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1、UNIT5 SCRIPT 1. M: Whats the weather like today? W: It was cold and wet when I got up, but now the rain has let up and the sun is coming out. Q: How is the weather now? 2. W: Hows the weather outside now? M: Its much warmer now than it was this morning. And the wind has stopped, too. Q: How was the

2、weather this morning? 3. M: Is it nice outside, Emi? W: It was nice this morning, but now the sky is gray. I think its going to rain. Q: Whats the weather like now? 4. W: It seems to be clearing up. All the dark clouds are gone. M: Yes. Lets hope it stays this way. I hate rainy days. Q: How is the w

3、eather today? 5. W: I think Ill go and visit my aunt. Its so bright and sunny. M: But the forecast says were going to have a rainstorm this afternoon. Q: What will the weather be like this afternoon? SCRIPT Here Is the Latest Weather Report Good morning, Im Jim Porter, and here is the latest weather

4、 report from Channel 62. First the national picture. The Pacific Coast will have strong winds which might bring rain from Northern California through coastal regions of the Pacific Northwest. In the Rockies there will be heavy snow. It will be cold and dry in the Midwest, and cloudy in the afternoon

5、. Over to the Northeast, where there will be clear skies this morning. There might be some rain in the afternoon, but it wont be heavy. You can expect temperatures in the high 30s to low 40s. Finally, in the Southeast, it will be warm and sunny in the morning, with a 40% chance of rain in the early

6、afternoon. There will be rain in the evening, and there might be thunderstorms at that time. Now the weather report for your local area. Currently in your area 29 degrees under clear skies. Winds NW at 15 to 20 mph. Tonight partly cloudy and winds NE at 5 to 10 mph. Tomorrow mostly cloudy in the mor

7、ning followed by isolated thunderstorms later in the day. High near 30 degrees. Low around 20 degrees. Chance of rain, 30%. SCRIPT Lets Listen to the Weather Forecast John: Whats the matter, Mary? You look upset. Mary: My cell phone wont work. I guess Ill have to take it downtown and get it fixed. J

8、ohn: Here, let me see it a minute, will you? Mary: Sure. John: Hmmm. Lets see now . Ah . Here you are, Mary. Try it now.Mary: Why, John, youre wonderful! How did you ever do it? John: It was nothing. Say, lets play some tennis, shall we? Mary: Yes, but it looks to me like theres going to be a storm.

9、 John: I dont think so. Lets see, its just 1:00. Try to get a weather report on TV. Mary: OK. (Turning on the TV.) Announcer: . and now heres the latest weather forecast of your local area for today and tomorrow. Currently 75 degrees under mostly clear sky. Sunny and pleasant through the day, with a

10、 high of about 80 degrees. Tonight turning cloudy, with winds SSW at 5 to 10 mph. Tomorrow, warm and humid, with a high of about 85 degrees and a low near 70 degrees. Winds SSW at 10 to 15, building up to 20 to 25 mph later in the afternoon. Scattered thunderstorms are expected in the evening. Chanc

11、e of rain, 50%. John: There, see? Its not going to rain today! (thunder) Mary: Hey, look outside, John! John: Oh, my! UNIT6 SCRIPT 1. And here is todays weather forecast for international travelers. Lets start with Beijing. It will be cold and windy today. The low will be zero and the high will be 6

12、 degrees Celsius. 2. Mexico City will be warm and wet, with a low of 68 degrees Fahrenheit and a high of 82 degrees. 3. Tokyo will be mostly cloudy with scattered showers in the afternoon. The low will be 4 degrees Celsius and the high 12 degrees. 4. Chicago is having a snowy day. It is freezing wit

13、h a low of 15 degrees Fahrenheit and a high of 30 degrees. SCRIPT 1. . and now heres the latest weather forecast. Sunny and pleasant today, with a high of about 80. Tomorrow, clear and continued sunny, with a high of about 85. Chance of rain today and tomorrow, near zero. 2. Heres the weather foreca

14、st for the weekend. Friday will start cold and cloudy in the morning, but its not going to rain. The high is going to be only 6 degrees and the low, minus 3 degrees. By Friday night and maybe Saturday morning its going to snow but it will let up by Saturday afternoon and Sunday is going to be clear

15、and sunny, but very cold. SCRIPT A Weather Report Good evening. Well, its been another fine day over most of the country with temperatures up to 23 degrees in southern areas. But it isnt going to last, Im afraid. By tomorrow evening most of us will see some rain. Tomorrow morning will start off dry

16、with a good deal of sunshine in most places. There will be a bit of fog along the southeast coast, however, and it will be generally cloudy, with light winds from the northeast keeping this coast cooler. In the northwest it will stay dull and cloudy with some heavy showers. Temperatures in this part

