
Unit4 When is Easter?,A lets talk,T:What day is it today? Ss: Today is . T: When is ? Ss: Its .,Free talk,Its on May 1st .,Its in May.,When is May Day


1、Unit4 When is Easter?,A lets talk,T:What day is it today? Ss: Today is . T: When is ? Ss: Its .,Free talk,Its on May 1st .,Its in May.,When is May Day?,May 1st,5月1日,first,Chinas National Day,When 。

2、Unit4 When is Easter?,B Learn,21st,23rd,12th,30th,20th,four,six,seven,sixth,fourth,eight,nine,ten,five,基数词,序数词,缩写形式,t,e,ve,?,seventh,?,tenth,?,eighth,?,ninth,fifth,?,f,one,two,three,first,second,t。

3、Unit 5 Look at the monkeys,第一课时 A Lets learn,(人教PEP)五年级英语下册课件,Lets go,Lets go,l,You can go to see the animals with your partner. 你可以和你的搭档(2-4个人)一起去看动物。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,Look! The _is_!,Times up! Lets go back to school ! 时间到了!我们一起回学校吧!,Oh! Look at the,Its walking,duck,Oh!,Look at the sheep!,Its jumping,Oh!,Look at the duck!,Its jumping,Oh!,Look at the pig!,Its running,Oh!,Look at the bird!,Its flying,Write a Dairy(日记)about your day!,My day Its 。

4、,人教PEP五年级英语下册课件Unit5Lesson1,人教PEP五年级英语下册课件Unit5Lesson1,人教PEP五年级英语下册课件Unit5Lesson1,人教PEP五年级英语下册课件Unit5Lesson1,Lets go,人教P。

5、上犹县第二小学 王远英,UNIT 4 What are you doing,人教PEP五年级英语下册,What are you doing,What are you doing,Im reading a book.,reading a bo。

6、Lesson 3,Unit 1 This is my day,自由调查,判断句子,拼句子,练一练,小结,读读写写,双簧表演,语音学习,Lets play,I do morning exercises at 8:30.,I go to bed at 9:00.,I get up at 6:30.,Read and judge,I get up at 6:30 in the morning. 。

7、,广阳中小学 王莉辉,冀教版五年级下册,Lesson30:A Letter from Li Ming,Jenny: Look, Danny This is you at the train station,Danny: Yes I jump。

8、Lesson 4,Unit 1 This is my day,演一演,学唱歌曲,练对话,找朋友,户外运动,练一练,小结,学短语,说唱歌谣,Read and act,When do you .?,I at .,Lets sing,Lets learn,Lets talk,What do you do on the weekend?,I often . How about you?,。

9、seasons,spring,summer,autumn,winter,I like winter, because I really like winter vacation.,Which season do you like best?,When is your birthday?,Its in _.,January February March April May June Jan。

10、U4 When is Easter?,P43,Sarahs cat has two new kittens.,kitten,April,15,Sarah likes the kittens very much.,She keeps a diary for them.,diary,diary,(日记),P43,Dates 日期,April 15th,April 21st,April 26th,May。

11、,U4 When is Easter?,Spell P40,Blocks 点此超链接,Look at this boy.,His name is Carl.,this,birthday,There is a fun thing today.,party,There,thing,Who comes to the birthday party?,Whos this boy?,Hes my _。

12、Lesson 3,Unit 2 My favourite season,唱一唱,接龙游戏,读读写写,猜谜语,语音学习,喜欢冬天,练一练,小结,看图说话,Lets sing,Chain game,Which season is it? What can you do in spring/.?,Read and write,Pronunciation,Challenge,Group,words,t。

13、Lesson 4,Unit 2 My favourite season,唱一唱,说一说,学单词,看谁快,猜谜语,练一练,小结,摆卡片,小组活动,Lets chant,Guessing game,Its windy and cool? Guess,which season is it?,Lets talk,Lets learn,Group work,Your group is going out。

14、Unit 4,良教乡联合利华希望小学 陈洁,What are you doing?,Draw, draw, draw pictures. Do, do, do the dishes. Cook, cook, cook dinner. Read, read, read a book. Answer, answer, answer the phone.,Warming up,I am doing th。

15、My Favourite Season,Unit 2,Lesson 5,Lets try,Lets talk,Lets talk,Lets talk,Lets talk,Lets talk,Lets find out,Find out your partners favourite season and his favourite activity,Passing my word,Link and say,What would you like to do in spring?,Lets do a survey,Find out your groups favourite season and favourite activity,Whats your favourite season, Amy?,Why?,Because I can swim in the sea.,Summer.,Lets talk,小,结,Why do you like ? Because I can . What season does 。

16、Unit 4,What Are You Doing,Lesson 1,Unit 4 what are you doing?,Period 2,Lets sing,Magic eyes,Read and act as quickly as you can. 尽可能快的读出,并做出动作。,Game 1,(魔力眼),What are you doing?,What are you do。

17、Unit 1 My New Teachers Lesson 2 冈 债 鞠 能 待 拇 沏 恨 唇 狞 敬 店 赖 证 紫 旱 考 殉 尉 省 羚 坞 煽 肌 溶 锄 茸 谩 腊 铜 磐 寿 p e p 小 学 英 语 五 年 级 下 册 U n i t L e s s o n p e p 小 学 英 语 五 年 级 下 册 U n i t L e s s o n 探 泻 咬 禹 上 袍 亮 胆 扎 谅 量 软 叙 腺 朴 蔓 朝 擦 模 涤 突 吉 瘪 痞 斑 肛 苯 镀 塔 拢 唤 供 p e p 小 学 英 语 五 年 级 下 册 U n i t L e s s o n p e p 小 学 英 语 五 年 级 下 册 U n i t L e s s o n My grandpa is old. He is old. My mother is young. She is young. 。

18、,Unit 1 My New Teachers Lesson 2,My grandpa is old. He is old. My mother is young. She is young. My father is tall. He is tall. My sister is short. She is short. My brother is thin. He is thin. My uncle is strong. He is strong. My aunt is kind. She is kind. I am funny. Im funny.,Lets Chant,。

19、Lesson 3,Unit 4 What are you doing,Look and say,Do you want to go to the Childrens Center,the Childrens Center,go to the。

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