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1、介词复习要点介词复习要点一意思较为复杂的介词1a bout:关于:I know nothing about the matter.围绕、环绕:She had a gold chain about her neck.在的附近;在周围:The streets about the castle are full of places of historic interest.正要; 刚要(后面接不定式):I was about to speak when my companion drew my attention to somethingthat was happening in the far c

2、orner of the room.2a gainst:反对:My father was against giving votes to women.Are you for or against the suggestion?反抗、抵抗、对抗The war against Napoleon; the fight against disease; to rise against oppressor.靠着;和接触:He stood with his back against the door.Dont lean against the wall.撞着;碰着:She struck her head

3、against the branch of a tree.3. at:表示地点时,指最为具体、明确的地点。The post office is at the corner of the street.I will meet you at the railway station.表示时间时,指具体的时刻(几点几分)。The concert starts at half past seven.下列情况应该死记:at Christmas; at dawn; at sunset; at noon; at night表示事物或人所处的状态。The two tribes were constantly a

4、t war.I never feel at ease in his company.表示原因。The whole nation was in deep sorrow at the news.I have called to see you at the request of a friend.表示“以的速度”或“以的价格”。The car raced through the countryside at sixty miles an hour.Eggs are sold at three shillings a dozen.4. by:用以引出动作的发出者,汉语译为“被”、“受到”、“由”。H

5、e was killed by a piece of falling rock.表示动作的方式或手段,汉语译为“通过”。Passengers must cross the railway line by the bridge.He earned a living by driving a taxi.表示位置时,意思是“在的旁边”。On a cold evening it is pleasant to sit by the fire.表示时间时,意思是“到时(为止)”。I have promised to have the work finished by the end of this wee

6、k.表示买卖东西时用以计算的数或量;支付报酬时用以计算的时间。Milk is sold by the pint, butter by the pound, and eggs by the dozen.Most workmen are paid by the week.by + 反身代词的意思是“独自”(没有人在一起或没有人帮忙)。She lives by herself in a small cottage in the country.5.from:表示出发或行为起始的地点以及事物的来源,汉语译为“从”;“来自”。We set sail from Liverpool.Tea comes fr

7、om India and China.He jumped from a five-storey window into the street below.表示原因(通常用语贬义)All her life she suffered from headaches.The two explorers died from exposure to the cold.表示“防止”或“避免”。He saved the child from drowning.We put on our raincoat to protect us from the rain.动词keep、prevent、stop后搭配fro

8、m都属于这种用法。表示“差异”或“对比”。We could not distinguish one from the other.We found a village very much changed from what it used to be.单词different、tell (分辨,区分) 后搭配的from 均属这种用法。6for:表示目的。George is saving up for a camera.He went into the shop for some cigarettes.表示原因,汉语常译为“因为”、“由于”。You cant see the wood for th

9、e trees.He was given a title for services to his country.表示“赞成”、“同意”。Are you for the suggestion, or against it?Im all for anything that will make our work easier.表示“对来说”、“考虑到”。The weather is quite warm for November.He is tall for a boy of eight.表示动作持续的时间。Last week I stayed in Beijing for three days.

10、表示“交换”。I let him have my watch for his camera.She bought it for five pounds.用以表示不定式的逻辑主语。It is not good for children to have too much money.7.in:表示地点、范围,汉语译为“在”; “在中(内、里)。She is a nurse and is working now in a hospital.Do you like the bird in the cage?表示时间时的用法:(在一段时间范围之内)in the morning ( afternoon;

11、evening)in spring (summer; autumn, winter)in January ( February, March)in 1919相当于汉语的“用”、“以”之类的意思。Please answer my questions in English.Only in this way can you remember new words easily.表示“进”、“入”一类的意思,但主要强调状态。He put his hand in his pocket.表示衣饰等,“穿着”、“戴着”。Do you know the woman in white?He is always d

