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1、自考英语二unit,Unit 3 Friendship and Loyalty,自考英语二unit,Review of key words and pharses,看一下,扫视; glance at 浏览 glance through 从头开始,白手起家 from scratch 用完,耗尽 run out of /run out 渴望某人做某事 be anxious for sb to do sth,自考英语二unit,等到.时 by the time 不接受,不允许 would have none of it 因而痛苦 suffer from of little significance

2、至关重要的 vital 做.是至关重要的 It is vital to do sth 场合,时机 ocassion,自考英语二unit,问题,重要议题 issue 值得 deserve 结果 consequence,自考英语二unit,Betray a trust is a very quick and particular way to terminate a friendship. _ Ralph Waldo Emerson,自考英语二unit,Speaking Activity,Making, Accepting and Refusing an Invitaion go out to d

3、inner 外出吃晚餐 anywhere particular 特别的地方 in mind 想到,头脑中 avenue 大街 Chinatown 唐人街 what sort of time? 什么时间合适啊? make it 及时抵达,自考英语二unit,You want to invite Professor Bob Harris who has arrived from Great Britain to give lectures on the issue of environmental protection. Make a phone call, and you may refer t

4、o the following tips.,自考英语二unit,询问或提建议 would you like to? would you be interested in .? 你对.感兴趣吗? I was wondering if you d like to.我想知道你是否想去. It would be very nice if you could.如果你能.就太好了 询问或建议时间 Shall we make it.? 我们.到达 Are you free to.? why dont you.?,自考英语二unit,同意请求 That sounds very nice. Thank you.

5、 Yes, that woud be lovely/marvelous. Thank you. 委婉拒绝 Thats very kind of you, but I am afraid . Id love to, but I am sorry I cant. Thank you for the invitaion. I hate to turn down, but i dont really think I can. I appreciate your invitaion, but Im afraid i cant.,自考英语二unit,Text A,New words 1. reflecti

6、on n. (关于某主题的)思考,回忆 reflect 2. loyalty n. 忠诚;忠实;忠心耿耿 3. recognize v. 承认;意识到 4. betray v. 辜负;对不忠 5. indeed adv. 其实;实际上 6. virtue n. 高尚的道德;正直的品性;德行 7. trend n. 趋势;趋向;倾向;动态;动向 trendy,自考英语二unit,8. befriend v. 做(尤指需要帮助者的)朋友;友善相待 9. request v. (礼貌或正式地)请求,要求 10. trendy adj. 时髦的;赶时髦的 11. multitude n. 众多;大量

7、12. mutual adj. 共有的;共同的 mutual respect / understanding,自考英语二unit,13. term n. 词语;术语:措辞 14. site n. 网站;站点 15. acronym n. 首字母缩略词 16. perish v. 丧失;湮灭;毁灭 17. thought n. 想法;看法;主意;记忆 18. gossip n. 流言蜚语 19. challenge v. 考查的能力;考验的技巧,自考英语二unit,20. akin adj. 相似的;类似的 21. deposit n. 存款 22. account n. 账户 current

8、account活期存款帐户 deposit account 储蓄存款,自考英语二unit,23. interest n. 利息 24. well-being n. 健康;安乐;康乐 25. welfare n. (个体或群体的)幸福,安全与健康 26. essence n. 本质;实质;精髓 27. seek v. 寻找 28. notoriety n. 恶名;坏名声 notorious 相当于infamous 29. premise n. 前提;假定 ;,自考英语二unit,30. exploit v. 利用(为自己谋利) 31. reconnect v. 再联系;再联络 32. virtu

9、al adj. (通过计算机软件,如在因特网上)模拟的,虚拟的 33. assure v. 使确信;向保证 assure sb. of sth. assure sb. that 34. caution n. 警告;告诫 35. lyric n. 歌词,自考英语二unit,36. undisputed adj. 不容置疑的;毫无疑问的;不可争辩的 dispute 37. generation n. (统称)一代人,同代人,同辈人 generate generation gap four generations living under the same roof Phrases and Expr

10、essions 1. stick by 坚持忠于;不离不弃(某人) 2. through thick and thin 不畏艰难险阻 go through thick and thin,自考英语二unit,Phrases and Expressions,3. lead to 导致,造成(后果) 4. a multitude of 众多的;大量的 5. perish the thought 甭想了;但愿不会如此 6. engage in (使)从事,参加 7. in essence 本质上 8. assureof 使放心;向保证 9. pay attention to 注意 10. warnof

11、 警告某人某事,自考英语二unit,Pre-reading Questions,1. Do you belive that loyal friends are available on the Internert. 2. What personal qualities matter most in your choice of frind? And why?,自考英语二unit,Reflections: Friendship and loyalty, How many of us recognize true loyalty in a friend? Loyalty consists of a

