牛津小学英语5A Unit2A new house第二课时教案.doc

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1、5A Unit2 A new house第二课时教案一、教学目标 1. 能听得懂、会说、会读单词beside, between, live, large, parent, a map of the world. 2. 能听懂,会说,会读句型Whats in/on/under/behind/beside/between ?Theres a /There are some 二、教学重难点 能熟练借助所学介词用There be句型描述场景。三、教学准备 单词卡片,房间图片,挂图,录音机。四、教学过程 A)Free talk 1) Sing a song: “ Two jackets” 2) 复习学过

2、的有关房间和物品的单词,快速闪现图片,学生说英语单词。 bed, sofa, lamp, telephone, a bath- room, a kitchen, a bedroom. a sitting-room, a dining room, a study, a computer room, a reading room, a music room, a table tennis rooma garden, a swing, a slide, , a toilet3)Ask and answer: T: Im new here. I want to know something about

3、 your school. Is there a library/sports hall/reading room/ in your school? S: Yes, there is. / No, there isnt. T: Are there any toilets/computer rooms/ in your school? S: Yes, there are./ No, there arent.T: Do you want to know my school? Try to ask me about my school. S: Is there a library/music roo

4、m in your school?Are there any computer rooms in your school? T: Yes, /No, B) Presentation Today Ill show you around a house, a new house. 1)简笔画houseT: Look, is this a building or a house? S: It isnt a building. Its a house. T: Yes, its a new house. 揭示课题:A new house T: There are a lot of rooms in it

5、. What rooms? 引导学生用Is there a /Are there any in the house?提问。 随着学生的提问,教师一一将sitting-room, study, bathroom, kitchen等相应的图片粘贴在简笔画house的格子中。在出现sitting-room时,老师介绍 Its a large sitting-room. Its very big. Its not small.帮助学生理解large的词意。在此教授单词large “ar- lar- ge- large” 读并运用:a large sitting room, a large bedroo

6、m 2)介词教学 T:Where is the kitchen/? S:Its near the T:Or we can say“Its beside the ” 教授单词beside 借助实物或人物,引导学生说beside the / beside 同法教授单词between 实物演示between and 或between the (名词复数),引导学生用英语描述。 T:There are a lot of trees, too. But where are they? Can you guess? S:They are near/ beside/ T:(在房子后画一些树)Theyre b

7、ehind the house. 3)句型练习 T:Lets make a dialogue now. 示范,T: Hi, S: Hi, T: Look, there is a new house. S: Yes, there are a lot of rooms in it. T: Whats in/near/under/beside/between ? S: Theres a /There are some in/near/under/beside/between Practise in pairs and act out. 4)T: Boys and girls, do you know

8、 whose house it is? S: Its Yang Lings. 教师补充说:Its Yang Ling and her parents house. 教授单词parent(father or mother), parents(father and mother) T:But Yang Ling doesnt like the house now. So lets make some changes. 示范:Theres a in/near/under/beside/between 学生模仿说,教师重新粘贴各房间图。 T: Its OK now. Yang Ling and her

9、 parents live in the new house. They like the new house very much. 教授词组:live in the new house 适当扩充live in Jintan, live near the school T: But which is Yang Lings bedroom? S: The small bedroom. T: Whats in the bedroom? S: Theres a /There are some in/on/near/under/beside/between 在此教授词组:a map of the wo

10、rld 适当扩充:a map of China, a map of Jintan, a map of our school 5)课文 Listen to the tape. Answer the questions: How many rooms are there in the house? Is there a garden? Whats on the wall? Wheres the telephone? Read the text. C)Homework: Draw a picture of your house, and talk about it.五、板书设计Unit 2 A ne

11、w houseWhats in/on/under/near/behind/?Theres a There are some 点评:这是实验学校尹莉萍老师为建昌小学五(4)班同学上的一节英语课。这节课有以下几个特点:一 把培养学生积极学英语的情感放在首位。积极的态度是英语学习成功的关键,而学生的这种态度是在教师的引领下、在学习过程中逐渐形成的。课一开始,老师设计了这样的开头:作为新来者,想了解建昌小学的情况,于是运用前面学过的语言,向学生提问 “Is there a library/ reading room in your school? Are there any computer room

12、s in your school?” 问的是学生熟悉的事情,一下拉近了师生的距离,交流很是活跃,随后老师话题一转,“Do you want to know my school?”根据前面的示范,学生大胆地向老师提问“Is there a library / music room in your school?”良好的开端,成功的一半。通过这一段“ask and answer”,师生进入了无拘束交流状态,为后面的学习活动打下良好的基础。二 让学生在真实的语境中整体感知、学习并运用语言。本课语言项目是Is / Are there以及介词的运用, 教师设计的一系列活动,都注意贴近学生的生活实际,和学

13、生进行真实的交流,引导学生在真实的语境中感知新知识并反复操练。在对house的描述中,通过贴图片,逐个呈现新的介词under, behind,并随机补充了beside, between这两个常用词。为了培养学生灵活运用语言的能力,老师让学生对house的房间进行重新组合,设计并描绘新的house. 从学生的描述中我们看到学生综合运用语言的能力得到了提高。三 教学过程实在,符合学生认知规律。老师依照学生的认知规律和学习心理,在教学过程中采用循序渐进、学用结合的方法,从热身到新知呈现,从机械操练到情景运用,给学生以充分的展示空间,让他们体验成功,感受成功的快乐。当学生学会描述自己的或他人的house,再回过来听课文录音,并回答老师的提问时,他们的心情是愉快的,因为这篇课文对他们来说,已经是很熟悉的情景了。老师留给学生的作业是:设计自己的house, 并介绍给大家。学生一定很乐意去做,而且能做得很好。这只是尹老师的一节常态课,她没有运用多媒体,没有刻意追求所谓“热闹的气氛”,仅仅是几张房间的图片,但老师用活了教材,完成了“用教材教”的课堂教学任务。本节课较好地体现了新课程标准的理念,把学生的发展作为最根本的教学目标,为学生创设了全面发展的学习空间。


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