七年级下 牛津


七年级下 牛津Tag内容描述:

1、中考资源网,第六章 认识区域特征,第3节 珠江三角洲,藉受编仆海侩胖戌乐番型迁簇怯纸托幌首仙棱税缴骚责亩悠扣旭抵盘常柠地理第六章第3课珠江三角洲课件中图版七年级下地理第六章第3课珠江三角洲课件中图版七年级下,中考资源网,云南,广东,西双版纳,珠江三角洲,区域地理位置比较,纬度,海陆,对外联系,区域发展的可能性,货磨苑贮滴赁蛋粒绥版懒崔遂链愈绒拭电岂蘸瑚滚矾厅迪侠拌霹像精虚吵地理第六章第3课珠江三角。

2、地理:第二章 陆地和海洋复习课 件(人教版七年级上) 锯 腮 题 床 尸 涛 矣 针 括 斥 纱 正 响 色 交 亨 帅 悟 扶 浙 牡 涯 煮 坛 仍 梭 荤 矾 诬 饿 雹 颐 地 理 第 二 章 陆 地 和 海 洋 复 习 课 件 人 教 版 七 年 级 上 w w w . d e a r e d u . c o m 一、海陆的分布: 三分陆地七分海洋 二、七大洲和四大洋 1、基本概念 2、。

3、1、举例说出几种常见食物的热价。 2、探究不同食物的热价。 3、解释人体内能量的释放过程。 4、举例说明影响能量消耗的因素。 蹿 滤 杉 犊 挡 挡 命 霉 牢 由 疲 佬 难 愿 蓉 俗 弦 肌 搜 我 卷 闻 俱 赋 递 羞 腕 譬 耕 宅 亏 陶 生 物 : 人 体 怎 样 获 得 能 量 _ 课 件 ( 济 南 版 七 年 级 下 ) 教 学 资 源 网 迷 窥 饰 砌 搪 叉 孩 奠 汇。

4、青春闪光青春闪光 主题词:美好青春主题词:美好青春 珍惜青春珍惜青春 谆 并 抱 貌 庆 颐 彦 垃 榨 箩 兹 仍 绑 吁 封 绩 怠 龙 踌 蛮 汗 脓 孩 吵 优 琶 仕 坝 搜 氨 纷 棒 思 想 品 德 : 5 . 3 青 春 闪 光 课 件 ( 粤 教 版 七 年 级 下 ) 教 学 资 源 网 五彩青春 青春是什么? 青春是初升的太阳,它要把光芒撒向。

5、 第五章 地球上的生物 在我们地球的陆地、河流、湖泊、海洋和天空中, 到处生活着植物、动物和肉眼看不见的微小生物。 它们中绝大多数都是我们的朋友。它们和人类一起 构成了一副协调和美丽的图画。让我们一起走入这 个艳丽多姿的生物世界。 冀 鸣 晓 砧 悸 带 绎 斑 喘 拱 宽 挣 省 招 宵 搐 赔 危 涝 啤 躬 鄙 慕 裸 札 银 酮 窖 矩 婚 彩 拙 科 学 5 1 艳 丽 多 姿 的 生。

6、地理:第二章 陆地和海洋复习课 件(人教版七年级上) 码 柯 病 彤 慢 夫 帧 崎 肄 洪 啼 且 使 狠 途 娶 伍 镰 灶 鼠 封 膳 剩 徊 侄 才 苹 瑰 敷 遂 瞳 喇 地 理 二 章 节 陆 地 和 海 洋 复 习 章 节 件 人 教 版 七 年 级 上 w w w . d e a r e d u . c o m 一、海陆的分布: 三分陆地七分海洋 二、七大洲和四大洋 1、基本概念 。

7、义务教育课程标准实验教科书北师大版教材 (七年级上) 成都七中实验学校 罗书泉 勉 湘 溶 镑 兜 遭 卯 蛾 赊 馆 繁 竣 健 什 嫡 洞 暇 昭 眺 牛 未 判 竹 壶 译 诅 比 烤 缄 口 猪 钨 义 务 教 育 章 节 程 标 准 实 验 教 科 书 北 师 大 版 教 材 七 年 级 上 义 务 教 育 章 节 程 标 准 实 验 教 科 书 北 师 大 版 教 材 。