12、 friend, who will stick by you, through thick and thin. A friend who is always honest with you and never betrays the friendship with lies is a loyal friend. If you have a loyal friend, you have indeed found a true virtue in that friend.(承上句) 我们之中有多少人能在朋友中识别出真正的忠诚?忠诚包括无论何时都会支持你的朋友。一直对你坦诚、从不撒谎背叛你的朋友才是

13、忠诚的朋友。如果你有一位忠诚的朋友,你一定在他身上发现了真正的美德。,自考英语二unit,1. consist of 组成 (只能用于主动语态) The United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 2. stick by 坚持忠于;不离不弃(某人) They vow to stick by one another no mater what happens. 3. through thick and thin 不畏艰难险阻 He remained loyal to me through thick and thi

14、n.,自考英语二unit, The current trend on the internet is befriending anyone who requests to be your friend. However, this new trend may lead to disasters.(承上句) It may be popular and trendy to have a network filled with a multitude of mutual friends. However, one true loyal friend may be the only friend yo

15、u need. 如今网络上流行的趋势是你可以和任何一个想成为你朋友的人做朋友。然而,这种新的趋势有可能会引发灾难。在网络上拥有一大批共同好友可能是比较流行,但是一个真正忠诚的朋友可能是你需要的唯一的那一个。,自考英语二unit,4. lead to 导致,造成(后果) An ordinary cold can soon lead to a fever. 5. trendy 时尚的,时髦的 He writes for some trendy magazine for the under-30s. 6. a multitude of 众多,大量 A multitude of people crow

16、ded round the entrance of the hall. 7. mutual 共同的 We should treat each other with mutual respect.,自考英语二unit, A term used on the popular Facebook site is B.F.F. This acronym means best friends forever. Are they really your best friends forever? You might ask yourself this question, Will they share my

17、 private matters with others on the pages of Facebook, or perish the thought, engage in gossip about me with others? (1)If the answer to that is , I dont know, more than likely, they will not be your best friends forever. Maybe not, even for a day. 广受欢迎的脸谱网站上有一个词叫做BFF。这个缩写词的意思是“永远的最好的朋“友”。他们真的是你永远的最

18、好的朋友吗?你可能会问自己:“他们会把我的私事发布在脸谱网页上与他人分享吗?甚至与他人一起八卦我的隐私吗?但愿永远不会。”如果答案是“我不知道”,那么很有可能,他们不是你永远的好朋友,甚至连一天也没可能是。,自考英语二unit,8. perish the thought 打消念头,但愿不会 Shes not going to sing, is she? Oh, perish the thought! 9. engage in (使)从事,参加 Those who engage in mental work are also workers. 10. more than likely= very

19、 likely 很有可能 more than happy He is _ willing to shall his happiness with us. A more B more than C enoughn D too,自考英语二unit, I choose to have a B.L.F., a best loyal friend, for those of you who may be challenged by the use of acronyms during this age of technology and fast-talking. 在这个科技和快速交谈发展的时代对可能会

20、面临使用缩写语的你们来说,我更想要一个BLF,忠诚的好朋友。,自考英语二unit, (2)Loyalty found in a friend is akin to making a deposit in a bank account. More often than not, your deposits gain internet, an internet in your well-being and welfare. A loyal friend attracts another loyal friend. (3)In essence, water does seek its own lev

21、el.(承上、总结的句子) 朋友间的忠诚就像是在银行账户里存款一样。通常你的存款会获得利息,关乎你幸福安康的利息。忠诚的朋友吸引另一个忠诚的朋友。本质上,水自然会向下流朋友间总是惺惺相惜。,自考英语二unit,11. be akin to: be similar to 同类,近似 They speak a language akin to French. 12. make a deposit in a bank account 往银行账户存款 make withdrawals from a bank account 13. more often than not 通常;多半 For insta

22、nce, if you fail an exam, more often than not the reason might be found in your study habits . 14. in essence 本质上 The racial problem is in essense a class problem.,自考英语二unit, (4)If you were a B.L.F. way before Facebook gained notoriety, then Im sure you understand the premise of loyalty in a friend.

