河北省唐山市曹妃甸区南堡开发区九年级英语全册 Unit 2 Great People lesson 10 Touch the World课件 (新版)冀教版.ppt

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河北省唐山市曹妃甸区南堡开发区九年级英语全册 Unit 2 Great People lesson 10 Touch the World课件 (新版)冀教版.ppt_第1页
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河北省唐山市曹妃甸区南堡开发区九年级英语全册 Unit 2 Great People lesson 10 Touch the World课件 (新版)冀教版.ppt_第2页
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河北省唐山市曹妃甸区南堡开发区九年级英语全册 Unit 2 Great People lesson 10 Touch the World课件 (新版)冀教版.ppt_第3页
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河北省唐山市曹妃甸区南堡开发区九年级英语全册 Unit 2 Great People lesson 10 Touch the World课件 (新版)冀教版.ppt_第4页
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《河北省唐山市曹妃甸区南堡开发区九年级英语全册 Unit 2 Great People lesson 10 Touch the World课件 (新版)冀教版.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《河北省唐山市曹妃甸区南堡开发区九年级英语全册 Unit 2 Great People lesson 10 Touch the World课件 (新版)冀教版.ppt(26页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、TOUCH THE WORLD,planetary Helen Keller writer educator blind deaf illness,adj. 行星的 海伦凯勒 n. 作家 n. 教育家;教育工作者 adj. 失明的;瞎的 adj. 失聪的;聋的 n. 疾病,Words and,Expressions,ability Anne Sullivan progress community greatly,n. 能力 安妮沙利文 n. 进步;进展 n. 社区;社会 adv. 非常;很,Words and,Expressions,Lead-in,海伦凯勒,19世纪美国女作家、教育家、慈善家


3、中收录的我的人生故事是海伦凯勒的自传性作品,被世界称为“文学史上无与伦比”的杰作。,安妮莎莉文,安妮.莎莉文,1866年4月出生于美国马萨诸塞州。5岁时因一场眼疾失去大部分视力。1880年10月进入帕金斯盲人学校。此间经过两次眼部手术,安妮的视力得到部分恢复。从帕金斯盲人学校毕业后,1887年3月,安妮来到海伦.凯勒家做家庭教师. 安妮用极大的爱心、耐心和毅力,在没有任何教育经验可以遵循的情况下,从尊重孩子的天性,引导孩子的兴趣出发,在摸索中成功地将海伦从一个心智未开、任性无知的小女孩逐渐培养成一个知书达理、才华横溢的少女,直至进入大学。 1936年10月19日,用全部心血培育了20世纪不朽奇

4、葩海伦.凯勒的传奇女性安妮.莎莉文在人们的惋惜声中与世长辞。,objectives,To learn the Attributive Clause with “who”, “that” To learn some new words: Writer, blind, deaf, illness, ability, progress, community,What do you know about Helen Keller?,Helen was blind and deaf. Her teacher gave her lots of help.,As Helen grew older, she

5、learned to read, write and even speak. She finished university at last.,Helen did her best to help other people who were deaf and blind.,Read the lesson and answer the questions.,1. Who is Helen Keller? 2. What happened to Helen Keller when she was nineteen months old? 3. How did Anne Sullivan teach

6、 Helen Keller? 4. What was the first word that Helen Keller learned? 5. What was Helen Keller famous for?,1. She is a well-known writer and educator.,2. She fell ill. She had a high fever that made her blind and deaf.,3. She spelled words on Helens hand with her fingers.,4. water.,5. She was famous

7、for her courage and hard work.,1,Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.,1. Mo Yan is a famous _ who received the Nobel Prize in 2012. 2. The medicine did not help, and her _ got worse. 3. She is excellent, and we trust her _. 4. Keep on trying and you will make_. 5. My aunt is a nurse and wor

8、ks in the _ clinic.,ability community writer progress illness,writer,illness,ability,progress,community,2,Free talk,What can you learn from Helen Kellers story?,Underline the adverbial clauses and attributive clauses in the passage.,Adverbial clauses,When she was nineteen months old, Helen fell ill.

9、,Before her illness, Helen was a bright and happy girl.,Attributive clauses,She did her best to help others in the community who were ,3,Write sentences. Use the example as a guide.,Those students study hard. They will pass the exam. 2. We know that woman. She is an English teacher. 3. The basketbal

10、l is behind the door. You are looking for it.,Work in groups. Have you heard of Stephen Hawking, Zhang Haidi or Huang Yangguang? What do you know about them? What can you learn from them? Talk about them.,Stephen William Hawking,斯蒂芬威廉霍金,英国剑桥大学应用数学与理论物理学系物理学家,19792009年任卢卡斯数学教授(现为荣誉卢卡斯数学教授),牛顿曾任此教席,是英

11、国最崇高的教授职位之一;霍金是继爱因斯坦之后最杰出的物理学家之一,被世人誉为“宇宙之王”。 70年代霍金与彭罗斯一道证明了著名的奇性定理,他还证明了黑洞的面积定理。霍金的生平是非常富有传奇性的,在科学成就上,他是有史以来最杰出的科学家之一,他超越了相对论、量子力学、大爆炸等理论而迈入创造宇宙的“几何之舞”。尽管他那么无助地坐在轮椅上,他的思想却出色地遨游到光袤的时空,解开了宇宙之谜。,Helen Keller, the well-known writer and educator, died yesterday at the age of 88.,at the age of “在岁的时候”,M

12、y father joined the army at the age of eighteen.,我父亲18岁参军。,著名的作家和教育家海伦凯勒于昨天逝世,享年88岁。,Language points,After she lost her ability to see and hear, she became difficult and wild.,ability n. 能力, 其后常接to do sth.或in / for sth.。,Shehad theabilitytoexplainthings clearly andconcisely. 她有能力简单扼要地把事情解释清楚。,在她失去了视

13、力和听力后,她变得难以相处且野蛮。,Language points,Anna was filled with pride.,be filled with “充满” be filled with= be full of,The bottle is filled with water. (= the bottle is full of water.) 瓶子里装满了水。,安妮心中充满了自豪感。,Language points,As Helen grew older, she made a lot of progress and learned to read.,make progress “取得进步

14、”,I shall act as he advices. Study and make progress step by step. 我会按他的建议做,努力学习,一步步地争取进步。,随着年龄的增长, 海伦进步很大,并且学会了阅读。,Language points,本课时重点回顾,As Helen grew older, she made a lot of progress and learned to read. When she was nineteen months old, Helen fell ill. 3. at the age of,为下列句子填上合适的关系词。,1. She is

15、 the girl _ I will go to Shanghai with.,who,2. The person _ you just talked to is Mr. Depp.,who,3. This is the college _ I visited.,that,4. This is the college _ I studied three years ago.,where,1. 随着年龄的增长, 海伦进步很大,并且学会了阅读。,2. 著名的作家和教育家海伦凯勒于昨天逝世,享年88岁。,As Helen grew older, she made a lot of progress and learned to read.,Helen Keller, the well-known writer and educator, died yesterday at the age of 88.,Homework,Write a newspaper article about a great person who has passed away in recent years.,


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