


1、,Be a polite teenager!,Be a happy teenager!,Obey the rules!,Unit 7,Section A 2d 3c,Picasso and paintings,school trip,take photos,Listen to 2d and answer the following questions 1.Whats Sandy excited about? 2.Where will they go for school trip this year? 3.Does Sandy bring camera?How do you know? 4.Are they allowed to take photos without flash?How do you know?,She is excited about seeing the famous paintings by Picasso.,They will go to the art museum.,Yes ,she does.,Yes ,they are.,2d Role-pla。

2、得 隅 孕 沥 肉 肮 组 送 挖 晨 燥 倔 萌 锈 媚 俺 钒 傀 玩 娠 曹 池 柞 锦 渍 椒 扑 冀 啊 何 隋 品 新 目 标 七 年 级 英 语 新 目 标 七 年 级 英 语 新目标七年级英语 江西金溪第三中学 吴静宁 遂 察 菱 威 止 杭 伍 釉 橱 挑 遍 涉 药 揍 冒 犊 诧 颖 佑 禄 蚜 杭 罚 欧 粹 黎 斑 给 犊 至 挞 碾 新 目 标 七 年 级 英 语 新 。

3、Unit3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.,一、单元分析 二、学情分析 三、教学目标 四、重点难点 五、课时安排,Unit3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.,单元分析,本单元以“Rules”为中心话题,以谈论学生在生活、学习中的应当遵守的各项规则及学生对这些规则的态度和意见为主线,展示表被允许或不被允许做某事、叙述同意或不同意理由的语言功能,把话题、交际功能和语言结构有机的结合起来。通过本单元的学习,学会使用“should allow to do”的被动态“should (not) be allowed to do。

4、初三英语月考试题I.单项选择(20分)1. You look smarter on your school uniforms.A.No, I dont. B.Yes, thanks.C.Thank you. D.Youre welcome2. Dont make so much _.The boy is sleeping.A.mistakesB.noiseC.voice D sound3. Do you learn English by _English-language videos?A.seeingB.readingC.watching D look4.Im terrified _the dark.Ill go to sleep _my bedroom light _. A.of, on, on B. of,with, on C.in, on, with D to in off5.The boys listened to the music _。

5、,Unit 7 Reading,Section 1 Before You Read,Section 1 Before You Read,Look up the word “etiquette” in your dictionary. What does it mean? Look at the picture below. How many rules of etiquette can you see being broken? Make a list with your partner.,etiquette,礼节;礼仪,the formal rules for polite behaviour in society or in a particular group:,How many rules of etiquette are they breaking?,eat in public,Section 1 Before You Read,smoke in public,Section 1 Before You Read,spit everywhere,Secti。

6、新目标英语八年级下册重点句子Unit 11. Will people have robots in their homes in 20 years? 二十年后人们家里会有机器人吗?2. People will live to be 200 years old. 人们将会活到200岁.3. I went to Shanghai last year and fell in love with it. 我去年去了上海, 并且爱上了这个城市.4. I dont like living alone. 我不喜欢独居.5. Ill be able to dress more casually on the weekend. 我在周末可以穿得更随意一些.6.。

7、 黔东南州凯里博思教育中考辅导_ 九年级新课标英语上册第一次月考(1-3单元)命题:龙老师 姓名 _ 满分120 得分_.词汇(共20分)A. 根据所给汉语填入单词,使句意完整(10分)1.Am I _(允许) to drink wine?2.Teenagers should stop _ (留)long hair.3.Show me your_ (执照).4.The child sitting under the big tree is a _ (愚蠢的;傻的) boy.5.Do you _(练习)singing English songs with your friends?B.用括号中所给词的正确形式填空(10分)6.I think the road should be_(bu。

8、英语教育网八年级英语同步检测unit7一、单词拼写。1. How many _ (teacher) are there in your school?2. I have three _( watch ).3. There are some _( orange) on the table.4. I like _(tomato) and _ ( chicken).5. How much _( honey ) do we need?6. Tina, lets _(make) fruit salad.7. Oh, it _(rain) last night, so the ground is wet now.8. Tom is a little _ ( strong) than Mike.9. I think English is _(important) than any other subject.1。

9、,Unit 7 Reading,Section 1 Before You Read,Section 1 Before You Read,Look up the word “etiquette” in your dictionary. What does it mean? Look at the picture below. How many rules of etiquette can you see being broken? Make a list with your partner.,etiquette,礼节;礼仪,the formal rules for polite behaviour in society or in a particular group:,How many rules of etiquette are they breaking?,eat in public,Section 1 Before You Read,smoke in public,Section 1 Before You Read,spit everywhere,Secti。

10、Unit 7 Where would you like to visit ?,Section A (2a-Grammar Focus),Words & Expressions fall Niagara Falls,(常用复数形式) 瀑布 尼亚加拉大瀑布,Listen and number these statements in the order that you hear them.,2a,_ I love places where the people are really friendly. _ I hope to see Niagara Falls some day. _ I like places where the weather is always warm. _ I hope to visit Hawaii one day.,1,2,4,3,Listen again. Why do the people decide not to visit these places? Match each place with a reason.,b,a。

标签 > 二年级英语新目标检测[编号:486895]
