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1、U1 复习一、短语1. 在岁时at the age of2. 代替 in place of/ instead of3. 付出代价 at a price 4. 为某事感激某人be grateful/thankful to sb for sth5. 电视播放的on television6. 对某人要求严格be strict with sb7. 上钢琴课take/have piano lessons8. 病倒 fall ill9. 对负责be responsible for10. 从那时起from then on11. 放弃 give up12. 我们时代的of our time(s)13. 获得奖

2、项win/get/receive an award (for sth.)14. 玩得开心have fun15. 获得一个机会get a chance16. 表演,演出give a performance17. 例如such as18. 在许多大型活动 at many huge events19. 鼓励某人做某事encourage sb to do sth20. 西方古典音乐Western classical music21. 钢琴天才piano prodigy22. 对感到好奇be curious about23. an experiment on 关于的实验24. 找寻、思索search f

3、or25. 使发生;导致 lead to (led pt.)26. 厌倦;厌烦(做某事)be tired of doing sth27. 保护以免 protectfrom sth28. 被称为;被称作 be known as29. 因为人所知be known for30. 在他的一生中during his lifetime 31. 使某人/某物怎样make sth./sb. + adj. 32. 建立;创建 set up33. 总是、一直is/ was always doing 34. 同时at the same time 35. 了解learn about36. 出生在某地be born i

4、n 37. 与无关have nothing to do with 38. 意味着做某事meaning doing sth39. 打算做某事mean to do40. 在做方面有天赋have a gift for doing sth41. 坚持做keep doing sth.42. 出于热爱for love43. 不再想某人;不再把某人放在心上forget about sb44. 得了吧come on45. 储蓄;攒钱save up46. 靠某人自己on ones own47. 帮助某人give sb a hand48. 共同的,共有的in common 49. 与平等be equal to50

5、. 足够以至于能够做某事be adj. enough(for sb) to do51. 太以至于不能做某事be+ too+ adj.+ to do sth. 52. 对产生兴趣become interested in 53. 总计;总数in total=in all54. 历史上 in history55. 方面的专家an expert on/at/in56. 为而战fight for57. 为反对而战 fight against58. 提供帮助offer to help59. 被认为是be regarded as60. 从退休retire from二、词汇responsibility (n.

6、) - responsible (adj.)piano (n.) - pianist (n.)prodigious (adj.) - prodigy (n.)stun (n.) - stunning (adj.)west (n.) - western (adj.)classic (n.) - classical (adj.)music (n.) - musical (adj.)compete (v.) - competition (n.)succeed (v.) - success (n.) - successful (adj.)sudden (adj.) - suddenly (adv.)p

7、erform (v.) - performance (n.)encouragement (n.) - encourage (v.)talent (n.) - talented (adj.)invent (v.) - inventor (n.) - invention (n.)curiosity (n.) - curious (adj.)nature (n.) - natural (adj.) - naturally (adv.)improve (v.) - improvement (n.)science (n.) - scientist (n.)equip (v.) - equipment (

8、n.)find (v.) - finding (n.)actual (adj.) - actually (adv.)develop (v.) - development (n.)efficiency (n.) - efficient (adj.)include (v.) - including (prep.)pave (v.) - pavement (n.)manage (v.) - manager (n.)intelligence (n.) - intelligent (adj.)confidence (n.) - confident (adj.)bravery (n.) - brave (

9、adj.)determine (v.) - determined (adj.)design (v.) - designer (n.)三、语法1. I couldnt agree more. 我再同意不过了。2. include & including3. the number of &a number of: 4. win & beat beat=defeat 的宾语是人或队伍, 表示“打败”;win 的宾语不能是人,而是奖金,奖杯,比赛,战争等, 如win an award, win the competition。5. 过去进行时 构成: was / were + doing 用法:过去某

10、个时间正在进行或发生的动作 常与过去进行时连用的时间状语:at ten oclock last night, then, this time yesterday, at that time, from 8 to 9 last Wednesday When,while?过去进行时常与when, while引导的时间状语从句连用, 意思是当之时。when后面既可跟延续性动词,也可跟瞬间动词,常用过去式while后面一般跟延续性动词,常用进行时;强调两个动作同时发生,或表示对比时只能用while The telephone rang when(while) I was taking a bath.

