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《book module cloning课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《book module cloning课件.ppt(73页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、book module cloning,1,Frankenstein,book module cloning,2,Frankenstein is anovelwritten by a nineteen- year old Englishwoman, Mary Shelley,about amonster created by a scientific experiment. It is one of the best science fiction stories ever written.,Background,book module cloning,3,Victor _(发现) the s

2、ecret of how to creat life. Therefore, he created a _ that resembled( ) a huge human being.,The monster looked very strong, big, ugly and terrified with _ (布满皱纹的) skin, and black lips.,discovered,monster,和相似,wrinkled,book module cloning,4,Are you ready? Lets enjoy the horror movie ! ! !,book module

3、cloning,5,Frankenstein _ the secret of how to creat life. 弗兰肯斯坦发现了创造生命的秘密。,discovered,book module cloning,6,He used the bones from the _ (死尸)in graveyards(墓地) and morgues(停尸房),dead bodies,book module cloning,7,After finishing the experiment, horror and _(恶心) filled his heart. He couldnt stand it. So

4、, he rushed out.,disgust,book module cloning,8,Meanwhile, after he _(从逃跑) Frankensteins house, the poor monster ran into the woods.,ran out,book module cloning,9,However, the people were so full of fear_(已至于)they ran him out of town _(即使) he had hurt no one.,that,even though,book module cloning,10,T

5、he monster _(躲进)in a cottage(村庄). And he built a good relationship with a blind old man. He helped him do the housework.,hid,book module cloning,11,However, the children of the old man found him and kicked him out.,After that, he decided to revenge. He killed many people _(包括) kids and women.,includ

6、ing,book module cloning,12,When Victor _ (拒绝)to creat a wife for him, he murdered Victors brother.,refused,book module cloning,13,_ (为了)destory the monster, Victor _ (追赶)the creature to the Arctic. At last, Frankenstein was died of tired. Before he died, the monster appeared and talked with him. He

7、ended his own life just after his masters death.,In order to,chased,book module cloning,14,The Beautiful Sentences,You gave me a body, a mind, and feelings. Then you left me alone in the world to be feared and hated by everyone, and I know that you hate me the most of all. I truly believed you were

8、evil.,book module cloning,15,summary,1._使惊恐,使受惊吓;_感到恐惧的;_令人恐惧的;_恐惧;_恐怖分子 2._布满皱纹的;_皱纹 3._使觉得恶心;_恶心的;_令人恶心 4._感情,情绪;_有感情的 5._未婚妻;_未婚夫 6._基因;_基因的;_基因学 7._完全相同的;_和一样;_身份证,terrify,terrified,terrifying,terror,terrorist,wrinkled,wrinkle,disgust,disgusted,disgusting,emotion,emotional,fiancee,fiance,gene,ge

9、netic,genetics,identical,be identical to,identity card,book module cloning,16,8._假象的;_想象 想象 9._难以相信的;_可信的;_信用,信誉,_ 10._追逐;_谋杀;_ 拒绝 _呼吸;_猛冲;_害怕_ 治愈;_抚育;_成分; _程序; 11.扑倒在上_ 发出声音_ 屡次_ 错误地_ 把当成对待_ 一系列的_,imaginary,imagine,incredible,credible,credit,credit card,chase,murder,refuse,breathe,rush,fear,cure,up

10、bringing,component,procedure,throw oneself on,make a sound,again and again,by mistake,treat .as,a sequence of,book module cloning,17,filling the blanks,Frankenstein _ the secret of how to creat life. He used the bones from the _ (死尸). After finishing the experiment, horror and _(恶心) filled his heart

11、. He couldnt stand it. So, he rushed out. Meanwhile, the people were so full of fear_they ran him out of town _(即使) he had hurt no one. The monster hid in a cottage(村庄). And he _ a good relationship with a blind old man. However, the children of the old man kicked him _. After that, he decided to re

