


1、Unit 3 Life in the future,take up remind of be similar to lay relaxed lack of fresh air catch sight of,Words and express。

2、Units 1718Disabilities Inventions 应用文 (2009北京卷B篇)Dear Friend, The recent success of childrens books has made the general public aware that theres a huge market out there. And theres a growing need fo。

3、,北师大版 Unit 22,Unit 22 Environmental Protection,Lesson 1 Global Warming,What do you know about global warming?,What effect will global warming have on the sea and the living things in the sea?,What wi。

4、 第十六单元 教学设计Language Awareness 教材分析 本课是第十六单元的最后一课。 教材围绕广告策略展开话题,广告是人们日常生活中常见的事物,学生对这一话题既熟悉又有兴趣,因此教师可以用当前流行的广告进行导入,引导学生思考什么样的广告是成功的广告,成功广告运用了什么策略。本课计划一课时完成。本单元的reading部分既提供了讨论话题,又为本课的语法重点get/have someth。

5、牛津高二英语M8U1 语法部分辅导 英语中的否定 第一部分:重点讲解 I. 否定的种类: 否定句是英语中的常用基本句型之一,它用来表示对所表达情况的否认.英语的否定结构形式多种多样,无论在思路上,还是在表达方式上,都与汉语有许多差异.如果只按字面意思翻译,有时会造成误解.因此,在做英译汉和汉译英练习时,一定要认真体会其中的含义,不要望文生义,以防陷入这个可怕的迷宫. 按意义分,英语中的否定多种多样。

6、高二英语 Unit 5 冀教版 【本讲教育信息本讲教育信息】 一. 教学内容: Unit 5 单元单元 重点词汇:重点词汇: 1. flight n. 飞行;逃走;飞跃;飞机的航程;班机;追逐 The flight was quite smooth. We had a very pleasant journey. 飞行很顺利。我们的旅途十分愉快。 They made a successful f。

7、 Units 1314The water planet Freedom fighters .单项填空 1Nuclear science should be developed to _the people rather than harm them. Abenefit Bcontribute Cprotect Daffect 解析:benefit sb.“对某人有益”。 答案:A 。

8、 高二英语 短语典句考点(Unit 19LANGUAGE) 北师大版选修7 1. get ahead取得进步,获得成功 经典例句 She wants to get ahead in her career. 她想在事业上脱颖而出。 考点聚焦 相关短语: get ahead of 超过,胜过 get around传播 get across被传达,被理解 get sth. down吞下,咽下,记下 ge。

9、 Units 78Living with disease First aid (教师用书独具) 阅读理解试题体裁广泛,一般有记叙文,议论文,说明文和应用文;题材涉及内容广,在选材方面,突出生态环保、人物传记、名人轶事、社会风俗文化、大众科普、广告、文学作品、社会热点、时文报道等,这些题材能使考生扩大对异域文化的接触。 记叙文 How I Turned to Be Optimistic(2009北京。

10、 Chapter 5 Speaking: Building up the description of a character 一、 章节分析(Reading section) (一)综述 本单元的主题是如何描写人物,Speaking 部分为我们作了详细的介绍,我们可从人物的外貌、背景及性格方面入手来介绍人物。因此我们可以将这部分的内容与课文前的What do you know about? 中的。

11、 【英语】大纲第2册 45分钟过关检测 Unit8 First aid课堂训练 Language study & Integrating skills 基础巩固:站起来,拿得到! .用所给动词的适当形式填空 1.Given more time and money,he_ (do) better. 2.Jane wishes that she_ (stud。

12、 The Fifth Period Non-finite Verbs Teaching Aim: Revise the Non-finite Verbs and Non-finite passive form.Get the students to do some exercises to master its usage,and correct the common mistakes that。

13、 Unit 17 Disabilities单元练习小练 . 介词、副词填空 1. She is gifted painting. She has won many awards painting competitions children. 2. He asked me for some advice how to improve his spoken English. 3.。

