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1、2016/2017学年度第二学期开学学情检测七年级英语试卷(本试卷满分120分,考试时间100分钟) 听力部分(共20分)共20小题,每小题1分, 计20分第一部分: 听对话回答问题。本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话读两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,你将有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。( ) 1. Which festival are they talking about? A. B. C. ( ) 2. What does Daniel like? A. B. C.( ) 3. What does Tom spend his pock

2、et money on? A. B. C. ( ) 4. Which shop are they maybe in? A. B. C. ( ) 5. Whats Davids new hat made of? A. Leather.B. Cotton. C. Wool. ( ) 6. What is Jack doing? A. Hes doing homework. B. Hes watching matches. C. Hes doing housework.( ) 7. What would John like to do after school? A. To watch TV.B.

3、To listen to music.C. To play music.( ) 8. How often does the girl go swimming? A. Every day.B. Every week.C. Twice a week.( ) 9. What day is it today? A. Tuesday. B. Wednesday. C. Thursday.( )10. What does Sally like doing? A. Drawing. B. Reading. C. Singing.第二部分: 听对话和独白回答问题。本部分共有10道小题,每段对话或独白后有几个小

4、题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第一段对话,完成11至12小题。( )11. What does the man want to buy? A. A shirt.B.A sweater.C.A coat. ( )12.What colour does he like? A. Yellow.B. Black.C. Brown.听一篇短文,完成第13至15小题。 Mrs. Whites childrenNameJohnMaryAge 13 TenFavourite subjectMath 14 Hobbies 15 dancing( )13. A. ei

5、ght B. ten C. twelve( )14. A. biology B. geography C. history ( )15. A. collecting stamps B. playing games C. taking photos听第二篇独白,回答16至20小题。( )16.Where does Tom come from? A. America. B. England. C. China.( )17. Whos Li Ping? A. Toms brother. B. Toms friend. C. Toms teacher.( )18. When does Tom visi

6、t Li Ping?A. At the Mid-Autumn Festival.B. On New Years Eve. C. At Christmas. ( )19. What does Tom learn at Li Pings home? A. He learns Chinese kungfu. B. He learns how to play games. C. He learns how to make dumplings. ( )20. What Tom doesnt do in the evening? A. He goes boating in the park.B. He e

7、njoys an interesting film. C. He watches lion dances and fireworks.笔试部分(共100分)一、单词辩音。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)从下列四个选项中选出一个划线部分发音与其他三个不同的选项。( )21. A. fit B. write C. price D. item( )22. A. most B. kilo C. note D. soft( )23. A. treat B. tea C. head D. reading( )24. A. cool B. food C. good D. school ( )25. A. c

8、ap B. hateC. map D. cat 二、单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入句中空白处的最佳答案。( )26. I think English is _important subject. A. a B. an C. the D. /( )27.Which of the two sweaters would you like? Well, I have no idea. _of them look nice. A. All B. Every C. Each D. Both( )28. Here is a photo of _. A.

9、 I and you B. you and I C. me and you D. you and me( )29. This kind of car is very beautiful, but the price is very _, too.A. highB. expensive C. lowD. cheap( )30.Can I have _ water, Mum? Im so thirsty. Sorry, there isnt _, but we still have some green tea. A. any; anyB. any; someC. some; anyD. some

10、; some( )31. To keep air clean, people in that city dont _fireworks now.A. take offB. let off C. turn off D. put off( )32. does it take you to do your homework every day? About one hour.A. How longB. How farC. How oftenD. How much( )33.This watch looks nice. How much is it?It _ me one hundred and tw

11、enty yuan. A. spendsB. costsC. shopsD. buys( )34.Where are you going, Bob? To go hiking. Eric _for me at the school gate! A. waitB. waitsC. waitedD. is waiting( )35. Sweet snacks can give us some energy, _they are not healthy. A. and B. or C. but D. so( )36. What should I wear if I go _a dinner? A.

12、in B. for C. on D. with( )37. Look! There_ some milk and some bananas on the table. A. is B. are C. has D. have( )38. In winter holidays, some children play_ computer games, its bad for them.A. too little B. too few C. too much D. too many( )39.Look, here _Jack. How cool he is! A. comes B. coming C.

