
Sunny,Partly cloudy,Clear,Beautiful / perfect,Hot,Cold,Foggy,Cloudy,Hailing,Raining,Snowing,Stormy,Windy,人教PEP五年级英语下册,Unit 4 What are you doing,Lets c


1、Sunny,Partly cloudy,Clear,Beautiful / perfect,Hot,Cold,Foggy,Cloudy,Hailing,Raining,Snowing,Stormy,Windy,。

2、人教PEP五年级英语下册,Unit 4 What are you doing,Lets chant,What are you doing What are you doing I am doing the dishes. What are 。

3、Magic eyes,Read and act as quickly as you can.,Game 1,魔力眼,PEP English Class Class One Grade Five Yu Lily April 23rd,Unit。

4、Unit 4 We love animals Lets learn,(人教PEP)三年级英语上册课件,我是小小表演家 (复习所学的单词),Let Review,pig,mouse,elephant,squirrel,bird,bear,Quick motion,Quick motion,Quick motion,Quick motion,Lets play a game,找朋友,把学生分成六个小组,利用句型I like-/I dont like 自由练习两分钟,然后根据老师的引导找出自己的朋友, 即喜欢同一种动物的学生站在一起。,Homework,1、画出自己及家人最喜欢的五种动物, 并涂上颜色。 2、小组内相互表演所学所有动物,同学们 再见,。

5、,Part A Lets learn,Unit Four I have a pen pal,1. I have .,我有,2. pen pal,笔友,I have a pen pal.,playing basketball.,swimming.,play the,violin,playing the violin,stamp,collect stamps,collecting stamps。

6、榆林市星元小学,UNIT 4 What are you doing,郭梅英,人教PEP五年级英语下册,Are you ready Go,Spell game,n , g , i , r , a , w , d,s , a , e , r ,。

7、上犹县第二小学 王远英,UNIT 4 What are you doing,人教PEP五年级英语下册,What are you doing,What are you doing,Im reading a book.,reading a bo。

8、unit4 My Holiday,人教pep英语课件六年级下册 unit4,教学目标:1.学生能掌握了解新单词。 2.了解国内外的节日及其起源. 3.了解email.,My Holiday,1 New words 2 My holiday 。

9、Unit4 My holiday,人教PEP六年级英语下册,Do you like holiday?,Where did you go?,Great wall,Huangshan Mountain,What did you do on your holiday?,Climbed a mountain,Took pictures,Sang and danced,Learned English,Ate good food,Two students a group talk about your holiday.,1.did,on,what,do,holiday,you,your. 2.pictures,I, took. 3.did,go,where,you,your,on,holiday. 4.sang,with,friends,new,danced,I,my,and.,What did you do on your holiday?,I took pictures.,Where did you go on your holiday?,I sang and danced 。

10、(第一课时),乌江中心小学 王丽,Unit4 Its warm today,Lets chant,My shirt is red. My jacket is blue. My dress is old. My sweater is new.,My socks are white. My shoes are too. My pants are old. My shorts are new.,Lets learn,hot 炎热的 cool 凉爽的 cold 寒冷的 warm 暖和的 weather 天气 Good morning. This is the weather report. Its cool in Lasa.,Its cool in Lasa. 拉萨,Its warm in Beijing.,Its warm in Shanghai. 上海天气是暖和的。,上海,Its cold in Harbin. 哈尔滨天气冷。,哈尔滨,Its warm in _.,Guili。

11、(第一课时),乌江中心小学 王丽,Unit4 Its warm today,Lets chant,My shirt is red. My jacket is blue. My dress is old. My sweater is new.,My socks are white. My shoes are too. My pants are old. My shorts are new.,Lets learn,hot 炎热的 cool 凉爽的 cold 寒冷的 warm 暖和的 weather 天气 Good morning. This is the weather report. Its cool in Lasa.,Its cool in Lasa. 拉萨,Its warm in Beijing.,Its warm in Shanghai. 上海天气是暖和的。,上海,Its cold in Harbin. 哈尔滨天气冷。,哈尔滨,Its warm in _.,Guili。

12、Unit4 My holiday,人教PEP六年级英语下册,Do you like holiday?,Where did you go?,Great wall,Huangshan Mountain,What did you do on your holiday?,Climbed a mountain,Took pictures,Sang and danced,Learned English,Ate good food,Two students a group talk about your holiday.,1.did,on,what,do,holiday,you,your. 2.pictures,I, took. 3.did,go,where,you,your,on,holiday. 4.sang,with,friends,new,danced,I,my,and.,What did you do on your holiday?,I took pictures.,Where did you go on your holiday?,I sang and danced 。

13、What can you do?,water,Water the flowers,浇花,clean,Clean the bedroom,打扫房间,wash,Wash the windows,擦窗,cook,Cook the meals,做饭,sweep,Sweep the floor,扫地,A,B,C,D,What can you do?,I/He/She can,baby goat,mother。

14、Unit 4,良教乡联合利华希望小学 陈洁,What are you doing?,Draw, draw, draw pictures. Do, do, do the dishes. Cook, cook, cook dinner. Read, read, read a book. Answer, answer, answer the phone.,Warming up,I am doing th。

15、人教PEP五年级英语上册,Unit3 what is your favourite food,Welcome to my home.,Guessing game :what is missing ,What is missing,Green。

16、Unit 4 what are you doing?,What are you doing?,What are you doing?,What are you doing?,What are you doing?,What are you doing?,A: Hello!,B: Hi. Its _. What are you doing?,A: Im answering the phone. What are you doing?,B: Im _.( drawing pictures / doing the dishes / cooking dinner / reading a book ),Pair Work: A Phone Call,What are you doing? What are you doing?,Im cooking dinner. What are you doing?,Im drawing pictures. What are you doing?,Im doing the dishes. What are you doing。

标签 > 人教PEP五年级英语下册课件Unit4[编号:1241714]
