


1、Lesson 11 TV and telephone TV watch TV telephone talk on the phone computer play on the computer radio listen to the radio Jennys day I walk home after school. I talk on the phone with my friends. I watch TV. I play on the computer. I listen to the radio. TV telephone computer radio watch TV talk on the phone listen to the radio play on the computer Talk about it with partners: What do you do at home? Homework 。

2、Module 4 RobotsUnit 1 Robots will do everything.Function: Describing things in the future and talking about abilities Teaching points: 1.Sentences: One day, robots will do everything. 2. Words and phrases: robot everything one day housework learn our that 3. Using will to describe things in the future Teaching properties: cards tape-recorder CAITeaching procedures: (1) Warming up: -Greeting. 。

3、小学四年级英语,Unit 4: What would you like? A. Lets learn,教学目标:,知识目标:能够听、说、认读单词 rice fish beef soup noodles vegetable juice bread milk chicken hot dog hamburger 能力目标:能够在实际情景中应用。 句型:Can I have some _ please。 Sure. Here you are.,自学指导,1、学生认真读单词,注意不会读的画出来。 2、听录音注意单词的读音,学生跟读。 3、教师领读。 4、让学生相互对读并纠正错误读音。教师检查。,学句型 Can I have some rice. please? Sure. Here you are.,当堂训练,一把下单词和相对应的图片。

4、人教PEP 英语五年级(上),Unit4 What can you do?,bedroom,clean the bedroom,A: Are you helpful at home? 你在家帮忙做家务吗? B:Sure.,-what can you do? -I can ,你能做些什么?,我会,pairwork,-What can you do?,-I can,Great! Youre helpful!,Lets talk,Listen and answer.(听录音,回答问题),-What can Chen Jie do?,-She can_.,-She can_.,Lets talk,Lets talk,Lets check the answers. 让我们一起检查答案。,-What can Chen Jie do?,-She can_.,-She can_.,sweep the floor,co。


6、,What day is today?,Lesson 4,看图说话,run,跑步,Tuesday,on,星期二,在,Monday,on,Wednesday,on,Thursday,on,星期四,jump rope,run,jump rope,Tuesday,Monday,星期四,Thursday,Wednesday,复习,系动词:,I 是am很特殊,单数第三人称是is,复数和You 都用 are,am is are,The girls are piaying vollyball.,现在进行时:,主语+系动词+动词的现在分词,play with a yo-yo .,Li Dong is playing with a yo-yo.,Li Dong,ing,Li Shan is jumping rope.,jump rope,ing,Li Shan,The boys are playing basketball.,play basketball,ing,The boys,jump 。

7、,Unit 3 My friends Part B,http:/v.ku6.com/show/czR7ZJg0ApKTsRMMggsZZg.html,Lets sing a song!,Friend,Tom,strong,thin,Tom,Jerry,Short fair,Long hair,Lily,Lucy,I like sports!,Liu Xiang,I like play computer games!,Little Tommy,I like science!,Uncle Jack,I like music!,Wang Lihong,I like painting!,Xiao Mei,Lets play a game!,I have a friend. HisHer name is.HeShe likes .,Two people in a group.Choose one of the 5 person you like。

8、He sits at the desk.,在书桌旁,at the table,He is making a funny mask.,funny fun,1. Where does Martin sit?,2. What is he doing?,3. What does his grandma ask?,She asks: Is it nice?,ask answer,4. What does his grandma do?,She puts on the mask.,put on,take off,laugh,Fill in the blanks in the follow passages according to Look and read:,A: My _ is Jill. Im Kittys new _. Im _ years old. I live _ our school. I _ to school every day. I like _. I _ play _. I can _。

9、See you.,Goodbye.,Bye-bye.,We are going to the park.,现在进行时:,我们要去公园。,主语 + be + doing,My name is Susan Song. You can call me Susan.,称呼,Whats your name?,What about you?,My name is You can call me,His / Her name is You can call him / her,This is Kitty Li.,You can call her _.,Kitty,Shes a st_dent.,u,pupil,student n_mber :,u,号码,fifteen,room number telephone number ID card number,Ask and answer:,Whats your student number?,My student number is ,His / Her student number is,Who is 。

10、lesson4 第四课,How many people Are there in your family?,How,怎样,Many,很多,许多,there,在那里,在那边,people,人,人们,How many people are there in your family?,你家里有几口人?,How many are there? 某处有多少。,There is/are,me,My brother,My mother,My father,My grandma,My grandpa,小乐,Xiaoles family 小 乐 的 家,me,My brother,My mother,My father,My grandma,My grandpa,小乐,How many people are there in xiaoles family?,family,家庭,人,人们,people,beach,海滩,How many people are there On the beach?,The。

