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1、荔波小七孔 导游词英文篇一:大小七孔 语音导游词中英文版荔波漳江 风景区1 荔波樟江 风景名胜区总概Overview of Libo Zhangjiang Scenic Area荔波樟江 风景名胜位于贵州省南部的黔南布依族苗族自治州荔波 县境内,毗 邻广西 环江、南丹县。处在桂林 贵阳 昆明的三角旅游空白区。是国 务院 1994 年公布的第三批国家级风景名胜区, 2007 年作为中国南方喀斯特 的一 员被联合国教科文 组织批准列入世界 遗产名录,是中国第六个、 贵州省第一个世界自然 遗产地。景区 总面积约 118.8平方公里,由小七孔景区、大七孔景区、水春河景区和樟江风光带组成。具有代表性景源

2、48 处,其中特 级景源 4 处,一级景源 6 处,二级景源 10 处,三级景源 16 处,四级景源12 处。The Libo Zhangjiang Scenic Area is located in Libo County, Qiannan Prefecture in South Guizhou Province, bordering Huanjiang and Nandan of Guangxi. It is within the tourism blank triangle of Guilin, Guiyang and Kunming. Among the 3rd batch of na

3、tional level scenic areas proclaimed by the State Council in 1994, it was listed into the List of World Heritagesby the UNESCO in 2007 as a representative of South China Karst. It is China s 6th anGuizhou Province s first world natural heritage site. The scenic area coverstotal area of 118.8km2, com

4、prising the Small Seven-hole Scenic Area, Big Seven-hole Scenic Area, Shuichun River Scenic Area, and Zhangjiang River Landscape Belt. There are 48 most representative view sources, among which 4 are special grade, 6 are first grade, 10 are second grade, 16 are third grade and 12 are fourth grade.荔波

5、樟江 风景名胜区以典型、丰富、集中的喀斯特原始森林和喀斯特地貌上樟江水系的水景为基础,以千姿百 态、独具特色的地貌景 观、神奇茂密的原生植被、珍稀罕 见的生物群种、绮丽多姿的真山真水 为特色,以田园 风光和底 蕴深厚的少数民族 风情为补充,特色 鲜明,神秘奇特。景区内峰 峦叠嶂,溪流 纵横,生 态环境良好,珍稀 动植物种 类繁多,中外专家认为是全球喀斯特地貌上保存完好 绝无仅有的绿色宝石。神秘奇特的喀斯特森林,将树、石、水、藤、 乔、灌完美地 结合在一起,充分 显示了大自然的奇迹。景区地貌、水体、植被、人文景 观齐全,集山、水、洞、林、湖、瀑、 险滩、急流于一体, 汇奇、幽、峻、秀、古、野、雄

6、、 险、美于一身,具有极高的 观赏价值,是既有神奇的自然美,又有 浓郁的布依、水、瑶、苗等民族 风情融为一体的风景名胜区。On the basis of typical, rich and concentrated Karst virgin forests, and the water landscape of theZhangjiang River system, the Libo Zhangjiang Scenic Area is characterized by distinctive and various landforms, mystical and exuberant nativ

7、e vegetation, rare bio-species, and colorfulrivers and mountains, and eiched with pastoral scenery and profound ethnic minority culture. The scenic area harbours overlapping mountains and numerous brooks, and a rich variety of rare animals and plants. Experts from home and abroad believe that it is

8、a peerless green gem with well preserved karst landform around the world. The mysterious and unique karst forests are home to trees, rocks, rivers, rattans, arbors and shrubs, which manifest the miracle of nature. The scenic area features a whole set of landforms, water bodies, vegetation and cultur

9、al landscape, integrating mountains, rivers, caves, forests, lakes, waterfalls, shoals and torrents, embodying all sorts of beauty. It is a perfect resort with rich styles of such ethnic minorities as Buyi, Shui, Yao, Miao and so forth.2 小七孔景区Small Seven-hole Scenic Area2.01 小七孔景区概述Overview of the S

10、mall Seven-hole Scenic Area游客朋友:您好!欢迎到小七孔景区 观光游览,小七孔景区是国家 级荔波樟江 风景名胜区重的要 组成部分 ,位于贵州省荔波 县西南部,距 县城 28 公里,距麻尾火 车站 36 公里。因景区北首有一座建于清朝道光15 年( 1836 )的七孔古石 桥而得名,景区在 宽仅 1 到 1.5 公里, 长 12 公里的峡长幽谷里。集山、水、洞、林、瀑、湖、石多种景 观于一体,融雄、奇、 险、秀、美为一炉,玲 珑秀丽、美仑美奂,令游客目不暇接,耳目常新,是喀斯特地貌中无与 伦比的奇观,人称 超 级盆景 。景区 现已向游客开放的景点有 铜鼓桥、小七孔古 桥

