Differences Between Spoken English and Written English.doc

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1、Differences Between Spoken English and Written English Table of ContentsI.A brief introduction to the differences between written English and spoken English.The different themes.The different sentence structures.The different forms.Conclusion Abstract: English is one of the most common international

2、 language in the world and it is used widely in the world. With the development of society, English will be more and more important for us. People will use English as much as possible. Spoken English and written English are two parts of English. Knowing the differences between them is the most vital

3、 step for people to use English correctly.Key Words: spoken English written English differences.IntroductionWhen we are referring to English, we can not do without spoken English and written English. But how to distinguish this two kinds of English, what are the differences between them is a questio

4、n for us to discuss. As far as I am concerned, the differences between them are in three aspects: the themes, the sentence structures, and the form.The different themesThe first one is the themes of spoken English and written English. Written English has a general theme. In the whole essay or the wh

5、ole paragraph, the theme will be everywhere, whether it is at the beginning or end. However, spoken English is more casual. It has no fixed theme. After five-minute-talking, people do not know what the theme is, what they have talked about. Maybe they have changed a lot of topics during five minutes

6、, but it does not matter. No one will care the theme of the talking for that they just enjoy the process of the talking. If there were no theme in written English, people would think that it was an unsuccessful work of the author. Written English must be well-organized. Before using written English

7、,people would list the outline and make well preparation for it. In spoken English, people need not to prepare it, they can just use it when they want.Spoken English is used for the daily life, for the social contact and for the communication with others who live together. Written English is often u

8、sed for some kind of constant use, for business, for literature, and for some professional aspects. .The different sentence structuresThe second difference is the structure of the sentence between spoken English and written English. During written English, the structure of the sentence is fixed. It

9、must have the subject, predicate and object. The sentence can be long or short. People often use long complex sentence or compound sentence to make the sentence become more understanding. On the contrary, spoken English is more simple and the sentence is very short. People often use the shortest sen

10、tence to express their meaning.Written English is rigorous. There can not be any grammar mistakes, sentence structure mistakes, even punctuation mistakes. It must obey the principles of written English. But in spoken English, there are not so much rules. It is not strict in grammar, structure or pun

11、ctuations. What people should notice is the purpose and the meaning of your speaking. Let the listeners know what the speakers want to express is the most important thing in spoken English. For example, when we come to a new place and our English foundation is not so good, we can use spoken English

12、to communicate with the local people easily because we can use the short sentence and easy words to express what we want. While if we use written English, it will be more difficult for us to communicate with the local people.The different forms Last but not least, the form between spoken English and

13、 written English is different. Written English is formal in structure, style and the words. Different written English have different structures, but spoken English has no structure, it is informal. Written English also have many different written styles: narration, argumentation, essay, business let

14、ter, invitation and so on. Different writing styles must follow different writing rules. As for the words which people should choose to use between Spoken English and written English are also different. In spoken English ,people can choose any words they want, yet in written English they are suppose

15、d to choose the proper words in different kinds of written English. They should choose more formal and more technical words. For instance, they can not use the words “hello”, “hi”,bye”. Written English use lots of rhetoric in order to make the article more vivid and more attracted. The form is also

16、flexible. There are lots of various describing for the same thing.Spoken English varies from different places. Because of the different background and environment spoken English has different accent and dialects. For one word, the pronunciations in various places are not the same which will be hard

17、for people who are out-of -local to understand. Otherwise, in written English, the meaning of the word will be the same even in different places.ConclusionIn summary, there are lots of differences between written English and spoken English. We can not say whether written English is good or spoken En

18、glish is good. What we should do is to know the differences between them and know how to use written English and spoken English properly in different places and different associations.Work Cited1. Chen Shaofei .The comparison between spoken English and written Englishs characteristics. J. Chifeng College (Philosophy and Social Sciences Chinese language.) 2008 (12) 2.Zhang Ling.The relationship between spoken and written language. J. Foreign language 1995 (03)


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