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1、IntroductionNowadays, EFL (English as a Foreign Language) learning is pervading in China, but the mastery of English is not an easy job. Teachers are accustomed to a quiet class atmosphere. They do most of the talks, but seldom interact with students and much overlook students reactions and response

2、s. Students have got few opportunities to take part in interactive activities, so they have to keep silent. They are in a passive role, and they are completely dominated by the teacher, which leads to the lack of interaction. This outdated method no longer meets the needs of English teaching. Theref

3、ore, it is urgent and necessary for teachers to find out an effective way to transfer the traditional teaching method into an updated teaching style which reckons students as the main body of learning and emphasizes interactive activities. Interactive teaching is not something new or mysterious and

4、it has developed in recent decades. It indicates that teachers go beyond language structures and develop students communicative competence through interaction. It needs the interaction of sensitive teachers to interact and challenge students. According to Wilga M. Rivers, (Brown, 2001, p. 225) inter

5、action refers to “students achieve facility in using a language when their attention is focused on conveying and receiving authentic message.” It is the collaborative exchange of thoughts, feelings, or ideas between two or more people resulting in a reciprocal effort on each other.Students can benef

6、it from interactive teaching in many ways. Through interaction, students can increase their language store as they listen to or read authentic linguistic material, or even the output of their fellow students in discussions, problem-solving tasks, or dialogues. Interaction increases the comprehensibl

7、e linguistic input and output. As a result, it improves the opportunity for acquisition. Interactive teaching helps to remind students of caring about the languages social dimension. Interactive teaching enhances cooperation as well as competition. No matter what activities are required, cooperation

8、 is necessary for the success of the activity in the interactive teaching class. The process of English teaching is that English teachers try to make students master English by all kinds of approaches to stimulate students to communicate in English. As an English teacher, one must understand the nat

9、ure of English teaching, and then he can design and organize teaching reasonably, choose efficient teaching methods and achieve the best teaching efficiency.I. Literature reviewAs a teaching method, interactive teaching was initiated during the period of 1930s-1940s in western countries, and it has

10、become a pervading teaching method, while it first started in 1980s in China, and still is not widely adopted. More and more researchers, however, have come to realize the importance of interactive teaching, and the urgency to accept this new concept to meet the need of improving students ability of

11、 listening, speaking, reading and writing.1. Models of interactive teaching. Interactive teaching, in which two or more individuals take turns assisting each other and work together on an assignment, which emphasizes on the development of interdependence and interpersonal skills, is an active model

12、of interaction. According to Johnson (2001), five elements are crucial to interactive learning, positive interdependence, face-to-face promotive interaction, individual accountability, social skills and group processing. To harmornize the five elements, there are four baisc models of interactive tea

13、ching including content-based, theme-based, task-based, and experiential teaching.Content-based teaching: content-based language teaching integrates the learning of some specific subject-matter content with the learning of English. English, then, is simply the medium to convey informational content

14、of interest and relevance to the student. It allows students to acquire knowledge and skills that trascend all the bits and pieces of English classroom, which allows for the complete integration of language skills. Students are focused on very useful, practical objectives as the subject matter is pe

15、rceived to be relevant to long term goals, which also increases the intrinsic motivation that is so important to learning.Theme-based teaching: theme-based language teaching is also organised around subject-matter area, both students and teachers are fully aware that language skills do not occupy a

16、subordinate role. It let students read articles, view video programs, discuss issues, propose solutions, and carry out writing assignments on a given theme. It uses environmental statistics and facts for classroom reading, writing, discussion and debate. It helps students create their own environmen

17、tal awareness material. Theme-based class can serve the multiple interests of students in a classroom and can offer a focus on content while still adhering to institutional needs for offering a language course.Task-based teaching: task-based teaching has an emphasis on learning to communicate throug

18、h interaction in English. Its the introduction of authentic texts into the learning situation and the provision of opportunities for learners to focus, not only on language, but also on the learning process itself. Its an enhancement of the learners own personal experiences as important contibuting

19、elements to classroom learning and an attempt to link classroom language learning with language activation outside the classroom. The task actually involves students in some form of simulation of the target task itself.Experiential teaching: in experiential teaching, teachers do not simply tell stud

20、ents about how language works; instead, they give students opportunities to use language with the problem-solving complexities of a variety of concrete experiences. It is contrasted with learning in which the learner only reads about, hears about, talks about, or writes about these realities but nev

21、er comes in contact with them as part of the learning process. It involves direct encounter with the phenomenon being studied rather than merely thinking about the encounter or only considering the possibility of doing something with it. 2. Studies at home and abroad.Interactive learning describes a

22、 method of acquiring information through interactive means. While, interactive teaching is experience sharing where both parties bring in their individual potentials to tap the best results out of them.As Macaro (1997) demonstrated: Interactive action is three dimensional: teacher acts on learner, l

23、earner acts on teacher, learner acts on fellow learner, with knowledge being the pivot of their interaction. The teacher should be ready to give away some authority over the class and gradually lead students to take over control of learning and we must keep away the fear of encountering a chaotic ou

24、tcome. (p. 247)As Brown (2001), who emphasis on the form of interaction, indicated: Comprehension and expression are an interactive duo. That is, in interaction while seeking to express ones ideas we also seek to understand the other person. Communication can be hindered if one part of the chain mal

25、functions. Students language usage will be greatly made easy when they are fully focused on conveying and receiving authentic messages. Authentic messages contain information of interest to speaker and listener in a situation of importance to both. (p. 117-118)Wilga M. Rivers (Brown, 2001), who anal

