仁爱英语七上Unit3 Topic2 What does your mother do Section A 教学设计.doc

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1、七上仁爱版Unit3Topic2What does your mother doSection A教学设计The main activities are 1, 2a and 3a. 本课重点活动是1,2a和3a。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1.(1) Learn some words about jobs:doctor, worker, driver, farmer, cook, nurse(2) Learn some other useful words and expressions:kid, glad, seat, have a seat, mothe

2、r, father, parent, office2. (1)Talk about jobs:What does your mother do?She is a teacher.What do your parents do?They are both office workers.(2)Talk about greetings and introductions:Glad to meet you.Glad to meet you, too.Maria, this is my mom. Teaching aids 教具人称代词卡片/小黑板/单词卡/教学挂图/录音机/幻灯片/教学卡片. Five

3、-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟)1. (教师拿出人称代词卡片,随意抽出一张呈现给大家,让学生一个接一个地用老师呈现的不同人称代词灵活地说一个句子,要快速完成。)Example:T:meS1:He often helps me.T:theyS2:They are teachers.2. (教师利用单词卡教学kid, glad和seat。)T: Good morning, class. Look at the card, kids.(板书)kid(学生跟读,同时呈现背面的汉语意思。)(复习Nice to meet y

4、ou.引出Glad to meet you.)(教师设置情景,操练,运用。)T:S1, this is S2. S2, this is S1.S1:Glad to meet you.S2:Glad to meet you, too.(板书)Glad to meet you.(教师利用幻灯片或小黑板呈现以下材料。)speak, teacher, please(让学生体会画线部分字母组合ea的读音,教师用词卡呈现seat,让学生自己读出来,同时,告诉学生ea在head中读/e/,在great中读/eI/。)(教师叫一个学生站起来读含ea的单词,然后老师说Please have a seat.)(板

5、书) Please have a seat.(通过以上活动导入1。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)1. (教师将1的教学挂图呈现出来,向学生们介绍。)T:Look at this picture. This is Kangkang. This is Kangkangs mother. The three kids are Kangkangs classmates. They are Maria, Jane and Michael. Where are they? Listen to the tape, then answer the question.(

6、教师放录音,听完后让学生们回答问题并核对答案:Where are they?)2. (教师放1录音,学生跟读,要求在生词下面画线。教师安排分角色朗读。)3. (教师设置一个场景At Kangkangs home.)(教师扮演Kangkang的妈妈,若教师是男的,则另请一个女生扮演,其他四个则分别由其他同学扮演,在台上向大家表演。表演过后,学生们在下面五人一组表演,教师巡回作指导,然后挑两组比较出色的再向大家汇报表演。完成1。)4. (根据1的教学挂图,引出What does do?句型,同时学习本节课所有表示职业的词。) T: Look at the picture. What does Ka

7、ngkangs mother do? Do you want to know?(让学生猜测康康母亲的职业。)What does do?He/She is a(an) (教师参照3a的图,制作幻灯片或图片。呈现各种职业及称呼的单词。)mommotherdadfathermother or fatherparentmother and fatherparentsworker driver Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:7分钟)1. (教师播放2a录音,要求学生根据录音回答问题:What do Kangkangs parents do?)2. (再放2a录音,要求学生

8、根据所听录音填空,教师将材料用幻灯片呈现出来。)Kangkang. What does your do?She is a .And your father?He is a . Michael, what do your do? They are office workers.(核对答案后分角色朗读2a,然后三人一组操练。完成2a。)3. (让学生独立完成2b。)4. (播放3a录音,然后让学生运用相关句型自由交谈,教师可以拓展一些词汇供学生们参考,教师把这些词汇用幻灯片呈现出来。完成3a。)brother /5brQT/ uncle /5QNkl/ aunt /B:nt/ Example:Ex

9、cuse me, do you have a sister/brother?Yes, I do.What does she/he do?She/He is a What do you do?Im a student.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:8分钟)1. (做“职业竞猜”游戏。)活动目的:学会表演及问答,熟悉职业名称。(1)活动过程:教师事先制作表示职业名称的卡片。每一张卡片上用英语写着一个职业的名称。如:teacher, worker, doctor, cook, driver等。(教师扩展一个词work。)活动前教师作一次示范:教师随意抽取一张卡片(如teache

10、r),并根据卡片上写的职业,做一个能代表该职业的动作(表演哑剧,假装在黑板上写字,或拿着书来回踱步等。)然后示意学生猜出该职业。学生若不能猜对,可以提问,但教师只能用Yes或No作答。例如:S1: Are you a doctor?T: No.S2: Are you a teacher?T: Yes.学生猜对教师所示范的职业后,教师退出活动,同时让猜对的那个学生上台抽卡、表演和回答问题,下一个猜对者接着上台抽卡,以便使活动继续进行。(2)有关说明:每次提问次数和猜测次数应有所限制,在规定次数内仍未猜对,则可进行下一轮竞猜活动。本活动也可采用两组对抗形式,即一组派代表抽卡片表演,另一组是猜职业。

11、双方轮换角色,最后猜对次数多,所猜的次数又少的一组获胜。2. (教师手拿正面是人物,背面是职业的教学卡片和学生进行对话练习,操练Whatdo/does do?)T:What do you do?Ss:Were students.(教师按照卡片图依次问学生。)T:What does this man do?S3:He is a driver.T:What does she do?S4:She is a doctor.T:What does this man do?S5:He is an office worker.(学生在说这个句子时,有可能说成a office work,这时教师提醒并板书。)

12、He is an office worker.3. (教师把教学卡片分给各小组,小组内每人当一次老师来提问其他同学,让每一位同学都有机会说英语,然后各组交换卡片,进行对话练习。)Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:10分钟)1. (出示小黑板,要求一个学生了解另一个学生的家庭成员情况,并填一个表格。完成3b。)s FamilyFamily member(家庭成员)Job(职业)MotherFatherSister(然后在小组内描述s Family。)2. Homework:(1)学生采访自己的爸爸或妈妈,然后写一些句子,介绍爸爸(或妈妈)的情况。(鼓励学生在作业纸上画一些画,贴一张父亲(或母亲)的照片,下节上课时向学生们宣读。)(2)三人一组表演1。(3)准备一个硬纸板,剪成圆形的,直径10cm,制成一个转盘,下节课用。板书设计:What does your mother do?Section AWhat do you do?an office workerIm a(an)Glad to meet you.What does do?Please have a seat.He/She is a (an)


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