13、 to come D. come( )40.Mum, Im home. Open the door! _. Im coming. A. Youre welcome. B. Never mind. C. Just a minute. D. Dont worry.3、 完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Its Sunday afternoon. Its my sons eighth birthday today. I go into a 41 shop to buy a big birthday cake for hi

14、m.There are lots of people in the shop. When I am 42 a cake, I find a little boy watching the cakes for a long time. He is 43 old clothes. At last he chooses a cake. Then he gives money to the shopkeeper and says to her, “I want the 44 cake.”“Sorry, the cake is 20 yuan, but you only have 10 yuan,” s

15、ays the shopkeeper.“I .I have no more money,” says the little boy and he begins to cry.“Oh, my boy. Who would you like to 45 the birthday cake for?” I ask.“My mum, madam.”“ 46 doesnt she come and buy one?”“My father left us three years ago,” the boy says. “We dont have much 47 . My mother has to 48

16、from morning to night every day. She celebrates my birthday every year, but she 49 celebrates hers. Its her birthday tomorrow. I want to buy a small cake for her. But I dont have enough money.”“Oh, my boy! Im your 50 friend,” I say. “I will buy her a nice birthday cake.” I give the money to the shop

17、keeper and leave the shop.( )41. A. cake B. flower C. clothes D. present( )42. A. looking at B. looking after C. looking for D. looking up( )43. A. on B. at C. in D. with( )44. A. small B. big C. sweet D. delicious( )45. A. lend B. make C. borrow D. buy( )46. A. Why B. How C. When D. Where( )47. A.

18、time B. money C. food D. fun( )48. A. study B. work C. play D. think( )49. A. often B. sometimes C. always D. never( )50. A. fathers B. mothers C. brothers D. sisters 四、阅读理解 (共15小题,每小题2分,计30分)A. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。(共15小题,每小题2分,计30分)(A)My friends like to ask for help or get help on Wecha

19、t. Now they put some information(信息) on it.( )51. Where is the baseball? A. Its in the library. B. Its in the classroom. C. Its in the computer room. D. Its in Class 234.( )52. Who lost(丢失) their things? A. Bob, Alan and Jack.B. Jack, Alan and Jason.C. Jason, Jack and Bob.D. Jason, Bob and Alan.( )5

20、3. What number can you call if you find a schoolbag?A. 6755321.B. 8974588.C. 2315649.D. 3541679.( )54. What can you see in Jacks pencil box? a. a key b. a white watchc. a black pen d. an ID cardA. a bB. b c C. c dD. a c( )55. Which of the following is RIGHT?A. Jack is in Class 332.B. Bobs watch is w

21、hite.C. You can ask Mr. Hanson for the key.D. Jason lost his schoolbag in the library. (B)A man goes into a restaurant one day. His clothes are very nice. He sits down at a table near the window. A waiter comes to him and says, “Can I help you, sir?” The man says, “Yes, please. Can I see the menu (菜

22、单)?” “Sure,” answers the waiter. The man wants a good meal and he wants a lot of nice dishes. After a moment, the waiter brings them to him. The man has his meal happily. At this time, a boy comes in and sits down besides the man. He asks the waiter to give him ice cream. The man says, “I will be ba

23、ck in 5 minutes.” Then he goes out. After the boy eats his ice cream, he stands up and goes to the door. “Excuse me, your father doesnt give the money for the meal and your ice cream,” the waiter stops him and says.“Father? You are wrong. He is not my father. I do not know him. I meet him in the str

24、eet. He says hell give me ice cream when I come here at twelve oclock.”( )56. The man comes to the restaurant _. A. to meet the boy B. to buy a newspaper C. to eat an ice cream D. to have a good meal( )57. The man has _ in the restaurant. A. breakfast B. supper C. lunch D. dinner( )58. The waiter st

25、ops the boy because _. A. the boy wants to run away B. the boy doesnt have the meal C. the boys father comes back soon D. the man doesnt give money for the meal and the ice cream( )59. From the story we know that_. A. the man is a cheat(骗子) B. the boy is the mans sonC. the boy knows the man very wel