11、、拉雅瀑布、六十八 级跌水瀑布、 龟背山石上森林、水上森林、翠谷瀑布、努内吉海湿地、 鸳鸯 湖、天钟洞、卧 龙潭、卧 龙河生态长廊漂流等。Dear visitors, welcome to the Small Seven-hole Scenic Area. The Small Seven-hole Scenic Area is a vital part of Libo Zhangjiang Scenic Area, located in the southwest of Libo county, Guizhou province. It is 28km away from the county

12、 seat, and 36km from the Mawei Railway Station. It is named after an ancient seven-hole stone bridge in the north of the Scenic Area, which was built in 1836, the 15th year of theDaoguang Reign in the Qing Dynasty. The Scenic Area is amid a narrow and long valley with a width of only 1-1.5km and a l

13、ength of 12km. Integrating mountains, rivers, caves, forests, waterfalls, lakes and rocks, it manifests magnificence, spectacularity, dangerousness, elegance and beauty, offering so many for visitors to delight in. As its landscape is peerlessamong karst landforms, it is hailed as a super bonsai . M

14、ost of the scenic spots in the Scenic Area have been open to visitors, including the Bronze Drum Bridge, Small Seven-holeAncient Bridge, Laya Waterfall, 68-level Hydraulic Drop Waterfall, Guibei Mountain Forest on Rocks, Water Forest, Verdant Valley Waterfall, Nuneijihai Wetland, Mandarin Ducks Lake

15、, Heavenly Bell Cave, Dragon Spring, Dragon River Eco-corridor Drift, etc.2.02 铜 鼓 桥Bronze Drum Bridge游客朋友 ,横跨樟江河的 铜鼓桥是我们从小七孔 东门进 入所看到的第一个景点,它比 邻小七孔古桥,始建于 1993 年,重建于 2001 年( 2000 年荔波境内遭遇特大洪水将原 铜鼓桥冲毁)。桥长 126 米,净跨 60 米,宽 2.4 米,高 25 米,桥身两端采用瑶山瑶族 铜鼓造型,故称此 桥为 铜鼓 桥。Dear visitors, the Bronze Drum Bridge st

16、riding over the Zhangjiang River is the first viewwe see as we enter from the east gate. Neighbouring the Small Seven-hole Ancient Bridge, it was first built in 1993 and rebuilt in 2001 (as in 2000 the great flood of Libo destroyed the original bridge). The bridge has a length of 126m, a clear span

17、of 60m, a width of 2.4m and a height of 25m. The two ends of the bridge adopt the design of bronze drums of the Yaoethnic minority, so it is called Bronze Drum Bridge.站在桥头,可见有两跟石柱矗立于此, 这是瑶族的 图腾柱,它由牛 头、鸟、浮雕图案等组成。瑶族人死后,后人都会在他 们的坟前立上 这样的图腾柱。在当今世界上,只有两个民族有图腾柱的遗存,一个是北美的印第安人,另一个就是荔波的瑶族。牛是瑶族人祭祀中最贵重的祭品,在瑶族

18、传统中,人死后要用牛祭祀,象征亡灵在仙界有牛使 唤,有肉吃,生活富足。 对于图腾柱上展翅欲 飞的大鸟,则象征着它要 带领瑶族人民走向幸福美好的生活。图腾柱及浮雕 图案充分展示了白 裤瑶族独特而古老的民族文化,意 义深远。Standing at the bridgehead, you can see two stone columns. They are totem columns of the Yao ethnic minority, featuring ox head, bird and relief patterns. When the Yao people died, their des

19、cendants will erectsuch totem columns in front of their graves. Nowadays only two ethnic groups in the world have totem column remains. One is the American Indians; the other is the Yao people of Libo. Ox is the most valuable sacrificial offering of the Yao people. According to the Yao traditions, o

20、x should be offered to the dead, indicating that the dead spirits have oxen to use and meat to eat, living an affluent life in heaven. The soaring big bird on the totem columns implies that it is going to lead the Yao people to a happier future. The totem columns and the relief patterns fully displa