14、 Unit 16 理解:要点诠释 单词 1.insist 讲:vt. 坚持(要);坚持说,坚持认为 例:He insisted on checking every item. 他坚持要检查每一个项目。 They insisted that everyone should come to the party. 他们坚决要求每人都要来参加晚会。 链接提示 (1)insist后接宾语从句。

15、 Unit 11 Scientific Achievements 一. 单词拼写 1. _ (失败) is the mother of success. 2.Im glad to have this _(机会) of speaking to you alone. 3.Then jet engine was a major _(突破。

16、 第二课时Second Period 教学目标 在本课学习结束后,学生能够: 用所学语言并结合口语策略展示面试情景; 或者做出一个与职业话题有关的简短的演讲; 倾听歌曲并填写空白词后理解歌曲的深层含义。 教学过程 教学活动 Activities 设计意图 Intentions 互动模式&时间 IP & time Lead-in Step 1 Ss get to know the。

17、我们一起飞向快乐星球 高中英语必修5 unit3 第二课时Reading教学过程 1.教学目标: (1). Make the Ss get more information about the change of life in the future. (2). Improve the Ss ability of getting the main idea of each reading subj。

18、unit5 First Aid Ellipsis 省略,1,谷风课件A,You cannot smoke here.,2,谷风课件A,You can park your car here.,3,谷风课件A,You cannot take photos here.,NO PHOTOS,4,谷风课件A,Fishing is not allowed here.,NO FISHING,5,谷风课件A,。

19、课 题 动词时态语态巩固练习1、语法填空专题复习1、 高中英语易错动词辨析1、词类转换字母C 授课时间:2009-9-24 备课时间: 2009-9-20 教学目标 1. 动词时态和语态的巩固练习; 2. 语法填空专题复习; 3. 词类转换字母C 重点、难点 1. 动词时态语态综合练习,灵活运用; 2. 语法填空题型的技巧掌握及对基础知识的考察 考点及考试要求 动词的综合运用,难度大。语法填空。

20、 马蒂的故事 您好,我的名字是结婚调遣,我想你可以说我是“百万分之一”。换句话说,有很多人不喜欢我。你看,我有一个肌肉疾病,这让我非常弱,所以我不能运行或其他人尽快爬楼梯。此外,有时我很笨拙和删除的东西或撞到家具。不幸的是,医生不知道如何让我更好,但我很外向,已经学会了适应我的残疾。我的座右铭是:活一天一次。 直到我10岁,我是其他人一样。我用爬树,游泳和踢足球。事实上,我用梦想踢职业足球,可能代。

21、 Period 4 Reading,Speaking and Writing 教学目标 1语言知识目标 (1)学生能够正确读写及运用以下单词: donate,voluntary,purchase,anniversary,seed,sew,ox ,tractor,Kenya,click,tailor,political, distribute,distribution,security,opera。

22、 高二英语Book 5 Unit 1 Great Scientists教学设计(高中组) 一、指导思想与理论依据 普通高中英语课程标准对高中英语课程的总目标描述如下:高中英语课程的总目标是使学生在义务教育阶段英语学习的基础上, 进一步明确英语学习的目的,发展自主学习和合作学习的水平;形成有效的英语学习策略;培养学生的综合语言使用水平。在教学原则中也强调,高中英语课程要特别着重培养学生用英语获。

23、高二英语 模块六 MUProject 牛津版,1,高二牛津版模块六,Unit 3 Understanding each other Project,高二英语 模块六 MUProject 牛津版,2,Warming-up,Every country has some or many ethnic groups. How many ethnic groups do we have in China?。

24、 Unit 3 Science versus nature Part One Teaching Design 第一部分 教学设计 Aims and requirements read a newspaper article about cloning and an article about people and the natural world listen to a discussion。

25、,Unit 9 Reading,the highest point; top of a mountain,Summit,meeting between the heads of two or more countries,a summit talk a summit meeting,Summit,Earth Summit,地球峰会,Welcome to the Earth Summit!,1。

26、Unit 4 Sports Around the World,Some major summer game events,Weight lifting,priestess collect the holy flame on Mount Olympia,Where Olympics were first celebrated,2008 Beijing Olympics,M。

