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1、科技外文文献Consumption among College StudentsWe college students are the generation that will take the responsibility to develop our country. Besides, we are also the consumers of tomorrow. It really has something to do to get to know what the college students want, how they get the information of the pr

2、oducts, and their consumption concepts and habits. So I did a research in order to show the tendency of college students consumption trend. Life styleThe difference between boys and girls on relaxing and entertainingSports (%)Movies & TV (%)Shopping (%)Internet (%)Traveling (%)Party (%)Ball (%)Readi

3、ng & singing (%)Boys42.919.75.511. difference between boys and girls on their idolsExplorer (%)Politician (%)Sports star (%)Literature star (%)Enterprise boss (%)Artist (%)Military strategist (%)Scientist (%)Oneself (%)Boys6.616.418.36.214.711.66.28.112

4、.4Girls8.611.910. about going on the Internet that is in fashion now among the college students? The answer is that about 93.6% students have visited the Internet. The average time the students spend on the Internet is around 6.7 hours, while the most is 78 hours.The most c

5、ommon place where the students choose to visit the Internet is the net bars near the campus (48.2%). Home ranks second (23.5%), followed by the dormitory (10%).The purposes of visiting the net are listed following: reading the news (27.2%), browsing the reference book (23.7%), chatting (16.6%), send

6、ing and receiving e-mails (12.5%), playing games (8.5%), downloading pictures and software (4.2%).Consumption concepts and consumption habitsThe places where consumers buy items are the problem which businessmen are interested in as well as consumers. The research shows that the supermarkets are the

7、 places that the students visit most. The reason lies not only in its cheap and complete items, but in it free shopping style as well. Whats more, the supermarkets have already appeared in some universities. As a result, more than 77.5% students regard supermarket as their favorite when they are sho

8、pping. On the opposite, only about 15% students will go to those big shopping centers to buy things. Thats probably because most colleges lies far from the city, and its not convenient for students to go to those shopping centers.Then how do students get information about products on campus? The res

9、earch show that most students get this kind of information around their dormitory building (32.4%), and canteen and teaching building are the other two main resource of the information. Its interesting that the result goes well with the students life style in college: dormitory-canteen-classroom, th

10、ree points a line. The students working busily among those places and gain the information that may have something to do with their shopping conception and habits.Advertisement plays a important part in students consuming conception for they are the generation which grow with the impact of Ads.TV ha

11、s no doubt the biggest affect on the students consuming, followed by propagating materials, newspapers, outdoor advertisement, net advertisement, and so on.As we all know, advertisements can stimulate consuming. Over 40% students will try to buy the product that is introduced by the advertisement or

12、 will directly buy the product because of the advertisement. If we take those who do not have the regular favorite brand into consideration, the impact advertisements have on the students will surly be even greater. If we look into the problem that what will mostly make the students consume, we will

13、 find that the goods on sale have the greatest affect, while giving presents is also useful.Shopping online and shopping by telephone are the newly born things which have not appeared until the resent years.Shopping onlineShopping by telephoneAccept completelyAccept partlyDo not acceptAccept complet

14、elyAccept partlyDo not accept6.676.514.614.667.415.8And there are also some factors that may not occur a few years ago, such as mobile phones and laptop computers, which can show the consumption concepts and habits of college students.Now more than half of the college students have or once had mobil

15、e phones, and sending short messages is their favorite service: more than 62.6% students have used this function. About 57.4% students are for the prices sake, 46.6% are attracted by its convenience, while 21.2% use it just for fun. And computers are also common among college students. The purpose o

16、f using computers are listed below: study (39.5%), entertainment (15%), Internet (12.1%), others (2.4%).Consuming abilities of college studentsl lThe average living expense of 2800 college students is 570 yuan per month, with the least 210 yuan and the most 4550 yuan.l l l l200500l l5001000l 1001200

17、0l l 2000l 34.7%l 43.1%l l 15.1%l 7.7% The usual consumption of college studentsDietClothingEntertainmentNewspapers & magazinesComputers & InternetCigarette $ wineOthers42.3%15.6%10.6%10.3%7.1%9.4%4.7% If you think these cannot represent the college students consuming abilities, then lets have a loo

18、k at the following research:About 49.7% students now have or once had mobile phones. Among those whose use mobile phones, about 36.7% use Motorola, the types are listed : 2988 (8.8%), T190 (2.4%), T191(4.6%), V998(3.8%), V8088(2.1%), others(13.4%).22.5% use Nokia, the types are: 8210(5%), 8250(10.6%

