
Unit two My week.,Snow White 白雪公主,星期一,星期二,What do we have on Tuesdays? We have.,星期三,What do we have on Wednesdays? We have.,星期四,What do we have on Fri


1、Unit two My week.,Snow White 白雪公主,星期一,星期二,What do we have on Tuesdays? We have.,星期三,What do we have on Wednesdays? We have.,星期四,What do we have on Fridays? We have.,星期五,Lets chant: Monday, Monday, math on Monday. Tuesday, Tuesday, art on Tuesday! Wednesday, Wednesday, Computers on Wednesday. Thursday, Thursday, P.E. on Thursday. Friday, Friday, my favourite day!,Make the own chant(编自己的歌谣) Monday, , on Monday. Tuesday, , on Tuesday. Wednesday, , on Wednesday. Thur。

2、PEP小学英语五年级下册Unit2Myfavouriteseason,1,Unit2 My favourite season. PartA Lets learn,PEP小学英语五年级下册Unit2Myfavouriteseason,2,Whats the weather like today?,Weather Song,PEP小学英语五年级下册Unit2Myfavouriteseason,3,T。

3、人教版PEP小学五年级英语(上)UnitThis is my day教案 学习内容分析:本节课是人教版教材小学英语五年级下册Unit This is my day中的第四课时,即B部分的词汇教学,在教学过程中,围绕本课的教学目标,我设计了以下四个部分的学习内容:1、播放C部分的英语歌曲,创设一个英语学习的环境;2、预习,引出单词weekend,学生模仿发音。3、新课教学,首先让学生听短语录音,让学生初步感知本课短语的读法,然后在教师的引导下,通过观看课件等方式学习课文内容;4、巩固和延伸。在处理这五部分的教学内容时,我把重点放在了新课教学上,让学生。

4、Unit2 My Favourite Season,B lets talk & lets try,The colours are beautiful.,The colours are pretty.,Which season do you like best?,I like _ best.,Why do you like _?,Because Its . I can .,fl。

5、Four Seasons,Brainstorming(头脑风暴),2、Can you tell me the words about weather? (你能说出有关天气的词吗?),3、Can you tell me the words about clothes? ( 你能说出有关服装的词吗?),1、What do you do on the weekend?,spring,in sing,I。

6、PEP 6 Unit2 Lets spell,br- gr-,b,x,t,p,h,d,c,l,c,l,o,ck,ea,n,a,ss,class,e,ver,clever,clock,clean,p,l,a,te,plate,a,nt,eggplant,ea,se,please,ay,play,library,Go to the .,Look at the bookshelves.(书架),T。

7、Unit2 My Favourite Season,A lets talk & lets try,warm and sunny,Its .,flowers,I can see.,the sea,hot,ice cream,cool and windy,fruits,cold and snowy,snow,There are four seasons.,season,Do you li。

8、pep小学英语五年级上unit3-part-A,Sharp eyes!,pep小学英语五年级上unit3-part-A,Can you classify(分类) them?,pep小学英语五年级上unit3-part-A,Can you classify(分类) them?,food,drink,pep小学英语五年级上unit3-part-A,What would you like?,Unit。

9、pep小学英语五年级上unit3partA,1,Sharp eyes!,pep小学英语五年级上unit3partA,2,Can you classify(分类) them?,pep小学英语五年级上unit3partA,3,Can you classify(分类) them?,food,drink,pep小学英语五年级上unit3partA,4,What would you like?,Unit。

10、Unit 2,My favourite season,Section A,PEP Primary English Grade 5 The Second Term,Spring,Summer,autumn,winter,Which seaso。


12、Advice for weekdays Unit 2 B Read and write教学设计 一、教学设计整体思路 本课以任务为驱动,运用头脑风暴激活孩子们的阅读兴趣;通过设计层层递进的问题引领学生对课文理解的同时关注核心语言的学习。教师通过引导学生对文本进行观察和推理,培养学生的思维能力,引导学生理解文本的内涵,进而促使学生形成良好的生活作息习惯意识。 二、教学目标 1语言知识和语言技。

13、Unit 2 My Schoolbag,Do you remember?,- Whats in the classroom? - A borad, two lights, many desks and chairs. Whats in your schoolbag?,schoolbag,English book,Chinese book,maths book,storybook,W。

14、Unit 2 My Schoolbag,Do you remember?,- Whats in the classroom? - A borad, two lights, many desks and chairs. Whats in your schoolbag?,notebook,schoolbag,Chinese book,English book,math book,stor。

15、四 spring sunny 阳光充足的 and warm温暖的 summer sunny and hot热的 autumn windy 多风的 and cool凉爽的 winter windy and cold 寒冷的,五 1. spri。

16、My Days of the Week,PEP小学英语五年级上,颍泉区泉颍中心小学 纵倩,Lead in,Lets try,Lets talk,Practice,Homework,回答问题:1.What day is it today2.W。

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