12、ressed in uniform.表示“在方面”、“在上”。I think he will have some troubles in finishing the task.Mr. Green spend o lot of money in playing computer games.8.of:表示所属关系,汉语常译为“的”。the soldiers of the Queen;the surface of the roadthe cover of the book表示“在中”。three of them;half of the money collected表示的数量或种类。a piece

13、 of chalka sheet of paper表示同位关系。the city of Tianjinthe fact of my seeing him表示材料、成分等。a dress of silkWhat is the table made of?The book consists of several chapters.表示“解除”、“分离”、“剥夺”。cure sb of a disease;rob sb of his money9.on:表示“接触”,汉语的意思是“在上”。the books on the table;have a hat on his head;表示时间时,专指确定

14、的某一时间、日期、机会。on the 1st of October;on the morning of Mat the first;表示露天的地点。on the ground;on the farm“有关”、“关于”He will give them a speech on international affairs.表示“是的成员”、“在任职”。He is on the committee.I was on the football team of our school when I was a student.表示根据、基础、条件、理由等,汉语常译为“靠、借、由于”。下列短语都属于这种用法

15、:be based on; depend on; buy sth on crediton condition that; live on rice表示动作或状态在进行中,汉语可译为“在中”。on holiday; on duty; on sale; on business;on fire; on purpose10.over:表示垂直在上,但有一定的距离而不接触。汉语译为“在上”。hold an umbrella over ones head;The lamp hung over the table.表示时间时,意思是“在期间”。Are you staying in London over C

16、hristmas.over the centuries表示“越过”。climb over a wall; our friends over the sea;She spoke to me over her shoulder.“在对面”They live over the street.表示数量上“超过”或“在以上”。over eight years ago;He spoke for over an hour.表示“遍及”。all over the body (浑身);travel all over the world;Snow is falling over north of England.

17、11.with:表示一起、伴同等,汉语常译为“同”、“和”、“一起”、“跟”。combine theory with practice; co-operate with others;learn English with Pro. Jones; be together with him;表示伴随发生,汉语常译为“随着”。change with seasons; increase with years;With these words, he went out.表示“有”、“带有”。a girl with golden hair; a room with furniture;China is a

18、 large country with a long history.表示所使用的工具、手段,汉语常译为“用”。cut with a knife; take it with both handsI have no money to buy it with.表示原因、理由,汉语常译为“因为”、“由于”。be silent with shame; be troubled with disease;I cant go out with all these dishes to wash.用于表示情感、情绪的形容词之后,表示“关于、就、对”。be angry with sb. ; be satisfie

19、d with ;be patient with;后接复合宾语,用以说明附带情况或交代细节。a woman with a child in her arms;read with a pipe in ones mouth;speak with ones tears in ones eyes;二意思比较单纯的介词:1. above:表示位置高于(= higher than ), 汉语译为“在上面”。500 meters above the sea level;The sun rose above the horizon.(价值) 甚于、胜过(= more than)We love truth abo

20、ve everything else.2. across:横越;横过run across the street; sail across the Pacific;交叉The two lines pass across each other at the right angles.3. among:(三者) 在之中;在中间a village among the hills;Shanghai is among the largest cities in the world.4. beyond:在的那边;在以外a mile beyond the townIs your house beyond th

21、e river or on this side of it?(时间)过了;比晚beyond nine oclock;Dont stay out beyond midnight.超出(范围、限度);处于之外The task is beyond my strength.The book is beyond me.5.between:(两者)在之间;在(的)中间Choose between the two.a railway between the two cities; love between mother and child6.beside:在的旁边Grass grow beside the

22、fence.Come and sit beside me.7.behind:表示位置“在的后面”、“在的背后”。He left nothing behind him.Walk close behind me.Tom came out from behind the door.底于、次于、不如behind other boys of his age;be behind the needs of the objective situation;8.besides:除之外,还有I have a few friends besides you.There were five others presen

23、t at the meeting besides him.9.concerning:关于Please inform me concerning this matter.10.down:向下run down the hill;Her hair was hanging down her back.沿着Go down this street and turn left.He was walking down the road.11.during:在期间during that period; during the revolutionary war;The sun gives us the light

