Unit 2 What do you want to eat教学设计.doc

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《Unit 2 What do you want to eat教学设计.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 2 What do you want to eat教学设计.doc(2页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Unit 2 What do you want to eat?教学设计教学目标分析 知识与技能:1、掌握句型:What do you want to eat? I want a hamburger, please.What do you want to drink?I want a cola, please.2、sing the song:过程与方法: 知识讲授,听录音练习,情感、态度、价值观:谈论点餐和就餐的情况。教学重点 :进一步练习本课句型,会唱这首英文歌。教学难点 :对What do you want to drinkeat 句型的训练。教学策略选择与设计:教授法,录音练习教学资源与工

2、具设计:录音机,磁带、挂图、单词卡片教学过程:Step I:热身活动1)Daily greetings:2)让学生向大家他们所调查的结果,用英语讲述他们想吃的食品种类。此活动也是对前一活动的检查。Step II: 课文导入1)老师带领学生们一起回忆daming在国外快餐店点餐的故事,从而自然引出lingling和爸爸在中国国内的快餐店点餐的故事。2)Teacher try to let Ss know, last class we have learned how to be waiter and how to ask other what do they want to eat. Today

3、 we go on learn this part. And then try to know how much is the food?3)First, lets listen to the tape. Then please tell me what lingling and her dad want to eat and drink.先听录音,然后让学生根据所听到的回答问题。同时,T要向学生解释eat and drink的意思。4)再放录音,让学生跟读,采用多种方式, 个别抽读,大组齐读,小组开火车,分角色朗读等。5)根据part 3 do Part 2. give Ss few mins and let them do this parts and then perform it in the class.6) do the game. The big dinner. 7) let Ss sing this song: What do you want to eat?Sing more. Step III: sum up (总结本课)Step IV: homework 课文句型练习


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