Unit _Session B_Writing a Descriptive Essayjane课件.ppt

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1、Unit _Session B_Writing a Descriptive Essayjane,1,Writing a Descriptive Essay,Reading they were a yellowish brown, about the color of her hair. She had a way of turning them swiftly upon an object and holding them there as if lost in some inward maze of contemplation or thought. He wore glasses. He

2、was of forty, of medium height and rather slender build; he stooped a little. His hair was brown and straight, parted on one side. His beard was neatly and closely trimmed.,Unit _Session B_Writing a Descriptive Essayjane,16,Unit _Session B_Writing a Descriptive Essayjane,17,Facial Appearance,Face Ey

3、es Eyebrows Eyelashes Eyelid Nose Mouth Hair Voice Complexion Dimple,Unit _Session B_Writing a Descriptive Essayjane,18,Oval,Round,Rectangular or oblong,Square,Heart,Diamond,Triangle,Unit _Session B_Writing a Descriptive Essayjane,19,圆脸 鹅蛋脸 方脸 高颧骨 长相一般 长得好看 瘦削的 胖乎乎的脸蛋 长相完美 胡子刮的干净的 未剃胡子的,Unit _Sessio

4、n B_Writing a Descriptive Essayjane,20,圆脸 round face 鹅蛋脸 oval face 方脸 square face 高颧骨 high cheek bones 长相一般 average / plain / common looking 长得好看 good looking 瘦削的 a haggard face 胖乎乎的脸蛋 plump cheeks, chubby cheeks 长相完美 gorgeous 胡子刮的干净的 clean-shaven 未剃胡子的 unshaven,Unit _Session B_Writing a Descriptive

5、 Essayjane,21,Eyes: 闪闪发光 深陷的 凹陷的; 凸出的 淡眉毛 浓密独眉毛 长睫毛,Unit _Session B_Writing a Descriptive Essayjane,22,Eyes: bright / sparkling / twinkling / shining eyes 闪闪发光 deep-set 深陷的 sunken 凹陷的; bulging/protruding 凸出的 thin eye brows 淡眉毛 thick bushy eyebrows 浓密独眉毛 long eye lashes 长睫毛,Unit _Session B_Writing a

6、Descriptive Essayjane,23,Nose: 高鼻梁 直鼻梁 好看的鼻子 长鼻梁 塌鼻子 朝天鼻,猪鼻子 朝天鼻 鹰钩鼻 鹰钩鼻,高鼻梁,Unit _Session B_Writing a Descriptive Essayjane,24,Nose: High bridged nose 高鼻梁 straight nose 直鼻梁 noble nose 好看的鼻子 long nose 长鼻梁 flat nose 塌鼻子 snub- nosed 朝天鼻,猪鼻子 upturned nose 朝天鼻 aquiline / hooked nose 鹰钩鼻 a roman nose 鹰钩鼻

7、,高鼻梁,Unit _Session B_Writing a Descriptive Essayjane,25,mouth: 薄嘴唇樱桃嘴厚嘴唇 尖尖的下巴双下巴,Unit _Session B_Writing a Descriptive Essayjane,26,mouth: thin lips 薄嘴唇cherry lips 樱桃嘴thick lips 厚嘴唇 pointed chin 尖尖的下巴double chin双下巴,Unit _Session B_Writing a Descriptive Essayjane,27,hair style: straight 直的 curly 卷发的

8、 pigtails 辫子 crew cut 平头 bald秃头的 spiky hair 刺头,板寸头 parted hair 分头 fairly long很长(正合适) wavy hair波浪发 jet-black 乌黑的; fair 金色的; blonde 淡黄色的; golden 金黄色的; dyed 染色的; chestnut 栗色的.,Unit _Session B_Writing a Descriptive Essayjane,28,Complexion 白皮肤的肤色暗淡的肤色较深的黄皮肤的,东方人的棕褐色棕色皮肤,Unit _Session B_Writing a Descript

