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1、翻译原文:Preliminary design of urban binjiang roadZhang Cheng hong Deng Guan Cai Chen MingAbstract: Urban binjiang road construction is a comprehensive, professional engineering system in recent years, urban construction is an important component. This article from design standards, structure and founda

2、tion processing aspects of the design of the particularity and urban binjiang road put forward the corresponding proposal.Keywords: urban binjiang road design standard structure forms of foundation treatment recommendations1 a forewordA city is a basic rivers or through them or belt. Rivers in citie

3、s like colored winding between since ancient people to survive, provide the resources and the nutrition of politics, economy, history, culture, and closely related. Along with the growth in productivity, economic development, binjiang road (river) (hereinafter referred to as the binjiang road) becom

4、e city is an important part of the construction. Broadly speaking, binjiang road is not part of the urban traffic, it sets the urban flood control and network construction, landscape, environmental protection, and humanistic landscape function as one, is one of the city, the water, the relationship

5、between the construction of success, directly affects the orientation of the city and economic great-leap-forward development. The author participated in some city hosted the binjiang road, the following design work experience.2 design standardsBinjiang road design, to follow the city planning, land

6、, environment, network planning for flood control, etc. Now the binjiang road construction is a variety of functions, its design standards should be integrated more professional standard and analysis. Binjiang road surface from flood linear function should satisfy the relevant terms for the urban fl

7、ood control standard requirements, and strive to any section of the flow and smooth, minimize the turbulence and deposition, in order to avoid the scour of embankment and passage, From the urban road network function terms should meet the minimum required corresponding road engineering, and smooth c

8、urve elements to smooth linear, traffic organization, From the humanistic landscape and landscape architecture function and requirement, binjiang road embankment and line, and in the sunken reach out or platform landscape Settings, in order to maximize the close to nature and outstanding urban theme

9、s. This standard and flood control, road landscape request from, it is required to design and analysis on hydrology model test based on the urban flood control standard basis, and try to meet the standards and requirements. The road landscape, Binjiang road from flood control function of longitudina

10、l bolt form, its surface elevation, the flood control standard should be equal to the corresponding flood elevation + bulkhead ultra-high frequency, From the road surface elevation for standard should be equal to the flood control standard of flood elevation + 50 cm frequency, and satisfy the needs

11、of the corresponding road engineering level minimum vertical curve elements and longitudinal grade requirements, From the humanistic landscape and landscape architecture function, binjiang road in the vertical section water, be like longyou movement. The determination of longitudinal cut in flood co

12、ntrol functions, in accordance with the basis of city planning and real terrain, but in some higher than the flood control standards and meet district, binjiang road road alignment requirements in its inspiration on the whole assignment. Binjiang road cross-sectional form according to landform, inve

13、stment and other conditions, in general, could be divided into 3 types, as shown in figure 1 (as shown in the diagram, erect embankment geological condition and landscape, can design for with hydrophilic embankment slope). Cross-sectional form one and two practical in road surface elevation than ins

14、ide field constructed (the) to form a city, cross-sectional slope sections (recreational and greening) as part, which can save high quantity and investment, this section in the landscape, have the better afforestation, Three practical in road cross-sectional form within the field of elevation than r

15、oad elevation constructed in leisure and city, the greenbelt as ultra-high part, and avoid the embankment raised influence quantities, flat road renamed and investment. In line with the line between reinforced embankment with width can be combined with green recreational landscape design requirement

16、s and adjust measures to local conditions, and optimize.Figure 1 binjiang road cross-sectional form3 structure1) general rigid pavement concrete structure and flexible portion of asphalt concrete structure of two forms. In flexible pavement design, still can choose for landscape need five CaiBan Lan

17、 of colored pavement. 2) the choice of the form of structure of embankment in hydrology, the main engineering geological conditions, the necessary conditions for the local materials and the humanities landscape and scientific and reasonable use new technology, new material. Embankment in general and

18、 rigid and flexible structure, concrete QiShi, two types of rigid structure is applicable to bedrock and close-grained sandy pebble for the foundation; etc. With such composites reinforced with rolling stone pile and soil type flexible structure is applicable to thicker soil layer as the foundation

19、bearing. The conventional structure of embankment, no longer just recently made two cases of urban river embankment structure be introduced emphatically. Leshan BinHeLu municipal engineering (dadu river section) for vertical stiffness of embankment, topped by 24 m, municipal pipeline layout position

