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1、关于简短英语句子如今没有一口流利的英语,了解一些简单的日常简短英语句子交流也是很有必要的!接下来小编在这里给大家带来关于简短英语句子,希望对你有所帮助!1.The movie began as soon as we got there我们一到那儿电影就开始了。2.When I arrived at the station, the train had already left我到车站时,火车已经开了。3.The late arrival of the ship had messed up all our plans船到晚了,把我们的计划全打乱了。4.I had thought he knew

2、the time of the meeting我原以为他知道开会时间。5.They had expected me to go with them他们原本希望我和他们一起去。6.That was the third time that I had visited the place那是我第三次参观那地方了。7.After I had finished my paper, I put it in the drawer我写完论文,就把它放在抽屉了。8.Hi, Jack, where do you live now?你好,杰克,你现在住哪儿?9.I live at Curzon Street我住在可

3、胜街号。10.Curzon Street? Isnt Mary living there?可胜街 ?玛丽不是也住那儿吗 ?11.Yes, she lives just across the street是的,她就住在街对面。12.How long have you stayed there?你在那儿住多久了 ?13.Just a few months才几个月。14.How about Mary? How long has she lived there?玛丽怎么样 ?她在那儿住多久了 ?15.Shes been living there since her birth她生下来就住那儿。16.W

4、ill you stay there for long?你会在那儿待很长时间吗?17.No, Ill move to Hollywood next month不,我下个月搬到好莱坞去。18.Oh, really? Im moving there too真的 ?我也会搬到那儿去。19.Great Then we can drink beer together棒极了,我们可以一起喝啤酒了。20.Yes, and you may stay there longer对,而且你也许会在那儿住久一些。21.I hope so 希望如此。22.I m sure we ll have a good time我

5、相信我们会很开心的。23.Where are you going?你去哪儿 ?24.Where did you go for dinner yesterday?你们昨天去哪儿吃的饭 ?25.When will he come to see you?他什么时候来看你 ?26.When did you buy the car?你什么时候买的车 ?27.Who told you?谁告诉你的 ?28.Who will accompany you to the airport?谁将陪你去机场 ?29.Why dont you agree? 你为什么不同意 ?30.Why not go out for a

6、 walk?干吗不出去散步 ?31.How did you spend your holiday?你假期怎么过的 ?32.How are you doing these days?这些日子你怎么样 ?33.What did he say in the letter?他在信里说什么了 ?34.What are you going to do with the books?你打算拿这些书怎么办 ?35.What were you doing when I called?我打电话给你时你在干吗?36.I was about to leave我正要出门。37.Can you guess what I

7、was doing this morning?你能猜到今天上午我在做什么吗 ?38.Whats the height of the building?这座楼有多高 ?39.How much does the elephant weigh?这个大象有多重 ?40.Whats the color of your new dress? 你的新衣服是什么颜色的?41.Whats the size of your shoes? 你的鞋多大尺寸 ?42.My brother is twice as tall as your sister我弟弟比你妹妹高一倍。43.My grandma is years o

8、lder than me我祖母比我大岁。44.This river is one third as long as that river这条河只有那条河的三分之一长。45.Whats the shape of your balloon? 你的气球是什么形状 ?46.How wide is this bridge?这座桥有多宽 ?47.How thick is the ice here?这儿的冰有多厚 ?48.This metal is harder than that one这种金属比那种硬。49.He can run as fast as Jim他跑的和吉姆一样快。50.Kate is smarter than I凯特比我聪明。


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