19、), 8310(0.5%), 3310(2.6%),others(3.8%).11% use Siemens, the types are: 3618(1%), 6688(1.2%), 3508(1.6%), 3568(0.5%), 3518(1.6%), 2118(3.4%), S1088(1.6%), others(0.1%).The number of the college students who have credit card is beyond our imagination.About 37.1% students have their own computer, with

20、the average cost of 4640 yuan. The most expensive computer cost 22000 yuan. From the research, we can find that college students consume mostly around their campus. And they are becoming more and more interested in their living quality. Their consumption ability is beyond our imagination, and quite

21、a number of students have their own computers or mobile phones. Besides, the number of credit cards college students have is really to our surprise. We can draw the conclusion that college students really have a great impact on todays market society. A businessman who can master the college students

22、 taste will be a successful one. In recent yearFindingsStudents consumption is not irrationalStudents have a high degree of brand loyaltyStudents focus more on fashion consumptionAnalysis1. On the total spending gap between rich and poor. Students on the overall spending concentrated in the 350 500

23、yuan and 500 yuan to 800 yuan in this range, less than 350 yuan or more than 1,200 yuan polarization is relatively small. The record amount of spending by poor students is basically less than 350 yuan. Poor hygienic living standards and purchasing power is quite different from an ordinary student. (

24、2. Diet large overhead. Whether or not poor hygiene, food expenditure in total consumption accounted for the majority, which is in line with health spending constituted. The survey found that college students are also caught its own to go out to eat dinner, and asking the students to an upsurge of e

25、xpenditure in this area, though not large, but also contributed to the high consumption of one of the reasons college students, which shows college students have come to has a social communicative aspects of consumption.3. Communication network became too costly. Surveyed the crowd of mobile phone o

26、wnership rate of 92%, 70% of poor students also have mobile phones. The survey found that most of the students focused on the monthly phone costs 50 yuan to 100 yuan, poor students generally able to control mobile phone costs 50 yuan. 14% of the students also have a monthly cell phone charges as hig

27、h as 150 yuan.4. Play money, love money gradual growth. With the concept of tourism into the modern consumer, college students have gradually had to spend in this area. It is understood that students will be traveling an average of twice a year, followed by traveling with a group or with 32 friends

28、on his trip. In addition, the survey accounted for 30% of college students fell in love, for love, the cost of their monthly 200 yuan 350 are high. This is a contemporary college students in the emergence of a less rational consumption. Students active in their thinking, to have a strong desire to l

29、earn new things, like the pursuit of fashion, consumption, ingratiate oneself strong, entertainment consumption, the proportion of total spending much. Conclusion1. The consumption structure of university students to keep up with the trend of social development, and social integration. As can be see

30、n from the survey, college students go out to dinner, invited to eat with friends, travel, communication networks, cost more, just like college students has become a small community, college students more aware of early exposure to some of the new society consumption patterns of life, and then early

31、 integration into society. The bank cards, credit cards and other consumption patterns have also been welcomed students can be seen, college students, as an active community group, although the economic strength failed to keep pace with society, but has long been on the consumer awareness and social

32、 development in sync.2. The rational consumer is still the mainstream consumer. College students most of the money is used for eating, but not that much fun in spending. Thus, college students, or fully aware of their own mission, or the study of knowledge-based, rather than indulging in play. As th

33、e spending power is limited, students will be more cautious when spending as much as possible selective and will not blindly seek expensive, or just focus on low prices rather than focus on quality. Therefore, consumption is a more rational consumption of the mainstream students.3. Consumer present

34、to the diversified development. Students in the realization of food and clothing, it is also apparent consumption of dressing up in this regard. As a well-read book, lucky saints who have learning I will not forget to stroll school supplies shops and bookstores, in order to obtain various kinds of c

35、ertificates, of education of university students has become a charge consumption hot spots. Part of the hand Kuanyu students will also have some fight back, head, such as cameras, MP3 and other digital products. Can be seen that the consumption-oriented college students gradually diversified develop

36、ment.4. Love expenses are too high. College students a solid beginning for romance and love to please discuss lovers pay a love money is relatively high, it is very unreasonable of university students as part of consumption expenditure, the monthly cost of living due to falling in love a lot of peop

37、le college students make ends meet. This kind of irrational consumption will lead to the formation of a false value, easy for college students that love is built on top of money. Therefore, love should be to stop the phenomenon of excessive spending. Students pose an unreasonable consumption of fact

38、or analysis1) The social impact of negative consumption trend. First of all, the students is very high consumption is due largely because the community as a whole consumption structure is irrational. At present, the emphasis on high consumption, which contributed to the student-oriented error compar

39、isons between the wind. In addition, the present-day society with overdraft popular consumption patterns, college students have a keen eye on social trends of the group, combined with the relative lack of self-judgment, if there is no proper guidance, it is easy to get into the consumer from errors.

