Unit 10 第二课时课件名师制作优质学案.ppt

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1、You are supposed to shake hands.,Section A 1a-2d,Unit 10,一、语言知识: 1. Topic: Talk about customs and what you are supposed to do. 2. Language goals: (1).熟练掌握以下词汇和短语: custom, bow, kiss, greet. (2).熟练掌握以下句型: 1.What do people do when they meet for the first time? 2.Theyre supposed to / Theyre expected to.

2、 3. She greeted Pauls mother the wrong way. 4.She was supposed to arrive at 7:00. 5.I guess you should have asked what you were supposed to wear?,Teaching and Learning goals,二、语言功能: Talk about different customs in different countries using the pattern: be supposed to do. 三、学习策略 通过谈论中国的见面礼节,让学生学会谈论“应

3、该,不应该”。并以此句型进一步谈论各国的礼仪。 四、情感态度 Learn different customs in different countries and how to greet people in different countries. Tell them “do as the Romans do when we are in Rome” is very important .,Brazil,Korea,Japan,the United States,Mexico,What country is it?,Warming -up & Leading-in,What do peopl

4、e do when they meet for the first time?,shake hands,kiss,bow,Theyre supposed to.,A: What are people in China supposed to do when they meet for the first time? B: Theyre supposed to ,Do you know ?,Match and discuss,Step 3: Listening 1. Listening for the general idea听取大意 T: Look at 1b and read the cha

5、rt carefully and then listen to the tape to answer “What are they talking about?” A. Greeting in different countries. B. Table manners C. Shake hands. D. Bow 2. Listening for the specific ideas听取细节,c,b,a,b,a,1b Listen and check,pairwork,A: What are people in supposed to do when they meet for the fir

6、st time? B: Theyre supposed to ,If youre invited to have dinner at your friends house, what are you supposed to do? what arent you supposed to do?,(time, food, greet, clothes, gifts),Different countries have different customs.,Maria: I was supposed to_, but I arrived at 8:00. Maria: In my country, i

7、ts different. When youre invited for 7:00, youre supposed to_ . Dan: And you were supposed to _ instead. Dan: I guess you should have asked what you were supposed to_.,arrive at 7:00,come later,shake hands,wear,Listen again and fill in the blanks,Look the picture and say what she did wrong.,Maria is

8、 an exchange students to America. She had dinner at a friends house. Lets look at the picture and say what mistakes she made.,2a,Step6 Reading While-reading activities Read the conversation quickly and silently, choose the answer: The main idea of 2d is _ A. Making new friends B. Shaking hands C. Cu

9、stoms and what youre supposed to do at the party. D. How to greet each other for the first time in different countries.,Read the conversation carefully and silently, fill in the chart below.,Read the conversation carefully and silently, fill in the chart below.,Japan,France,Brazil,bow,shake hands,ki

10、ss,kiss,shake hands,Step7 Inquiry into knowledge by translation(翻译探究) 一组合作翻译下面的句子,体会本课语法。 1.You are supposed to shake hands. 2.Theyre supposed to bow. 3. What are people in Brazil supposed to do when they meet for the first time? 4. You were supposed to wear t-shirt. 5.I was supposed to arrive at7:0

11、0.,结论: 以上句型含有be supposed to do 意为_,当句子的主语是人时,它以用来表示劝告,建议,义务,责任等,意思是 “to be expected to do sth, or to have to do sth.” 它的时态变化和句式变化主要体现在be动词上。 be not supposed to do 不可, 不许(表示委婉的禁止)例如:(1).如果你要离开教室, 应该先问问老师。 (2).我们不应该在星期以踢足球。 (3).这是秘密,我不应该谈论。 (4).她又迟到了, 她应该向老师说对不起。 (5).你不许在这栋楼里抽烟。,二1. She greeted Pauls

12、mother the wrong way. 2. We greet her by saying “Hello”. _ greet v.意为 greet =to welcome or say “hello”如:greet sb 与某人打招呼 例如: (1)他向她打招呼说 “早上好”。 (2)她跟我微笑着打招呼。 (3)美丽的景色呈现在我们面前。 the wrong way意为 相当于in the wrong way, way 在此处意为“_” 如:你不能以错误的方式完成这项工作。_.,Step8 The end-of- class test当堂检测 一、根据句意和首字母或汉语提示完成句子. 1.

13、 Eating dumplings on the Spring Festival is the c_ in China. 2. The waiter at the door is _(鞠躬) to the customers to welcome them. 3.You are s_ to do the work alone. 4.He always g_ with a smile. 5.In China, were supposed to s_hands while saying “Hello”to each other when we meet.,二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.You

14、 (stop) at the traffic lights,but you didnt. 2.Its a custom that people in Brazil _(kiss) when they meet. 3.Its important for us _(make) plans_(meet)friends. 4.I_(wear) the wrong clothes and ate the wrong food. 5.People are supposed _(bow) in Korea. 三、请翻译下列句子。 1.在你们国家人们第一次见面应该做什么?_ 2.他不应该在7点到。_ 3.那是不礼貌的如果你不鞠躬。_ 4.其他每个人都穿着衬衫和牛仔裤。_ 5.我伸出我的手时,使我惊讶的是她亲吻了我的双颊。_,Thank you,


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