Topic 3 Revision 自我检测习题.doc

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1、 Topic 3 Revision 自我检测习题1. 学校运动会要到了。The school _ _ is coming . _ you _ _ _ it ?你想参加吗? 你要参加那一项运动呢? _ sport will you _ _ _ ?2. The _ _ race .男子八百米赛跑。 I am good _ _ .我擅长跳跃。3. 我将会参加跳远和跳高。I will be _ the long jump and the _ jump .4. I _ you will _ .我相信你会获胜的。 我希望如此。I _ _ .My best friend will come to _ me

2、_ .我最好的朋友会来给我加油。 我确信运动会一定很令人兴奋。I am sure the _ _ will be _. It is my _ time _ take part _ the high jump .是我第一次参加跳远。 我认为我会获得很多乐趣。I think I will have _ _ fun .5. I am _ _ the long jump .我正在为跳远做准备。 我会尽我最大努力。I will do _ _ . I enjoy _ .我喜欢跑步。 我会交到很多朋友在运动会期间。I will _ many _ during the sports meet . I _ a

3、_ _ sports shoes last week .上周我买了一双运动鞋。 我会跑教师接力赛。I will run the _ relay race . Is him _ ? 他在家吗? 我们应该带什么? What _ we _ ? When _ we _ ? 我们何时见面呢? 我们在那里见面呢?Where _ we _ ? _my _在我家。6. Kangkang is trying his best to _ _ _ them .康康正在尽他最大努力追赶他们。7. All the four boys are _ _ _ .四个男孩齐头并进,不分上下。8. 两个男孩碰到彼此了。Two b

4、oys _ _ each other .9. 现代奥林匹克运动会开始于希腊雅典。The _ Olympics_ in Athens ,Greece .10. Its _ is _ ,_and _ .它的格言是更高,更快,更强。 奥运五环是奥运会的象征。 The Olympic rings are _ _ _ the Olympic games . They _ _ the five parts of the world .他们代表着世界的五个部分。 至少。_ _11. They _ _ every four years .他们每四年被举行一次。 现如今,奥林匹克被不同国家轮流举行。_ , th

5、e Olympic Games _ _ by different countries _ _ .12. 奥林匹克正变得越来越受欢迎。The Olympics are becoming _ _ _ popular .13. _ the _,more cities will _ the _ to _ the Olympics . 14. do my best =_ _ _ . He won _ _ in the relay race .他在接力赛中赢得了第一名。 很遗憾我们在跳远中表现很差。 We are _ that we _ _ _ the long jump . I _ my _ and was the first _ cross the _ _ .我尽了全力第一个冲过了终点线。 我希望有朝一日我能参见奥林匹克。I hope _ _ I will _ _ _ take part in the Olympics .15. taught me some magic tricks .=_.16. show me the book .=_.17. pass me the book .=_.18. make you some flowers .=_.19. buy you a present .=_.


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