17、 of the country will be a cool 16 degrees. As the day goes on, were going to see a big change, as warm, humid weather pushes in from the south. This will bring rain to most of the southern half of the country by the evening. And there will be some thunderstorms, but only in the southwest, where temp

18、eratures will reach 26 degrees or possibly 27 degrees. In the northern half of the country the weather will be brighter and fresher. It will stay dry, but it will be quite windy and that east wind will keep temperatures down to about 19 degrees. Thats it. Have a good day tomorrow. SCRIPT You Always

19、Worry Too Much M: Im wondering if its going to be fine this afternoon. W: So what? M: The sports meet! Its scheduled at 2:00, but the fog! You can only see within a short distance. W: But dont you see the winds beginning to lift it up? I bet it will be fine this afternoon. M: Dont be so sure. W: You

20、ve heard the forecast this morning, havent you? M: No. Thats why I worry. W: Why dont you try 12121, the 24-hour telephone weather forecast service? M: Gee! How come I hadnt thought about it? Ill call it right away. (The man calls 12121 and listens to the weather report.) Announcer: Now the weather

21、report for today and tomorrow. Its foggy in the morning and itll be clear and fine this afternoon. Tomorrow it will be overcast, with a slight chance of rain later in the day. Today, the high will be 12 degrees. Tomorrow the low will be 6 degrees. Thanks for listening. W: What did it say? M: It will

22、 be clear and fine in the afternoon. W: See? Therell be no problem for the sports meet this afternoon, then.M: But the report isnt always accurate. W: And you always worry too much. UNIT7 SCRIPT 1. W: Are you going to spend your holiday in Paris? M: Yes, I just cant wait. W: When are you leaving? M:

23、 March 31st. W: Will you go there by plane? M: Sure.2. M: I heard that Gloria will go to London on May 22nd. How will she go there? W: By train.M: Why? Its so slow. W: But its safer.3. M: Where did your brother go for holiday? W: Qingdao. M: When did he go? W: Last Friday. M: How long is he planning

24、 to stay? W: About two weeks. M: Did he fly? W: No. He went by ship. 4. W: So, you are going to have a vacation in Hong Kong.M: Yes. Ill go there at the end of June. W: Youll go there with your family, I guess. M: Yes. Can you book four plane tickets to Hong Kong for me?W: No problem.5. M: Were plan

25、ning to camp in the Lake District. W: When are you going? M: Next weekend. W: Is it very far? M: No. Its only 40 miles away. So well drive there. SCRIPT Where Are You Going to Spend Your Holiday? Woman: Where are you going to spend your holiday this year, Bob? Bob: We may go abroad, but Im not so su

26、re. Woman: What do you mean?Bob: Well, my wifes talking about Egypt recently. She may want to go there. Id like to go there, too. Woman: Yes, its an interesting country to see. Bob: But we cant make up our minds yet. You know, a round-trip ticket to Egypt costs a lot. Woman: But you could go by sea.

27、 Bob: Youre right. Its cheaper, isnt it? Woman: You can save at least half of the money if you go by ship. Bob: But dont you think it would take a long time and . Woman: But you can enjoy viewing the sea and the rising sun.Bob: Yes. Ill talk to my wife. Woman: Youll definitely enjoy yourselves, Im s

28、ure. Bob: Dont be so sure. We may not go anywhere. Woman: You always hesitate at everything. Bob: Its not my fault, you know. My wife always worries too much. Woman: Like what? Bob: Well, whos going to look after the house? Whos going to look after the garden? And whos going to look after the pets?

29、We have these problems every year. And in the end we stay at home and look after everything. SCRIPT Mr and Mrs Williams Mr and Mrs Williams always went to England to spend their summer holidays. They always stayed in a small boarding house at the seaside. One year, however, Mr Williams made a lot of

30、 money in his business, so they decided to go to Rome and stay at a really good hotel while they went around and saw the sights of that famous city. They flew to Rome, and arrived at their hotel late one evening. They expected that they would have to go to bed hungry, because in the boarding houses

31、they used to stay in the past, no meals were served after seven oclock in the evening. They were therefore surprised when the clerk who received them in the hall of the hotel asked them whether they would be taking dinner there that night. Are you still serving dinner then? asked Mrs Williams. Yes,

32、certainly, madam, answered the clerk. We serve it until half past nine. What aboutbreakfast and lunch? asked Mr Williams. Well, sir, answered the clerk, we serve breakfast from 7 to 11:30 in the morning, lunch from 12 to 3 in the afternoon, tea from 4 to 5, and dinner from 6 to 9:30. But that hardly

