新冀教版三年级起点四年级英语下册《Unit 1 Hello Again!Lesson 4 How Many Books Are There.》课件_15.ppt

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《新冀教版三年级起点四年级英语下册《Unit 1 Hello Again!Lesson 4 How Many Books Are There.》课件_15.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新冀教版三年级起点四年级英语下册《Unit 1 Hello Again!Lesson 4 How Many Books Are There.》课件_15.ppt(17页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、四年级下册,Lesson 4 How Many Books Are There?,Say numbers one by one,Say numbers one by one,Activity,抢答,Presentation,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,twelve,thirteen,fourteen,fifteen,sixteen,seventeen,eighteen,nineteen,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,twenty,thirty,forty,fifty,sixty,seventy,eighty,ninety,100 one hundred,我

2、会找规律,Presentation,twenty,thirty,forty,fifty,sixty,seventy,eighty,ninety,ty,用在整十数字后,Try to say,Practice,10+10=,10+12=,15+15=,15+25=,30+20=,50+20=,Presentation,How many books are there on my desk, Jenny?,Presentation,One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. There are eight books.,Presentation,L

3、ets put eight books on the eight books. How many books are there on my desk now?,Presentation,Sixteen!,Presentation,Lets put twenty-nine books on the sixteen books. How many books are there?,Presentation,One book!,Oops!,Role-play,How many?,One, two, three,Practice,Practice,-How many are there on the desk? -There are .,重点词汇:,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,twenty,thirty,forty,fifty,sixty,seventy,eighty,ninety,ty用在整十数字后,询问数量的问句及答语: -How many ? -There are ,1.观看课文动画并跟读,按照正确的语音、语调朗读并表演课文对话。2.小小调察员:调查一下家人的年龄,并用英语和同伴进行交流。 3.预习Lesson5。,


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