English Vocabulary Teaching And Learning 英语词汇教与学.doc

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1、英语词汇教与学English Vocabulary Teaching and LearningAbstractThe studies of vocabulary acquisition and its related areas of lexical research it second language acquisition have been underestimated within the fields of language teaching and applied linguistics for long periods of time. It goes round the vo

2、cabulary teaching. At the beginning, at the begining, the problem in current vocabulary teaching, the first one is vocabulary teaching discrete, importmant for them to encounter words and association, the second a large class hardly catch the attention of students. The third, the teacher keep the sa

3、me acticity of students. The fourth is the imporper teaching methology. Then, the teaching strategy and three teaching strategies proposed For instance, discrimination strategy assists learners in accurately grasping the easily confused target words. Imaging strategy may help in building up powerful

4、 and visual memory links when words are translated from abstract into concrete. At last, give some advice about the teaching of vocabulary in future. Hope this advice has good use in vocabulary teaching in future.Key Words:vocabulary teaching, teaching strategy, the second language learners内 容 摘 要二语


6、以后教学中起到一定的作用。关键词:词汇教学;教学策略;第二语言学者ContentAbstract in English.iAbstract in Chinese.iiIntroduction11. The Problems about Vocabulary Teaching21.1 Factors Affecting Vocabulary Acquisition31.2 Challenges41.3 Attitudesof teachers Towards Vocabulary Teaching51.4 Improper Teaching Methodologyabout Vocabulary

7、 Teaching61.4.1 Single Word71.4.2 Target Words Given Directly Instead of Being Introduced Gradually81.4.3 Unfamiliarity with English Etymology81.5 Lack of Resource Materials to Make Teaching of Vocabulary Interesting92. The Strategies for Vocabulary Learning102.1 TheTeaching Methods102.2 Discriminat

8、ion Strategy122.3 Imaging Strategy143. The Suggestions for the Teaching of Vocabulary in Future163.1 Having a Rang of Activity Types173.2 Making Comprehensive Teaching Plan183.3 Assisting in Developing Independent Learning Strategies18Conclusion20Notes21Bibliography22Acknowledgment23IntroductionLexi

9、cology is a branch of linguistics, inquiring into the origins and meanings of words. English lexicology aims at investigating and studying the morphological structures of English words and wordequivalents, their semantic structures, relations, historical development, formation and usages.Vocabulary

10、is a key to thelanguage and of very importance to language learners. Vocabulary learningwill accompany learners for lifelong. However, inthe 20th century, people paid little attention to vocabulary teaching while grammar as the central element in language acquisition. The teaching and learning of vo

11、cabulary have been underestimated in the field of second language acquisition. Fortunately, at now, acquisition of vocabulary has been recognized a more important role, to be more specific, the central role in learninglanguageNo matter how well the student learns grammar, no matter how successfully

12、the sounds of L2 are mastered, without words to express a wider range of meanings, communication in an L2 just cannot happen in any meaningful way (McCarthy, 1990: 23).Knowing words is the key to understanding and being understood. The bulk of learning a new language consists of learning new words.

13、Grammatical knowledge does not make for great proficiency in a language (Vermeer, 1992: 147).As the focus has been changed to vocabulary teaching, the classroom teachers are confronted with the challenge of how best to help students store and retrieve words in the target language. Most vocabulary te

14、achers want their students to learn a great deal more than they can learn from the mere memorization of word lists. They want their students to learn to become excited about words to find words interesting and satisfying. A number of recent research studies have dealt with lexical problems (problems

15、 related to words). Through researches the scholars are finding that lexical problems frequently interfere with communication, namely, communication will break down when people do not use the right words. Therefore, developing a rich vocabulary is a top priority and an on-going challenge for both L1

16、 and L2 acquisition. As language teachers, the “know-how” or strategy of vocabulary teaching and learning is thus, in great demand.1. The Problems about Vocabulary TeachingGenerally speaking, language is learned for the communication, that is, vocabulary acquisition is a key component to successfull

17、y developing communication. Nevertheless, language learners vocabulary errors constitute most foreign language errors and both learners and native speakers as well regard vocabulary errors as the most serious and difficult obstacles to communication,as Widdowson said : “Native speakers can better un

18、derstand ungrammatical utterances with accurate vocabulary than with accurate grammar and inaccurate vocabulary”. Nowadays, although most language teachers have realized its critical role played in language learning, the following problems still exist as well as interfere with the progress of vocabu

19、lary teaching.1.1 Factors Affecting Vocabulary AcquisitionFrequency has been accorded a high level of significance in ELT for many years as a result of the use of word-frequency counting as a procedure informing syllabus and materials design. The rationale for this is quite simply thatthe mostfreque

20、ntly occurring words in the Englishlanguage will be those most useful to learners. The beginner level of many series of course books or the first stage of many series of graded readers will have a basic lexical syllabus formulated from the first500 to 800 most frequently occurring words inEnglish. T

21、he vocabulary lists which form the basis of syllabus specifications for much material currently in use relate back to work done as early as the 1930s and 1940s, later revised and adjusted. A well- usedfrequency list was that of West, which has some 2,000 headwords, each accompanied by its inflected

22、forms, together with a list of common derivatives and compounds.Another way in which the concept of frequency has influenced ELT is in the repetition of words in texts. Repetition of words in materials can aid the process of lexicalinference and has been used as a principle for constructing graded r

23、eading material for many years. Certainly, if learners are to be exposed to a wild range of word meanings and associations then it will be important for them to encounter words and associations then it will be important for them to encounter words in a variety of different situations through extensi