9、ive Essayjane,29,Complexion fair-skinned 白皮肤的a pale complexion 肤色暗淡的slightly dark / tanned 肤色较深的oriental 黄皮肤的,东方人的sunburned; suntanned 棕褐色brown 棕色皮肤,Unit _Session B_Writing a Descriptive Essayjane,30,Unit _Session B_Writing a Descriptive Essayjane,31,Stuff on face,落腮胡 上唇上的小胡子 皱纹 黑痣 斑 伤疤 酒窝 (雀斑 - 复数)

10、 (痘痘 - 复数),Unit _Session B_Writing a Descriptive Essayjane,32,Stuff on face,beard 落腮胡 moustache 上唇上的小胡子 Wrinkles / lines 皱纹 a mole 黑痣 spots 斑 scar 伤疤 dimple 酒窝 freckles (雀斑 - 复数) pimples (痘痘 - 复数),Unit _Session B_Writing a Descriptive Essayjane,33,Figure/ build short and stout 矮胖small / large fat 肥胖

11、的 thin 瘦的 slim 苗条的 overweight 超重; slight 瘦小的; well-built身材魁梧 medium height 中等身材;average height 一般身材; below average 低于平均身高; tall 高的; short 矮的; tallish 有些高的; middle-sized 身高中等的;of medium height 中等身材; 1.78 meters 身高1.78米 medium build 中等身材 overweight 超重 plump丰满 perfect figure完美的身材 muscular 肌肉的,强壮的,Unit

12、_Session B_Writing a Descriptive Essayjane,34,Personality,Adventurous Aggressive Ambitious Bright Carefree Cautious Cheerful Clumsy Confident Conservative Cynical Diligent Energetic Extrovert/ Introvert Generous,Honest Humorous Innovative Liberal Mean Modest Nosy Opinionated Optimistic/ pessimistic

13、Responsible Romantic Rude Selfish Submissive Tolerant,Unit _Session B_Writing a Descriptive Essayjane,35,说到我的爸爸的长相,他的长相很普通。中等身材,黑色的卷发。他的眼睛不大并且也不那么闪亮。但是他通常面带笑容,这让他看起来十分平易近人。 In terms of appearance, my father is kind of average. He is of medium build, with black and curly hair. His eyes are small and

14、not so bright. But he always wears a friendly smile on his face, which makes him pretty approachable.,Unit _Session B_Writing a Descriptive Essayjane,36,你可以用这个世界上所有的溢美之词来形容他,帅,有形,性感。他的外表无可挑剔。强壮的身躯,俊俏的脸庞,1.83米的身高,还有一头飘逸的金发。 You can use all the commendatory/complimentary words to describe him, such as

15、, handsome, charming, sexy His appearance is really attractive with muscular body, handsome face, nearly 6 feet and 4 inches tall, and a flyaway blond hair.,Unit _Session B_Writing a Descriptive Essayjane,37,Your task,1.Describe your partner 2.Describe one of your family members and your partner has

16、 to sketch,Unit _Session B_Writing a Descriptive Essayjane,38,Practice,This looks like a small, elderly, Asian man. He looks as if he may be rather poor. He is wearing a battered hat, and his eyes look cheerful. He has a big grin! He is wearing an old-looking, dark jacket He looks like a happy, kind

17、-hearted sort of man.,Unit _Session B_Writing a Descriptive Essayjane,39,He has short, black hair, sparkling brown eyes and a broad, friendly smile. He is wearing a dark suit and tie. He appears to be fit and trim. He looks like an intelligent, competent man.,Unit _Session B_Writing a Descriptive Es

18、sayjane,40,This looks like a little girl wearing a pink top. She has plump round cheeks, and chubby little hands. She seems to be very interested in her Daddys bald head!,Unit _Session B_Writing a Descriptive Essayjane,41,He looks like he is about 8 years old. He has big, dark eyes and a pouting mou

19、th. He is wearing an orange T-shirt. He doesnt look very happy.,Unit _Session B_Writing a Descriptive Essayjane,42,Basic Ideas,A descriptive essay uses word pictures to re-create a person, place, thing, event, or feeling in the mind of the reader. A descriptive essay creates a main impressionan over