26、yses the nature essence of interaction, proposed:Through interaction, students can increase their language store as they listen to or read authentic linguistic material, or even the output of their fellow students in discussions, skits, joint problem-solving task, or dialogue journals. In interactio

27、n, students can use all they possess of the languageall they have learned or casually absorbedin real-life exchanges. Even at an elementary stage, they learn in this way to exploit the elasticity of language. From the very beginning of language study, classrooms should be interactive. (p. 270-271)Ac

28、cording to Macaro (1997), who concentrated on the interactive approach, mentioned:Classrooms were characterized by attempts to ensure authenticity of materials and meaningful tasks. Interaction is the collabrative exchange of thoughts, feelings, or ideas between two or more people resulting in a rec

29、iprocal effect on each other. It takes a more constructivist view of personal learning and discovery on the part of the student, with more task-based, collaborative work between them, and a more facilitating role for the teacher. (p. 335-336)As Zhou Jianjun (2003), professor of Beijing Normal Univer

30、sity says: Interactive teaching approach is a method based on the testbook and implemented through the communication of teachers and students, to wholely improve students ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing. That is to say, interactive teaching is the relationship constituted by the

31、three main elements of teaching process, including teacher, student and textbook. Develop interactive activities according to the comprehension of the textbook and the experience and creativity of teachers and students. Change the traditional “teacher-centered” classroom to “student and activity-cen

32、tered”. (p. 113-114)Zhai Jiping (2007), chairman of Beijing English teaching and research center indicates:Interactive teaching approach is regarding the teaching process as sincere communicative activity between teachers and students and a dynamic developing activity capable of acting on or influen

33、cing each other which unifying the activity of teach and study. The ways of “interactive teaching” should be optimized and the relationship between teachers and students should be adjusted. In order to formalize a hamonious interaction between teachers and students and students themselves, valuing t

34、he effeciveness between individuals and social environment, promoting high teaching efficiency. (p. 24)3. Personal research and ideas.To achieve a high level of interaction in the classroom, teachers need to take time to develop the spirit of students. Students interaction yields good results only w

35、hen they see the value and significance of the tasks, control their own behavior, understand the challenges, and feel confident and competent. The lack of an enthusiastic response from students is usually due to a lack of the necessary discuss skills. Once students acquire these skills they will bec

36、ome more confident to express themselves. By interacting with others, students can improve and increase their communicative skills since interaction involves a lot of speaking and listening. By creating an interactive environment, the teacher gives the students a chance to learn from each other and

37、students can develop themselves affectively and socially. Interactive approach is the introduction of authentic texts into the learning situations and the provision of opportunities for students to focus, not only on language but also on the learning process itself. It emphasizes learning to communi

38、cate through interaction in English, and an enhancement of the students own personal experiences as important contributing elements to classroom learning. Its also an attempt to link classroom language learning with language activation outside the classroom. The following are some summarized specifi

39、c methods of implementing interactive approach:To begin with, the teacher should encourage students to learn cooperatively. This is opposed to a competitive classroom, where students work against each other to achieve a goal. To cooperate, students work together in pairs and groups to share their id

40、eas and experiences in order to promote each others and their own language skills. With collaboration, students work with a more capable assistant to achieve a goal. Secondly, teachers should stimulate students interactive learning, because communication is interactive. In interactive class, there i

41、s a good deal of group-work. Language input is in a real-world context. Language production is intended to have genuine meaning. Classroom tasks are intended to prepare the student for communication in the real world. Activities encourage spontaneous give-and-take situations.Thirdly, change “teacher

42、-centered” classroom into “student-centered”. Teachers should prepare students to be able to engage in negotiation of meaning with classmates. Teachers should focus on students needs and allow for students creativity and innovation to enhance students sense of competence. All of these effort help to

43、 give students a sense of “ownership” and add to their learning motivation.Fourthly, students can learn about a topic that is important to them while they develop their language skills. This is called content-based learning which allows students learning motivation to learn something meaningful and

44、removes the traditional wall that has been built between the learning of a language and the learning of useful information. Students can focus their language learning on the acquisition of knowledge.At last, teachers try task-based learning which is a method of instruction that provides for students

45、 to solve problems, write and perform role-plays or come to an agreed conclusion in groups with the goal always being meaningful communication. Task-based learning is usually based on real-world problems and issues which contribute to overall interactive goals and designed to meet specific pre-set g

46、oals by the teacher.4. Possibilities of implementation.Compareing with characteristics of grammar-translation method and direct method which are by now widely used for English teaching in classrooms of primary schools, it is clearly that the interactive method has a lot of advantages to improve the

47、teaching efficiency:Characteristics of grammar-translation method: Classes are taught in the mother tongue, with little active use of English; Much vocabulary is taught in the form of lists of isolated words; Long, elaborate explanations of grammar are given; Grammar provides the rules for putting w

48、ords together, and instruction often focuses on the form and inflection of words; Little attention is paid to the context of texts, which are treated as exercices in grammatical analysis; Little or no attention is given to pronunciation.Characteristics of direct method: Classroom instruction was con

49、ducted exclusively in English; Only everyday vocabulary and sentences were taught; Oral communication skills were built up in a carefully graded progression organized around questions-and-answer exchanges between teachers and students in small intensive classes; Grammar was taught inductively; Concrete vocabulary was taught through demonstration, objects, pictures; Abstract vocabulary was taught through association of ideas.Characteristics of Interactive Method: 1. Classroom goals are focused


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