
Period 3,Tastes,2,Oxford English,Module 1 Using my five senses,Look and spell,Ask and answer,It is an apple.,How is the apple?,What is it?,It is red.


1、Period 3,Tastes,2,Oxford English,Module 1 Using my five senses,Look and spell,Ask and answer,It is an apple.,How is the apple?,What is it?,It is red. It is round. It is sweet. It is juicy.,Ask and answer,How is ?,What is it?,Read and guess,Read and guess,Read and guess,Read and guess,Read aloud,Read aloud,Read aloud,Read aloud,Read aloud,Read aloud,Read and guess,1,3,2,Read and guess,It is green. It is big and round. It is sweet. What is it?,1,Read and guess,2,It is brown. It is sweet. It is 。

2、Colours,Chant What is green? The tree is green. What is white? The cloud is white. What is yellow? The sun is yellow. What is red? The flower is red. What is blue? The sky is blue. What is orange? The doll is orange. What is purple? The kite is purple.,What is colourful? The rainbow is colourful.,red,orange,yellow,green,blue,purple,rainbow,Look at the rainbow in the sky. It is colourful. The rainbow has seven colours. They are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple and violet. Look at 。

3、Unit 17 The missing necklace Lesson 65,welcome to our class!,更多资源xiti123.taobao.com,A:Who is the boy/girl/man/woman? B:Which one? A:The one who B:Oh, he/she is,A:Whats this animal? B:Which one? A:The one that B:Its a /an/Sorry, I dont know how to call it in English.,Fill in the blanks with that, which or who. 1. The magazine _ I borrowed from the library was newly published. 2. The ID card _ I lost last week was found in a supermarket. 3. The newspapers _ we have。

4、,Unit 2 Tastes,小学英语第二册12,里寺小学 李霞,教学目标:,一、熟练掌握新单词:taste, how, sweet, sour. 二、运用新句型进行交流, 描述食物的味道。,请同学们打开课本第6页,边看边听,可小声跟读,并且画出不认识的单词。,自学提示 1,sour: 酸的.,ta-ste,s-wee-t,sour,how,Learn the new words:,taste :品尝,how: 怎么样,sweet: 甜的,can-dy,Its candy . Its sweet.,ice cream,Its an ice cream . Its sweet, too.,le-mon,Its a lemon . Its sour.,candy,orange,how,sour,lemon,ice cream,taste,sweet,how,当堂测试一:,一、将。

5、Period 3,Sounds,3,Oxford English,Module 1 Using my five senses,Look and say,Choose and say,Look and spell,Ask and answer,What can you hear?,Ask and answer,What can you hear?,Look and talk,What can you hear?,I can hear ,Look and say,Look and think,Tom is a farmer. This is his farm. It is a morning. Listen! What can you hear? I can hear a _. I can hear _ and _. I can hear _ too.,Tom is happy on his farm.,Look and number,1,4,3,2,Ask and answer,How many animals? 。

6、Period 2,Sounds,3,Oxford English,Module 1 Using my five senses,Clap and say,Read and judge,plane,car,ship,train,boat,jeep,Read and judge,plane,bus,car,bike,train,Read and judge,bus,boat,plane,motorbike,ship,helicopter,Look and spell,Listen! What can you hear?,I can hear a dog. I can hear a bus. What can you hear?,I can hear a plane. I can hear cars.,Say and act,Listen and say,What can you hear?,Ask and answer,What can you hear?,Listen and write,Listen and write,What can you hear?,I can hear 。

7、Module 2 My favourite things Unit 2 Toys,ball,kite,robot,Robot , robot . I am a robot. I am super. I am cool. I am helpful.,robot,robots,this robot,these robots,bear,bears,this bear,these bears,doll,dolls,these dolls,this doll,Quizzes,1. I like _. bikes B. bike C. this bikes D. these bikes 2. Do you like this_? A. balls B. ball 3. -What do you like? -I like these_? A. robot B. robots,A,B,B,Say it,-What do you like? -I like robots. -I like this robot. Its cool. -I like these。

8、Period 1,Sounds,3,Oxford English,Module 1 Using my five senses,Listen and say,Look and say,Look and say,Look and read,plane,bike,ship,car,bus,train,Read and match,bike bus train car ship plane,Listen and read,What can you hear?,I can hear a train.,I can hear .,Ask and answer,What can you hear?,I can hear a bus.,I can hear a ship.,I can hear a plane.,I can hear a bike.,Listen and order,Ask and answer,1,6,4,3,2,5,7,Ask and answer,Ask and answer,Ask and answer,Look and choose,I ca。

