冀教版六年级英语下册《Unit 3 What Will You Do This Summer.Lesson 16 Li Ming’s Summer Holiday》_4.doc

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1、Lesson14.Li Mings Summer Holiday一、教学目标:1、 知识目标:(1) 掌握并运用aunt,uncle,cousin三个单词。(2) 能运用will表达自己想要做的事情,说出自己的暑假计划。2、 能力目标:(1)能正确运用aunt,uncle,cousin三个单词。(2)能运用将来时说出自己的暑假计划。3、 情感态度目标:通过本课的学习,让学生了解同学们是怎样过暑假的,相互了解,通过小组讨论的学习方式, 增强学生之间互相交流信息的能力。2、 教学设计思路:本课继续学习对于一般将来时的理解及运用,课文开始通过复习一般过去时,导入一般将来时,过渡自然,学生容易理解。通

2、过介绍我的暑假,先引出单词:aunt,uncle,cousin,在引出句子:What will you do? I will.,教授学生重点知识,再通过歌谣、游戏、对话的形式练习巩固新知,最后,学生们自己能够运用所学,自己写一写自己的暑假计划,达到学以致用。三、教学重点难点:1.掌握四会单词并灵活运用。2.理解并学会运用will来表达自己想要或将要做的事情。四、教学过程:Step1WarmingupGreetings:T: Good morning, boys and girls.S: Good morning,Miss Cui!T: How are you today?S: Fine, th

3、ank you. And you?T: Im fine, too. Thank you! Now,lets sing a song!S: Sing together!设计目的:轻松的问候和歌曲带给学生亲切舒适的感觉,让学生在愉快的环境下进入状态。Step2Free talk: Last Summer HolidaySome students talk with their photos.设计目的:从复习旧知识入手,引入新知识。Step3New Concept1.Teach the words:aunt,uncle,cousinT:Last summer,I went to Beijing. I

4、 went to the Summer Palace. This summer,I will go to Harbin on July 22. I will visit my aunt and uncle. I will play with my cousins.2. Teach the sentences:What will you do? I will.3. Chant!(自编)Will,will,what will you do?Swim,swim,I will swim.Will,will,what will you do?Run,run,I will run.Will,will,wh

5、at will you do?Visit,visit,I will visit.Will,will,what will you do?Go home,go home,I will go home.设计目的:自编歌谣,巩固新知,活跃课堂气氛,调动学生的积极性。4. Look,listen and answer.(What will Li Ming do this summer?)When will Li Ming fly? He will fly on June 25.Where will he fly? He will fly home. He will fly to China.Whom w

6、ill he visit? He will visit his grandparents,aunt and uncle.Whom will he play? He will play with his cousin Jing.Where will he visit? He will visit a “Hope Shool”.设计目的:呈现新知,层层递进,引导学生筛选信息,讨论,交流。5. Look and Imitate6. Lets play!(What will I do?)T:First,I ask,you answer;then the student asks,the other s

7、tudents answer.T:What will I do? I choose number 2.S1:You will buy some meat.S2:You will buy some fruit.T:Lets see!I will buy some fruit.S2:OK!Im right!设计目的:游戏增加课堂的趣味性,吸引学生眼球,让学生在玩中巩固运用将来时态。7. Practise in groupsWhat will you do? I will活动提示: Ask and answer in groups.(小组问答) Ask and answer in one by one.(问答接龙) You can sing.(编歌曲) You can chant.(编歌谣) .设计目的:在合作中提高口语交际能力,综合运用词汇的能力以及创新能力。8. Show Time9. Writing:My Summer Holiday Plan10.Homework: What will you do 20 years later?Step4 Class is overT: Goodbye!S: Goodbye!冀教版六年级下册Lesson14: Li Mings Summer Holiday教 学 设 计秦皇岛市北戴河区实验小学崔海慧


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