11、四年级英语,UNIT TWO 2 MY SCHOOLBAG ( Let learn ) 犀港小学 成毕芳,English book,Chinese book,math book,story-book,notebook,schoolbag,You can do it:,Good good study , day day up . 好 好 学 习 ,天 天 向 上.,。


13、外语教学与研究出版社小学第三册,英 语,北二十家子九年一贯制学校 沈彩虹,MODULE 9 Happy Birthday,Unit 1,Can I have some sweets?,聪明的小朋友,你能从天上摘下多少颗星星?,认,学,读,练,演,写,记,编,soup,sweets,bread,light,fruit,biscuit,认一认,Yes,you can.,Sorry,you cant.,问:,我能拥有一些吗?,是的,你能。,对不起,你不能。,答:,学一学:,Can I have some?,Can I have some,soup?,sweets?,bread?,练一练:,Can I have some,biscuit?,light?,fruit?,读一读:,Mum, Im hungry. Can I have some soup?,Sorry,you cant.,But 。

14、,Unit 8 Dolls (Period 1),New words,ears,nose,eyes,mouth,Touch your Rules(游戏规则): 认真听老师所说的句子,用手指触摸相应的部位,并且说三遍该部位的单词。 T: Touch your nose. Ss: Nose, nose, nose. ,Play a game,hair 头发,Her hair is long.,How are the dolls eyes?,1. Her eyes are ?,2. His eyes are ?,Big. Small,Big. Small,她的,Watch and answer,他的,How to describe the dolls?,1.自己读课文,划出文中描述洋娃娃外貌的句子。 2.同桌交流找到的句子。,Read and find,第一遍:跟读故事,注意模仿语音语调。,Lets read。

15、Unit3 My Friends,friends 1.安静的 long hair 2. 短头发 short hair 3.长头发 thin 4.强壮的 strong 5. 瘦的 quiet 6. 朋友,He has He is ,Who is he/she?,TV,a cup of tea,vest,violin,van,第三人称单数,第三人称1.Amy, 2.My friend ,3.he ,4.she likes has is,。

16、Unit5 What would you like?,Part B Read and write,Teacher: Ruby,What would you like?,Dumplings, dumplings(饺子), Noodles or rice. Hamburgers, hot dogs would be nice. French fries, French fries, Bread or pies(煎饼). Chicken or vegetables would be nice.,What would you like for dinner ?,Id like some soup and_.,rice,What would you like for dinner?,Id like some_and_.,rice,beef,What would you like for dinner?,Id like some_, _and_.,rice,beef,fish,What would you like for dinner?,I。

17、第一课时,吉林省长春市南关区树勋小学 孙 颖,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.lspjy.com,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.lspjy.com,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.lspjy.com,Sing a song,We have a new classroom,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.lspjy.com,Lets chant,Where,where, where is your pencil? In the box, in the box. Where,where, where is your box ? On the chair, on the chair. Where,where, where is your chair? Under the desk, under the desk. Where,where, where is your desk? Near the door, near the door.,绿色圃中小。

18、Do better everyday!,Unit 6 Im short and fat.,small,Big,The horse is big!,The horse is small!,Our Body,eye,ear,nose,mouth,hand,Look, the rabbit has big ears. And small eyes.,Look, the dogs have big ears. And small eyes.,Long,Short,Look, everyone. I have a rabbit.,Oh, it has long ears and a short tail.,Wow! It has a big mouth and a long tail.,Look at the monkey.,Wow! It has a big mouth,Wow! The mouse has big ears!,Lets chant,An elephant has big ears. A cat has small ears. A monkey has a lo。

19、subjects,课时三,Listen and say,lessons,Time (a.m.),Subject,8:00 to 8:40,8:50 to 9:30,9:50 to 10:30,10:40 to 11:20,Time (p.m.),Subject,English,Science,P.E.,Chinese,2:30 to 3:10,3:20 to 4:00,Maths,Music,What lessons do we have today?,We have Chinese, Maths, English and Science in the morning.,We have P.E. and Music in the afternoon.,I like Chinese and Maths. What subjects do you like?,I like Maths and Science.,I like P.E. and Art.,What about you, Alice?,Peter: What lessons do we have today? Joe: W。

20、U1-U3 U1复习,This is the library.,Is this the library?,Where is the library?,Its on the first floor.,Yes, it is.,This is the,食堂,教师办公室,操场,花园,体育馆,canteen.,playground.,garden,gym,teachers office.,Is this the,食堂,教师办公室,操场,花园,体育馆,canteen?,playground?,garden?,gym?,teachers office?,That is the canteen.,Is that the canteen?,Yes, it is.,Where is the canteen?,Its on the second floor.,That is the,美术教室,电脑教室,洗手间,音乐教室,电视机房,art room.,computer room.,washroom.,music 。

标签 > 四年级英语活力卷答案[编号:483971]
