Bill of Quantities mode analysis of project cost control measures6397.doc

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1、Bill of Quantities mode analysis of project cost control measuresAbstract: This paper introduces the advantages of the Bill of Quantities, and elaborated in the Bill of Quantities mode control project cost some of the measures and methods for your reference. Key words: Quantities evaluation of proje

2、ct cost pricing model 0 Introduction For a long time, Chinas construction projects in order to project budget fixed pricing as pricing models. Works are expected to scale according to different regions and the average level of development of different enterprises, and as a basis for the formation of

3、 the project cost is essentially a social average price. This price is only available as a reference price competition in the market, but can not participate in the competition fully reflect the actual consumption of construction enterprises and technical management level, is not conducive to full p

4、lay the initiative of enterprises, initiative to improve the quality of enterprises competitiveness, fail to reflect competitive market The demand for open, just and fair principles. Therefore, this project valuation model reforms. especially in Chinas accession to WTO, as the global economic integr

5、ation process, Chinas construction market will gradually melt into the international environment, construction, engineering pricing behavior should also be with international practice. Bill of Quantities are internationally accepted, more improvements in the newly mature method of valuation. the imp

6、lementation of the Bill of Quantities, and gradually form a market price formation, corporate self-pricing The new pattern, the right of the true valuation of engineering to the enterprise, to the market. In this mode, the Bill of Quantities, how to strengthen the project cost management and effecti

7、ve cost control is an issue worth exploring. The concept of a Bill of Quantities Bill of Quantities means the bidding in accordance with the construction of Quantities pricing norms and design documents, etc. to prepare the physical volume of the proposed project list: the amount of bidders accordin

8、g to the physical inventory and the actual situation in the construction site, according to business or construction administrative departments issued consumption quotas, as well as market prices of factors of production, in full consideration to the tender risk, market competition conditions, based

9、 on the tender price to form their own accredited engineering low bid pricing. The winning bid BOQ, will serve as an integral part of the contract documents and the subsequent payment of construction progress payments and handle billing completion basis. BOQ some of the items from the sub-bill of qu

10、antities, measures, list of items, other items that the list of three parts. Sub-segment of the Bill of Quantities for the project entity projects: measures for the completion of the project refers to the project construction works took place during the pre-construction and construction technology,

11、life, safety and other entities in non-engineering projects; Other projects include provision for payment , material acquisition costs, general contracting service charges, fees, sporadic work items. Two advantages of the Bill of Quantities 2.1 The bidding is conducive to the work of scientific mana

12、gement. The implementation of BOQ tender, the tender were prepared by the bill of quantities, tender pursuant to the tender bill of quantities provided by independent pricing, avoiding the tender side, the tender side to repeat the calculation of Quantities, to overcome the amount of calculation err

13、ors, as the project negative impact, while saving a lot of human, financial, and material, shortening the time and the tender offer tender preparation time, facilitate the bidding and evaluation of the actual operation. 2.2 The beneficial owners of investment control. In the bidding process, the eff

14、ective introduction of competition mechanism and reducing the role of Bidding. In ensuring the quality, duration of the premise, by country, Bidding and the relevant provisions of the final no less than the cost reasonable low price were successful. Bill of Quantities in accordance with established

15、bid price, the amount of inventory accuracy in engineering and engineering without changing circumstances, in the same price and the final settlement price, the successful tenderer unit reported an integrated unit in the whole period of contract execution remain unchanged. 2.3 The promotion of the c

16、onstruction enterprises to strengthen management, improve the sense of competition. Bill of Quantities, in accordance with the provisions of volume, price, competitive price principle, it will project cost of the decision to tender units to the enterprise and flexibility in the pricing space, fully

17、reflects the companys own level of technical management comprehensive strength. Tender units in order to achieve the purpose of winning, we must continue to strengthen management, improve the construction and technical conditions in order to reduce construction costs and improve market competitivene

18、ss, so that enterprises in the fierce market competition in a dominant position. 2.4 to create a fair competition, survival of the fittest environment. With BOQ tender, BOQ is open and conducive to bidders in the open, fair, just and good faith under the principle of full competition; bidders offer

19、a true reflection of the autonomy of the enterprises comprehensive strength and management level, enhanced survival of the fittest competition. Reposted elsewhere in the paper for free download http:/ Three projects under the BOQ Project Cost Control Project cost management objectives in accordance

20、with the requirements of economic laws, the use of scientific management methods and advanced management tools, a reasonable cost to determine cost and effective control. Construction project cost construction projects from start to finish throughout the entire process. Recommendations from the proj

21、ect start to be completed and commissioned. 3.1 Bidding Phase 3.1.1 The tender documents of tender documents as a whole bidding process as well as the whole process of project implementation of the programmatic document is the key to the whole project cost control. A successful tender documents are

22、conducive to reflect the wishes of the owners are conducive to the smooth progress of construction is conducive to project quality supervision and monitoring of project cost: imperfect tender documents, will the future bring about construction management and cost control trouble, resulting in disput

23、es, the claim arose. Then the project cost out of control, contrary to the original intention of bidding, bidding to lose meaning. 3.1.2 Quantities of Quantities as a basis for pricing the tender. The entire project cost control is the core content. This work must first clear the requirements of the

24、 tender offer, followed by the specific circumstances of the works. Some of the sub-project technical specifications for the specific content of the light of scientific and rational distinction. The formation of the list, and then reference to the drawings, calculate each sub-item list of engineerin