21、y the unique and time-honored culture of the white-pants Yao People, showing profound significance.桥墩两侧的铜鼓则是按照瑶族 铜鼓的摸 样打造。在荔波瑶族文化里,铜鼓是盛大 节日的主要旋律,但又不 仅仅是一种 娱乐工具,它是整个白裤瑶民族的精神和灵魂,是智慧和财富的汇聚,是至高无上的圣物,更是一种权力的象征。瑶山瑶族人民将铜鼓视为神赐之物,镇寨之宝,至今荔波瑶山还保存着 铜鼓三百多面,成为令考古学家惊 叹的文化 活化石 。The bronze drums on the two sides of

22、the piers were made according to the bronze drums of the Yao people. In the Yao culture of Libo, bronze drums are essential in big festivals. They are not only a tool for entertainment, but also the spirit and soul of the entire white-pants Yao people, a mixture of wisdom and wealth, a holy article,

23、 and a symbol of authority. The Yao people of Yaoshan regard bronze drums as treasures endowed by gods. Up to now Yaoshan of Libo still preserves more than 300 bronze drums, which have become amazingcultural living fossilshaeologiststoarc.瑶族铜鼓通体用 纯铜铸 成,呈 圆墩形,面径通常 为 50-60 厘米左右,高 20-30 厘米。鼓面圆而平,下接鼓身,

24、连接部分略外凸,曲腰,中空, 圆形敞口底,两 侧有耳。瑶族是一个信仰百神,追赶太阳的民族,因此,鼓面正中央的 图案就是光芒四射的太阳光,四周 图案则是紧跟着太阳的瑶族儿女或是虫 鱼、鸟兽、花卉等,象征与大自然 竞争,不断 奋斗的精神。瑶族的每一面 铜鼓,都 传承着千百年的瑶族精神,它 们凝聚着生命,能 够保佑瑶族同胞岁岁平安、 风调雨顺。 铜鼓还是有灵性的,有雌雄之分,公母之 别,有兴趣的话大家不仿仔细辨别或猜测一下。(两面 铜鼓有一 细微区别:鼓面下部中 间有一个印 记,凸起的是雄,凹下的 为雌)。The Yao bronze drums are cast with pure bronze

25、in the shape of a round mound. Their face diameters range between 50cm and 60cm, with a height of 20-30cm. The drum face is round and flat, connected to the drum body below. The jointing part is slightly convex. The drum is hollow inside, with a round andopen bottom and two ears on both sides. The Y

26、ao people worship gods and chase the sun, therefore, the pattern in the middle of the drum face is a shining sun, surrounded by the Yao people or insects, fish, birds, beasts, flowers, etc. which symbolize the spirit ofwith nature and uemittingly struggling . Every bronze drum of the Yao people inhe

27、rits the Yao spirits of thousands of years. The drums mingle with lives, and bless the Yao peoplewith safety and good weather for the crops. Bronze drums are said to have sexes. If you are interested, you can guess which one is male and which one is female. (There is a tiny difference between the tw

28、o bronze drums: there is a mark in the middle below the drum faces. The drum with the convex mark is male, while the one with the concave mark is female.)活着的 铜鼓、藏着的文明 铜鼓贯穿了瑶族 历史文化的 长河,瑶族更是以其独具特色的民居、婚俗、葬俗、服饰等民族文化 风情,倍受世人关注,被联合国科教文 组织认 定为民族文化保留最完整的一个民族,被称为人类文明的活化石 。 Theliving bronze drums, the hidden

29、civilization . Bronze drums went through the longhistory and culture of the Yao ethnic minority, while the Yao people draw wide attentionwith its distinctive dwellings, marriage and funeral traditions, costumes and other ethniccultural styles. It is recognized by the UNESCO as the ethnic group with

30、the most wellpreserved ethnic culture. It is called as a living fossil of human civilization2.03 小七孔古 桥Small Seven-hole Ancient Bridge游客朋友 们,小七孔古 桥位于景区北首,小七孔景区之名便是因此 桥而得。 这是一座小巧玲珑的七孔古石 桥,桥长 40 米,宽 2.2 米,高 5.5 米,建于清道光 15( 1836 )年,属于典型中国拱型 结构。古 时为荔波至广西的商旅要道。 桥由麻石条砌成, 桥身爬满藤蔓和蕨类;古色古香的 桥下是绿得令人心醉的涵碧潭。两岸古木

