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1、九年级上 英语辅导2 U1 T2 姓名: 一 短语 1 缺乏. 2 是.的简称 3到目前为止 4 迷路 5 赶上/跟上某人 6 倒霉! 7 三处名胜 8 离遥远/5公里远 9 我也一样 10 在做某事方面有效 11好像他迟到了(2) 12 几个小时后(3) 13 日本有多少人口? 14 重庆有3000万人口 15 属于 16作为 /因为什么而出名 17 某人做某事很难 18 我父亲的家庭照片 19 五分之三的世界人口 20 印度不是很发达 21 过去常常干某事 22 习惯于干某事 23 某人也这样 24某人也不这样(2)25 对某人/某事要求严格 26 一个发展中国家/发达国家 27增加到 /

2、了 28 独生子女政策 29 采取许多措施干某事 30 70/100的人口是农民31 至少/最多 32执行 ,开展二 1.I know nothing about India because I _never_(be) there . 2.The boy cried in the shopping center ,He got_(lose).3.The mother was angry,“What_you_(do)?The living room is so dirty and untidy.”4.Lucy seems_(know) the answer.Someone must_(tell)

3、 him. 5.The population of that country_(be)small and two thirds of it _(live) a hard life.6.China has_(large) population in the world and India is_(two).7.The _(live) conditions in_(develop) countries are not so good as those in_(develop) countries.8.China has carried out some policies _(control) th

4、e increase of population. 9.It was very _for people to find jobs,but now with the development of the country,they have no_(difficult). 10.You need_(go) to the market because we are short of vegetables. 11.So far,we _(learn) two and a half topics. 12.The measures have worked well in_(stop) the wind f

5、rom blowing away the earth. 13.There are some problems left for us to solve,so we still have a long way_(go). 14.He has gone to a place_(call) Fairmont. 15.I wont go there tomorrow unless you _(go) with me.16.You _(live) in Shanghai for a long time,You must know a lot about it.17.The number of peopl

6、e there_(be) 20.000 in 2005. 18.-How do you like the life here?-Not very good.I_(not get) used to it yet. 19.Hangzhou is a wonderful place_(live).We plan to move there to spend the rest life. 20.He _(work) in that factory since he came here 2 years ago. 21.Its 2 days since she_(leave).I miss her so

7、much. 22.Toms father is_(healthy).He _(be) ill for a couple of days. 23.Thats a _(home) man.Every night he sleeps under the bridge.三 1.David has made great progress rencently._and_. A.So he has;so you have B.So he has;so have you C. So has he;so have you D.So has he;so you have2.The population of Fr

8、ance is nearly as_as that of Britain. A.fewerB.large C.more D.many3.More than_people live in Asia now. A.three billions B.three billion of C.three billion D.three billions of4.-I never drink coffee.-_(我也一样)。5.China has a_(large)population than any other_(country) in the world.6.Compared(与.比较) with l

9、ast year,our pay(工资)_about¥1500 every month.(increase by/increase to)7.We are seeking to(设法)improve r_between our two countries.8.I can give you a c_ of hours to do it.9.Miss Lin teaches very well.She is an e_ teacher.10.There have been many changes in r_ years in our country.11.Sale s increased thi

10、rty_(百分之.)compared to last year.12The girl_(name)Lin Qin is my schoolmate.13.Half of the population in Japan_(be/have)workers14.Half of work_(be)over.15.20of the students_(like)playing soccer.16.We went there_ _ _ _ _.(几年前)17.It costs_ _(少于)50 to fly to Rome.18.Miss Gao is p_in her room.Look!The lig

11、ht in her room is on.19.The population of India_(be/have)1.1billion.=_ _ _population of 1.1billion.20.The house_(属于)me.=I_the house.21The country has a population of30million.(提问)a_b._ c._四 短文填空一There are more than1.3 billion people in China.Its almost one fifth of the worlds population.How to contr

12、ol the population growth is a big problem.Some people think it i_to control the population growth.But I dont quite agree w_them,because where theres a will,theres a way.The question is that we should make it k_to everyone how serious the problem is. Our farmland is becoming l_to everyone.We have alr

