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1、2013年下期期中考试七年级英语试卷满分:120分; 时间:90分钟一、 单项选择(50)( ) 1.- , Cindy!-Good afteroon,Bob.A.Good morning B.Good afternoon C.Good evening( )2.- are you,Alice?- Im fine,thanks.A.What B.Where C.How( )3.Im Jim Green . My last name is A.Green B.Jim C.Jim Green ( )4.Whats this? - a map.A. Is B. It C.Its( )5.- is yo

2、ur pen? -Its red.A.What B.What color C.Where ( )6.I Tom, This my book.A.is. am B.is , is C.am, is ( )7.-Is that you baseball? - .Its his baseball.A.yes, It is B.Yes,Its C.No,it isnt( )8.Whats this_ English? I dont know.A.in B.on C.at ( )9.-_.Is this your eraser? Yes,thank you.A.Hello B.Hi C.Excuse m

3、e( )10.“ 英国广播公司”的英语表达是_.A.BBC B.BCC C.CBB ( )11.-_ are these?-_ keys.A.What;Theyre B.what;These are C.where;Theyre( )12.- How_your sister?-She_fine,thanksA.Are ,is B.Do ,are C.is,is ( )13.-Whats_ name?-Bob.A.I B.you C.your( )14.These are my_.A.mother B.father C.parents( )15.-Here_my family _.A.am .p

4、hotos B.is ,photos C.are,photos( )16.-Hello,Dale!-_.Frank!A.Hello B.Thanks C.Good( ).17.This is _ orange.A.a B.an C.This ( )18.Please call Alice_245-652A.in B. of C.at( )19.-_? -My names Jenny.A.Whats this B.how are you C.Whats your name( )20.-Whats his name? His names_.A.Liudehua B.Liu Dehua C.Liu

5、De Hua( )21.-This is Jenny._is my sister.A.I B.she C.Her ( )22.-Is she your mother?Yes ,_.A.Shes B.She is C.it is ( )23.These are _.A.your pictuer B.her pictures C.my picture( )24.I have two_and a_.A.brother;sister B.brothers,sister C.brothers,sister( )25.-_ do you spell “book”.-B-OO-K.A.How B.how C

6、.Who二、完形填空(10),通读下面短文,完成文章。Tim:Hello,Sonia!Is this 26 pencil?Sonia:Yes,thank you Its 27 .Tim:Is that you pen?Sonia:No,it 28 .Its her pen.Tim: 29 her name?Sonia:Her first name is Jane .And her 30 name is white.( )26.A. his B. her C. your ( )27.A. pen B. pencil C. mine( )28.A. is B. isnt C. not( )29.A

7、. Whats B. What C. Its( )30.A. first B. last C. 三、阅读理解(20)A)根据短文内容判断下列句子的正误。正确的写T,错误的写F.This is a photo of Mr.Greens family.There are four people in the family.They are Mr.Green.Mrs.Green.Jim and Kate .Look at the picture.We can see Jim is behind (在后面)Mr.Green.Kate is behind Mrs.Green.Jim and Kate a

8、re students(学生).They go to the same school .Mr.Green and Mrs.Green are teachers.They are good teachers.( )31.Its a photo of Mr.Greens family.( )32.There are four people in Mr.Greens family.( )33.Jim and Kate are not students.( )34.Jim is Mr.Greens son.( )35.Mr.Smith is Kates father.B)阅读下列图表,从每题所给的A、

9、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项。( )36.From the family tree above(以上),we know:A.Rose is Annas sister.B.Peter is Kevins aunt.C.John is Cindys cousin.( )37.Bill and Rita are Roses .A.grandparent B.parents C.grandparents( )38.Peter is John and Annas .A.father B.uncle C.aunt( )39.Is Cindy Annas cousin?A.Yes,she is. B.No

10、,she isnt. C.I dont know.( )40.Are David and Maria Johns parents?A.Yes,they are. B.NO,they arentC.I dont know.四、按顺序写出26个字母的大小写。(6)要求书写规范、工整。5、 从B栏中找出与A 栏各句相匹配的答语(每小题2分,共20分) A B ( ) 41. How old are you? A. W-A-T-C-H( ) 42. Good morning! B. I am 14.( ) 43. Can you spell it? C. Its an eraser.( )44. Wh

11、ats your name? D. Bob.( )45. What color are the pens? E. Nice to meet you, too!( ) 46. Nice to meet you! F. Good morning!( ) 47. Is this a green pen? G. She is my aunt.( ) 48. Whats this in English? H. Yes, it is.( )49. Whore they? I. Theyre green.( ) 50. Who is she ? J. They are my grandparents.六、完成对话(10)从方框中选择适当的单词完成对话。pen you me color anA:Excuse 51 , Tony .Is this your 52 .B:Yes,thank 53 . And that is my pencil.A:Tony,Whatt this?B:It is 54 eraser.A:What 55 is it ?B:Its white.51._ 52._ 53._54._ 55._七、写作(4) 将下列句子翻译成英语。 我的名字叫Jim Green. 这是我的哥哥,Mike.这些是我的父母。我的电话号码是8746329.


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