24、 during the day.The boy played during the afternoon.12.except:除之外We all succeed except him.We go to school every day except Sunday.短语except for 表示在整体肯定的基础上,在细节上加以修整。The road was empty except for a few cars.Your composition is very good except for a few spelling mistakes.13.into:表示动向,“到里”look into th

25、e box; walk into the room;work far into the night; throw a letter into fire成为、转入make flour into bread; put Chinese into English;cut something into two;14.near:(空间、时间、关系等) 近;在近旁My house is near the river.It is convenient living so near the station.15.onto:动态介词,“到.上”。step onto the stage;He jump onto t

26、he horse.16.past:(指时间) “过”。half past six;He is past fifty.(指空间、地点)“过”;(从旁)“经过”。He hurried past me without stopping to speak.17.regarding:关于He spoke to me regarding his future.18.round:围绕、环绕travel round the world;Birds fly round and round a lighthouse.在的四周sit round the fire;Tie the belt round your wa

27、ist.在各处、向四周have a look round the shop;Let me show you round the castle.19.through:通过、穿过The water flows through the pipe.Light comes in through the window.从头至尾、自始至终She read through the magazine.He sat through the concert although she didnt enjoy it.表示方法、手段,汉语多译为“以”、“通过”。reach an agreement though nego

28、tiation;It could be accomplished only though patient work.遍及、历尽travel through the country;he has come though many hardships.20.throughout:贯穿、遍及throughout the nineteenth century;It rained throughout the night.21.under:表示“在下面”、“在底下”。They sheltered under un umbrella.The police suspected that the man ha

29、d something under his coat.表示“在控制或管辖之下”。Each province was placed under a military governor.He has been under the doctor for some weeks.表示“比少”或“少于”。No one under twenty-one can become a member of the club.You will not get a house of this type under five thousand pounds.表示“在进行中”。The subject is under di

30、scussion.The hospital is under construction.22.until:直到(为止)(指时间= to the time of)Wait until five oclock.直到(为止)(指地点=as far as)Go straight on until a large red building.23.up:向上、在上go up a hill;向上游、向内地sail up the river; travel up the country三介词习语:1a ccording to:依照;根据The work has been carried out accordi

31、ng to your instruction.依而定Take one to three tablets, according to the severity of the pain.The charge for the hotel accommodations is from eighteen to twenty-five pounds a week, according to the class of hotel.2a long with:由陪同(in the company of);和一起(together with)Along with each outfit there is a bo

32、ok of instruction.The painting was bought, along with other pictures, by a wealthy American collector.3a part from:除以外;除了Apart from a few pounds a year interest on Government stock, I have no private income.He has no interests, apart from his work.4d ue to:由于;归功于The accident was due to the carelessn

33、ess of the signalman.A power failure, due to a fault in the cable, plunged the whole town intodarkness.5i n addition to:除之外;又;加之On the first day over three hundred people visited the exhibition, in addition to those who were present at the opening ceremony.6i n between:in between 和between 大致相同,不过in

34、between 有“反复”或“再现”的意思。在get 后面往往用in between.There are flowers in between the trees.7i n spite of:尽管We had quite an enjoyable holiday, in spite of the bad weather.8i nstead of:“取代、代替”,但译成汉语时说“而不是”通常更为通顺。The vegetarians present were given cheese dishes instead of meat.We found ourselves in Birkenhead i

35、nstead of Liverpool.9o n account of:由于、因为Trains from Newcastle may be up to twenty minutes late, on account of repairs to the track.On account of weather, we had to cancel the projected outing.10.out of:表示“从里面到外面”。She took a box of chocolates out of her bag.A stranger came out of the door.表示从表面或某种物体

36、中突出或伸出。A nail was sticking out of the wall.表示“超出”。out of sight; out of reach; out of controlout of all reason; out of memory表示“没有”或“不再有”。out of a job; out of work; out of office11. together with:由随同;陪同The Mayor and the Mayoress were present, together with the Town Clerk.I am sending you the letter I have received from the County Council,together with a copy of my reply.


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