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1、西方古典文化,Classical Western Culture,Lecture 2 Ancient Greece Foundation of Western Civilization,I. Geography,Greece,Geographical Map,Greece,1. Location,Greece is located at the southernmost tip of Europe and Northeast End of the Mediterranean. It Consists of small peninsulas. Greece has many ports, inl

2、ets, and islands. Including the islands, it has an area of 50,959 square miles and an estimated (200l) population of 11millions.,2. Physical Geography,Greece is very mountainous. 75% of Greece is covered by mountains. Most are short mountain ranges cutting through mainland. Mountains caused small co

3、mmunities to develop different ways of life.,There is no clear river system. In Ancient Greece, farmers grew olives, figs, grain, fruit and grapes in the fertile valleys. They also raised sheep and goats in mountains.,Olive grove,Surrounded by seas No part of Greece is more than about forty miles fr

4、om the coast Greeks became seafarers.Sailed into Aegean, Black, and Mediterranean Seas. Greeks made contact with outside world and spread colonies and trade throughout Med. Sea. Get what they could not grow Also brought ideas back with them,3. The Importance of Geography,Cut off by mountains and the

5、 seas Isolated Led to the formation of city-states Limited interaction and unity of Ancient Greece Created fierce rivalries,Sea became a vital link Hundreds of bays to provide safe harbor for ships Skilled sailors Traded olive oil, wine, and marble Returned with grains, metals, and ideas Adapted the

6、 Phoenician alphabet Became basis for all Western alphabets,4. Climate,Greece has a Mediterranean climate Greek Summer is warm and dry. The average temperature is 33. The average rainfall is 6mm. It leads to drought.,The Greek winter is mild and wet. It can be rainy on costal regions and snowy in th

7、e mountains. The average temperature is 15. The average rainfall is 65mm.,II. Ancient Greek History,Ancient Greece: It is considered by most historians to be the foundational culture of Western Civilization. Bronze Age of Greece: 2600 BC-1100 BC,Bronze Age of Greece,1. Crete: Minoan (米诺斯的) Civilizat

8、ion(Palace at Knossos),The first civilization Developed in Crete Lasted 1500 years, from 2600-1100 BC. Known as the Minoan civilization, named after a legendary king Minos, son of Zeus Flourished with great trading power People originated in Asia Minor.,Minoan Civilization,The island of Crete,Minoan

9、 Art,Civilization on Crete suffered a major catastrophe around 1450 BC Two theories: (1) Tidal wave caused by a volcano that wiped them out. (2) Invasion by Myceneans who destroyed them.,2. Mycenean (迈錫尼) Civilization,Developed around 2000 BC People from Asia settled down in south and central Greece

10、. The city of Mycenae was built as a fortress and it was surrounded by farming villages whose people could always run for protection to the city if it was being invaded.,The Mycenean civilization was built on Minoan achievements. Around 1250 BC the Myceneans attacked Troy, a rival power. Troy contro

11、lled trading routes between the Aegean and Black seas. This war is told in Homers Iliad and the Odyssey.,The palace in Mycenae was surrounded by massive walls with a huge gateway called the Lion Gate,The Mask of Agamemnon,The Mycenaeans were warlike people who measured their wealth by the number of

12、weapons they owned. The Mycenaeans learned many Minoan customs through trade. They adapted Minoan art styles and pottery designs to make them look more war like.,3. Dark Ages,The Dorians from the north marched south and burned palaces and villages in their path. About 1200 BC, the Dorians took over

13、Greece. After that, Greece fell into a dark age. After the Greek dark ages, exciting things began to happen. Villages banded together to form strong trading centers called city-states.,4. City States,“Hellenistic” (classical) Greece: 700 BC- 324 BC As Greek culture mixed with cultural elements of th

14、e Middle East, a new culture called Hellenistic emerged. Small kingdoms established in Greece Called city-states because their small size,At first, the city-states were ruled by kings, but as the society progressed, a new form of government began, called democracy. The city states had different ways

15、 of behaving and ruling. The two most famous city states are Athens and Sparta.,5. Ancient Athens,Athens had fertile land Major crops: olives, grapes and wheat Athens as the cultural center of Greece Had its golden age under the ruler Pericles Athenians were tough people Engaged in activities like a

16、rt, philosophy, science and music,Athenian Government In early times ruled by kings Later, the aristocracy, selected representatives Merchants later replaced some of the nobility The men of Athens met weekly, discussed city problems, worked on solutions, and started a form of government known as dem

