Unit 9 Insurance.ppt

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《Unit 9 Insurance.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 9 Insurance.ppt(27页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Unit NineInsurance,The Reason for Insurance,The export or import trade is subject to many risks. Fire, storm, collision, theft, leakage, explosionMore can be added to this list. All cargo owners take the risks of loss through the perils. Insurance is a process for spreading risks, so that the burden

2、 of any loss is borne not by the unfortunate individual directly affected but by the total body of persons under consideration. In return for a payment paid by the insured, an insurance company will agree to compensate the insured person in the event of losses during the period of insurance.,Marine

3、Insurance 海运保险,Risks, Losses and Expenses,Risks Perils of the sea 海上风险 Extraneous risks 附加险,Natural calamities: vile weather, thunder and lightning, tsunami, earthquake, floods, etc.,Fortuitous accidents: ship stranded, striking upon the rocks, ship sinking, collision, missing, colliding with iceber

4、gs or other objects, fire, explosion, etc.,General extraneous risks,Special extraneous risks,Losses Total loss Partial loss,Risks, Losses and Expenses,Actual total loss 实际全损,Constructive total loss 推定全损,General average 共同海损,Particular average 单独海损,Total Loss 全部损失,全损,Total loss refers to the total lo

5、ss of the entire shipment caused by the occurrence of one of the perils of the sea, such as fire or some other reasons. 全损是指运输的整批货物或不可分割的一批货物全部损失。,Actual Total Loss 实际全损,Actual total loss occurs where the insured goods have been totally lost or damaged, or found to be totally valueless on arrival.实际

6、全损是指保险货物完全灭失,或者完全丧失商业价值,失去原有用途(如,食品变质),或者因丧失无法挽回,如船舶失踪或船舶被海盗劫持。,Constructive Total Loss 推定全损,Constructive total loss is found in the case where an actual total loss appears to be unavoidable or the cost in recovering or reconditioning the goods together with the forwarding cost to the destination na

7、med in the policy would exceed their value on arrival. 推定全损是指被保险货物受损后,虽未达到全部损失的程度,但花在施救、修理、收回和运到目的地的费用总和估计超过原货物在目的地的价值。,Partial Loss 部分损失,Partial loss refers to the loss of part of a consignment.部分损失指货物的损失没有达到全部损失的程度。,General Average 共同海损,General average (loss). It goes to the situation where a ship

8、 is in danger, and somebodys cargo has to be abandoned thus one of the shippers will suffer. To cover this situation the concept of general average was introduced. It means that whichever shipper loses all or part of his cargo, all the others will club together to recompense him for his loss.,Genera

9、l Average 共同海损,共同海损是指在同一海上航程中,当船舶、货物和其它财产遭遇共同危险时,为了共同安全,有意地、合理地采取措施所直接造成的特殊牺牲、支付的特殊费用。 国际上有统一规定,共同海损的牺牲和费用由各受益方按比例分摊:船方、收货方、运货方。至于分摊法,国际上对“共同海损”有个理算规则,叫“安特卫普规则”,我国贸促会也有一个“北京理算规则” 。,Particular Average 单独海损,A particular average loss is a partial loss which is suffered by the one whose goods are partly

10、 lost or damaged while others in the voyage (such as the carrier and other cargo owners whose goods were not damaged) do not contribute to the partial recovery of the one suffering the loss.,Particular Average 单独海损,单独海损是意外发生的,损失的仅指保险标的物本身的毁损,并不包括由此而引起的费用。这种损失只能由标的物所有人单独负担。,单独海损与共同海损的区别: 造成海损的原因不同。单独

11、海损是承保风险所直接导致的船、货损失;共同海损,则不是承保风险所直接导致的损失,而是为了解除或减轻共同危险人为地造成的一种损失。 损失的内容不同。单独海损仅指损失本身,而共同海损则包括损失及由此产生的费用。 承担损失的责任不同。单独海损的损失一般由受损方自行承担;而共同海损的损失,则应由受益的各方按照受益大小的比例共同分摊。,Risks, Losses and Expenses,Expenses Sue and labor expenses(施救费用): arising from measures properly taken by the insured or the employee, e

12、tc. for minimizing or avoiding losses caused by the risks covered in the insurance policy. 施救费用:亦称营救费用,是指被保险货物在遭遇承保的灾害事故时,被保险人或其代理人、雇用人为避免、减少损失采取各种抢救、防护措施时所支付的合理费用。,Basic Insurance Coverages,FPA(平安险): (Insurance) Free of /from Particular Average(单独海损不赔, 只赔全损和部分损失中的共同海损) WPA / WA (水渍险): (Insurance) W

13、ith (Particular) Average (担保单独海损) Insurance against All Risks (综合险/一切险): (承保平安险, 水渍险及一般附加险),General Additional Risks (under All Risks),1. Risk of Theft, Pilferage and Non-Delivery (TPND) 盗窃提货不着险 2. Risk of Fresh and/of Rain Water Damage 淡水雨淋险 3. Risk of shortage in weight/quantity 短量险 4. Risk of Contamination 玷污险 5. Risk of Leakage 渗漏险,6. Risk of Clashing risks covered / insured 保险范围 Insurance rate 保险费率 Insurance premium / expense 保险费 Insurance proceeds 保险金 (收入),The End,


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