23、 You should never exploit your B.L.F. to gain more friends or make yourself seem more important to others. These are not the traits of a best loyal friend.(承上句) 如果你早在脸谱网赢得恶名之前就是个BLF的话,我相信你一定明白忠诚的朋友的前提。你不该利用自己的BLF来结交更多的朋友或者让你自己看起来更加重要。这些不是忠诚的好朋友的特质。,自考英语二unit,15. way (与介词或副词连用,加强程度)very far 很远 She fi

24、nished the race way ahead of the other runners. 她第一个跑到终点,远远领先于其他选手。 I first met him way back. 我和他初次见面时很久以前的事了。,自考英语二unit, A best loyal friend does not care who is invited to your party. They will attend your party and celebrate you, just in the way a best loyal friend should do. 忠诚的最好的朋友不会在意你宴会上都请了谁

25、。他们会来参加你的宴会并向你表示祝贺,就像忠诚的最好的朋友应该做的那样。,自考英语二unit, Reconnecting with a best loyal friend is easier to do on the pages of Facebook. However, a virtual friend does not assure you of his loyalty.My caution to you is that youd better pay attention to the smiling faces on the Facebook pages. In the eighties

26、 we were warned of smiling faces in a song, which contained these lyrics, A smile is just a frown turned upside down, my friend. Now, that is the undisputed truth for my generation. 在脸谱网上和忠诚的好朋友联络来得容易得多。然而,一个虚拟的朋友无法向你保证其忠诚。我给你的告诫是,你最好注意那些脸谱网站上的笑脸们。在80年代我们就在歌谣中被告知“笑脸是反着的苦恼的脸,我的朋友”。这在我们这一代也是不争的事实。,自考英

27、语二unit,16. assure.of.使放心,使保证 We can assure you of regular supply. assure.that. 向 .保证 We can assure you that we are well experienced in this line. assurance n. n. 保证,担保;(人寿)保险; 17. pay attention to 注意 We should pay attention to this reaction. 18. warn. of .警告某人某事 The online shop has warned of possibl

28、e delays.,自考英语二unit,Smiling Faces Sometimes - The Undisputed TruthSmiling facessometimes pretend to be your friendSmiling faces sometimesshow no traces of the evil that lurks withinSmiling faces,sometimes pretend to be your friend Smiling faces show no traces of the evil that lurks within Smiling fa

29、ces smiling faces sometimes They dont tell the truth uh,自考英语二unit,Smiling faces, smiling faces Tell lies and I got proof Let me tell you The truth is in the eyes Cause the eyes dont lie, amen Remember a smile is just A frown turned upside down,自考英语二unit,My friend So here me where Im saying Smiling f

30、aces smiling faces sometimes They dont tell the truth, uh Smiling faces, smiling faces Tell lies and I got proof,自考英语二unit,Beware, beware of the handshake That hides the snake Im telling you beware Beware of the pat on the back It just might hold you back,自考英语二unit,Jealousy Misery Envy I tell you yo

31、u cant see behind smiling faces Smiling faces sometimes they dont tell the truth,自考英语二unit,Smiling faces smiling faces Tell lies and I got proof Your enemy wont do you no harm Cause youll know where hes coming from Dont let the handshake and the smile fool ya Take my advice Im only try to school ya

32、Smiling faces, smiling faces,自考英语二unit,sometimes They dont tell the truth Smiling faces, smiling faces Tell lies and I got proof Smiling faces, smiling faces,自考英语二unit,Keys for Reference,1. Checking your comprehension 1. A 2. B 3. B. 4. A 5. B,自考英语二unit,III Building your vocabulary Section A 1. reco

33、gnition 2. reflection 3. undisputed 4. loyalty 5. essential 6. assurance,自考英语二unit,Section B 1. sought 2. requested 3. challenge(s) 4. mutual 5. virtue 6. generation,自考英语二unit,section C 1. of 2. in 3. of 4. of 5. through 6. in,自考英语二unit,III Bridging the gap 1. While 2. wisely 3. on 4. opposites 5. p

34、ersonalities 6. that 7. Whater 8.unique 9. a couple of 10. share,自考英语二unit,IV Translation Section A 1. continued to engage in criminal activities. 2. exploit natural resources. 3. have to request permission. 4. had betrayed her parents trust. 5. lead to server consequences.,自考英语二unit,Section B,成功人士之

35、所以能获得成功是因为他们在面对困难时拥有一些重要的特质,而不是把每一次挫败都孤立的看。首先,他们在失败的时候,不会一味的责怪自己。他们会承担责任,而不是拘泥于某一次的失败。其次,他们不会失败一次就自认为自己是个失败者。他们意识到,每一次的挫败都是成功的一部分。再次,他们很乐意尝试不同的方式来解决问题。这对于生活中的任一小步都是非常重要的。如果一种方法不对,并让你失败了,那就换一种方式。在失败中前进,你必须要采取适合自己的方式,而不是适合别人的方式。最后,他们都是很有定力的,他们不会让一个个小小的失败阻挡他们前行的脚步。他们从挫败中方汲取教训,奋勇向前。,自考英语二unit,V. Organizing your ideas 3-2-5-4-6-1,


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