20、 under tension, embankment by the light of concrete, which combined bearing constructed to retaining under 6 m for gravity retaining wall, for the cantilever, shown in figure 2, under the municipal pipeline layout to surface.Solve, and quantity relatively saving. LangZhongShi binjiang road (river) m

21、unicipal engineering, basic for a mutually close to close-grained sandy pebble, middle layer containing weak crystals, its biggest depth of more than 30 meters, in order to adapt to the deformation of foundation reinforced embankment, by retaining structure, flexible by flooding test, nearly four ye

22、ars, safety and stability of embankment deformation, LangZhongShi for historical and cultural cities, historical and cultural city, binjiang road surrounded by the pattern of retaining wall panel, make new roads into city history and culture organically binjiang road embankment is different from the

23、 embankment with water, but also because of the direct contact. Many domestic engineering design of water shortage, construction plunged conditions considered when discharging water and filter layer unqualified, often because the steep rise steeply down and crash, the main reason is not water outlet

24、, seepage pressure on embankment sections that shear failure or instability of foundation.Figure 2 combined-type retaining wall4 foundation treatmentProper foundation treatment is one of the key factors of successful project, but also some engineering is one of the main reasons for the accident. Bin

25、jiang road foundation with good, fast and save for the principle, cast in flood season before is a winner. BinHeLu leshan city of engineering rock litter, because the role as perennial turbulent digg 6 m deep pit pit mud, if for filling cofferdam seepage control, engineering investment will be incre

26、ased by 30%, Due to the large amount, high velocity in dadu, covering layer are strongly permeable sand pebbles foundation construction, using several excavator edge excavation forcw edge of cement stabilized sand gravel and timely crushes the sedimentation crowded, fill out the weak foundation for

27、success, protect the surrounding foundation for piping and not instability. LangZhongShi binjiang road municipal engineering foundation southern 400 m for sandy pebble clip ZhongSha weak layer, weak layer below the underground water in 100kPa bearing, friction Angle, 16 , the bearing capacity of fou

28、ndation, roads and the weak layer slide safety coefficient, In order to save investment and construction, the design adopts 75 kW vibrator on the foundation for vibro-replacement stone column, via detecting composite foundation bearing capacity of 550kpa 3016 Angle and friction. Meet embankment need

29、ed stability against sliding bearing capacity and the request, the desired effect. These two cases have maximum saving project investment, won before flood of precious time. Domestic several binjiang road engineering accident investigates itsreason mainly as follows: 1) when the design of embankment

30、 and foundation of the clay layer, cranny weakness interlayer sliding stability thoughtle-ss slip out of the whole, embankment. 2) the structure and roadbed treatment are reasonably safe, but when large roadbed construction on the edge of river terraces, feeding area, make structure roadbed, lose sl

31、iding resistance level fluctuations in easily, flowing soil, piping, collapse, make the foundation structure, mechanical parameters reduce and eventually crash poaching by less fastidious, commonly known as project.3) when the embankment sections simultaneously in soft and hard, because when the two

32、 kinds of bearing the embankment caused by uneven settlement dumping or section cracking. 4) the buried depth of roadbed not according to specification, in scour depth below the embankment foundation and foundation by scouring and crash. Design and construction should be especially avoid above a few

33、 cases.5 cross structuresBecause of the special with water, binjiang road, its range is often exist or planning (port), Bridges, DAMS, binjiang park, such as buildings, rescue, should consider when designing and binjiang road, whether reasonable, the combination of longitudinal loads, relationship,

34、flood control, urban traffic management of the landscape.6 problem and suggestionThe urban flood control standard is based on binjiang road urban population size and importance, but the flood control standard is the bridge to the scale, the span Bridges and importance. Because of the importance of b

35、ridge structure, in the same city flood control standard far outweigh the binjiang road bridge, i.e. bridge design elevation standard than binjiang road design elevation, for both sides General layout is more important riverbank, demolition, thus building difficulties caused by longitudinal structur

36、e of road and bridge. Whether can consider the bridge standard with the flood control standard is adapt to the urban flood control standard, and its importance in the structure of safety. Urban binjiang road construction is a comprehensive, professional system engineering, the competent departments