17、ocracy.,The thing that set Athens apart from the other city-states was its government. Athens was a democracy. Athenian Values Individuality Beauty Freedom,Golden “Age of Pericles”:460 BC 429 BC,Pericles came to power around 500 BC. Considered the greatest statesman in ancient Greek history. Pericle

18、s believed in four things: Rule by the majority Everyone is equal before the law Personal freedom The right to get ahead through a persons ability instead of social class,Contributions of Golden Age,Drama (Tragedy悲): Aeschylus埃斯库罗斯, Sophocles索福克勒斯, Euripides欧里庇得斯 Poetry (Homer): Iliad and The Odysse

19、y History (Herodotus希罗多德, Thucydides修西得底斯): Persian波斯 Wars, The History of the Peloponnesian Wars Philosophy: Socrates苏格拉底, Plato柏拉图 and Aristotle亚里士多德 Art, Sculpture雕塑 and Architecture建筑, Science (Archimedes阿基米德, Medicine and Mathematics),Sparta斯巴达,The city state of Sparta Developed into a strong g

20、overnment Ruled like a military camp Spartans believed suffering was an integral 完整part of the path to adulthood “Brief suffering leads to the joy of lasting fame.” “Come back with your shield盾 or come back on it.” Parting saying of Spartan wives as husbands left for war,Boys raised to fight Sent to

21、 military school at 7 for training Raised and disciplined with hunger and pain under fierce competition Lived in barracks兵营 as soldiers and served for Sparta Allowed to have a family after 30 Girls raised at home Educated Trained in gymnastics in order to be good breeders of soldiers Moved about fre

22、ely,Wars against Persians,Greek victories in 490 (Marathon马拉松) and again in 480 (Plataea普拉蒂亚) and 479 (Salamis萨拉米斯) Decline of Greek city-states (404-349 BC) Philip of Macedon 马其顿王国 Conquer all city-states except Sparta (349-338 BC),Persian Wars united Athens and Sparta against the Persian Empire At

23、henian victories over the Persians at Marathon and Salamis left the Greeks in control of the Aegean Sea Athens preserved its independence,Alexander the Great,King Philip II is assassinated 被暗杀at his daughters wedding Son Alexander proclaims himself King at age 20 Former student of Aristotle Alexande

24、r inherited继承 from his father the most perfectly organized, trained, and equipped army of ancient times.”,Alexander the Great,Alexander followed his fathers plan and invaded 入侵Persia. He won scores of victories. Conquered Egypt in 332 B.C. (Persian territory) Crowned Pharaoh法老, welcomed as liberator

25、 Founds city of Alexandria Alexander then marched to the heart of Persia and conquered cities of Babylon,327 B.C. Alexander marched to India After returning to Babylon, Alexander announced plans to invade Arabia阿拉伯半岛 Very ill with fever, Alexander died in Babylon at the age of 33,Alexander establish

26、es 60 Alexandrias Mix of Greek and eastern culture-intermarriage Amazing art and sculpture雕塑雕刻 Science advanced The world has never been the same!,III. Greek People,Greek people They are open-minded, warm-hearted, adventurous, war-like, and pleasure seeking. The ancient Greeks took enjoyment as the

27、end of human life. They praised god just because god embodied表达 呈现 mans desire.,1. Land Civilization,Babylon, Egypt, China, India River valley, fertile land, farming people, worship the vegetarian god (植物神),Tigris-Euphrates River Valley,Ancient Babylon,Egypt-the Nile River valley,India-the Ganges Ri

28、ver valley,2. Ocean Civilization,Greece, Norway, Spain, Portugal葡萄牙, England Coastal areas, Barren land,荒地 Make a life over the sea, either as fishermen or traders, Adventurous, courageous, tricky, barbarous, Relying not on producing but on conquering; They were free, bold, uninhibited, impatient, w

29、ith pensive thoughts and fantastic dreams.,3. Contrasting qualities,(1)static静/dynamic动 quietness, harmony, stability; strength, courage, adventurous (2)collectivism/individualism: duty, devotion responsibility, patience, peace-loving, defensive, like mountains, seek moral principles; honor, dignity

30、, power, self-interest, pleasure, war-like, offensive, like oceans, seek knowledge and wisdom,(3)Way of thinking: synthetic/analytical (4)Attitude toward nature: rely on nature and become part of nature; conquer nature, change it for mans own benefit (5) Altruism利他 /egoism利己: seek the interests of t

31、he entire nation; seek the satisfaction of ones own interest, such as love, crown, fortune, power, or revenge报复,4. The ancient Greek people Still on the early stage of mankind, i.e. mans childhood, a stage of innocence; They would laugh, cry, eat and sleep according to their own like, or dislike.,Thank you for your Attention!,


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