11、All the students were sleeping soundly when the fire broke out. (此句中不可以用while) Father was preparing a report while I was playing games.Unit 2复习提纲一、词形转换1. fun (adj.) funny2. succeed (n.) success, (adj.) successful3. amuse (n.) amusement4. own (n.) owner5. sleep (adj.) asleep, sleepy6. angry (n.) ange

12、r7. happy (n.) happiness (opp)unhappy8. express (n.) expression9. art (n.) artist10. delight (adj.) delighted11. splendid (adv.) splendidly12. possible (adv.) possibly13. complain (n.) complaint14. wonder (adj.) wonderful15. bore (adj.) boring, bored16. frighten (adj.) frightened17. worry (adj.) wor

13、ried18. close (adj.) closed关闭的, close亲密的19. open (adj.) open20. cheer (adj.) cheerful21. think (adj.) thoughtful22. good (n.) goodness23. value (adj.) valuable24. care (adj.) careful/careless, (n.)carelessness25. exist (n. ) existence26. skill (adj.) skilful27. true (adv.) truly28. fail (n.) failure

14、, (opp.) pass, succeed29. wisdom (adj.) wise30. smart (opp.) foolish31. humour (adj.) humorous32. collect (n.) collector二、短语1. 充满be full of, be filled with2. 对(某物)很满意 be delighted with3. 为工作 work for4. 同意做某事 agree to do sth.5. 尽力做 try to do sth.6. 同(某人)比赛,迎战 play against7. 二十世纪三十年代末 in the 1930s8. 射

15、门得分 score a goal9. 想到 think of10. 戏弄(某人)play a trick on sb.11. 使陷入麻烦 get sb. into trouble12. 出发,启程 set out13. 到处跑 run around14. 救生衣 life jacket15. 犯事而落到(某人)手里 get in trouble with sb16. 大量的 plenty of17. 追溯到,始于 date back to18. 到处跑 run around19. 存在,现有 in existence20. 嘲笑 laugh at21. 处于良好的状态 in good cond

16、ition22. 来自世界各地的 from all over the world23. 撞倒(某人) knock sb down24. 一个叫做的人 a man called/ named25. 回答,答复 in reply26. 有很长的历史 with a long history27. 不挡某人的道 move out of ones way28. 画出的轮廓 draw an outline of29. 朝上看 look up30. 处于困境,有麻烦的 in trouble31. 熬夜 stay up 33. 想去做某事 would like to do sth.34. 兴奋的表情 a ch

17、eerful expression35. 灿烂的笑容 a big smile36. 做的方法 a way to do/ a way of doing37. 以多少赢 beat sb. byto 38. 活过来 come to life39. 我们能够做的一切是 all we can do is40. 处于危险之中 be in danger41. 为某人准备某物prepare sth for sb 三、语法、形容词的一般用法)放在被修饰的名词前做定语:a cold and windy day;)放在连系动词后做表语:feel lonely;常见的连系动词有:a. be, keep, stay,

18、appear, seemb. 感官动词:look, sound, taste, smell, feelc. 表示“变得”:grow, get, turn, become, fall, go )形容词修饰不定代词something, anyone, nobody等时,应放在不定代词的后面:something interesting)注意以下形容词加ly之后的区别:wide(宽阔的)widely(广泛的):five metres wide, widely used;deep(深度)deeply(深深的):five metres deep, deeply moved;hard(努力的/地)hardl

19、y(几乎不):work hard, hard work, hard understandnear(附近)nearly(几乎,大部分):near the school, nearly everyone)只能做表语的形容词:afraid, alone, asleep, awake, alive, well, ill, frightened;)ly结尾的形容词:lonely, friendly, lively, lovely;)-ed(表示人或物的情绪、状态,表示被动)与-ing(表示人或物的特征、本质,表示主动)结尾的形容词的区别、It is+adj.+ (for /of sb.) to do s

20、th形容词常表示事物的特征特点 Eg: It is necessary for them to get an electrician to do the work for them. = They are necessary to get an electrician to do the work for them.It is +adj.+ of sb. to do sth. 形容词表示人物的内在评价(人的本质)。Eg: It is very clever of you to work out the math problem in such a short time. = You are v

21、ery clever to work out the math problem in such a short time.Unit 3复习提纲一、短语1. 之旅the trip to / the tour of2. 电影制作大赛a film-making competition 3. 游乐场 an amusement park4. 作为娱乐for pleasure/fun5. 从中得到乐趣 take pleasure in6. 拍摄电影shoot (shot) films7. 吓一大跳jump out of ones skin8. 朝大吼roar at9. 闻起来像 smell like10.

22、 给留下深刻印象make/leave a deep impression on sb11. 剧烈地震动shake violently12. 被淋湿 get wet13. 看起来像真的 look real14. 似乎seem to do15. 电影明星film / movie star16. 扮演角色act / play a role 17. 根本不 notat all18. 担任工作 work as19. 以作为背景be set (in) 20. 尽力做某事try to do 21. (飞机等)起飞,脱下(衣服)take off22. 与交朋友make friends with 23. 清理c

23、lean up 24. 关闭(电/水龙头)turn off 25. 撞到.bump into26. 一定是 must be27. 赚钱make money28. 的一个方面one aspect of29. 长大grow up30. 一两周a week or two /one or two weeks 31. 不断做某事keep doing sth.32. 一直all the time33. 不再notany longer / no longer34. 手机mobile phone35. 值得做be worth doing36. 的部分 part of37. 一会儿for a while38.

