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1、Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?( Period 3)教学设计Unit 1Where did you go on vacation?Period 3ContentSection B 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 1e教学目标要求1能够用问答句来巩固Section A 所学重点语言内容,如:Where did? What did? How was?How were?2学习正确、得体地运用相关形容词描绘假期活动及自己的感受,如:delicious, exciting, terrible, expensive, cheap, boring等。3能够找到成对的

2、反义词,如:delicious-terrible, expensive-cheap, exciting-boring.4能够利用句子重音捕捉关键内容,把握所听内容的大意,写出正确答案,如:What did Lisa say about her vacation? Great.5能模仿录音内容,分角色对目标语进行进一步的表达,如:1e。教学过程活动步骤教与学活动目的及其操作复习、巩固已学目标语Read the conversation and answer my questions.1Where did Alice go on vacation? ( Sanya)复习Did she go wit

3、h anyone? ( Yes, with her family )时间Did she buy anything for herself?( No, she didn t)4 m导入时间1m仿照上述对话,组织Pair-work 复习活动2OK. Now look at this cartoon. Let s do pair-work:学生双人活动,教师抽查几对学生引入单元标题教师板书或课件显示:3 Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? Period 3教师询问几个学生:How was your vacation?复习成对的适用于描述活动及谈论感受的形容词Fi

4、rst, please say some pairs of description words, such as good bad.4学生可回答:happy sad; interesting boring; relaxing tiring 等。Ask some students to read them.用图片、实物、肢体语言 ( 如面部表情 ) ,以闲聊的方式向学生呈现课本形容词Yesterday I went out for dinner with my family. I had a hamburger. It was terrible. And I also ate some ice

5、cream. That wasdelicious.5板书: terrible delicious, then follow me.I have a pen. It s very cheap. ( 拿起一位同学的钢笔 )1aLily pen very expensive.时间板书: cheap expensive6 mFollow me to read the words.完成 1a 活动,汇报结果,师生核对确认。Please open your books and turn to page 4. Look at 1a. Can you finish Activity 1a, please?6N

6、ow, let s check.核对 1a 任务的答案,学生进行自我评价。Ss read the words together.( 教师帮助纠正发音 )完成 1b,并朗读学过的成对的形容词1bLets write the words on the blanks.时间7Ask 2 Ss to show the answers.5 mcheap expensive; exciting boring.Lets read them together.朗读问题后回答教师问题,挖掘听力信息Lets read the questions in 1c. Then answer my questions:Wha

7、t s the girl s name in the conversation? ( Lisa)Does she have a best friend? ( Yes. she did)8 How did she like her vacation? ( I don tknow.)( 能帮助学生从题干中挖掘听力信息,还能缓解听前常有的焦虑和紧张)Good. You know this time we re going to listen to something about Lisa s vacation. Lisa has a best friend, but we don tknow the

8、1cname. And we don tknow whether this friend is a boy or a girl. How did Lisa like her vacation? Well, we dontknow, either. So,时间lets listen to Lisa s story now.8 m听力实践,从对话中获取信息Now let s listen to the tape and answer the questions:The conversation is very long and may be a little difficult. The 1st

9、time, you can write something important for short just like H.K.9 for Hong Kong. Listen again and check the information, then write them down. ( 提示学生,观察图片,第一个问题的答案隐藏其中 )Ask and answer in pairs. Check and correct the answers.1d时间6 m1e时间6 m听前活动,回顾对话,预填1d 的形容词Can you remember the conversation? Please w

10、rite the description words in the blank.10Ask 2 students to show their words.( 教师可板书记录,以待对比)听力实践,从对话中获取信息Well, listen again and correct your answers, then check yours with others.11 Ok, please answer my questions together.What did Lisa say about her vacation? / the people/ the fun park / the food /

11、the stores? Ss: Her vacation was great / The fun park was exciting / . ( 提示学生要用一般过去时进一步体验对话内容;跟读对话中的句子。12Read and learn.听后活动,练习对话;Well, let s work in pairs about Lisa s vacation.131 Where did Lisa go on vacation?was 或 were)She went to Hong Kong. ( 对于基础较好的学生,老师可要求其复述Lisa 的假期香港之行及感受)小结时间143 m作业时间151m本

12、活动的检查评价;归纳反馈强化本节课学习目标1教师在会话完成后询问几个学生:How was the food? How were the people?等问题。2 ( 师生交流 ) 教师在板书上添加:How was the food?How were the people?It was delicious.They were friendlyHow was the vacation?How were the stores?It was great.They were very expensive.Homework ( 布置作业 )1听教材会话录音并进行模仿朗读。2与一位朋友坐在一起交流,用1e 中的 5 个问题询问,并记录他/她的回答。然后复述成一篇小短文。


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