20、all effect, feeling, or imageabout the topic. The main impression is often the main idea of the descriptive essay.,Unit _Session B_Writing a Descriptive Essayjane,43,A descriptive essay uses specific examples to support the main impression. A descriptive essay supports those examples with details th

21、at appeal to the five physical senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. A descriptive essay brings a person, place, thing, event, or feeling to life for the reader.,Unit _Session B_Writing a Descriptive Essayjane,44,Writing Tips,Look for kinds of descriptive details. Notice appearance, walk,

22、voice, and manner in describing people; observe outstanding features of a place that contributed to the main impression; pay attention to the order in which the parts of an incident take place.,Unit _Session B_Writing a Descriptive Essayjane,45,Use your senses in describing. In description, support

23、consists of specific details that appeal to one or more of the five senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. Your description should show your readers what you mean, not just tell them .,Unit _Session B_Writing a Descriptive Essayjane,46,Be concret and specific in describing.,The worn green

24、chair fit my body exactly.,The turquoise lake shimmered in the morning sunlight.,The creamy white gardenias gave off a heavy perfume.,The wind howled around the corner of the house.,The old concrete park benches scraped the skin off my legs.,Unit _Session B_Writing a Descriptive Essayjane,47,Select

25、descriptive words and using figurative languange in description. You can make your writing vivid by choosing verbs, adjectives, and adverbs carefully. Another way to make your writing clear and vivid is to use figurative language.,Unit _Session B_Writing a Descriptive Essayjane,48,Usually use time o

26、rder or space order in describing. Some common time transitions and space transitions are listed below.,Unit _Session B_Writing a Descriptive Essayjane,49,Common time transitions after eventually meanwhile soon as finally next then at last first now today before last second when during later since w

27、hile,Unit _Session B_Writing a Descriptive Essayjane,50,Common space transitions above below near to the right across beside next to to the side at the bottom beyond opposite under at the top farther/further overwhere behind inside to the left,Unit _Session B_Writing a Descriptive Essayjane,51,Pract

28、ice 1,Directions: Read the following descriptions and tell which sensory details are used in each description.,Unit _Session B_Writing a Descriptive Essayjane,52,A. It was a magnificent day, rendered very mild by the autumn sun. We sat in front of the house in the little peasant graden, under an oli

29、ve tree laden with fruit. Between the silvery leaves the sea would be seen gleaming in the distance, perfectly calm and still. Vaporous clouds were continually passing in front of the sun, making the earth appear now sad, now gay, as if it were breathing.,Unit _Session B_Writing a Descriptive Essayj

30、ane,53,B. John Begbie was a soft, fat, bald man on whom, despite his bulk, clothes always hung or lay too loosely. His trousers were too wide at the ankles, his jacket too long in the sleeves; whenever he could, he unbuttoned his collar and pulled down his tie so that the knot hung several inches be

31、low his neck. Then he blew out his cheeks with relief. He looked, lolling back, like an ill-wrapped parcel which someone had dumped unceremoniously in a chair and was unlikely soon to call for again. Protruding from these wrapping was a round face with a pair of blue eyes, surprised and injured in e

32、xpression, and a small, pouting mouth.,Unit _Session B_Writing a Descriptive Essayjane,54,C. The air was heavy with odors not only of food on plates but the act of cooking itself, along with the metallic smell of heated iron from the hard-working Smoke Eater, and the whole stove offered us its yet u

33、nbeaten prospects of more goose and untouched pies. To see a giblet gravy made and poured into a gravy boat, which had painted on its sides winter scenes of boys sliding and deer bounding over snow, is the surest way to overeat its swimming richness.,Unit _Session B_Writing a Descriptive Essayjane,5

34、5,D. High above us in the darkness a solitary mocker poured his repertoire in blissful unawareness of whose tree he sat in, plunging from the shrill kee, kee of the sunflower bird to the irascible quack of a bluejay, to the sad lament of Poor Will, Poor Will, Poor Will.,Unit _Session B_Writing a Des

35、criptive Essayjane,56,Directions: Read the statements below and write at least three details you might use to support the main impression.,Practice 2,Unit _Session B_Writing a Descriptive Essayjane,57,Even at night, New York City echoes with noise.,Example,A. people on the street B. sounds of music