24、打算做某事be planning to do/ be going to do39. 考虑做某事think about/of doing sth.40. 对惊奇be amazed by / at41. 上演be on42. 宁愿(不)做某事would rather (not) do43. 开车接送某人pick sb up44. 社交活动social event45. 几个a couple of46. 对某人有不良的影响have a bad influence on sb47. 有做的时间have time to do sth 二、词汇set (v.) - setting (n.)music (n

25、.) - musical (n./ adj.)lone (n.) - lonely (adj.)romance (n.) - romantic (adj.)enjoy (v.) - enjoyable (adj.)move (v.) - moving / moved (adj.)extreme (adj.) - extremely (adv.)fun (n.) - funny (adj.)friend (n.) - friendship / friendliness (n.)colour (n.) - colourful (adj.)amaze (v.) - amazing / amazed

26、(adj.)power (n.) - powerful (adj.)wonder (n.) - wonderful (adj.)excite (v.) - exciting (adj.)tradition (n.) - traditional (adj.)sudden (adj.) - suddenly (adv.)fantasy (n.) - fantastic (adj.)act (v.) - action / actor / actress (n.)horrible (adj.) - horror (n.)introduce (v.) - introduction (n.)lead (v

27、.) - leading (adj.)end (v.) - ending (n.)conclude (v.) - conclusion (n.)society (n.) - social (adj.)completely (adv.) - complete (adj./v.)imagine (v.) - imagination (n.)feel (v.) - feeling (n.)luck (n.) - lucky (adj.) - luckily (adv.)direct (v.) - director (n.)三、语法&句型1. bothand 谓语复数not onlybut also,

28、 neithernor, eitheror 就近原则as well as, with, along with 与前面的名词保持一致2. too much, much too & too many3. try to do & try doing4. make的用法 使成为make sth./sb. + n. 使怎样/做某事make sth./sb. +adj. / v. 5. see sb sth doing & see sb/sth do6. no one & none7. whether & if8. so &such9. 语法重点:直接引语变为间接引语,把直接引语改为间接引语时,要注意以下

29、变化:1) 确定连词&语序 陈述句: (that) 可以省略,语序不变。主句的谓语动词可直接用引语中的said, 也可用told来代替,注意,可以说said that, said to sb.that, told sb. that,不可直接说told that 一般疑问句: if/whether, 语序是陈述句的语序原主句中谓语动词said要改为asked(me/him/us等), He said, “Do you have any difficulty with pronunciation?”He asked (me) whether/if I had any difficulty with

30、 my pronunciation. 特殊疑问句: 使用原句疑问词 when, where, who等, 语序改为陈述句语序主句的谓语动词用ask(sb.)来表达 祈使句: 把句子改为以下句式:ask/tell/order sb. (not) to do sth.2) 转换人称根据情况做相应的改变,“一随主,二随宾,三不变”主格:I you he she it we they宾格: me you him her it us them形容词:my your his her its our their名词性物主代词: mine yours his hers its ours theirs 反身代词

31、:myself yourself himself herself ourselves yourselves themselves3) 时态的转变主句: 现在时或将来时,从句:不变She says, “Ill never forget the days in the country.”She says that shell never forget the days in the country.主句: 过去时,从句: 对应的过去时态从句中是真理性的时态不变The geography teacher said, “The sun rises in the east and sets in the

32、 west.”The geography teacher told us that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.主句是过去时,从句的时态变化直接引语间接引语一般现在时am / is / are do / does一般过去时was / weredid现在进行时am/is/are doing过去进行时was / were doing现在完成时have / has done过去完成时had + done一般过去时was / were did一般过去时过去完成时was/were/didhad + done一般将来时am/is/are g

33、oing to dowill do过去将来时was / were going to do would do4) 指示代词和时间状语的变化this- that these- those here- there now-then today-that day tonight-that nighttomorrow-the next day/the following daynext week-the next week two days ago-two days beforeyesterday-the day before last night-the night beforethe day bef

34、ore yesterday - two days beforethe day after tomorrow - in two days注意个别趋向动词的变化:come-go, bring-take U4复习一短语1. 教育访问 educational visit (to)2. 当地人local people3. 我首先想到的一点my first thought4. 的一部分part of5. 教育交流educational exchange6. 寄宿家庭host family7. 交流生exchange student8. 被要求做某事be required to do9. 随身携带某物tak

