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1、Jiang Xi Mayflora International School 2014-12-9,Reading- Advice from Grandad,Unit 3 A Healthy Life,Step1:Warming up,What do you think of smoking?,Warming up,Warming up,Warming up,Cool But,Warming up,Warming up,Warming up,Warming up,Terrified,Disgusting,Worried,Sick,frightened,.,Now, smoking makes y

2、ou feel.,Warming up,If one of your best friends has been addicted to smoking for a long time, you will,Read this passage and check whether you are right or not.,Step2: Listening,1,2,A grandfather,To give James some advice and encourage him to quit smoking,His grandson, James,step3:Fast reading-skim

3、and get the main idea,2,3,5,4,1,Tips,How to skim?,Skim the unimportant message and find the answer quickly,Tips,How to get the main idea of each paragraph,1. The first sentence of each paragraph. 2. Find the key words.,_addicted to nicotine.,addicted through_,Secondly,Thirdly,Task 1 :What are the th

4、ree different ways of becoming addicted to cigarettes?,Firstly,physically,habit,_ addicted,mentally,Summing up: Once we begin smoking, well be accustomed to it, and it will have bad effects on us.,Step4: Careful Reading,Task 2: Fill in the chart with information from the reading passage.,Careful Rea

5、ding,Heart and lungs,2. Pregnancy,3. Unfit,4. Smell terrible,Other people dislike the smell.,2. Do harm to non-smokers,Be unable to enjoy the sport,Careful Reading,Summing up: Smoking is harmful to all of us. So we should advise others to stop smoking.,Advice on quitting smoking,Prepare yourself.,Be

6、 determined.,Break the habit.,Keep trying.,Relax.,Get help if you need it.,Careful Reading,Choose a day that is not to quite smoking. Make a list of all the you will get from stopping smoking. all your cigarettes at the end of the day before you plan to quit. the list of benefits you wrote when you

7、feel like smoking. Develop some habits like walking, drinking some water and so on to yourself busy. If you feel nervous or stressed, try to do some relaxation exercise like deep breathing. If you feel really bad, ask a doctor or for help. The most important thing is to keep trying. Dont feel if you

8、 and have a cigarette. Never give up and you will succeed.,stressful,benefits,Throw away,Reread,chemist,weaken,ashamed,Careful Reading-task3 Filling the blank,1. The first sentence of the letter shows James granddad _. has nothing to do at home lives a healthy life is tired when returning from a lon

9、g bike trip likes sitting in the garden,B,Careful Reading-Exercise,2. According to the text, if youre a smoker, when you dont smoke, you may not feel _. painful B. angry C. sick D. bad-tempered,B,Careful Reading-Exercise,3. Which of the following is NOT true according to the text? Every time you wan

10、t to smoke, you can smoke a cigarette. B. Dont choose a day of exams to stop smoking. C. If you feel stressed, you can do some relaxation exercises. D. Its helpful to stop smoking with a friend.,A,Careful Reading-Exercise,4. _ forced James granddad to give up smoking. That he ran too slow. His girlf

11、riend That he was taken off the school football team His parents,C,Careful Reading-Exercise,5. In what way did the old man try to persuade James?,Using scientific theory B. His failure in love C. His sports activity D. His own experience,Careful Reading-Exercise,Discussion,What do you think can be d

12、one to protect non-smokers (especially women and babies) from those who smoke?,Step5:After-reading,non-smoking policies,Separate smoking and non-smoking areas in public places,A campaign to highlight the dangers of smoking for smokers and non-smoking people,Sum Up,Reading Skills:,Skimming , summariz

13、ing,About the topic “A Healthy Life”:,How people get addicted to smoking The harmful effects of smoking Suggestions given to smokers to quit smoking,A: Someone who gets addicted to smoking. B: One of As family members or friends or classmates, etc. B tries to gives A some helpful advice and persuade him/her to give up smoking.,How to ask for advice What should I do? Could you tell me what to do? Can you give me some advise?,How to give advice Youd better I think you ought to. Perhaps you should I suggest that you,Step 6: Homework-role play,Thank you for listening,江西省美佛儿国际学校,


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