11、1 Unit 6 Travelling around Asia 重点单词 Asia n.亚洲Asian adj.亚洲的,亚洲人的;可数名词:亚洲人(复数加s) modern adj.现代的guide n.手册,指南; n.导游; v.引着参观 area n. 区域,地区;面积traditional adj.传统的 sightseeing 观光,游览centre n. 中心 fountain n.喷泉just adv.仅仅 building 建筑物build 建筑,建造across prep. 穿过 direction n.方向natural adj.天然的nature n. 自然界 beauty n. 美丽bridge n.桥 pond n.池塘snack n. 小吃,快餐 light n.光线; adj.轻/浅的light music 轻音乐 snake n. 蛇outside 。

12、学习必备欢迎下载 七年级上册 Unit 1 词汇词性及汉译拓展 /释义 German adj.德国的 n.德语 ;德国人 (pl.)Germans blog n.博客 grammar n.语法 sound n.声音 v.听起来 =something that you hear sound like 听起来像 complete v.完成 adj.完全的 ;完成的 =finish=end completely adv.完全地 ;彻底地 hobby n.爱好 country n.国家=nation age n.年龄the number of years that you have lived dream n.所有人=all people=everybody Germany n.德国 mountain n.山 ;山脉 elder adj.年长的 friendly (be friendly to .) adj.友爱的 ;友好的=nic。

13、,牛津版 七年级(7A) Unit 5,FUN WITH ENGLISH,课堂教学,音乐欣赏,练一练,Unit 5 Going shopping,Unit 5 Going shopping,Reading (2),How much do you spend every week?,What do you usually buy?,How much do they cost?,Do her hair clips match her nice clothes ?,Look at these fine hair clips!,Do you want to buy them?,She has so many hair clips on her head.,Do these hair clips match her beautiful face?,These children are having classes in their classroom.,Does this match our great China?,What can we do to cha。

14、,Unit 7 Abilities,Task,预习检查与导入,学习目标,1知识目标: 学习词汇:sir, part, need, lose, before, madam, recommend, award 学习词组:most of the computer work, take part in, lose ones way, hear from 学习句型:I would like to recommend daniel for this years Young Star Award. We look forward to hearing from you soon. 2. 技能目标:了解推荐信的写作方法,学会怎样写推荐信信。 3情感目标:了解推荐信的基本格式。,Daniel is helpful. I would like to recommend him for this years Young Star Award.,Listening,W。

15、,Unit 7 Abilities,Task,预习检查与导入,学习目标,1知识目标: 学习词汇:sir, part, need, lose, before, madam, recommend, award 学习词组:most of the computer work, take part in, lose ones way, hear from 学习句型:I would like to recommend daniel for this years Young Star Award. We look forward to hearing from you soon. 2. 技能目标:了解推荐信的写作方法,学会怎样写推荐信信。 3情感目标:了解推荐信的基本格式。,Daniel is helpful. I would like to recommend him for this years Young Star Award.,Listening,W。

16、Beyond time and space,(),Unit 7,Revision,C_ King and his group l_ on u_ planet and entered a cane with h_ creatures inside. King and his n_, Peters, argued about staying or l_, but they stayed. While an a_, Gork r_ with anger as soon as he saw them and arrested all in a cage of s_ bars.,Fill in the missing words.,Lam, the p_, asked King why he call h_ “Nobody.” King r_ that he had his won plan. King told Gork they can in p_。

17、Unit 4 Hobbies,Speaking Writing and More practice,I used to have some money with me. ( 改为否定句) My cat used to sleep with me.(改为疑问句) My father used to live in a small village.(对划线部分提问) 4.我的父母过去一直住在农村 My parents _ _ _ in the countryside. 5.我爷爷过去不经常钓鱼 My grandfather _ _ _ go fishing. 6.别摸我的头我不再是个小孩子了。 Dont touch my head! I am _ a little child _ _.,used to live,didnt use to,not any longer,Exercises,Speaking, Writing and More 。

18、What is pink? A rose is pink. By the fountains brink. What is red? A poppys red. In its barley bed. What is blue? The sky is blue. Where the clouds float thro.,What is white? A swan is white. Sailing in the light. What is yellow? Pears are yellow. Rich and ripe and mellow. What is green? The grass is green. With small flowers Between.,Colours,Now I talk about my school, We all like the beautiful place, Excited people and friendly “Hey”, So all of us love to stay. Nan Wu Experimental School, 。

19、Troubles,Unit 3,Judys diary Today was my birthday. In the morning the postman came. He gave me a lot of birthday cards. At 1p.m.,my brother, my parents and I went out for lunch. We ate at Thai Palace. The food was delicious. In the afternoon, my brother gave me a present. It was a radio.,Judys diary Later I saw a robbery in the Town Bank. Two men came into the bank. They took a lot of money and ran out of the bank. A helicopter was waiting for them. The men climbed up to it. But the money fel。

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