33、 leaves any time for us to see the sights of Rome! said Mrs Williams in a disappointed voice. UNIT8 Planning a Trip W: Hello, Bob. What are you reading?M: Oh, just some brochures I got from a travel agency. W: Are you taking a trip abroad? Where are you going? M: St. Lucia. W: Ive heard about it. Bu

34、t where exactly is it? M: Its an island in the Caribbean, not too far from Florida. Its supposed to be very beautiful. W: Oh. Sounds great. M: Yeah, I guess. W: So, what are you going to do? M: Well, Gloria wants to go shopping. W: Shopping? Ugh. Youre going to go with her? M: I dont know. Maybe. We

35、ll see. W: How about scuba diving? M: Of course, thats why were going. Gloria loves scuba diving. W: Are you going to try it? M: Nah. I tried it once, but I dont really like it. But were definitely going to rent motorcycles and ride around the island. Gloria loves that. W: Well, at least thats one t

36、hing you like. What are you going to do at night? M: Probably go dancing. Gloria loves dancing. W: But you hate dancing. M: I know, but . W: Hey! . whos planning this trip anyway? M: Oh, this is Glorias idea. SCRIPT A 60-Year-Old Message in a Bottle Schwarz, a Swiss tourist traveling in Sweden, foun

37、d a message in a bottle on a remote Swedish beach, some 55 miles south of Stockholm. The message in the bottle was apparently thrown into the sea 60 years ago by an Estonian refugee fleeing the Nazis. The message was written in English and dated 1943, when the Nazis occupied Estonia. It was signed b

38、y Maja Westerman, an Estonian refugee who wrote that she and her sister had arrived a year earlier on a small Swedish island. We are still dreaming about our home, she wrote. Is the war over yet? We are looking forward to peace and friendship. I would be very grateful if I could see my family again.

39、 About 2,000 refugees were given asylum on the small Swedish island during the Second World War, most of whom came from Estonian islands. It is very moving, said Schwarz, from his home in Switzerland. Just imagine if Maja Westerman is still alive today and it would be possible to find her! Schwarz s

40、aid he found the bottle on Tuesday and returned to Switzerland on Friday. He said he would search for the letters author on the Internet and attempt to prove that the letter was true. UNIT9 SCRIPT At the Doctors Office W: Good morning. M: Good morning. Do take a seat. Now, what can I do for you? W:

41、Well, Ive been getting a lot of headaches recently. M: I see. And do you normally suffer from headaches? W: No, not normally. M: And are there any other symptoms? I mean, do you feel sick, or anything like that? W: No, just a headache. M: When do you get these headaches? W: Its usually when Ive been

42、 reading or watching the telly. M: Mmm. Do you wear glasses? W: No, I dont. M: Well. Cover your left eye. Now, can you read the letters on the chart over there? Try the third line from the bottom. W: Erm . H, T, P . er, or is it R . and then its E, isnt it? Thats all I can read. M: Hmm. Well, I thin

43、k thats probably the problem. So as a first step, Id like you to have your eyes tested. Ill give you a letter, and you need to take this to the opticians for an appointment. W: Oh, right, OK. M: Im sure glasses will clear up the headaches, but if they dont then come back and see me again. W: Thank y

44、ou, doctor. Goodbye. M: Goodbye.What Do I Have to Do, Doctor? W: Ah, Mr Stone. Do come in and sit down. M: Thank you. W: How are you? Are you still feeling very tired all the time? M: Yes, I am. W: Well, Ive got your test results back now and they confirm what I thought. Your blood pressure and your

45、 cholesterol level are very high. So if you dont change your lifestyle, youre going to have a heart attack sooner or later. M: Oh, I see. Oh, dear. What do I have to do? W: Well, there are three things that you ought to do. First, quit smoking. Secondly, you really must lose weight. Your cholesterol

46、 level is very high so you must reduce the amount of fat that you eat. And lastly, you must take more exercise. You mustnt do too much exercise at first, but build up gradually.M: But what sort of exercise should I do? W: Walking is best. You neednt exercise every day, but you should walk about thre

47、e miles four or five times a week. M: But I dont have time. Im just so busy at work.W: Thats another thing. You mustnt work so hard. Look, take this information and read it through. Then make an appointment to see our lifestyle consultant. She will work out a full diet and exercise program for you. And dont worry. Thats the last thing you should do. Ill see you again next month. M: OK. Thank you, Doctor. Goodbye for now. W: Goodbye. UNIT10 SCRIPT W: Come in and sit down, Paul. Now, whats the trouble? M: Ive got a terrible pain in my st


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