36、from clubs C. car horns,Unit _Session B_Writing a Descriptive Essayjane,58,Beijing is far more than just a political capital.,A. B. C.,A. economic heart of the nation B. cultural heart of the nation C. diplomatic heart of the nation,Unit _Session B_Writing a Descriptive Essayjane,59,2) The dormitary

37、 is a mess.,A. B. C.,A. books covered the desk B. untidy blanket C. shoes here and there,Unit _Session B_Writing a Descriptive Essayjane,60,3) We quickly spruced up the apartment before our guest arrived.,A. B. C.,A. hid toys and newspapers in spare closet B. vacuumed pet hairs off sofa C. sprayed a

38、ir freshener around living room,Unit _Session B_Writing a Descriptive Essayjane,61,4) Huangshan Mountains wonders are the masterpiece of nature which attract the tourists to linger on.,A. B. C.,A. beautiful pine trees B. jagged rocks in strange shapes C. bubbling hot springs and rapidly changing clo

39、uds,Unit _Session B_Writing a Descriptive Essayjane,62,5) The Elvis impersonator looked like Elviss twin.,A. B. C.,A. look-alikes B. sound alikes C. combination,Unit _Session B_Writing a Descriptive Essayjane,63,Directions: Read the following two paragraphs. The first uses vague, general language; t

40、he second uses specific details that make its meaning sharper and clearer. Notice the differences and fill in the following table. The first has beed done for you.,Practice 3,Unit _Session B_Writing a Descriptive Essayjane,64,The island prison is covered with flowers now. A large sign that is visibl

41、e from a long way off warns visitors away. But since the early 1960s, when they took the last prisoners to other institutions, the sign has really served no purpose, for the prison has been abondoned. The place is not unpleasant; in fact, one might enjoy the romance and solitude out there.,General,S

42、pecific,Alcartaz Island is covered with flowers now: orange and yellow nasturtiums, geranimus, sweet grass, blue iris, blace-eyed Susans, Candytuft springs up through the cracked concrete in the exercise yard. Ice plant carpets the rusting catwalks. “WARNING! KEEP OFF! U.S. PROPERTY,” the sign still

43、 reads, big and yellow and visible for perhaps a quarter of a mile, but since March 21, 1963, the day they took the last thirty or so men off the island the warning has been only proforma (serving no real purpose). It is not an unpleasant place to be, out there on Alcatraz with only the flowers and

44、the wind and the bell buoy moaning and the tide surging through the Golden Gate.,Unit _Session B_Writing a Descriptive Essayjane,65,Directions: Read the two versions of the paragraph and answer the questions that follow.,Practice 4,Unit _Session B_Writing a Descriptive Essayjane,66,This proposal wou

45、ld have an immediate impact on the condition of our cities. For the homeless a dirty, litter-strewn corner would be replaced by a clean living environment. Tourism would become more attractive to out-of-towers, for the mentally ill would be off the streets. Public transportation would flourish as bu

46、s, train, and subway stations would be devoid of ranting vagabonds. Houses of worship would see an increase in membership, for the “street-corner preacher” would be unavailable. Crime would decrease, for police could concentrate on serious offenders as opposed to acting as street sweepers of the hom

47、eless.,Rough Draft,Unit _Session B_Writing a Descriptive Essayjane,67,This proposal would have an immediate impact on the homeless, many of whom are afflicted with mental disorders. For them, a filthy, litter-strewn street corner would be replaced by a sterile environment in a research hospital, she

48、ltered from rains, sleet and snow, from the heat of summer and the biting winds of winter. Of course, their absence would improve our cities landscapes as well. Tourism would increase dramatically, for the mentally ill, many of whom walk around encrusted with filth and reeking of their own excrement

49、, would be off the streets. Public transportation would flourish as bus, train, and subway stations would be devoid of ranting vegabonds. Houses of worship would see an increase in membership, for “street-corner preachers” would be hauled off to hospitals where, while undergoing extensive neurological observations, they could shout that the “world is coming to an end” to their hearts content. Crime would decrease, for police would concentrate on serious offenders as opposed to acting as st


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