How to polish wood清洁木制家具和木制地板.doc

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《How to polish wood清洁木制家具和木制地板.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《How to polish wood清洁木制家具和木制地板.doc(2页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE标准操作程序HOW TO POLISH WOODEN FURNITURE AND WOODEN FLOORS清洁木制家具和木制地板Task Number:任务号: PA-0011Department: 部门:Housekeeping客房部Date Issued: 制定日期:August 20052005年8月Guest Expectation:客人期望: I expect hotels to polish their wooden furniture. I can not understand hotels, who have unpol

2、ished wooden floors as it makes the hotel look dull and lifeless.我希望酒店清洁木制家具。我无法理解那些任由地板堆满了灰尘而不去清洁的酒店的做法。Time to Train: 培训时间:25 minutes25分钟Why is this task important for you and our guests? 为什么这项工作对客人和我们都很重要?Answers: 回答:1. I understand the importance of a polished wooden floor, as it enhances the im

3、age of the hotel. 清洁的木地板对酒店的印象非常重要.2. It is important for me to know, how we have to polish a floor, especially if it is old. 重要的是让我知道如何清洁地板,特别是当它非常陈旧时.3. We can increase the GSTS score. 增进客人的满意度.4. We can show our professionalism. 表现我们的专业5.WHAT/STEPS什么/步骤HOW/ STANDARDS如何做/标准TRAINING QUESTIONS培训问题1)

4、 Preparation准备Prepare all cleaning tools and cleaning material required.准备好所有的清洁用具.Remove items from the surface to be polished.移开地面上所有的物品.Wooden surfaces should be polishedperiodically to maintain a glossy appearance and also to protect the surface.木制表面需要擦亮.定期保养其光亮的表面,以到达保护的作用.Put “Work in progress

5、 sign” in place.放置标示牌.Why do I need to have cleaning material available?为什么我需要使用清洁材料?Is a sign necessary even if I am just polishing arm chairs?如果我仅仅是清洁一张坐椅,是否也需要放置标示牌?2) Cleaning清洁Spray furniture wax onto a folded piece of cleaning cloth.在一张折叠起来的布上喷洒蜡.Wipe the surface with the cloth in circular mov

6、ements until it shines.圆型擦拭地板,直到地板发亮.Why do I need to fold the cloth? 为什么我需要将布折叠起来?What wax do I need to spary?我需要使用什么样的蜡?3) Finish cleaning结束Replace items in the same position as before.将物品放回原先的位置.Housekeeper will determine the schedule for periodical polishing of wooden structures and furniture.管家

7、部经理会制定清洁木制地板和家具的计划.Why do I need to replace moved items?为什么我需要将物品放回原位?Why can I not polish when ever I feel?为什么需要按计划清洁木制地板和家具?4) Storage存放Return chemical containers to the store and place neatly on shelf.将清洁剂容器放回仓库并放在架子上Where do I need to store the chemicals? 我需要在哪里存放清洁剂?5) Report defects问题报告Report

8、furniture defects immediately if found while cleaning.清洁时有任何问题需要立即报告.Why do I have to report immediately? 为什么我需要立即报告?Summary questions: 问题概述:1. What is important when preparing to polish a wooden floor? 在清洁木制家具前需要重点注意什么?2. What is the movement when polishing? 擦拭的步骤是什么?3. What do you need to polish a

9、 wooden floor? 你需要使用什么来擦亮地板?4. What do I have to consider when storing the equipment? 在存放物品时需要注意什么?5. What do you do if you notice wood splitting on furniture? 如果你发现家具上有裂纹,你需要做什么?6. Do I need to report defects to HK or can I report this defect immediately to POMEC? 我需要将问题报告HK或者POMEC?Now ask the trainee to practice the task from start to end to test competency.现在由培训生按照步骤从头到位进行实践操作并做测试。


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