24、ve reading and listening.1.2 Challenges Nowadays the English classes for students of non-English major are in relatively large scales. In the large class,teachers and students are faced with a lot of problems. For example ,the teachers have difficulty in keeping eyes on every students vocabulary stu

25、dy; students have trouble in hearing the teacher clearly; students do not have enough chance to join in the classroom activities to practice target words which would surely activate their interests in English course; teachers do not have enough chance to help each less competent English learner and

26、stimulate every students motivation of learning target words, for each student has different interests, different learning speeds and different English competences, which will spend teachers long time in giving consideration to them all. What is worse may lead to the results that good students would

27、 stop attending the class, for they may feel bored with the easy content of vocabulary taught in class, while less competent students may suggest a rather slower teaching speed. It is a big challenge for teachers to keep both good and less competent students active in class, which would ultimately b

28、ring out much barrier to classroom vocabulary teaching.1.3 Attitudesof teachers Towards Vocabulary Teaching Teachers attitudes towards vocabulary teaching would, to a great extent, influence the outcome of students vocabulary learning. Some teachers regard English vocabulary learning as the students

29、 own business. This would surely leave a dizzy vocabulary world to college students of non-English majors. Such as, we can hear sort of statements from students, such as “I am a slow learner in vocabulary,” “I am a fast forgetter speaking, in vocabulary” and “English vocabulary makes me dizzy” Gener

30、ally students view vocabulary as a most critical but most difficult section in their language studies. They are eager to learn them so long as the teachers would like to help them with the correct and effective approaches. Nevertheless, many teachers view teaching vocabulary as a low-level intellect

31、ual activity unworthy of their full attention. The reason why they think so lies in the below. Many teachers try to equal the word teaching to mere word definition and spelling, or they directly give students word meanings instead of gradually guiding the students to imagine or associate the target

32、words with outside world so as to help them effectively stored in their minds. It is due to the easy process of the explanation of word definition and spelling that some teachers think of word teaching as such a simple activity. Accordingly, they would leave vocabulary learning to students themselve

33、s instead of providing them with helpful and efficient teaching strategies.This attitude would certainly result in the following consequences: studying English for about ten years through junior high school, high school and university, the outcome has been disappointing even where teachers have devo

34、ted much time to vocabulary teaching in ESL classes. Especially in countries where English is not the main language of communication, many of the daily used words have never been taught. As a result, the students are not good at listening, speaking and writing. Their spoken English are in such a poo

35、r condition that they are not able to communicate with native speakers. The English writings are full of mistakes, including a lot of Chinglish. 1.4 Improper Teaching Methodologyabout Vocabulary TeachingVocabulary learning strategies are able to give language teachers helpful information about how t

36、he students make out the appropriate vocabulary strategies in attempt to understand and memorize the new input presented in the language classroom. To put it another way, vocabulary learning strategies are good signs of how learners solve their problems on the to-learn words encountered in the proce

37、ss of language learning.1.4.1 Single Word During the English classes, some teachers have the target words taught single by single. This sentence contains two types of meaning. First, target words are taught independently rather than by means of connecting them with the network of associations, such

38、as synonyms, antonyms or hyponyms, etc. Another aspect refers to words taught without the help of concept of “chunk”. “Chunk”, as a relatively new term, attracts many researchers attention in recent years. It involves fixed expressions as “commit a crime”, collocations like “raise capital”, institut

39、ionalized utterances as “There is a call for you. I will get it.” and sentence frames like “in the first place, and in the second, next, additionally, furthermore, and finally” as well. The advantage of applying the “chunk” to vocabulary teaching is to assist students in forming a clear idea of refe

40、rring to English vocabulary as a comprehensive whole instead of each separate word patched up together.Only when vocabulary is taught through the concepts of association and chunks, can the students learn how to speak and use the right target words in appropriate situations.1.4.2 Target Words Given

41、Directly Instead of Being Introduced GraduallyStudents interest and initiatives are viewed as two crucial elements for their English studies. Accordingly, target words are expected to be explained and introduced to them step by step in attempt to help the students think as well as ponder over words

42、actively and meditatively. If teachers speak out the whole story, materials would turn to be crammed into students minds. The learners would become the passive recipient of knowledge. This will bring about a rather negative effect on arousing their interests and do harm to their vocabulary learning.

43、1.4.3 Unfamiliarity with English EtymologyThe theory of word-formation of English language has proved us the important and indispensable role of English etymology played on vocabulary teaching and learning. Since large amounts of English words are formed by a wealth of meaningful roots and affixes,

44、teaching vocabulary on the basis of detailed accounts of interesting word origins in the form of funny stories would shed some light on the meaningful learning of English vocabulary. This idea put forward will surely be of particular interest to students, promote their sensibility for languages and

45、get better understanding of lexical meanings of words as well as greatly enlarge the quantity of their vocabulary. With the help of teachers vivid analysis and explanation of target words roots and affixes, the process of vocabulary learning and memorization could develop into a meaningful and leisu

46、rely one. However, the employment of etymological approach in college English teaching has been paid little attention for a long period of time. The thought may have been crossing some teachers minds that etymology is rather profound for students to understand and be willing to learn. In fact, on th

47、e contrary, it has been shown that students not only are willing to get familiar with the origin and history of target words but enjoy very much taking part in the training activity about etymology study in the class. Besides, not abundant source books in vocabulary teaching lead to teachers unwilli

48、ngness to collect and analyze target words on their own.1.5 Lack of Resource Materials to Make Teaching of Vocabulary InterestingAlthough some researches done and books written on vocabulary teaching, English teachers have fewer materials available at hand talking about detailed strategies they could directly at the researches in China devote themselves to vocabulary size, students motivation, psychological effects on words, word meaning and affixes and methodology appropriate in different learning stages. It has been shown


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