例双方都已准备好了,愿意和能够履行各自的义务,在此的每一方对本协议的条款都已认真研读和仔细考虑过,其中包括现金交易的完好洁净的、无犯罪来源的,并且对所

30、有优先权和抵押权是自由和干净的。8.CONFIDENTIALITY /N ON-CIRCUMVENTION 保密条款All parties, including “Party A”/ “Party As”Mandate, “Party B”/ “P arty Bs”Mandate and any and all representatives, consultants and intermediaries involved in this transaction shall agree to act in complete confidentiality and shall not discl

31、ose the Agreement to any other party except on a need to know the basis and shall strictly observe the rules of the International Chamber of Commerce, Paris, France, latest edition, related to Non- Circumvention and Non-Disclosure. This shall be valid for five (5) years.在此所有各方,包括“甲方”/“甲方”的委任方,“乙方”/“

32、乙方”的委任方和任何参与这交易各方的所有代表、顾问和中介机构应完全同意,并确保完全保密和不得透露协议的第三方,除非需要知道的基础上,并应严格遵守法国巴黎国际商会最新版的严格规定和有关保密和不予披露的条款,此有效期为五(5)年。Party As Code: USDRMB/27052559Party Bs Code : USDRMB/10B/1B/20219. O THER C ONDITIONS 其它条件1 Both parties agreed that only both parties bank officers can communicate with eachother except

33、those communications are allowed by both parties. In the event any third party person of either party communicates with other partys bank officer, this Agreement shall be automatically terminated.双方同意只有双方的银行官员可以相互沟通,除在本协议中所指明的方式。在发生任何一方的第三者与另一方的银行官员沟通,本协议将自动终止。2To coordinate between the representati

34、ves of the two parties and to inform the status report between the Banks of the two parties must be presented by paper work.有关此交易之进行情况,包括买卖双方之代表之协商, 银行的汇报,需用文字方式进行。3During the Window Time verifying “Party Bs” financial capability, “Party As” Bank Officer shall have the right to solici t all the nece

35、ssaries concerning “Party Bs” financial documentation. In return, the “Party B” and his Bank will provide all the solicited documents and deliver to “Party As” Bank via its representative. Then the correctness will be proven later on.当交易进行需确认”乙方”之财务能力时,甲方之银行官员有权要求获取”乙方”之相关财务文件。而”乙方”及其银行将通过其代表提供相关文件,

36、文件内容之真实性容后确定。4The financial verification of “Party Bs” financial capability needs to be approved in writing by “Party As” Bank prior to further step of performance.”乙方”之财务能力为交易可进行之先决条件,”乙方”之财务能力需由甲方”之银行作书面确认为准。5The “Party As” Bank shall accept s “Party Bs” financial capability, by telephone call and

37、 be ready to issue the Letter of financial acceptance as long as being “Party As” Bank satisfy with the following conditions:“甲方”的银行将接受“乙方”银行提供有关资金状况,当“甲方”的银行满意如下条件时:5.1. “Party Bs” financial verification is proven to exist and is exactly sufficient.”乙方”之资金得已确认及其金额足够,5.2. “Party Bs” financial verifi

38、cation issued by “Party Bs” Bank is proven to follow theform of financial document pr ovided by “Party As” Bank in the truthful manner.”乙方”银行需真实地提供相关之”乙方”财务文件,而文件格式需按甲方”的銀行要求提供。5.3. Party B should meet all the requirements as stated in the above clauses6.1 and6.2; otherwise this deal would be disqua

39、lified.”乙方”需遵守上述條款6.1和 6.2; 否则交易无效。6“Party A” and “Party B”accepted all legal responsibility of the source of funds for the transaction of the agreement as per Transaction Code:BANANAXXX, under the laws of Hong Kong, SAR.“甲方”和”乙方”接受交易代码:BANANAXXX每壹笔所有资金来源的合法性,并根据香港特别行政区法律的规限下负责承担所有的法律责任。10. APPENDIX