13、eady got too many mouths to feed.U_we control the population growth,many people will die of hunger.Population growth has been too fast and will be b_for our nation.Though laws have been passed to control the population growth, in some places l_is done to carry out the law.We should make people know

14、that it is f_for them to bring too many children to the world.They should s_doing what they have been doing.We are fighting a_too fast population growth.Yet, the fighting wont end u_everyone knows its importance and does something for it初三上周末辅导练习2五 用in by with填空1. _ the way, which is the way to the

15、hotel?2. We can say that _ English.3. We learn English _ making flashcards.4. We often write _ a pen.5. Do you know the girl _ red?6. Dont stand _ the river.7. The teacher told us to finish our homework _ noon.8. Dont speak in the classroom _ a loud voice.六 用所给词的正确形式填空1. I always practice my _ Engli

16、sh by practicing _ English aloud. (speak)2. He always makes lots of _ (mistake) in writing practice.3. _ (slow) he went to the classroom.4. I dont know how _ (spell) the word.七 单项选择( )1.Are there any _ in your homework? Yes, I made a mistake _. A. mistakes, in spelling B. mistake, spelt C. a mistake

17、, spelling D. mistakes, to spell( )2. I cant understand _ English . Maybe _ can help. A. speaking, listen B. spoken, listening C. speaking, listening D. spoken, listen( )3. _ do you tell him about the event? _ e-mail. A. What, By send B. How, To send C. What, sending D. How , By sending( )4. Mother

18、always tells me not _. A. get my hands dirty B. to get my hands are dirty C. to get my hands dirty D. getting my hands be dirty( )5. My aunt wants to find a big house with a garden _. A. living B. to live C. living in D. to live in( )6. Do you have any trouble_ the problem? A. work out B. working ou

19、t C. to work out D. worked out( )7. Could you come back home at three oclock? _. I will be at a meeting at that time. A. I think so B. Yes, I hope so C. Im afraid not D. Im afraid so( ) 8 The boy was _ go home because he _ mistakes at school. A. afraid of, was making B. afraid to, made C. afraid to,

20、 makes D. afraid of, made( )9. If you want to do more for our country in the future, _, you should have a strong body and rich knowledge. A. at first B. for the first time C. first of all D. after all( )10. We have missed the train. _. Theres another one in ten minutes. A. I am afraid not B. Why not

21、 a little earlier. C. It doesnt matter D. Youre right八 短文填词一 Do you always agree with your teachers? Sometimes you might have a 1 answer to a math problem. Or perhaps they scold(责备)you 2 you dont think you did anything wrong. What do you d o then? A story on say that more and more students have cho

22、sen to speak out and sometimes 3 argue with their teachers. Its good for students to say 4 they think. In the past, 5 Chinese students dared(敢)to speak differently from their teachers. It was unwritten rule that what the teacher said was always 6 . But now students are beginning to think more by 7 a

23、nd dare to say what they want. But students should 8 the right way to speak out. We should respect teachers. They are older than us and have more experience. So, never use impolite words when speaking to them. And dont 9 them embarrassed(尴尬)when you dont agree with them.Try to find the right time to

24、 talk to your teachers. For example, discuss the problem 10 class.1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _ 短文填词二 “How can I learn English well?” This is a _1_ many students ask. In my opinion, the best _2_ is to learn lessons by heart. If you can recite (背诵) the text and write it out, you l

25、earn it pretty well, and if you can tell, in your own words, _3_ the lessons says, you are a very successful learner indeed. Your English will be quite perfect.This is a difficult task. However, if you try to learn by heart only part of each lesson, youll find it not so_4_ as you might have thought.

26、 Learn this way, and you will_5_ great progress. Of course, writing is _6_ necessary (必要). It helps a lot on your way to success in English. _7_ equally (同等的) important to feel the language. You should laugh at jokes and be sad at _8_ news. When using English, try to _9_ your mother language. Instead of _10_ you, your own language gets in your way. So never try to learn English through translation.


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