37、shall, according to the successful experience of all the standard provisions formulated perfect as soon as possible to guide design and construction.翻译译文:城市滨江路设计浅析张程宏邓关彩陈铭摘要:城市滨江路建设是一项综合性多学科、多专业的系统工程, 是近些年城市建设的一个重要组成部分。本文从设计标准、结构形式、地基处理等方面阐述城市滨江路设计的特殊性并提出相应建议。关键词: 城市滨江路设计标准结构形式地基处理建议1前言一个城市基本有一条或几条江

38、河穿越其中或绕城而行。河流似彩带蜿蜒于城市之间, 亘古以来, 提供人们赖以生存的资源营养, 并与政治、经济、历史、文化等密切相关。随着生产力的提高, 经济的发展, 滨江(河) 路(以下统称滨江路)成为城市建设的一个重要组成部分。广义地讲, 滨江路不仅是城市交通的组成部分, 它还集城市防洪、管网建设、园林绿化、环境保护、人文景观等功能为一体, 是人、水、城关系的纽带, 其建设的成败直接影响城市定位和经济跨越式发展。笔者近几年主持参加了若干城市滨江路的设计工作, 归纳以下几点体会。2设计标准滨江路设计遵循城市总体规划, 以路网、用地、环境、防洪等规划为依据。现在建设的滨江路均具多种功能, 故其设计

39、标准应综合多个专业规范分析而定之。滨江路平面线形从防洪功能来讲应满足相应城市防洪标准所需的行洪断面要求,并力求河岸及水流顺畅, 最大限度地减少紊流和淤积, 以避免对路堤的冲刷及行洪不畅; 从城市路网功能来讲应满足相应道路工程所需的最小平曲线要素要求, 并力求线形顺畅, 以利于交通组织; 从人文景观及园林小品功能来讲, 又要求滨江路河堤婉转而行, 并在河段凸出或凹进之处设置景观平台, 以最大限度地接近自然和突出城市主题。由此防洪、道路标准与景观要求有所背离, 这就要求设计人员以水文分析兼模型试验为依据, 在满足城市防洪标准的基础上, 尽量满足道路标准和景观要求。滨江路纵断线形从防洪功能来讲, 其

40、路面高程应等于相应防洪标准下的频率洪水高程+堤顶超高;从道路标准而言路面高程应等于防洪标准下的频率洪水高程+50cm,并满足相应道路工程等级所需的纵坡及最小竖曲线要素要求; 从人文景观及园林小品功能方面, 要求滨江路在纵段上似龙游水中, 有起伏动感。其纵断的确定在满足防洪功能基础之上,依城市规划和实际地形, 可在某些地势较高地段高于防洪标准并满足道路线形要求, 使滨江路在整体上赋之其灵感。滨江路横断面形式依地形、投资及景观等条件, 总体上可分为三类, 如图1 所示(图中所示均为直立路堤, 视地质条件和景观要求, 路堤可设计为具亲水性的斜坡式)。横断面形式一、二实用于路内场地高程大于路面(堤顶)

41、 高程的城市, 横断面形式以斜坡段(休闲及绿化带) 作为超高部分, 由此可节约工程量和投资, 该断面在景观上颇具层次感, 园林绿化时更好做文章; 横断面形式三实用于路内场地高程低于路堤顶高程的城市, 其以休闲及绿化带作为超高部分, 而避免由于路堤的抬高影响路内场平工程量、拆迁及投资。在道路边线与路堤边线之间的绿化休闲带宽度可结合景观设计要求而因地制宜, 择优确定。图1滨江路横断面形式3结构形式.1) 路面:总体上分刚性混凝土结构和柔性沥青混凝土结构两种形式。在柔性路面设计时, 为景观需要还可选择五彩斑谰的彩色路面。2) 路堤:结构形式的选择主要以水文、工程地质条件, 地方材料为必要条件, 并兼