9、本单元教学特色,1、用图表和术语全面介绍叙述文的写作技巧和方法, 2、篇章结构分析,抓住关键点将课文有机的串起来,使学生迅速掌握课文。 3、独特的语言赏析角度,帮助学生把握分析语言的方法。,Lesson One,Face to Face with Hurricane Camille,Aims,To know the writing technique of a narrative. To be acquainted with some literary terms To learn to use words to describe disasters and violence To appreciate the language features To learn to write a story about disasters.,Teaching Contents,1. The literary style 2。

10、Book Three,Unit Two,Myths and Legends,Unit Two,Task 1: Who Are They? Task 2: Fables Task 3: Bedtime Stories,Myths and Legends,Do you have any favorite myths and legends?,Myths and Legends,Myth is not something fictional or illusory but something of exceptional significance and value. Anne Baring,Task 1,Task 1,Who are they?,Task 1,Click the picture to get the answer,Who are they?,Task 2,Fables Aesops Quotations,Better be wise by the misfortunes of others than by your own. The gods help t。

11、Oxford English,Period 2,Tastes,2,Module 1 Using my five senses,Look and say,Look and spell,cake,lemon,orange,candy,apple,peach,Ask and answer,How is the apple?,It is big.,It is round.,It is sweet.,It is juicy.,How is the ?,Ask and answer,How is the ?,Ask and answer,How is the ?,Ask and answer,Look and talk,How is the ?,Read and match,It is sweet.,It is juicy.,It is sweet and sour.,It is cold.,It is sour.,It is juicy.,Read and match,It is sweet.,It is nice.,It i。

12、Period 1,Tastes,2,Module 1 Using my five senses,Oxford English,Touch and guess,Whats in the bag?,Say and read,candy,ice cream,lemon,Clap and say,Read and spell,candy,ice cream,lemon,a,an,Read and match,a, an, or /,a,an,a,a,an,an,/,/,Read and match,candy a lemon chocolate an ice cream a peach a pear an orange an apple,Read and talk,Taste it. How is it?,It is sour.,Taste it. How is it?,It is sweet.,Look and judge,Sweet or Sour?,sweet,sour,sweet,?,How is it?,?,?,?,Ask and choose,sweet,。

13、,Module 1 Using my five senses,Oxford English,Period 1,Colours,1,The Rainbow,Look at the rainbow, The rainbow, The rainbow. Look at the rainbow In the sky. Red, orange, yellow, Green and blue, Purple and violet too. Look at the rainbow, The rainbow, The rainbow. Look at the rainbow In the sky.,What colour is it?,Mix the Colours,Mix _ and _. What colour is it?,It is _.,red,white,pink,Look and say,Mix _ and _. What colour is it?,It is _.,red,yellow,o。

14、本单元教学特色,1、用图表和术语全面介绍叙述文的写作技巧和方法, 2、篇章结构分析,抓住关键点将课文有机的串起来,使学生迅速掌握课文。 3、独特的语言赏析角度,帮助学生把握分析语言的方法。,Lesson One,Face to Face with Hurricane Camille,Aims,To know the writing technique of a narrative. To be acquainted with some literary terms To learn to use words to describe disasters and violence To appreciate the language features To learn to write a story about disasters.,Teaching Contents,1. The literary style 2。

15、Oxford English,Period 2,1,Module 1 Using my five senses,Colours,The Rainbow,Look at the rainbow, The rainbow, The rainbow. Look at the rainbow In the sky. Red, orange, yellow, Green and blue, Purple and violet too. Look at the rainbow, The rainbow, The rainbow. Look at the rainbow In the sky.,Read and match,red yellow blue green black,white orange purple violet,Mix the Colours,Mix _ and _. What colour is it?,It is _.,red,white,pink,Look and say,。

16、Say the chant together,Play, play. Im playing. Run, run, Hes running. Eat, eat. Shes eating. Sing, sing. Theyre singing. Have, have. Were having.,现在进行时,1、be+v-ing 2、be- is/am/are 3、我用am你用are 4、单数is 复数are,Warm up,The sun is shining Shes reading a book Theyre swimming.,He is playing the suona, but the phone rings.,play football 踢足球,play games,play the suona,play am playing I am playing the suona,play the piano,bell 铃,door bell is ringing The door b。

17、-精品范文推荐- 小学六年级英语上册unit5英语课件下面,小编为大家整理关于小学六年级英语上册unit5英语课件,欢迎大家参考阅读。小学六年级英语上册unit5英语课件一、教学要求1、四会单词和词组:holiday、 last 、early、 meet、 before、 did、 taste、 pull up、 milk 、cook及其中动词的过去式。2、句型What ( else) did you do.? We / I .3、三会单词和词组: farm 、carrot、 fun 、camp、 National Dayfilm、 cow、 pick、 wonderful 、volleyball、 mountain4、三会日常交际用语: Did you like。

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