12、venge and killed many people including Frankensteins brother. _ destory the monster. He _ him to the Arctic, and was died of tired. At last the monster disappeared and _.,discovered,dead bodies,filled,that,even though,built,In order to,chased,ended his own life,out,book module cloning,18,Period 2 Re

13、adingFrankensteins Monster,book module cloning,19,Interviewer : Mr Karloff, its really a great honour to have you here. I heard you played an important role in a horror film. So, what is it about? Frankenstein:_ (它讲诉了一位科学家创造了一个很像人的巨大怪物的故事) Interviewer: Monster? wahooo. what does the monster look lik

14、e? Frankenstein:_ (他又大又丑满脸皱纹,黄眼睛,黑嘴唇。它能吓到每个看见他的人),An interview with Boris Karloff,It told the story of a scientist who created a monster that resembled a huge human being.,He is very big and very ugly with wrinkled skin, yellow eyes, and black lips. He can terriffy everyone who sees him.,book module

15、 cloning,20,Interviewer : Wow. I cant wait to see the monster in cinema. so what do you think of the moive? Frankenstein:_ (我认为它是最好的恐怖片之一) Interviewer : May the film a huge success. Meanwhile, thank you for your precious time. Frankenstein: It is my pleasure.,I think it is one of the best horror fil

16、ms.,book module cloning,21,Part 1 the story of Frankenstein,1. How did Frankenstein create the monster? 2. In what ways does the monster resemble a human being? 3. Why did Frankenstein decide to destroy the monster? 4. What happened to the monster at last?,He used bones from dead bodies to make the

17、creature and gave it life.,The monster has a body which is made of human parts;he has learnt to speak and has human emotions.,Because murdered his brother, friend and new wife.,He disappeared into the ice and snow to end his own life.,book module cloning,22,Where did Frankenstein create his monster?

18、,book module cloning,23,Part 2 Extract from Frankenstein,In Frankensteins lab.,book module cloning,24,Para1 Para.2 Para.3 Para.4,nightmare regretted appearance came into being,Main idea for part2,book module cloning,25,para1.The monster came into being.,It was_that I saw_. _,I prepared the equipment

19、 that would _the thing that _. The rain _the window. My candle was almost _ when, _ its tiny light, I saw _.,the yellow eye of the creature open.,on a cold November night,my creation,for the first time,give life to,lay at my feet,fell against,burnt out,by,Feeling very anxious,book module cloning,26,

20、Para2 The appearance of the monster.,veins skin hair teeth eyes lips,A,B,C,D,horrible /terrifying disgusting,beneath,contrast with,What do they have in common?,book module cloning,27,Para3 The monster became a nightmare,What did Frankenstein feel when he saw the monster?,He felt regretful,terrified,

21、 and disgusted .,PAIR WORK,I wish I had not created this creature; . I wish I could disappear! .,rushed out walked up and down threw myself on the bed had nightmares woke up, shaking with fear hid in the garden,What he thought,What he did,book module cloning,28,The moment it was created, the monster

22、 attempted to adapt himself into human social patterns. He learnt to speak and read. At one time he managed to rescue a drowning girl and tried hard to befriend kids but was kicked out by all who saw him. He desired to be loved and accepted by humankind, but unfortunately was not accepted because of

23、 his horrible appearance. This feeling of abandonment forced him to seek revenge against his creator. As a matter of fact, the monster was a victim of prejudice.(偏见),I think he wanted to speak, but I did not hear.,?,Come close to the monster,拓展阅读,book module cloning,29,Group work,Make a dialogue (对话

24、)between Frankenstein and his monster to make up the story in detail . Frankenstein:. Monster:. Frankenstein:. Monster: .,book module cloning,30,Phrase translation,1)赋予. .生命力 2) 燃尽,烧完 3)借着微弱的光 4) 与. .形成对照 5)来来回回地走 6) 扑倒在床上 7)做噩梦 8) 吓得发抖 9)反反复复 10) 做出声音,1. give life to 2. burn out 3. by its tiny ligh