40、 附录The following pages have been added to and are considered by all PARTIES to be an integralParty As Code: USDRMB/27052559Party Bs Code : USDRMB/10B/1B/2021双方及有关人仕确认下列附录为本协议之一部份:APPENDIX A: Banking Details. 银行座标。APPENDIX B: Copy of the bank-transfer form轉帳單複件。APPENDIX F: Copy of Authorized Passport

41、授權人護照影本APPENDIX H: Party A copy of passport.甲方护照复印件。APPENDIX I : Party B copy of passport.乙方护照复印件。APPENDIX J: IMFPA for BANANAXXX.不可撤銷的顧問費加相關費用分流表。*THIS SPACE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK*这空间故意地被留下的空白*All signatories hereto acknowledge that they have read and each party fully understands the terms and c

42、onditions contained in this agreement and by their initials and signature hereby unconditionally agree to its terms as of the date noted herein.在此的所有签署人承认,双方皆已经阅读并充分理解所有载于本协议的条款及条件,并通过他们小签及全名签Party As Code: USDRMB/27052559Party Bs Code : USDRMB/10B/1B/2021SIGNATORIES BELOW ARE BOTH PERSONAL AND CORP

43、ORATELIABILITIES:以下是个人和公司的责任签署“Pa rty A”“甲方”Name 姓名Passport No.护照号码Ms. Somrudee Boontanondha AA1 375058Signature 签名“Pa rty As” Witness 1“甲方的”见证人一Name 姓名Passport No.护照号码Mr. Tipakorn Fa-arun AA1 948720Signature 签名“Pa rty As” Witness 2 “甲方的”见证人二Name姓名Passport No.护照号码Ms. 賴秋雲TWN309076404Signature 签名“Pa r

44、ty B”“乙方”Name姓名Passport No.港澳通行證Mr. Signature 签名“Party Bs” Witness“乙方的”见证人Name 姓名Passport No.护照号码Mr. Signature 签名Party As Code: USDRMB/27052559Party Bs Code : USDRMB/10B/1B/2021APPENDIX A附录A“P arty As” B anking D etails For receiving Payment USD甲方付款美元的银行详细座标Bank Name 银行名称The Hongkong and Shanghai Ba

45、nking Corporation Limited Bank Address 银行地址HSBC Main Building, 1 Queens Road, Central Hong Kong Account Name 账户名称Somrudee BoontanondhaAccount No. 账号503-346694833SWIFT Code 银行国际代码HSBCHKHHHKHBank Officer 银行官员 Mr. Joseph Chan ( 陳約瑟先生 )Bank Telephone 银行电话+852 *Bank Fax 银行传真+852 *“P arty As” B anking D e

46、tails For Receiving RMB in China甲方收款人民币的银行详细座标Bank Name 银行名称Bank of China, Shenzhen Branch(中国银行深圳市分行营业部)Bank Address 银行地址International Finance Building, 2022 Jianshe Road, Shenzhen 518001, Guangdong Prov., China(广东省深圳市罗湖区建设路2022号国际金融大厦)Account Name 账户名称Somrudee Boontanondha Account No. 账号62178620000

47、01469130 SWIFT Code 银行国际代BKCH CN BJ 45ABank Officer 银行官员Bank Telephone 银行电话0755-* & 22338888Bank Fax 银行传真0755-*“P arty Bs” B anking D etails For POF and Payment RMB 乙方付款人民幣的银行详细座标Bank Name 银行名称Bank Address 银行地址Account Name 账户名称Account No. 账号SWIFT Code 银行国际代码Bank Officer 银行官员Party As Code: USDRMB/270

48、52559Party Bs Code : USDRMB/10B/1B/2021Bank Fax 银行传真“Party Bs” Banking Details For Receiving USD乙方接收款美元的银行详细座标Bank Name 银行名称Bank Address 银行地址Account Name 账户名称Account No. 账号SWIFT Code 银行国际代码Bank Officer 银行官员Bank Telephone 银行电话Bank Fax 银行传真APPENDIX B附录Bcopy of the bank-transfer form轉帳單複印件Party As Code: USDRMB/27052559 Party Bs Code : USDRMB/10B/1B


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