高中英语 Unit11 SectionⅡ 语言点一 The Paparazzi & The Advertising Game应用落实 北师大版必修4.doc

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1、【三维设计】高中英语 Unit11 Section 语言点一 The Paparazzi & The Advertising Game应用落实 北师大版必修4.选词填空blame, pretend, attempt, respect, approach, contribute, arise, employ,defend, advertise 1Dont attempt to repair this computer yourself.2She didnt care who was to blame for the failure.3We have been told to show respe

2、ct for our elders.4As I approached the house, I noticed a light on upstairs.5Im sorry, but I cant just sit back and pretend it hasnt happened.6The volunteers contribute(d) their own time to the volunteer work. 7She feels unhappy because she hasnt been employed for a year.8Have you tried that new sha

3、mpoo theyve been advertised on TV?9Troops have been sent to defend the borders.10New problems will arise from such situation. .单项填空1My English teacher told me a good _ to the study of English.AwayBmethodCapproach Dmeans解析:选C。句意:我的英语老师告诉我一个学英语的好方法。approach“方法”,可以和介词to连用,其他三个不能与介词to连用。2You will see th

4、is product _ wherever you go in this city.Aadvertise Bto be advertisedCadvertised Dadvertising解析:选C。句意:在这个城市里,你会看到到处都是这种产品的广告。此处this product与advertise之间是动宾关系,故用过去分词作宾补。3Wait till you are more _.Its better to be sure than sorry.Ainspired BsatisfiedCcalm Dcertain解析:选D。由后一句的sure可知答案。certain“确定的,有把握的”。4

5、In _ of Jacks contributions to the company, the manager presented him with a Benz.Aappreciation BrespectCdisagreement Dimpression解析:选A。考查名词辨析。句意:为感谢杰克对公司作出的贡献,经理赠送他一辆奔驰。appreciation“感激,欣赏”;respect“尊敬”; disagreement“分歧”; impression“印象”。in appreciation of “为感谢”,是固定短语。故答案选A。5He made several unsuccessfu

6、l _ the car started.Aattempts to getting Battempts at gettingCattempt to get Dattempt at getting解析:选B。句意:他尝试了几次发动车,但都未成功。attempt“尝试,试图”; make attempts at doing sth.“试图做某事”。6Once new difficulties _ in our study, we should learn to use our brains to solve them. Arise BarisedCraise Darise解析:选D。句意:一旦在我们

7、学习中出现新的困难,我们应该学会想办法解决。arise“指问题出现”。rise“升起,上升”; raise“举起,唤起”。7 How about eight oclock outside the cinema? That _ me fine.Afits BmeetsCsatisfies Dsuits解析:选D。句意:“八点钟在剧院外见怎么样?”“这个很适合我。”fit常指大小“合适,合身”; meet“遇见;迎接”;satisfy“满足”;suit“适合,使满意”。8Tom pretended _ it but in fact, he knew it very well.Anot listen

8、 toBnot to hear aboutCnot to have heard about Dnot to be listening to解析:选C。pretend not to do sth.“假装没做某事”。根据后面一句话提供的事实,此处表示“假装没有听说过”,故pretend后接不定式的完成时态。9The police had to _ force in order to break up the crowd. Atake on BrentCemploy Dhire解析:选C。句意:警方不得不动用武力来驱散人群。employ在此意为“利用”。10This is not his fault

9、. So he is not _.Ablamed Bto blameCblaming Dbeing blamed解析:选B。考查blame的用法。to blame作表语,主动形式表被动意义。故应选B项。11The new discoveries there have _ greatly to our knowledge of the ancient civilization in China.Acontributed BaddedCproceeded Dattached解析:选A。句意:这些新发现对我们了解中国古文明有很大的帮助。考查动词辨析。contribute to“对有贡献;有助于”;attach“捆,绑,系”; proceed“前进”; add“增加”。故本题由句意可知应选A项。12He needs some lawyers to _ his honour.Adefend BprotectCguard Dprevent解析:选A。句意:他需要几个律师来为他的名誉辩护。defend“辩护”。protect“保护”,指采取一定的措施,使用某些器具以保护人或物免遭损害;guard“看守,警卫”,强调通过看守警戒,以确保安全;prevent“阻止,预防”。


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