31、参天,巨大的虬枝沿着 桥伸臂,宛如巨 伞撑在桥上。Dear visitors, the small seven-hole bridge is situated in the northern end of the scenic area. It is a small and exquisite seven-hole stone bridge, which is 40m long, 2.2m wide and 5.5m high. Built in 1836, the 15th year of the Daoguang Reign in the Qing Dynasty, it is of ty

32、pical Chinese arch-form structure. In ancient times, it was an important passway connecting Libo to Guangxi. The bridge was built with granites,篇二:荔波 导游词荔波樟江 风景名胜区导游词大家好 !我是你 们的导游 .,今天我 们要去的旅游目的地荔波樟江国家 级风景名胜区,在 2007 年与茂 兰喀斯特森林自然保 护区同时被列入世界中国南方喀斯特世界自然 遗产名录。该景区位于 贵州省南部的荔波 县境内,地 处桂林 贵 阳 昆明三角旅游区内。整个景区以喀

33、斯特地貌和樟江水系的水景、浩瀚苍茫的森林 为主体,集瀑布、激流、暗河、湖泊、峡谷、溶洞、森林为一体,融奇、幽、险、峻、雄、秀 为一炉,包括小七孔景区、大七孔景区、水春河景区及樟江田园风光带等构成。此外,除了秀 丽的自然 风景之外, 这里还有着古朴 浓郁、各具特色的多民族文化,融布依、水、瑶、苗等民族风情为一体。今天我 们主要要 带大家前往的是著名的小七孔景区以及樟江风光最为秀丽的水春河景区。让我们开始我 们愉快的旅行吧!小七孔景区融山、水、林、洞、湖为一体,以精巧、秀美、古朴、幽静著称。我们现在到达的就是小七孔景区的首站响水河。大家现在所看到的 这条河就是响水河, 为什么它被称为“响水河 ”呢

34、,大家可以停下脚步静静地听一下.大家是否听到了响水河水声隆隆?这是因为小七孔景区内的喀斯特暗河明流,河床为层层 岩石叠 积,沿着山脚的公路朔流而上,响水河出 现层层 叠叠的落差, 这段河床全 长 1.6千米,落差就达 110米,而跌水瀑布就多达 68 级,所以你 们就能在数里之外听到响水河的声音,这也就是 “响水河 ”名称的由来。大家现在看到的 这坐横跨在响水河上由条石砌成的七孔拱桥,就是我 们著名的小七孔 桥,又称响水河 桥 。这 座桥高 5.5 米,长 40米,宽 2.5 米,建于清道光十五年(公元1835年), 这座桥在清代和民国 时期可是荔波通往广西南丹的重要交通要道,在桥畔原有一 块

35、“万古兴桥 ”碑,刻有 “群山岩浪千千 岁,响水河 桥万万年 ”的诗句,可 见这座七孔拱 桥在当时人们心中的重要性。大家现在从古 桥俯瞰水面,大家看 见的水面清澈 见底,犹如照 镜,大家可知小七孔 桥下的这碧水就是奇特的 “涵碧潭 ”,又称 “七孔塘 ”。之所以 说它奇特,是因 为涵碧潭是响水河和樟江河交 汇前一坝堵水而成,樟江水清,响水河更 洁,大雨 过后,樟江水 变浑浊,可是响水河依然清澈如常,在两河汇合处依旧泾渭分明, 这可是喀斯特森林的特殊水文效应所形成的奇 观,这也是其最 为奇特的地方。大家看到的小七孔桥恰横跨在 这涵碧潭上,如玉 带缠身。清澈如 镜的潭水把群山、古树、桥景、绿荫一并

36、印入水中,倒影粼粼,波光烁烁,山水潭景,分外迷人,这也是令游客留恋忘返的绝佳景致,大家可以在此拍照留念.现在我们到达的是 龟背山原始森林, 龟背山脚下就是响水河伏流出口所在。 龟背山原始森林是典型的喀斯特森林奇 观的缩景。森林密藏,古 树参天,林中有 许多珍惜 树种和奇花异草。现在我们看到的就是喀斯特奇特的森林奇 观,喀斯特水上森林。大家看到在 这岩缝中盘结的树根,不少 树根因为激流的冲刷,裸露水面,奇形怪状,而 这种林水交融,互 为依存的奇景也是 这里之所以能 够被列入世界自然 遗产的原因之一。 这里的喀斯特洼地森林,溪水潺潺, 终年不涸。居住在附近的瑶族人,从 这里引清泉 经 4 千米的路