27、UNIT FOUR,The Vincent Van Gogh exhibition,.,Read the first paragraph and title: 1. Who wrote this? 2. What is his job? 3. What will the writer tell us? 4. What does he advise us to do?,Scan the passag。

28、Module 4,Music born in America,高二第七册,Vocabulary,DJ (disk jockey) hip hop graffiti microphone percussion rap reggae turntable,音乐唱片节目主持人 嬉蹦乐 n.涂鸦 n.麦克风,话筒 n.打击乐器 n.说唱乐 n.雷盖 n.转盘,唱盘,Vocabulary,movement 。

29、M7 U1 Living with technology TV and audio devices - a review,What are they?,TV sets.,What kind of a TV do you have at home? How big is it? 2.What audio devices do you choose to enjoy music? 3.Wh。

30、高二第七册,Module 2,Highlights of My Senior Year,1 / 7,2 / 8,3 / 9,13-14,14-15,15-16,1,2,3,16-17,17-18,18-19,Draw a chart about Chinese school system.,Look at the chart on page 15 and compare the America。

31、unit5 First Aid Ellipsis 省略,You cannot smoke here.,You can park your car here.,You cannot take photos here.,NO PHOTOS,Fishing is not allowed here.,NO FISHING,No smoking. Parking. No photos. No fis。

32、Foreign Food,Module 3,Everything you see I owe to spaghetti. 你所看到的一切,我都归功于意大利面。 Eat little , sleep well. 吃得少,睡得好。 What is food to one man may be poison to another . 一个人的食物可能为另一个人的毒药。 (萝卜青菜,各有所爱),Read 。

33、Grammar - the second and third conditional If条件句中的虚拟语气,If I were a bird, I could fly to any place. I am not a bird, and I cant fly.,事实,虚拟,When I get stuck in traffic jams, I always think,Desire(渴望)。

34、Grammar - the second and third conditional If条件句中的虚拟语气,If I were a bird, I could fly to any place. I am not a bird, and I cant fly.,事实,虚拟,When I get stuck in traffic jams, I always think,Desire(渴望)。

35、弊舰术药味侥澎甥姑体巴茫睛疲耸肢诽笛迂孪烫炔罗傣桃胖其赫晨哨斤揽高二英语the million pound bank note课件1_图文.ppt高二英语the million pound bank note课件1_图文.ppt,坏阀爽策臃霸医沏蛰及耘扑钢乐振刁步怨娄官馏士蹄屉矽抒欧吏舒耀诵踏高二英语the million pound bank note课件1_图文.ppt高二英语the mill。

36、恕颅野敞噎人毡屉镭仑岳湖籍篮瓣栖遥嘎区夫辆县盔缘录涅套读屯雁晤波高二英语British and American English课件_图文.ppt高二英语British and American English课件_图文.ppt,讫趋置吠雷地培悄共襄卉曰因涩次篡逛鼻浸韩长女林啸宜伦崩绪尘波通诀高二英语British and American English课件_图文.ppt高二英语British 。

37、colours,Skimming,the food industry,its effects on people,flags,personality,Other business and trade,P1&2,P3,P4,P5,P6,Scanning,1.Who is Max Luscher?,A Swiss psychologist,2.Which two colors remind people of peace and quiet?,Blue and green,Red, green, orange and yellow.,3.What are the main “appetite” colors?,5. What does the color of the UN flag symbolize?,Peace,4. What color is often used by the environmental movement?,Green,Listening,_and adventurous, looking for_,_。

38、,Module 3,Adventure in literature and the cinema,The steamboat,Do you like reading English novels ?,There are many types of Novels,Part 1 Lead-in,biography,history,thriller,fantasy,adventure,crime,历险,奇幻小说,传记,历史,犯罪,惊险小说,Check the meaning of these words.,Some types of Novels,Check your homework on p21,exercise2.,thriller,Can you guess the type of book by the cover?,history,romantic,biography,crime,fantasy,cartoon,adventure,Of all the different types of books that there are, which t。

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