25、t 4. contrast with 5. walk up and down 6. throw oneself on the bed 7. have nightmares 8. shake with fear 9. again and again 10. make a sound.,book module cloning,31,Period 3 Reading,book module cloning,32,Explanation,1. While studying at university, he discovers the secret of how to create life. 本句的

26、状语部分为一个_句,省略了主语和谓语。在时间、条件、让步状语从句中,当从句的主语与主句的主语一致,且从句的谓语动词含有_时,可将从句的主语和be省略。,省略,be,book module cloning,33,品味经典 He often kept silent unless spoken to. 除非别人跟他说话,否则他经常保持沉默。 He often makes mistakes when speaking English. 说英语时,他经常出错。,I wont go to the party unless _invited. 如果不被邀请,我不会去参加那个晚会。 If _ given mo

27、re time,I will do it better. 如果多给点时间,我会做得更好。,(I am),(I am),book module cloning,34,【即学即练】 根据以上句型仿写下列句子。 1. 在牙医处等候的时候,我读了一整篇短篇小说。 _ I read a whole short story. 2. She had got injured while she was playing tennis. (改为同义句) She had got injured while _ _.,While waiting at the dentists,playing tennis,book

28、module cloning,35,2. resemble: vt. be like or similar to与相像,不用于进行时,被动语态。 常用短语:resemble sb./sth. (in sth.) e.g. She resembles her brother in character. She strongly resembles her mother.,她和她弟弟性格很像。,她很像她妈妈。,book module cloning,36,3. chase: e.g. Outside in the yard, kids were yelling and _ each other.

29、在外面的院子里, 孩子们叫喊着, 互相追逐。 追求,追赶,追逐 追逐梦想 追逐名利,chasing,追逐,追赶,追求; chaser:追赶者,追踪者,追击者,chase after,chase after ones dream,chase after fame and wealth,book module cloning,37,4. It was on a cold November night that I saw my creation for the first time. (P58) 【自我归纳】 本句为_句型,其结构为_,在本句中强调的是_状语。,强调,时间,it is / was

30、+ 被强调部分 + that + 其他成分,book module cloning,38,1. 这个人是昨天晚上八点被谋杀的。 _,It was at eight oclock last night that the man was murdered.,2. Li Hua saw Jay Chou at the Birds Nest in Beijing last night. (改为强调句) _ _ at the Birds Nest in Beijing _ Li Hua saw Jay Chou last night.,that,It was,book module cloning,39

31、,【原题再现】 Ive read another book this week . Well, maybe _ is not how much you read but what you read that counts. (浙江2009) A. this B. that C. there D. it,book module cloning,40,5. 燃尽,烧光 累垮了 e.g. Lacking enough air, the fire_. 因为缺乏足够的空气, 火很快就灭了。 Stop working like this or you will _. 别再像这样工作了,不然的话,你会把自己

32、 累坏的。 把烧成平地,burn out burn oneself out,was soon burn out,burn yourself out,burn to the ground,book module cloning,41,6. contrast vi. /vt. vi. contrast with 与形成差异/对比明显 e.g. The white wall _the black carpet. 白色的墙壁和黑色的地毯形成对比。 What he said _what he did. 他说的话和他的所作所为形成对比。,contrasts with,contrasted with,boo

33、k module cloning,42,vt. contrast sth. with sth.: compare with 把与 进行对比 e.g. _and you will find much difference. 把这首诗与那首比较,你就会发现很多不同之处。,Contrast this poem with that one,book module cloning,43,易混辨析 compare,contrast (1)compare 把与相比较; 把比喻成; 与比较。,compare. with.,,compared with/to.,book module cl

34、oning,44,牛刀小试 Here is an obvious _ between the cultures of the West and East. Acontract Bcontrast Ccontent Dcontact 解析:考查名词的辨析。 句意为:东西方文化有明显的差异。 contrast 对比,对照,差异;contract 合同,契约; content 内容; contact 联系;,B,book module cloning,45,7. But now I had finished, the beauty of the dream vanished, and horror