35、e sth with sb.10. 做方面的演讲give a talk about/on11. 做菜;烹饪do some cooking12. 获知,了解learn about13. 全世界 throughout the world14. 被深深地感动be deeply affected (by)15. 改善improve the situation16. 获得奖学金win the scholarship17. 去观光旅行go on sightseeing tours18. 与某人交朋友make friends with sb19. 与呆在一起stay with sb.20. 也;还as we

36、ll as21. 从那时起since then(用于完成时)22. 与保持联系keep in touch with sb23. 进行交流go on an exchange24. 允许某人做某事allow sb. to do sth.25. 出国go abroad26. 参加take part in27. 远离be away from28. 一点点 a bit (of)29. 名胜place(s) of interest30. 四处观光do much sightseeing31. 给某人拍照take pictures of sb.32. 少于less than33. 与相似be similar

37、to34. 一直呆在have been in35. 大声说出shout out36. 向表达自己的看法give ones opinions to37. 起初at first38. 与开始聊天start a conversation with39. 即使even if/though40. 在咖啡厅in a cafe41. 向某人询问关于的建议ask sb. for advice on sth.42. 乐于做某事 be ready to do sth43. 同学们 fellow students44. 开始喜欢take to45. 想家get homesick46. 文化冲击culture sho

38、ck47. 过了一会儿after a while48. 习惯于(做) 某事get /be used to (doing) sth.49. 一直all the time50. 与不同be different from / to51. 与相比 compare to52. 中学high school53. 感到不安feel uneasy54. 便服casual clothes55. 中学 high school二词汇1. host (opp.) hostess 2. educate(v.)-education(n)-educational(adj)3. think (v.) - thought (n

39、.) thoughtful(adj)4. patience (n.) - patient (adj.)5. confidence (n.) - confident (adj.)6. arrangement (n.) - arrange (v.)7. organize (v.) - organization (n.)8. deep (adj.) - deeply (adv.)9. improvement (n.) - improve (v.)10. govern (v.) - government (n.)11. situate (v.) - situation (n.)12. value (v

40、.) - valuable (adj.)13. fortunately (adv.) - fortunate (adj.)14. scholar (n.) - scholarship (n.)15. realization (n.) - realize (v.)16. simple (adj.) - simply (adv.)17. comfort (v.) - comfortable (adj.)18. strange (adj.) - stranger (n.)19. converse (v.) - conversation (n.)20. familiar (adj.) - unfami

41、liar (adj.)21. organization (n.) - organize (v.)22. use (v.) - used (adj.)23. proper (adj.) - properly (adv.)24. apart (adv.) - apartment (n.)25. easy (adj.) - uneasy (adj.)三语法&句型1. a bit &a little2. “疑问词 + 动词不定式”的转换 “疑问词 + 动词不定式”结构相当于一个名词性从句,常常可用同等成分的从句代替。改写后的句子需要在疑问词后加上相对应的主语,并要注意主谓语单复数的一致性。如: The

42、 question is where to put it. The question is where we should put it. 问题是应该把它放在哪里才好。 We cant decide when to start. We cant decide when we should start.3. have gone to/have been to/have been in: have gone to+地点“已去了(还未回来)” have been to+地点“去过(原来去过,现在已回)”句尾常接次数或多个地点或before,或句中常有ever, never等。 have been i

43、n+地点,“已在(多久了)”句尾常接for+时间段,或since +时间点/一般过去时的句子。4. dont think 认为不 (否定前移)I think it is impolite to say so.= I dont think it is polite to say so.当主句谓语动词是think, believe, feel, guess, suppose等表示“观点、信念、推测”等心理活动时,常常使用这种结构。 I believe he is guilty.= I dont believe he is innocent.这种结构的反意疑问句主语和谓语动词必须与宾语从句中的主语和

44、谓语动词保持一致。 I think Lucy can do well in the exam, cant she? I dont think he will come here on time, will he?5. though和although都可以表示“虽然;尽管”,但不要根据汉语习惯,在后面使用连词but, 不过有时它可与 yet, still 等副词连用。例如:他虽然年纪很大了,但还很强壮。误:Although he is very old, but he is quite strong. 正:Although he is very old, (yet) he is quite st

45、rong. 相同点:用作连词,引导让步状语从句,两者大致同义,可换用,只是 although 比 though 更为正式:Though (Although) it was raining,we went there. 虽然下着雨,但我们还是去了那儿。We are still happy, though (Although) we are poor, 我们虽然穷,但仍然很快乐。不同点:1) although 一般不用作副词,而 though 可用作副词,且一般放在句末(不放在句首),意为“可是、不过”: Its hard work. I enjoy it, though. 工作很辛苦,可是我乐意干


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