40、2) The consumption of the campus atmosphere of catalytic wrong. School is also a rapid spread of consumer habits and methods of a mediator. University, which are generally the same age groups, college students have a stronger appeal. Its population size and value of individual behavior are often col

41、lege students as an important frame of reference. Once the comparisons of the wind, and the pursuit of brand-name of the wind, inviting guests into the wind with the signs of students, college students will be emulated. Coupled with a general lack of higher education in the consumption of establishi

42、ng a correct view of university students of education. Even with similar education, but in general are not deep enough or educational significance is not strong.3) The parents of an extension of the concept of improper spending. Families develop their children grow up generally lack the proper educa

43、tion of consumer attitudes. The traditional family is the focus primarily on education, child moral education, the modern emphasis on family education is the moral, intellectual, physical, multi-faceted culture, but it has always been a family education is a relatively weak link in the cultivation o

44、f the child consumer. In addition, many parents themselves do not have a healthy ideas about consumption. parents are afraid that worse than the others, prefer to eat less frugal use, to allow our children the same as with the other children dressed, eat well, play well, and thus contribute to the c

45、hild lavish spending habits.中文译文大学生的消费观我们这一代的大学生既肩负着建设祖国的重任,同时也是未来的消费者。这里很有必要了解大学生想要什么,他们如何获得产品的信息,以及他们的消费观和消费习惯。因此我做了一项研究来表明大学生的消费趋势。生活方式男孩和女孩在放松和娱乐方式上的区别运动(%)电影或电视(%)购物(%)上网(%)旅游(%)聚会(%)舞会(%)阅读和唱歌(%)男孩42.919.75.511.女孩16.73113.男孩和女孩在对待他们偶像上的区别探险家政治家体育明星文艺明星企业家艺术家军事策略家科

46、学家自己男孩6.616.418.36.214.711.女孩8.611.910.现在大学生流行上网的情况如何?答案是96.3%的学生都曾访问过互联网。大学生上网的平均时间在6.7个小时左右,最多达78个小时。大学生上网去的最常见的地方是学校附近的网吧(48.2%),选择在家上网位居第二(23.5%),选择宿舍上网紧跟其后(10%)。上网的目的列举如下:看新闻(27.2%),浏览参考书(23.7%),聊天(16.6%),收发邮件(12.5%),打游戏(8.5%),下载图片和软件(4.2%)。 消费观和消费习惯消费者购买商品的地方是商

47、人和消费者都感兴趣的问题,研究表明超市是大学生去购物最多的地方,其原因在于它不仅物美价廉而且购物方式自由。并且,超市已经在一些大学里出现了。由于这一原因,超过77.5%的大学生将超市购物视为他们的最爱。相反,只有15%的大学生去那些大型购物中心去买东西。这可能是因为大多数的大学都远离市区,大学生不方便去那些购物中心。那么大学生如何足不出学校就能获得产品的消息呢?研究表明大多数人在他们的宿舍楼附近获取这一类消息,食堂和教学楼是另外两种信息的主要来源。有意思的是这项研究符合大学生 宿舍-食堂-教室 三点一线的生活方式。他们繁忙地穿梭于这些地方,并获取相关的信息,这些都和他们的购物观和购物习惯息息相关。广告在大学生的消费观上起着重要的作用,因为他们是同广告的形象一起成长的一代人。电视无疑已经是影响大学生消费观德最大因素,其次是宣传单,报纸,户外广告,网络广告等等。总所周知,广告可以刺激消费。超过40%的大学生都会购买广告介绍的产品,或者直接购买广告宣传的产品。如果我们不把那些定期喜爱的商业品牌考虑在内的话,广告对大学生的影响竟会更大。如果我们进一步研究影响大学生消费最大动因的这一问题,我们会发现在售商品影响力最大,同时送礼物也会很有效。网上购物和电话购物是最近几年才出现的一种新生的购物方式。网上购物电话购物完全接受部


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