26、l D. the waiter pays the meal and the ice cream( )60. Whats the best title(标题)? A. A father and a sonB. Not my father C. A free ice creamD. A good mealB. 阅读与回答问题。 One morning a fox sees acock. He thinks, “This is my breakfast.”He comes up to the cock and says, “I know you can sing very well. Can you

27、 sing for me?” The cock is glad. He closes his eyes and begins to sing. The fox sees that and catches him in his mouth and carries him away.The people in the field(田) see the fox. They cry, “Look, look! The fox is carrying the cock away.” The cock says to the fox, “Mr. Fox, do you understand? The pe

28、ople say you are carrying their cock away. Tell them it is yours. Not theirs.”The fox opens his mouth and says, “The cock is mine, not yours.” Just then the cock runs away from the fox and flies into the tree.回答下面5个问题, 每题答案不超过5个词。61. When does the fox see the cock? _62. What does the fox ask the coc

29、k to do? _63. Why does the fox catch the cock away? _64. Who saw the fox? _65. Who is clever, the fox or the cock? _五、词汇(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分)A. 根据句意和汉语提示写出单词,完成句子。每空一词。66. People should eat food with less salt and _.(糖)67. Please _on the door before you come into the room. (敲)68. Do you know the _numbe

30、r of students in your school? (总计的)69. In the winter holiday, you can have _time for your hobbies. (足够的)70. An old man is sitting _some children and telling them a story. (在中)B. 根据句意用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空,使句子完整、正确。71. Look, a black wallet is _on the ground. (lie)72. These two kinds of _are very popular now

31、. (scarf)73. I need ten _minutes to finish my homework. (many)74. I am good at PE and _in all of the sports. (interesting)75. Its my _ time to see the wonderful fashion show. (one)C. 根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整。每空限一词。Why is healthy lifestyle important? A healthy lifestyle helps you to stay (76) f an

32、d well. If your lifestyle is unhealthy, you will feel tired and unhappy. A healthy lifestyle helps you feel good about yourself. It also helps you (77) l good and be happy. So how do you live a healthy life? A good diet is a part of a healthy lifestyle. (78) F and vegetables are an important part of

33、 a healthy diet. Exercise is very important. Its a part of a healthy lifestyle. Swimming, dancing or (79) p basketball are all fun ways to exercise. Some people think that healthy living is no fun. They are wrong! Exercise and a good diet help you feel (80) f of energy. Life is more fun when you are

34、 healthy.六、书面表达(共2小题,计25分)A. 用所给单词和词组连成句子,注意大小写。(每小题2分,计10分)81. I / your dreams/ come true/ hope/soon _.82. usually/ they/ us / some candies/ give/ as a treat _.83. what/ today / Im / to wear/ thinking about _.84. you/ me/ lend/ can/your red blouse/ our fashion show/ for _?85. I / Amys / some presen

35、ts/ want to buy/ different from _.B. 写作。(计15分) 假如你是刘东,你打算在寒假里做一些有意义的事,请你根据下面的提示,给你的笔友Tom写一封邮件,谈谈你的打算。 要求:1. 要点齐全,并适当发挥;2. 行文流畅、表达准确、书写规范; 3. 文中不能出现考生的真实姓名、校名和地名; 4. 词数80左右。开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数。My winter holidaydo some shoppingenjoy the Festival.presents for .new clothes because.visit friends; watch TV ;

36、.Dear Tom,How are you? The winter holiday is coming. For this holiday, I plan to_All the best! Yours, Liu Dong2016/2017学年度第二学期开学学情检测七年级英语听力材料第一部分: 听对话回答问题。本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话读两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,你将有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。1. W: What do you like to do at the Chinese New Year? M: I like t

37、o watch lion dances. 2. W: I like bananas. How about you, Daniel? M: I like tomatoes. They are my favourite. 3. W: How do you spend your pocket money, Tom? M: I like reading, so I always buy books.4. W: Im looking for a pair of jeans. W: Just a minute. We have jeans of different sizes and clothes here.5. W: David, you look lovely in your new hat. Whats it made of? M: Its made of wool.6. W: Hello, Jack! What are you doing? M: I am watching matches and Nancy is cooking.7. W: What would you like to do


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