42、顾人文景观及科学合理运用新技术、新材料。路堤总体上也分刚性和柔性结构两大类, 混凝土、砌石等刚性结构适用于以基岩、密实砂卵石等为持力层的地基; 以筋带等复合材料及碾压式堆石(土) 构成的柔性结构适用于以较厚土质覆盖层作为持力层的地基。路堤常规结构笔者不再累赘, 仅就近期所作两例城市滨江路堤结构予以着重介绍。乐山市滨河路市政工程(大渡河段) 为直立式刚性路堤, 最高达24m,因市政管线布设位置紧张, 路堤采用下重上轻组合式混凝土挡墙, 即持力层至堤顶下6m为重力式挡墙, 以上为悬臂式挡墙, 详见如图2, 由此路面下市政管线布设得以全部解决, 且工程量相对节约。阆中市滨江路(嘉陵江) 市政工程,

43、持力层基本为稍密至密实砂卵石互层, 中间含软弱结晶体, 其最大深度达30m,为适应地基变形, 路堤采用加筋土柔性挡墙结构,经近4年洪水考验, 路堤变形甚微, 安全稳定; 阆中市为历史文化名城, 滨江路环绕历史文化城区,通过对挡墙面板的花纹处理, 使新建道路有机地融于城市历史文化滨江路路堤不同于一般路堤之处还因其与水有直接联系。国内很多工程设计时对水位骤降工况考虑不足, 施工时泄水孔及反滤层不合格, 常因河水的陡涨陡落而失事, 究其原因主要是未给水以出路, 渗透压力致使路堤断面剪切破坏或地基失稳。图2组合式挡墙4地基处理地基处理是否恰当合理是工程成败的关键因素之一, 也是若干工程失事的主要原因之

44、一。滨江路地基处理以好、快、省为原则, 赶在汛期之前就是赢家。乐山市滨河路市政工程岩窝段, 因河水常年紊流作用被淘成深达6m的深坑,坑内充填淤泥, 若作防渗围堰, 工程投资将增加30%;由于大渡河水量大,流速高, 覆盖层均为砂卵石强透水地基, 施工采用几台挖掘机边开挖边回填水泥稳定砂卵石挤淤并及时碾压的措施, 成功换填了软弱地基, 保护了周围地基不至因管涌而失稳。阆中市滨江路市政工程南段400m地基为砂卵石夹中砂软弱层, 软弱层在地下水位以下, 承载力100kPa, 摩擦角16, 地基承载力不够, 道路与地基整体沿软弱层滑动安全系数小; 为节省投资和工期,设计采用75kW 振冲器对地基作振冲碎

45、石桩处理, 经检测复合地基承载力达550kPa, 摩擦角为3016。满足路堤所需承载力及抗滑稳定要求, 达到预期效果。以上两例均最大限度地节省了工程投资、赢得了汛期前宝贵的时间。国内若干滨江路工程失事究其原因主要为:1) 设计时对路堤自身与地基沿泥化层、裂隙等软弱夹层滑动的整体稳定考虑不周, 致使路堤整体滑出。2) 对自身结构和路基处理均合理安全, 但施工时大量在路基边缘的河床阶地取料, 造成路基临空, 使结构物失去抗滑支撑, 在水位涨落期间, 极易造成流土、管涌、跨塌, 使地基结构破坏,力学参数降低而最终失事, 俗称“挖墙脚工程”。3)当路堤断面同时置于软、硬两种持力层时, 由于路堤的不均匀

46、沉降造成倾倒或断面拉裂。4) 路基埋置深度未按规范在冲刷深度以下, 致使路堤地基和基础受冲刷而失事。设计和施工时应特别避免上述几类情况的出现。5交叉建筑物滨江路因与水的特殊关系, 其范围内常存在或规划有港口码头(游览为主)、桥梁、闸、坝、滨江公园、抢险通道等建筑物, 设计时应考虑它们与滨江路的平、纵结合是否合理, 荷载作用关系等, 以利于城市交通、防洪、景观的管理。6问题及建议城市滨江路的防洪标准是根据人口规模及重要性而定, 而桥梁防洪标准是根据桥梁的规模、跨径及重要性而定。因桥梁结构的重要性, 在同一城市中桥梁防洪标准远大于滨江路标准, 即桥梁设计高程远高于滨江路的设计高程, 因两岸河堤一般布置有较多重要建筑物, 拆迁困难, 由此造成路与桥的纵向结构难度加大。桥梁规范是否可考虑其防洪标准与相应城市防洪标准相适应,而其重要性在结构安全度中体现。城市滨江路建设是一项综合性多学科、多专业的系统工程, 主管部门应根据各地的成功经验, 尽快制定完善的规范条文以指导设计和施工。


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