Uni5 Do you want to watch a game showSection+A+1a-1c.ppt

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《Uni5 Do you want to watch a game showSection+A+1a-1c.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Uni5 Do you want to watch a game showSection+A+1a-1c.ppt(26页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Do you want to watch a game show?,Unit5,talent show 才艺节目,What kind of TV show is it?,game show 游戏节目、知识竞赛节目,What kind of TV show is it?,What kind of TV show is it?,sitcom,= situation comedy,情景喜剧,talk show 脱口秀、访谈,What kind of TV show is it?,sports show 体育节目,What kind of TV show is it?,soap opera 肥皂剧,W

2、hat kind of TV show is it?,news 新闻,What kind of TV show is it?,kinds of TV shows,talent show 才艺节目,news 新闻,game show 游戏节目知识竞赛节目,sports show 体育节目,soap opera 肥皂剧,sitcom 情景喜剧,talk show 脱口秀、访谈,1b Listen and number the shows 1-4 in the order you hear them.,_talent show _talk show _soccer game _ news,1 4 2

3、,1b,What do these faces mean? love like dont mind dont like cant stand,(不介意、不反对),(无法忍受),What do you think of game shows?,I love them.,What do you think of sports shows?,I like them.,What do you think of sitcoms?,I dont mind them.,What do you think of talk shows?,I cant stand them.,What do you think

4、of soap operas?,I dont like them.,soap operas,What do you want to watch?,What do you think of talk show?,Pair work,1c,Theyre OK. I dont mind them.,Then lets watch a talk show.,Task 1:,What do you want to watch?,What do you think of sports show?,Oh, I cant stand it.,Well, what about sitcom?,OK. I lik

5、e it.,Task 2: What did you learn today ? 1.有关want 你知道多少? (1)想要某物 want + _= would like + n. 我想要点水。 I want some water. (2)想要做某事 want+ = would like to do sth. 我想要喝点水。I want to drink some water. (3) 想要某人做某事want _= would like to do sth 我想要我妈妈喝点水。 I want my mother to drink some water.,n.,to do sth,sb. to

6、do sth,Task 2: What did you learn today ? 2.What do you think of ?这个句型用来询问对方对某一事物的看法,相当于What do you think about.? eg.What do you think of English ? =What do you think about English ?,1. My grandfather likes wearing colorful clothes. He _ what young people think of him. 2. The old men _ rock music. T

7、hey think its too noisy. 3. Her sister _ soap operas. Thats her favorite. 4. I _ to go shopping with Mother. Its crowded in the store.,doesnt mind,cant stand,loves,dont like,Exercises,1. -你觉得肥皂剧怎么样? -我受不了。 _ do you _ _ soap operas? I _ _ _. 2. 他不喜欢情景喜剧。 He sitcoms. 3. Tina对运动节目不在乎。 Tina _ _ sports s

8、hows.,What,think of,cant stand them,doesnt mind,. 中译英,doesnt like,4. -Tony认为谈话节目怎么样? -他很喜爱它们。 -What _Tony think of _ _? - He _ them. 5. 我哥哥喜欢体育世界而我姐姐喜欢 情景喜剧。 My brother _ Sports World while my sister likes _,does,talk shows,loves,likes,sitcoms,Dont watch TV too much! Its bad for your health and study .,Do a survey about the preferences of the TV shows in a group. Then report the,results for the class.,Homework,Thank you for your listening.,


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