35、and disgust filled my heart. (很)令某人厌恶的是,disgust. n 依赖 7)做噩梦 8) 吓得发抖 9)反反复复 10) 做出声音,1. give life to 2. burn out 3. by its tiny light 4. contrast with 5. walk up and down 6. throw oneself on 7. have nightmares 8. shake with fear 9. again and again 10. make a sound.,book module cloning,53,Phrase trans

36、lation,11)和在某方面相似 12)追逐 13)在结尾 14)自杀 15)把某人累垮 16) 呕吐;把某事弄清楚 17)因害怕某事 18)很 令人恶心的是 19)强调句的基本结构,11. resemble sb/sth in sth 12. chase after 13. at the end of 14. end ones own life 15. burn oneself out 16. throw up; throw light on sth 17. for fear of 18. much to ones disgust 19. It is/was+强调部分+ that+句子剩下

37、部分,book module cloning,54,Words,_adj.有效的; _adj.无效的 _adj.可选择的; _ _adj.特别的; _n.例外; _prep.除之外 _adj.互相矛盾的;_v.反驳;_adj.相反的对立的 _ adj.灵活的;_ n.灵活性 6. _ n.法规,条列;_v.规定,管理,valid,invalid,optional,option,exceptional,exception,except,contradictory,contradict,contrary,flexible,flexibility,regulation,regulate,book m

38、odule cloning,55,如下 摧毁 摆脱控制 据我们所知 反过来也一样 使复活 依靠 抵抗做某事,忍住做某事 分解,as follows,knock out,get out of control,as far as we know,vice versa,bring.back to life,rely on/upon,resist doing,break down,book module cloning,56,1.酸的;酸 2.胚胎 3.组织 4.细菌 5.酶 6.有机体 7.抚育 8.构造 9.基本的,10.成分 11.有争议的 12.程序 13.可选择的 14.互相矛盾的 15.干

39、细胞 16.基因,revision,acid,embryo,tissue,bacteria,enzyme,organism,upbringing,make-up,fundamental,component,controversial,procedure,optional,contradictory,stem cell,gene,book module cloning,57,Cloning and DNA,book module cloning,58,1.What is cloning ? 2.What is DNA?,Free talk,book module cloning,59,Fast

40、reading : match the 8 paragraphs with the three topics,Definition of cloning The history of cloning advantage and disadvantage of cloning DNA helps solve crimes,Para1 Para2 Para3 Para4 Para5 Para6 Para7 Para8,book module cloning,60,弯曲的,阶梯,Fast reading Para 1,A transparent twisting ladder made of the

41、 fundamental components of life,What is DNA ?,透明的,basic,book module cloning,61,Fast reading Para 2,What is an enzyme?,chemicals formed in the body,book module cloning,62,Fast reading Para 3,What is a clone?,an organism which is genetically identical to another one,para.3,How can we clone something ?

42、 Cloning takes the DNA from a single cell to creat a whole individual.,book module cloning,63,Careful reading,I. Para. 1 -Para. 3,Mendel,Watson and Crick,Cohen and Boyer,both parent plants have influenced the genetic make-up of the new plant,The structure of acid DNA,A procedure to use enzymes to un

43、zip the DNA, to cut out a sequence of genes and finally insert them into the host cell and combine with its DNA,book module cloning,64,How many possible reasons for cloning are mentioned in the passage ?,Fast-reading,Four,Para 47,book module cloning,65,Careful reading Para 4-7,optional,contradictory

44、,flexible,unacceptable,handy,restrict,pressure,talents,book module cloning,66,产出,an egg cell without nucleus 无核卵细胞,a somatic cell 体细胞,取出细胞核 nucleus removed,join by electricity用电融合细胞,代孕母羊,embryo 细胞分裂形成胚胎,How to produce a sheep (我也来当科学家),carrier,book module cloning,67,Is it right to clone human beings ?,Discussion,oh, my God, Ive been Cloned.,book module cloning,68,book module cloning,69,share our duties and burdens,make use of the organs to help patients,increase the population and cause social problems,


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