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1、新目标英语八年级上册第七单元教学设计 (一)教学内容分析:本课是八年级上册第七单元How do you make a banana milk shake? 本单元中心话题是学习询问和描述各种食物的制作过程。Section A是本单元的重点部分,也是本单元教学的核心。提供了本单元教学的主要词汇和语言结构,并通过简单的语言活动进行操练和巩固。而本课学习询问和描述香蕉奶昔的制作过程。主要语言结构为:祈使句的运用; How many /How much引导的特殊疑问句。(二)Teaching Aims1. Knowledge Objects: Key vocabulary,Target languag

2、e,Writing practice2. Ability Objects: Listening skill,Writing skill,Cooperating 3. Moral ObjectsKnowing that it is not easy to be a chef .There is a lot of fun cooking(三)Teaching Key points Key vocabulary: milk shake, yogurt, blender, teaspoon, turn on, cut up, peel ,pour , finally Target language:

3、First, peel bananas and cut up .Then, pour the milk in the blender.Next, turn on the blender Finally, drink the milk shake. How many do we need? How much do we need? (四)Teaching Difficulty How to make a banana milk shake?(五)Teaching MethodsWatching and describing methods. Listening method. Writing m

4、ethod(六)Teaching AidsA tape recorder, A projector, Some food教学过程Step 1 Warm up Play a piece of music Food and drinkfor students to listen .(This activity make students be interested in this English lesson) Step 2 Revision (1) Get one student to give duty report about his lifestyle . T: What are you

5、doing now ? Ss: We are listening . T: Do you like this song ? Ss: Yes , Of course. Its interesting .T: Everyone likes to sing and talk . Would you like to talk about yourself ? Please come here and give your duty report .S1 : Yes, Id love to .(2)The other students ask and answer by listening to the

6、report .(3)Get students to discuss these questions . Show pictures and review the names of some fruit.T: What kind of fruit do you like ? Do you like bananas? What is your favorite drink ? Ask students to discuss these questions in two or four and show their answers(This activity provide spoken Engl

7、ish and listening practice) Step 3 PresentationT: Today we are going to learn a new kind of drink-a banana milk shake . Do you want to know how to make it? S2: Sorry, I dont know.T: Who knows?S3: Let me try on the Internet to find the way of making banana milk shake. Sorry, I cant find anything.T: N

8、ever mind. I can make. Now let us study Unit 7 How do you make banana milk shake.(This activity present this lesson, in order to know the content of lesson clearly )Step 4 Introduce the ingredients T: Lets see how to make a banana milk shake. We need lots of ingredients . For example: bananas, milk,

9、 yogurt, blender, knife, ice cream and so on.Look at the screen and have the students read after the teacherT:How many bananas do we need ? How much milk do we need ?Students discuss two questions in pairs .(This activity let students know how to make a banana milk shake.)Step 5 Demonstrate the proc

10、ess of makingFirst show the process of making a banana milk shake . Then let students repeat . At last ask students one another to repeat by looking at the screen . (1)Peel the banana(2)Cut up the bananas.(3)Put the bananas and ice cream into the blender.(4)Pour the milk in the blender.(5)Turn on th

11、e blender (6)Drink the banana milk shake.Read the phrases together and explain the useful expressions .turn on 打开 turn off关掉 turn up 放大 turn down放小(电器方面)open -close v open -closed adj (门窗)(This activity introduce key vocabulary and learn the target language)Step6 PracticePoint out the blank lines in

12、 the picture. Ask students to fill in the blanks on their own ,then get six students to write the names of the actions on the board. Check the answers on the board and ask students to correct their own answers.Peel ,Cut up Put into, Pour in ,Turn on ,Drink (This activity gives students practice in u

13、nderstanding the target language)Step7 ListeningPlay the recording for the first time. Students only listen. Play the recording a second time. Call one student to number the instructions in Activity la . Correct the answers. Answers: 2 6 4 3 1Get students repeat after the tape. Boys and girls read t

14、he conversation again .(This activity gives students good chance to practice their listening )Step8 Pairwork. Have students work in groups , make their own fruit salad and report . As they talk, move around the room .Offering language support as needed.Ask two groups of students to say the list of i

15、nstructions in front of the class without the book.T: Do you like making bananas milk shake ?Ss: Yes.T: Who wants to show the processes of making bananas milk shake with the action?S4: Id love to.Two groups of students show the processes of making bananas milk shake with the action .(This activity p

16、rovided oral practice by using the target language)Step 9 Summary Have one student to sum up the processes of making bananas milk shake.T:Could you tell us the processes of making bananas milk shake.S5: Certainly . Let me try .(This activity let students grasp content of this lesson and raise their

17、interest)Step 10 Doing exercises Get students to do exercises one by one .Then explain the reason of answer .Correct any mistakes.(This activity make students grasp key points of this lesson)Step 11 Homework : (1) Write a process. How do you make fruit milk shake? (2) Write a short passage about mak

18、ing vegetables salad .Blackboard Design:Unit7 How do you make a banana milk shake?First,Peel three bananas. Next, Cut the bananas.Next, Put the bananas and ice cream into the blender.Then, Pour the milk in the blender.Then, Turn on the blender.Finally, Drink the milk shake.教学反思本课我主要是采用情景教学。学生在所创设的情景

19、下激发学习动机,激励学生的学习积极性。在教学过程中培养学生的自主学习和合作精神。整个课堂气氛活跃,学生参与面广,所有的学生都参与了本节课的教学活动。又通过听、说、读、写四个方面的技能训练,完成了本课的教学内容。例如在制作香蕉奶昔时,学生一边动手操作一边用英语描述,即动手又动口,大部分学生能掌握好本节课的重点单词和句子:祈使句。而且课后他们还会感兴趣继续动手制作其他水果奶昔,这样他们可以亲自体验生活又可以练习用英语描述活动过程,对他们今后学习英语会留下极深的影响。总之,我感触最深的有下列几个方面: 1.上课准备充分,教学设计合理,教学活动目标明确。2.创设有利于学生学习的情境,激发学生的学习积极性。3.教学民主,学生广泛参与教学活动中,积极性高涨。4.学生敢于和乐于开口讲英语,英语口语表达能力有所提高。教学实效明显。5.学会了与他人合作,发展自主学习和合作精神。6. 时间安排不太合理,导致整节课有前松后紧的现象4


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