37、程,到瑶山 乡供人畜饮用,所以 这里的水源又被人 们称做 “瑶池 ”。我们现在要到的地方是 鸳鸯湖,之所以叫 “鸳鸯 湖”是因为这里有两个水面相 连的喀斯特盲谷湖,其中一 颗布依语称叫 “王盘 ”,一 颗叫“王玛 ”,因 为两湖并 联相依,如同 鸳鸯双栖,所以现在就称其 为鸳鸯 湖。湖面 积约 20 公顷,水深 处达 30 米,大家可以到 鸳鸯湖乘船游览,去体验树影波光交 织,山风、水声、林 啸、鸟鸣相融的神奇景致。现在,我 们要去的是樟江 风景最为秀丽的一段 水春河,樟江是珠江上游源 头河流之一,从荔波 县城的时来大坝顶端入口,上朔水春河谷唯一的布依古寨 长达 6 前面的河段,就是水春河。水

38、春河段首至段尾,落差约 100 余米,河两岸 绝壁夹峙,怪石突兀。大家往崖壁上看,是否看 见崖壁上天然形成的奔马和前方的 绿毛龟?这象是凝固的浮雕,是喀斯特神奇景致。我 们乘船游 览水春河而下,将看到两个少数民族村寨,一个是水扒水族村,一个是水春布依村。水族村寨民风古朴,他 们的居所依山傍水,而他们的酒文化、 鱼文化、木雕石刻更是 别有风采,大家到 时可以亲自去体验一下。布依村寨是水春河10 里峡谷里唯一的布依族村寨。寨子里有500 多村民,房屋是杆栏式建筑,那里自然条件很好,就象一个自己自足的 “小桃花源 ”。另外,大家 还可以在水春河漂流,水春河的漂流被称为“黔桂第一漂”,大家去体 验一下

39、水春河漂流带来的惊 险和刺激吧! .这次的旅行就要 结束了,希望大家能够再来这美丽迷人的喀斯特旅游胜地!篇三:荔波漳江 风景区导游词英语Good morning, boys and girls.today I bring works are about the hometown LiBo,I think we must have some idea of LiBo. As we all know, LiBo is a Beautiful city with many scenic spots, If you have free time futural,Here a charming scen

40、ery and convenient traffic, welcome to my hometown.Now,I started out to do explain view spot .Good morning, lady and gentleman!First on behalf of GuiZhou international travel service and myself welcome everyone cometo LiBo County of GuiZhou province,libo is in the south of GuiZhou province.I m pleas

41、ed to be your tour guide during your stay in GuiZhou province.Now please allow meintroduce myself ,my name is moyurong ,you called xiaomo.An old chinese saying mayexpress our hospitality: “ Here come friends afar, exceedingly how happy we are!I will do as much as we can to make your tour pleasant an

42、d enjoyable.I hope that your visit to thisBeautiful Zhejiang province will be a happy and memorable experience in your life. Konw as the xiao qi kong and da qi kong scenic area. It is each 28 kilometers and 25 kilometers Southwest of libo County in GuiZhou province.together with many of minorwaterfa

43、lls 、 rival 、 lake 、Water-eroded cave Forest and Stoneang so on.Now ,We come to the da qi kong scenic spot,The river we see is called Meng Tan river ,The water in this river is very clean,The tree here is very loose Lush.look at the bridge in front of us .It is called natural bridge, It is very spec

44、tacular. The natural bridge 90 meters high and 50 meters wild , The thickness of 10 meters.It is known as the Oriental Triumphal Arch.Follow me please,woe heading for the xiao qi kong scenic area .It is a typical Karst landform. now ,we are look a bridge,it is called bronze drum bridge.the Yao natio

45、nality will bronze drum as a godsend, town village, is a symbol of power.Nest,we are arrived the second attractions,it is named xiao qi kong bridge,it was built The Qing Dynasty.The bridge is 25 meters long, 4 meters wide, 4 meters high arch.the lake named hanbi lake.The lake are ever so green . The

46、 scenery is very charming .Nest,we come to laya waterfall,30 meters high and 10 meter wild.it is a scenic marvel .its flow is seasonally adjusted. Through the laya waterfall,we are come to 68 level eight ringRiver Falls, it is composed of 68 minor waterfalls .Its scenery is very unique.Nest ,we are

47、come to Forest on water. The scenery here is very unique, the water very clean .there are many trees.You can be in play in the water. I think you must be very happy . After visit Forest on water.we are heading for Wo long lake waterfall. We can see the rival named wo long rival, In the distance you can listen to the sound of the Falls.the water of wo long lake is very unique,th


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