25、g quantity to form a complete bill of quantities. BOQ preparation of tender documents must comply with the requirements of the purpose of each sub-job content and job requirements should be expressed as accurate and complete and should be considered small, and many operators, not Lou Xiang, without

26、leaving any gaps and minimize the temporary set the project in order to prevent future additional construction cost. 3.1.3 evaluation should pay attention to issues in the review unit tender offer, we can not look do not look at total cost of sub-unit price, total price to meet the requirements beca

27、use in fact, does not mean that every sub-bid to meet the requirements; the total lowest , and does not mean the lowest price for each one. Although the total amount of the gap between some of the tender little unit, but some of the items price is a big gap between, for example, the amount of biddin

28、g units will be small changes in the project works to reduce the price, but will increase in future construction projects larger price increase. Although such a tender price is not high, but it will increase the settlement costs. 3.2 The owners signed a construction contract and the bid phase of con

29、struction unit signed a contract with Bill of Quantities. Must pay attention to the construction contract. The implementation of cost control is the key. Quantities of construction contract documents is an important part of implementation of the norm, we must attach importance to the construction co

30、ntract. Because the construction contract for the engineering cost of the agreement, plays an important role. Construction contract may agree to change the amount because of the works on how to adjust an integrated unit; for the engineering bill of quantities or the wrong number of design changes ca

31、used by the amount of increase or decrease in construction and which are within the contract range and which are outside the contractual rate, which are in the construction contract should be expressly agreed. And may occur due to project changes in the amount of claims and counter-claims and so on.

32、 As a project cost management, we should seriously study the construction of terms of the contract, signing the contract is necessary to intervene on the project cost is reflected in the active control. 3.3 Project implementation phase of project construction phase. Owner representative or superviso

33、ry engineer reference to the drawings, tender documents, construction contracts, and other data for the number of BOQ towel re-authorized and in accordance with bid price to calculate total project cost as a cost control objectives. And to develop appropriate control programs. Strict implementation

34、of the principles of the Bill of Quantities and content. Cost management require staff with a wealth of economic knowledge and cost management knowledge, and secondly, prior to conducting cost management to deal with the contractors contract price in-depth analysis and assessment to determine the pr

35、ojects costs and the contractor may be given the expected profits, and strengthen the unit price analysis, due to unbalanced bid price resulting from high or low engineering details and the related engineering changes, to strengthen its monitoring and control. Some of the cost management should stre

36、ngthen the control of the Engineering Change: engineering scale of the engineering change; high unit price of the project will increase the amount of sub-headings for works of engineering change; low price (loss price) project sub-headings for works amount will be reduced engineering change. 3.4 Pro

37、ject completion of settlement is the completion of final closure of the last one off cost control, according to the author many years of working experience in auditing, engineering, negotiation porous, and some are not negotiating construction; some projects have been reductions, but not negotiation

38、; still negotiating the amount of work is far greater than the actual construction of the project capacity. Therefore, the settlement must be patient and careful when working methods, inspection and acceptance records hidden. The implementation of changes negotiated, according to completion of drawi

39、ngs, design changes such as re-completion data to accurately calculate the amount of the actual work performed. Sub-projects to verify the use of an integrated unit with the tender whether or when the contract of the same integrated unit, multi-site to carry out verification. Reposted elsewhere in t

40、he paper for free download http:/ 4 Conclusion Bill of Quantities far-reaching impact on the construction industry, it will greatly promote the construction industry reform and development. Right owners, contractors, intermediary organizations, the management department, it works BOQ is a new model,

41、 the need for a learning and adaptation process. With the Bill of Quantities of the ongoing campaign to improve and enhance the Bill of Quantities management, and will promote the field of Chinas construction technology and management level of development. Reposted elsewhere in the paper for free do

42、wnload http:/更好的翻译建议感谢您为 Google 翻译提供翻译建议。提供更好的翻译建议:Bill of Quantities mode analysis of project cost control measures Abstract: This paper introduces the advantages of the Bill of Quantities, and elaborated in the Bill of Quantities mode control project cost some of the measures and methods for your

43、reference. Key words: Quantities evaluation of project cost pricing model 0 Introduction For a long time, Chinas construction projects in order to project budget fixed pricing as pricing models. Works are expected to scale according to different regions and the average level of development of differ

44、ent enterprises, and as a basis for the formation of the project cost is essentially a social average price. This price is only available as a reference price competition in the market, but can not participate in the competition fully reflect the actual consumption of construction enterprises and te

45、chnical management level, is not conducive to full play the initiative of enterprises, initiative to improve the quality of enterprises competitiveness, fail to reflect competitive market The demand for open, just and fair principles. Therefore, this project valuation model reforms. especially in Ch

46、inas accession to WTO, as the global economic integration process, Chinas construction market will gradually melt into the international environment, construction, engineering pricing behavior should also be with international practice. Bill of Quantities are internationally accepted, more improveme

47、nts in the newly mature method of valuation. the implementation of the Bill of Quantities, and gradually form a market price formation, corporate self-pricing The new pattern, the right of the true valuation of engineering to the enterprise, to the market. In this mode, the Bill of Quantities, how t

48、o strengthen the project cost management and effective cost control is an issue worth exploring. The concept of a Bill of Quantities Bill of Quantities means the bidding in accordance with the construction of Quantities pricing norms and design documents, etc. to prepare the physical volume of the proposed project list: the amount of bidders according to the physical inventory and the actual situation in


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